
Featured researches published by Colm O'hUigin.

Journal of Virology | 2005

The B30.2(SPRY) Domain of the Retroviral Restriction Factor TRIM5α Exhibits Lineage-Specific Length and Sequence Variation in Primates

Byeongwoon Song; Bert Gold; Colm O'hUigin; Hassan Javanbakht; Xing Li; Matthew Stremlau; Cheryl A. Winkler; Michael Dean; Joseph Sodroski

ABSTRACT Tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins are composed of RING, B-box 2, and coiled coil domains. Some TRIM proteins, such as TRIM5α, also possess a carboxy-terminal B30.2(SPRY) domain and localize to cytoplasmic bodies. TRIM5α has recently been shown to mediate innate intracellular resistance to retroviruses, an activity dependent on the integrity of the B30.2 domain, in particular primate species. An examination of the sequences of several TRIM proteins related to TRIM5 revealed the existence of four variable regions (v1, v2, v3, and v4) in the B30.2 domain. Species-specific variation in TRIM5α was analyzed by amplifying, cloning, and sequencing nonhuman primate TRIM5 orthologs. Lineage-specific expansion and sequential duplication occurred in the TRIM5α B30.2 v1 region in Old World primates and in v3 in New World monkeys. We observed substitution patterns indicative of selection bordering these particular B30.2 domain variable elements. These results suggest that occasional, complex changes were incorporated into the TRIM5α B30.2 domain at discrete time points during the evolution of primates. Some of these time points correspond to periods during which primates were exposed to retroviral infections, based on the appearance of particular endogenous retroviruses in primate genomes. The results are consistent with a role for TRIM5α in innate immunity against retroviruses.

Immunogenetics | 1993

Zebrafish Mhc class II α chain-encoding genes: polymorphism, expression, and function

Holger Sültmann; Werner E. Mayer; Felipe Figueroa; Colm O'hUigin; Jan Klein

Its small size and short generation time renders the zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) an ideal vertebrate for immunological research involving large populations. A prerequisite for this is the identification of the molecules critical for an immune response in this species. In earlier studies, we cloned the zebrafish genes coding for the β chains of the class I and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHc) molecules. Here. we describe the cloning of the zebrafish α chain-encoding class II gene, which represents the first identification of a class II A gene in teleost fishes. The gene, which is less than 3 kilobases (kb) distant from one of the β chain-encoding genes, is approximately 1.2 kb long and consist of four exons interrupted by very short (<200 base pairs) introns. Its organization is similar to that of the mammalian class II A genes, but its sequence differs greatly from the sequence of the latter (36% sequence similarity). Among the most conserved parts is the promoter region, which contains X, Y, and TATA boxes with high sequence similarity to the corresponding mammalian boxes. The observed striking conservation of the promoter region suggests that the regulatory system of the class II genes was established more than 400 million years ago and has, principally, remained the same ever since. Like the DMA, but unlike all other mammalian class II A genes, the zebrafish gene codes for two cysteine residues which might potentially be involved in the formation of a disulfide bond in the α1 domain. The primary transcript of the gene is 1196 nucleotides long and contains 708 bucleotides of coding sequence. The gene is expressed in tissues with a high content of lymphoid/myeloid cells (spleen, pronephros, hepatopancreas, and intestine). The analyzed genomic and cDNA sequences are probably derived from different loci (their overall sequence similarity in the coding region is 73% and their 3′ untranslated regions are highly divergent form each other). The genes are apparently functional. Comparison of genes from different zebrafish populations reveals high exon 2 variability concentrated in positions coding for the putative peptide-binding region. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the zebrafish class II A genes stem form a different ancestor than the mammalian class II A genes and the recently cloned shark class II gene.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences = Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 1997

How large was the founding population of Darwin's finches?

Vladimir Vincek; Colm O'hUigin; Yoko Satta; Naoyuki Takahata; Peter T. Boag; Peter R. Grant; B. Rosemary Grant; Jan Klein

A key assumption of many allopatric speciation models is that evolution in peripheral or isolated populations is facilitated by drastic reductions in population size. Population bottlenecks are believed to lead to rapid changes in gene frequencies through genetic drift, to facilitate rapid emergence of novel phenotypes, and to enhance reproductive isolation via genetic revolutions. For such effects to occur, founding populations must be very small, and remain small for some time after founding. This assumption has, however, rarely been tested in nature. One approach is to exploit the polymorphism of the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) to obtain information about the founding population. Here, we use the Mhc polymorphism to estimate the size of the founding population of Darwins finches in the Galápagos Archipelago. The results indicate that the population could not have been smaller than 30 individuals.

Immunogenetics | 2000

Convergent evolution of major histocompatibility complex molecules in humans and New World monkeys.

Karin Kriener; Colm O'hUigin; Herbert Tichy; Jan Klein

Abstract  In both Old World and New World monkeys Mhc-DRB sequences have been found which resemble human DRB1*03 and DRB3 genes in their second exon. The resemblance is shared sequence motifs and clustering of the genes or the encoded proteins in phylogenetic trees. This similarity could be due to common ancestry, convergence at the molecular level, or chance. To test which of these three explanations applies, we sequenced segments of New World monkey and macaque genes which encompass the entire second exon and large parts of both flanking introns. The test strongly supports the monophyly of New World monkey DRB intron sequences. The phylogenies of introns 1 and 2 from DRB1*03-like and DRB3-like genes are congruent, but both are incongruent with the exon 2-based phylogeny. The matching of intron 1- and intron 2-based phylogenies with each other suggests that reciprocal recombination has not played a major role in exon 2 evolution. Statistical comparisons of exon 2 from different DRB1*03 and DRB3 lineages indicate that it was neither gene conversion (descent), nor chance, but molecular convergence that has shaped their characteristic motifs. The demonstration of convergence in anthropoid Mhc-DRB genes has implications for the classification, age, and mechanism of generation of DRB allelic lineages.

Immunogenetics | 1995

Cloning and characterization of class I Mhc genes of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio.

Hiroaki Takeuchi; Felipe Figueroa; Colm O'hUigin; Jan Klein

The zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) offers many advantages for immunological and immunogenetic research and has the potential for becoming one of the most important nonmammalian vertebrate research models. With this in mind, we initiated a systematic study of the zebrafish major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes. In this report, we describe the cloning and characteristics of the zebrafish class I A genes coding for the α chains of the αβ heterodimer and thus complete the identification of all four classes and subclasses of the Mhc in this species. We describe the full class I α cDNA sequence as well as the exon-intron organization of the class I A genes, including intron sequences. We identify three families of class I A genes which we designate Bree-UAA,-UBA, and -UCA. The three families originated about the time of the divergence of cyprinid and salmonid fishes. All three families are members of an ancient lineage that diverged from another, older lineage also represented in cyprinid fishes before the radiation of teleost orders. The fish class I A genes therefore evolve differently from mammalian class I A genes, in which the establishment of lineages and families mostly postdates the divergence of orders.

Human Genetics | 1998

Polymorphism of the HLA class II loci in Siberian populations.

Blazenka Grahovac; Rem I. Sukernik; Colm O'hUigin; Zofia Zaleska-Rutczynska; Nadezhda Blagitko; Olga Raldugina; Tanja Kosutic; Yoko Satta; Felipe Figueroa; Naoyuki Takahata; Jan Klein

Abstract The populations that colonized Siberia diverged from one another in the Paleolithic and evolved in isolation until today. These populations are therefore a rich source of information about the conditions under which the initial divergence of modern humans occurred. In the present study we used the HLA system, first, to investigate the evolution of the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) itself, and second, to reveal the relationships among Siberian populations. We determined allelic frequencies at five HLA class II loci (DRB1, DQA1, DQB1, DPA1, and DPB1) in seven Siberian populations (Ket, Evenk, Koryak, Chukchi, Nivkh, Udege, and Siberian Eskimo) by the combination of single-stranded conformational polymorphism and DNA sequencing analysis. We then used the gene frequency data to deduce the HLA class II haplotypes and their frequencies. Despite high polymorphism at four of the five loci, no new alleles could be detected. This finding is consistent with a conserved evolution of human class II MHC genes. We found a high number of HLA class II haplotypes in Siberian populations. More haplotypes have been found in Siberia than in any other population. Some of the haplotypes are shared with non-Siberian populations, but most of them are new, and some represent “forbidden” combinations of DQA1 and DQB1 alleles. We suggest that a set of “public” haplotypes was brought to Siberia with the colonizers but that most of the new haplotypes were generated in Siberia by recombination and are part of a haplotype pool that is turning over rapidly. The allelic frequencies at the DRB1 locus divide the Siberian populations into eastern and central Siberian branches; only the former shows a clear genealogical relationship to Amerinds.

Immunogenetics | 1996

Trans-species polymorphism of class II Mhc loci in danio fishes

Robert T. Graser; Colm O'hUigin; Vladimir Vincek; Axel Meyer; Jan Klein

A characteristic feature of the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) polymorphism in mammals is the existence of allelic lineages shared by related species. This trans-species polymorphism has thus far been documented only in primates, rodents, and artiodactyls. In this communication we provide evidence that it also exists in cyprinid (bony) fishes at the class IIA andB loci coding for the α and β polypeptide chains of the class II α: β heterodimers. The study has focused on three species of the family Cyprinidae, subfamily Rasborinae: the zebrafish (Danio rerio), the giant danio (D. malabaricus), and the pearl danio (D. albolineatus). The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify and then sequence intron 1 and exon 2 of the class IIB loci and exon 2 of the class IIA loci in these species. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences revealed the existence of allelic lineages whose divergence predates the divergence of the three species at both theA andB loci. The lineages at theB locus in particular are separated by large genetic distances. The polymorphism is concentrated in the peptide-binding region sites and is apparently maintained by balancing selection. Sharing of this uniqueMhc feature by both bony fishes and mammals suggests that the main function of theMhc (presentation of peptides to T lymphocytes) has not changed during the last 400 million years of its evolution.

Immunogenetics | 1992

Trans-species origin of Mhc-DRB polymorphism in the chimpanzee

Werner E. Mayer; Colm O'hUigin; Zofia Zaleska-Rutczynska; Jan Klein

Trans-specific evolution of allelic polymorphism at the major histocompatibility complex loci has been demonstrated in a number of species. Estimating the substitution rates and the age of trans-specifically evolving alleles requires detailed information about the alleles in related species. We provide such information for the chimpanzee DRB genes. DNA fragments encompassing exon 2 were amplified in vitro from genomic DNA of ten chimpanzees. The nucleotide sequences were determined and their relationship to the human DRB alleles was evaluated. The alleles were classified according to their positioni in dendrograms and the presence of lineage-specific motifs. Twenty alleles were found at the expressed loci Patr-DRB1,-DRB3, -DRB4, -DRB5, and at the pseudogenes Patr-DRB6, -DRB7; of these, 13 are new alleles. Two other chimpanzee sequences were classified as members of a new lineage tentatively designated DRBX. Chimpanzee counterparts of HLA-DRB1*01 and *04 were not detected. The number of alleles found at individual loci indicates asymmetrical distribution of polymorphism between humans and chimpanzees. Estimations of intra-lineage divergence times suggest that the lineages are more than 30 million year old. Predictions of major chimpanzee DRB haplotypes are made.

Immunogenetics | 1993

Mhc-DRB genes of platyrrhine primates

Katka Trtková; Heike Kupfermann; Blaženka Grahovac; Werner E. Mayer; Colm O'hUigin; Herbert Tichy; Ronald E. Bontrop; Jan Klein

The two infraorders of anthropoid primates, Platyrrhini (New World monkeys) and Catarrhini (Old World monkeys and the hominoids) are estimated to have diverged from a common ancestor 37 million years ago. The major histocompatibility complex class II DRB gene and haplotype polymorphism of the Catarrhini has been characterized in several recent studies. The present study was undertaken to obtain information on the DRB polymorphism of the Platyrrhini. Fifty-five complete exon 2 DRB sequences were obtained from six species of Platyrrhini representing both the Callitrichidae and the Cebidae families. Combined with the results of a parallel contig mapping study, our data indicate that at least three loci (DRB1*03, DRB3, and DRB5) are shared by the Catarrhini and the Platyrrhini. However, the three loci are occupied by functional genes in the former infraorder and mostly by pseudogenes in the latter. Instead of the pseudogenes, the Platyrrhini have evolved a new set of apparently functional genes — DRB11 and DRB*W12 through DRB*W19, which have thus far not been found in the Catarrhini. The DRB*W13, *W14, *W15, *W17, *W18, and *W19 genes seem to be restricted to the Cebidae family, whereas the DRB*W16 locus has so far been documented in the Callitrichidae family only. The DRB alleles of the cotton-top tamarin, and perhaps also those of the common marmoset (both members of the family Callitrichidae), are characterized by low nucleotide diversity, possibly indicating that they diverged from a common ancestral gene relatively recently.

Immunogenetics | 1995

Identification of major histocompatibility complex genes in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata

Akie Sato; Felipe Figueroa; Colm O'hUigin; David N. Reznick; Jan Klein

The guppy, Poecilia reticulata, a teleostean fish of the order Cyprinodontiformes, has been used extensively in studies of host-parasite interactions, courtship behavior, and mating preference, as well as in ecological and evolutionary genetics. A related species was among the first poikilotherm vertebrates to be used in the study of histocompatibility genes. All these studies could benefit from the identification and characterization of the guppy major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes. Here, both class I and class II genes of the guppy are described. The number of expressed loci, as determined by representation of clones in a cDNA library, sequencing, and Southern blot analysis, may be low in both Mhc classes: combined evidence suggests that there may be one expressed class II locus only and one or two expressed class I loci. The variability of aquaristic guppy stocks is very low: only three and two genes have been detected at the class I and class II loci, respectively, in the stocks examined. This genetic paucity is most likely the consequence of breeding practices employed by aquarists and commercial establishments. Limited sampling of wild guppy populations revealed extensive Mhc polymorphism at loci of both classes in nature. Comparison of guppy Mhc sequences with those of other vertebrates has revealed the existence of a set of insertions/deletions which can be used as characters in cladistic analysis to infer phylogenetic relationships among vertebrate taxa and the Mhc genes themselves. These indels are particularly frequent in the regions coding for the loops of α1 and α2 domains of class I proteins.

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