Colin W. Devey
University of Bremen
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Featured researches published by Colin W. Devey.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2002
Ju«rgen Eisele; Mukul Sharma; Stephen J. G. Galer; Janne Blichert-Toft; Colin W. Devey; Albrecht W. Hofmann
We present comprehensive radiogenic isotope (Os, Pb, Hf, Nd, Sr) and trace element data on basaltic lavas from Pitcairn Island and the Pitcairn seamounts and examine the origin of the enriched mantle isotopic signature (EM-1) found in these lavas. The 187Os/188Os ratios of the lavas range from 0.131 to 0.254, while those of the high-Os concentration samples (>50 pg/g) lie between 0.131 and 0.148. All 187Os/188Os ratios are higher than the bulk silicate Earth reference value of 0.127. Since ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) is expected to have a 187Os/188Os ratio less than 0.127, it appears that recycled SCLM plays no role in the Pitcairn source. Variations in 187Os/188Os ratios appear to be unconnected with those of 206Pb/204Pb ratios in Pitcairn lavas, suggesting that Pb and Os isotopic variations are controlled by different factors. Modeling shows that variations in Pb isotopic compositions may mainly reflect the proportion of recycled sediment in the source, while those of 187Os/188Os ratios may reflect the proportion of peridotite mantle versus recycled oceanic crust. The occurrence of negative Nb anomalies in some of the lavas, a correlation between Nb anomaly and 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7036–0.7051), and extremely unradiogenic and strongly correlated Nd and Hf isotopic compositions (ϵNd of −5.9 to +1.1 and ϵHf of −5.3 to +2.2) together suggest that the Pitcairn mantle source contains a recycled continental crustal component. The slope of the ϵHf vs. ϵNd correlation is shallower for Pitcairn Island than for the Pitcairn seamounts or the global OIB array, and may be due to a variable ratio of recycled mud to sand in the Pitcairn source. A trace element mixing model also indicates the presence of small amounts of recycled pelagic and terrigenous sediment and permits variable amounts of depleted components such as recycled MORB, gabbro and depleted mantle. The 206Pb/204Pb ratios of the Pitcairn lavas vary between 17.47 and 18.10 and are very unradiogenic compared to those of other ocean island basalts. By contrast, 208Pb/204Pb ratios are high and relatively homogeneous at values of ∼39.0. This observation along with the measured Th/U ratios of the lavas, which range up to 14.1, indicate a long-term history of U loss in the Pitcairn source. In 207Pb/204Pb–206Pb/204Pb space, the data form a linear array that can be interpreted in terms of mixing between a minor recycled sediment end member and more depleted material. Lead isotopic compositions suitable for the recycled end member were investigated using a three-stage evolution model by Monte Carlo methods and suggest ages between 0.7 and 1.9 Ga for the recycled sediment. The relationships between measured Th/U and radiogenic 208Pb*/206Pb* ratios suggest that the isotopic arrays displayed by the lavas were produced by mixing, probably occurring during magma genesis.
Chemical Geology | 1994
C. Hemond; Colin W. Devey; C. Chauvel
We present comprehensive geochemical analyses on samples from the active volcanoes of the Society and Austral hotspot chains, including data for major, trace and rare-earth elements, and Sr, Nd, Pb and Th isotopes. The latter can be used to determine the Th/U in the source at the time of melting, and so give a constraint on the absolute amount of incompatible-element fractionation occurring during melting. SiO2 vs. MgO variations show evidence for variable amounts of a nephelinitic melt component (low SiO2, low MgO) in all the magmas studied. The nephelinite is probably produced in the presence of CO2 during melting. Correlations between SiO2 and the degree of ThU fractionation (derived from Th isotope measurements) imply that the CO2-driven, nephelinitic melting is also responsible for fractionating the Th/U ratio. Comparing the Th isotopes with Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes, it is possible to place limits on the Th/U ratios in the EM II (Societies) and HIMU (Australs) sources. These are ∼ 3.4 and ⩽ 2.5, respectively. The Nb/U ratio, which was previously thought to be relatively constant in all oceanic volcanics (47 ± 10), is shown to be anomalously low (25 ± 5) in some of the Society Seamounts and high (60) in some of the Australs. This confirms the presence of continent-derived material in the Society source and suggests that HIMU volcanics may have elevated Nb/U ratios. The change in Pb isotope compositions in the Australs, from HIMU (e.g., Tubuai) before 6 Ma to the more recent, less extreme compositions seen for example at Macdonald, is the result of a small amount of subducted sediment contaminating the pure old recycled oceanic crust component which, before 6 Ma, yielded HIMU.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1993
Jon D. Woodhead; Colin W. Devey
Seabeam mapping in the central Pacific Ocean, southeast of Pitcairn Island, has revealed a number of large volcanic edifices, some of which appear to be currently active. Here we document the first isotope and trace element data obtained for dredge samples from these volcanoes which are believed to represent the present-day surface expression of the Pitcairn mantle plume. Striking linear trends in multi-isotope plots suggest the operation of a simple two-component mixing process in the genesis of these lavas with end-members of extreme EM-I and isotopically more depleted type. Isotope-trace element covariations allow limits to be placed upon the composition of the Pitcairn plume source, which is then compared with other EM-type oceanic islands. Current hypotheses for the generation of EM components are then evaluated in the light of these data. Temporal trends, similar to those seen on Pitcairn Island, are present within the seamount data, although samples equivalent to the post-shield formations on Pitcairn Island are not observed. These evolutionary trends suggest a high level origin for the depleted component rather than entrainment of asthenospheric material into a rising diapir. Three of the Pitcairn seamounts are much older, in the region of 20–25 Ma, and were probably formed in a near-ridge environment.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1991
Dieter F. Mertz; Colin W. Devey; W. Todt; Peter Stoffers; Albrecht W. Hofmann
Iceland straddles the mid-Atlantic spreading axis, between the Kolbeinsey Ridge to the north and the Reykjanes Ridge to the south. Published geochemical data from the Reykjanes Ridge show evidence for mixing between a MORB component and the Iceland plume. Available data from the Kolbeinsey Ridge suggest that similar mixing may not be occurring there. To investigate in detail the relationship between the Iceland plume and MORB along the Kolbeinsey Ridge, we have collected and analysed samples between the Tjo¨rnes and Spar fracture zones (ca. 67°–69°N). The 16 Kolbeinsey Ridge samples show limited isotopic variation and are characterised by relatively unradiogenic Pb (206Pb/204Pb= 17.912 to 18.053, 207Pb/204Pb= 15.404 to 15.453 and 208Pb/204Pb= 37.543 to 37.690, 87Sr/86Sr= 0.70280 to 0.70298, 143Nd/144Nd= 0.51307 to 0.51323). On the basis of their Rb, Sr, Nd, Sm, U, Th and Pb concentrations, the basalts are N-type MORB. Sr and Nd isotope ratios show significant systematic variations with latitude, becoming more enriched (87Sr/86Sr increases, 143Nd/144Nd decreases) towards Iceland, apparently supporting the classical model of plume-asthenosphere mixing. However, the Pb isotopes show no such relationship, and are thus inconsistent with this mixing model. On the basis of Pb and Sr isotope data it is possible to exclude the Iceland source as an end-member in the genesis of the Kolbeinsey Ridge basalts, implying that Iceland plume material does not flow northward along the Kolbeinsey Ridge. The isotopic variations within the Kolbeinsey data set can be attributed to heterogeneities in the MORB source. The boundary between the plume and MORB sources appears to coincide with the Tjo¨rnes Fracture Zone. This fracture zone may, by analogy with the Australia-Antarctic Discordance, overlie a zone of mantle convergence. The topographic anomalies over the Kolbeinsey and Reykjanes Ridges imply that hot, less dense material underlies them both. The absence of an Icelandic plume signature in the Kolbeinsey geochemistry, however, leads us to propose an asymmetrical shape for the plume, generated by a southerly component of flow in the Kolbeinsey MORB source. A similar flow direction has previously been proposed for the whole North Atlantic on the basis of independent mantle mass-balance calculations
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1996
Karsten M. Haase; Colin W. Devey
Lavas from two young volcanic fields of the Easter Hotspot consist mainly of enriched tholeiites, with incompatible element and isotopic compositions similar to enriched MORB from the neighbouring spreading axis. The major element composition of these intraplate tholeiites suggests that they originate from melting at greater pressures, and REE models indicate slightly lower degrees of partial melting than beneath the ridge. This can be explained by the thickening of the lithosphere away from the spreading axis, accompanied by increasing mantle temperature as the Easter plume is approached. These processes combine to depress the melting zone to greater depth in the intraplate region. The relatively low degrees of partial melting and low volumes of melt compared, for example, to Galapagos imply a low excess temperature (∼ 100°C?) for the Easter plume. A few depleted tholeiites found on the Ahu volcanic field were generated by shallow melting of an extremely depleted (more depleted than MORB
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1993
Richard Mühe; Colin W. Devey; H. Bohrmann
The geochemistry of mid-oceanic ridge basalts from 86°N (Arctic Ocean) provides, for the first time, an insight into the composition of the mantle around the North Pole. Our data show the source region of the Arctic basalts to possess traces of an enrichment similar to the DUPAL signature. This is remarkable since up to now the DUPAL signature has been believed to be present only in Indian but not in Atlantic or Pacific MORB. These results also argue against a model of whole-mantle convection, in which upwelling of enriched material at the equator is balanced by downwelling of depleted material at the poles
Marine Geophysical Researches | 1989
Peter Stoffers; Reiner Botz; J.-L. Cheminee; Colin W. Devey; V. Froger; G.P. Glasby; Martin Hartmann; Roger Hekinian; F. Kögler; D. Laschek; Philippe Larque; Walter Michaelis; Richard Mühe; Doris Puteanus; H.H. Richnow
The southeastern extension of the Austral Islands volcanic chain terminates near 29°S, 140°W at the active Macdonald Seamount. The ‘hotspot’ region near Macdonald consists of at least five other volcanic edifices each more than 500 m high, included in an area about 50–100 km in diameter. On the basis of the sea-floor topography, the southeastern limit of the hotspot area is located about 20 km east of the base of Macdonald, where it is defined by the 3950 m isobath. At the edge of the hotspot area, there is a marked deepening of the seafloor from c.3900 m down to 4000–4300 m. The deeper sea-floor is faulted and heavily sedimented. The Macdonald volcano itself stands 3760 m above the surrounding seafloor, and has a basal diameter of 45 km. Its summit in January 1987 was 39 m below sea level, and it seems likely that Macdonald will emerge at the surface in the near future.Recent (March and November 1986) phreatic explosions on Macdonald Seamount erupted fragments of ultramafic and mafic plutonic blocks together with basic lapilli (volcaniclastic sand). The plutonic blocks have been variably altered and metamorphosed, and in some cases show signs of mineralisation (disseminated sulphides). The blocks presumably come from deeper levels in the volcanic system. The volcanics so far dredged from Macdonald consist of olivine and clinopyroxene cumulus-enriched basalts, evolved basalts, and mugearite. On the basis of incompatible element variations, simple crystal fractionation seems to be controlling the chemical evolution of Macdonald magmas.
Nature | 2014
Jörg Hasenclever; Sonja Theissen-Krah; Lars Rüpke; Jason Phipps Morgan; Karthik Iyer; Sven Petersen; Colin W. Devey
Hydrothermal flow at oceanic spreading centres accounts for about ten per cent of all heat flux in the oceans and controls the thermal structure of young oceanic plates. It also influences ocean and crustal chemistry, provides a basis for chemosynthetic ecosystems, and has formed massive sulphide ore deposits throughout Earth’s history. Despite this, how and under what conditions heat is extracted, in particular from the lower crust, remains largely unclear. Here we present high-resolution, whole-crust, two- and three-dimensional simulations of hydrothermal flow beneath fast-spreading ridges that predict the existence of two interacting flow components, controlled by different physical mechanisms, that merge above the melt lens to feed ridge-centred vent sites. Shallow on-axis flow structures develop owing to the thermodynamic properties of water, whereas deeper off-axis flow is strongly shaped by crustal permeability, particularly the brittle–ductile transition. About 60 per cent of the discharging fluid mass is replenished on-axis by warm (up to 300 degrees Celsius) recharge flow surrounding the hot thermal plumes, and the remaining 40 per cent or so occurs as colder and broader recharge up to several kilometres away from the axis that feeds hot (500–700 degrees Celsius) deep-rooted off-axis flow towards the ridge. Despite its lower contribution to the total mass flux, this deep off-axis flow carries about 70 per cent of the thermal energy released at the ridge axis. This combination of two flow components explains the seismically determined thermal structure of the crust and reconciles previously incompatible models favouring either shallower on-axis or deeper off-axis hydrothermal circulation.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997
Roger Hekinian; Peter Stoffers; Colin W. Devey; Dietrich Ackerman; Christophe Hémond; John O'Connor; Nicolas Binard; Marcia Maia
Exploration of the Foundation Volcanic Chain (33°S–131°W; 37°S–111°W) revealed the existence of different magmatic provinces with relation to their geological settings. (1) The Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (PAR) is made up of several en echelon segments where both glassy midocean ridge basalts (MORBs) with low incompatible elements (K2O 150 ppm) and Ce (>48 ppm)) at about 306–1300 km from the PAR axis, (4) The Old Pacific Seamounts built on a crust older than 23 m. y. located west of longitude 124°W (>1300 km from the PAR axis) consist of T and EMORB. On the PAR axis, extensive crystal fractionation (>65%) produced the silicic lavas. On the basis of Pacific plate reconstruction using a half spreading rate of about 50 mm/yr and integrating the observed compositional changes with respect to the structural settings, it is inferred that the last volcanic events giving rise to the FS took place at about 110 km from the PAR axis about 5 m. y. ago. The Oblique Ridges built between 5 m. y. and 23 m. y.) with MORB volcanics comparable to those of the the Oblique Ridge-PAR provinces, could also have been formed by an interaction between the Foundation Seamount (dredge site 28) hotspot magmatism and that of an ancient accreting ridge magmatism precursor of the PAR.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2002
Ingo Grevemeyer; Burkhard Schramm; Colin W. Devey; Douglas S. Wilson; Birgit Jochum; Jan Hauschild; Kay Aric; Heinrich Villinger; Wilfried Weigel
A detailed bathymetric and magnetic survey of the eastern flank of the East Pacific Rise at 14°14′S covering seafloor ages of 0–10 Ma has been carried out and used, along with a flowline profile on the conjugate western ridge flank, to reveal the spreading history and the temporal ridge crest segmentation. Additional information from basaltic lavas is included to study the relationship between physical and magmatic segment boundaries. The sequence of magnetic reversals indicates a total spreading rate of 150 mm/yr since 10 Ma. Symmetric spreading, however, occurred only since 2.8 Ma. Between 7 and 2.8 Ma spreading was asymmetric, with a higher spreading rate toward the east. Migration events of at least five overlapping spreading centres (OSC) left discordant zones on the Nazca plate consisting of hummocky basins and motley texture of curved lineations striking a few degrees oblique to the strike of the ridge crest. Four of the OSCs were right-stepping and migrated northward and one was left-stepping and migrated southward. By transferring Pacific lithosphere to the Nazca plate, these migration events may account for most of the asymmetric accretion observed. The basaltic samples from the eastern flank have been analysed and back tracked to the position of eruption on the ridge crest. In terms of their geochemical signature (Mg# 0.41–0.68) the samples reveal that the magmatic segment boundary between the Garrett transform and 14°30′S has remained stationary over the last 10 Myr and therefore provide no evidence for a link between magmatic and physical segmentation. We therefore propose that migrating non-transform ridge axis discontinuities are governed by propagating giant cracks; as a crack front advances a melt reservoir is tapped and magma rises passively into the crack and erupts subsequently on the seafloor. Some of the OSCs seem to have originated close to transform faults and therefore argue that far-field stresses, perhaps caused by the evolution of the Bauer microplate, rather than mantle upwelling create non-transform ridge axis discontinuities.