
Frontiers of Earth Science in China | 2014

Coupled planning of water resources and agricultural land-use based on an inexact-stochastic programming model

Cong Dong; Guohe Huang; Qian Tan; Yanpeng Cai

Water resources are fundamental for support of regional development. Effective planning can facilitate sustainable management of water resources to balance socioeconomic development and water conservation. In this research, coupled planning of water resources and agricultural land use was undertaken through the development of an inexact-stochastic programming approach. Such an inexact modeling approach was the integration of interval linear programming and chance-constraint programming methods. It was employed to successfully tackle uncertainty in the form of interval numbers and probabilistic distributions existing in water resource systems. Then it was applied to a typical regional water resource system for demonstrating its applicability and validity through generating efficient system solutions. Based on the process of modeling formulation and result analysis, the developed model could be used for helping identify optimal water resource utilization patterns and the corresponding agricultural land-use schemes in three sub-regions. Furthermore, a number of decision alternatives were generated under multiple water-supply conditions, which could help decision makers identify desired management policies.

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment | 2017

Convex contractive interval linear programming for resources and environmental systems management

Guanhui Cheng; Guohe Huang; Cong Dong

It is likely that the most reliable estimation of system uncertainty in resources and environmental systems management (RESM) is a value range with an unknown distribution. Stochastic programming would be challenged by distortion of the original uncertain information through fabricating an inexistent probabilistic distribution function. Instead, interval linear programming (ILP), i.e. a synthesis of interval-set coefficients and the conventional linear programming, has been employed to identify the desired schemes for a number of RESM problems under interval uncertainty. However, its effectiveness is disabled by constraint violation which may lead to severe penalties on socio-economic or eco-environmental development. To mitigate such a challenge, a convex contractive interval linear programming (CCILP) approach is proposed in this study. It mainly consists of six modules: parameterizing an RESM problem as an ILP model, initializing a hyperrectangle decision space by two linear programming sub-models, revealing causes of constraint violation given a criterion, inferring feasibilities of potential solutions, finalizing a feasible hyperrectangle decision space by another linear programming sub-model, and supporting RESM of various complexities through alternative variants. A simple ILP model for RESM is introduced to demonstrate the procedures of CCILP and verify its advantages over existing ILP methods. The result indicates that CCILP is capable of robustly incorporating interval uncertainties into the optimization process, avoiding heavy computation burdens on complicated sub-models, eliminating occurrence of constraint violation, enabling provision of a hyperrectangle decision space, adapting to diverse system requirements, and increasing reliability of decision support for interval linear RESM problems.

Science of The Total Environment | 2015

Synchronic interval Gaussian mixed-integer programming for air quality management.

Guanhui Cheng; Guohe Huang; Cong Dong

To reveal the synchronism of interval uncertainties, the tradeoff between system optimality and security, the discreteness of facility-expansion options, the uncertainty of pollutant dispersion processes, and the seasonality of wind features in air quality management (AQM) systems, a synchronic interval Gaussian mixed-integer programming (SIGMIP) approach is proposed in this study. A robust interval Gaussian dispersion model is developed for approaching the pollutant dispersion process under interval uncertainties and seasonal variations. The reflection of synchronic effects of interval uncertainties in the programming objective is enabled through introducing interval functions. The proposition of constraint violation degrees helps quantify the tradeoff between system optimality and constraint violation under interval uncertainties. The overall optimality of system profits of an SIGMIP model is achieved based on the definition of an integrally optimal solution. Integer variables in the SIGMIP model are resolved by the existing cutting-plane method. Combining these efforts leads to an effective algorithm for the SIGMIP model. An application to an AQM problem in a region in Shandong Province, China, reveals that the proposed SIGMIP model can facilitate identifying the desired scheme for AQM. The enhancement of the robustness of optimization exercises may be helpful for increasing the reliability of suggested schemes for AQM under these complexities. The interrelated tradeoffs among control measures, emission sources, flow processes, receptors, influencing factors, and economic and environmental goals are effectively balanced. Interests of many stakeholders are reasonably coordinated. The harmony between economic development and air quality control is enabled. Results also indicate that the constraint violation degree is effective at reflecting the compromise relationship between constraint-violation risks and system optimality under interval uncertainties. This can help decision makers mitigate potential risks, e.g. insufficiency of pollutant treatment capabilities, exceedance of air quality standards, deficiency of pollution control fund, or imbalance of economic or environmental stress, in the process of guiding AQM.

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment | 2014

An inexact inventory-theory-based chance-constrained programming model for solid waste management

Xiujuan Chen; Guohe Huang; M. Q. Suo; H. Zhu; Cong Dong

In this study, an inexact inventory-theory-based chance-constrained programming (IICP) model is proposed for planning waste management systems. The IICP model is derived through introducing inventory theory model into a general inexact chance-constrained programming framework. It can not only tackle uncertainties presented as both probability distributions and discrete intervals, but also reflect the influence of inventory problem in decision-making problems. The developed method is applied to a case study of long-term municipal solid waste (MSW) management planning. Solutions of total waste allocation, waste allocation batch and waste transferring period associated different risk levels of constraint violation are obtained. The results can be used to identify inventory-based MSW management planning with minimum system cost under various constraint-violation risks. Compared with the ICP model, the developed IICP model can more actually reflect the complexity of MSW management systems and provide more useful information for decision makers.

Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems | 2012

A hybrid waste-flow allocation model considering multiple stage and interval–fuzzy chance constraints

Ye Xu; Guohe Huang; M. F. Cao; Cong Dong; Yongyi Li

An inexact two-stage fuzzy chance-constrained programming (ITSFCCP) model was developed in this study for dealing with multiple uncertainties associated with solid waste management systems. The model was formulated by incorporating fuzzy chance-constrained programming and interval linear programming within a two-stage stochastic programming framework. The model could be used to facilitate analysis of the policy scenarios; meanwhile, the uncertainties associated with solid waste management systems could be expressed as probability distributions, possibility distribution and discrete intervals. A long-term waste planning problem was used to demonstrate the applicability of the ITSFCCP model. The study results indicated that ITSFCCP could provide a linkage to pre-defined policies and allowed violation of system constraints at predefined confidence levels. Moreover, it allowed uncertain information presented as discrete intervals to be communicated into the optimisation process. ITSFCCP could help waste managers to identify desired policies and gain insights into the tradeoffs between system economy and reliability.

Journal of Environmental Engineering | 2016

Inexact Inventory Theory–Based Waste Management Planning Model for the City of Xiamen, China

Xiujuan Chen; Guohe Huang; H. Zhu; M. Q. Suo; Cong Dong

AbstractIn this study, an inexact inventory-theory-based waste management planning (IIWMP) model was developed and applied to support long-term planning of the municipal solid waste (MSW) management system in the City of Xiamen, the special economic zone of Fujian, China. In the IIWMP model, the techniques of inventory model, inexact chance-constrained programming, interval-valued fuzzy linear-programming, and mixed-integer linear programming were integrated. The waste inventory problem that existed in Xiamen’s MSW management systems are addressed in association with the complexities of multiple uncertainties. Decision alternatives for waste allocation and capacity expansion with minimized system cost under different risk levels were provided for MSW management in the City of Xiamen. The results indicate that the developed model was useful for identifying desired waste management policies under various uncertainties.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2017

Distributed mixed-integer fuzzy hierarchical programming for municipal solid waste management. Part I: System identification and methodology development

Guanhui Cheng; Guohe Huang; Cong Dong; Ye Xu; Xiujuan Chen; Jiapei Chen

Due to the existence of complexities of heterogeneities, hierarchy, discreteness, and interactions in municipal solid waste management (MSWM) systems such as Beijing, China, a series of socio-economic and eco-environmental problems may emerge or worsen and result in irredeemable damages in the following decades. Meanwhile, existing studies, especially ones focusing on MSWM in Beijing, could hardly reflect these complexities in system simulations and provide reliable decision support for management practices. Thus, a framework of distributed mixed-integer fuzzy hierarchical programming (DMIFHP) is developed in this study for MSWM under these complexities. Beijing is selected as a representative case. The Beijing MSWM system is comprehensively analyzed in many aspects such as socio-economic conditions, natural conditions, spatial heterogeneities, treatment facilities, and system complexities, building a solid foundation for system simulation and optimization. Correspondingly, the MSWM system in Beijing is discretized as 235 grids to reflect spatial heterogeneity. A DMIFHP model which is a nonlinear programming problem is constructed to parameterize the Beijing MSWM system. To enable scientific solving of it, a solution algorithm is proposed based on coupling of fuzzy programming and mixed-integer linear programming. Innovations and advantages of the DMIFHP framework are discussed. The optimal MSWM schemes and mechanism revelations will be discussed in another companion paper due to length limitation.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2017

Distributed mixed-integer fuzzy hierarchical programming for municipal solid waste management. Part II: scheme analysis and mechanism revelation.

Guanhui Cheng; Guohe Huang; Cong Dong; Ye Xu; Jiapei Chen; Xiujuan Chen; Kailong Li

As presented in the first companion paper, distributed mixed-integer fuzzy hierarchical programming (DMIFHP) was developed for municipal solid waste management (MSWM) under complexities of heterogeneities, hierarchy, discreteness, and interactions. Beijing was selected as a representative case. This paper focuses on presenting the obtained schemes and the revealed mechanisms of the Beijing MSWM system. The optimal MSWM schemes for Beijing under various solid waste treatment policies and their differences are deliberated. The impacts of facility expansion, hierarchy, and spatial heterogeneities and potential extensions of DMIFHP are also discussed. A few of findings are revealed from the results and a series of comparisons and analyses. For instance, DMIFHP is capable of robustly reflecting these complexities in MSWM systems, especially for Beijing. The optimal MSWM schemes are of fragmented patterns due to the dominant role of the proximity principle in allocating solid waste treatment resources, and they are closely related to regulated ratios of landfilling, incineration, and composting. Communities without significant differences among distances to different types of treatment facilities are more sensitive to these ratios than others. The complexities of hierarchy and heterogeneities pose significant impacts on MSWM practices. Spatial dislocation of MSW generation rates and facility capacities caused by unreasonable planning in the past may result in insufficient utilization of treatment capacities under substantial influences of transportation costs. The problems of unreasonable MSWM planning, e.g., severe imbalance among different technologies and complete vacancy of ten facilities, should be gained deliberation of the public and the municipal or local governments in Beijing. These findings are helpful for gaining insights into MSWM systems under these complexities, mitigating key challenges in the planning of these systems, improving the related management practices, and eliminating potential socio-economic and eco-environmental issues resulting from unreasonable management.

International Journal of Green Energy | 2014

An Inexact Dynamic Optimization Model for CO2 Emission Reduction in Subei Region, Northeast China

Yongqian Liu; Guohe Huang; Y. P. Cai; Cong Dong

In this study, an inexact mixed-integer fuzzy robust linear programming model for coupled management of coal and power with consideration of CO2 emissions mitigation system planning (IMIFLP-CCPM) was developed under uncertainty. This model could reach into the closed relationship and interactive characteristics of China’s coal production, electric power generation, and CO2 emissions in coupled coal and power management system and thus explore the applicability of the decarburization facilities and mechanism incorporated in the system through scenario analysis. Based on the integration of interval linear programming, fuzzy robust linear programming, and mixed-integer linear programming, the IMIFLP-CCPM could effectively incorporate and handle uncertainties presented in terms of interval values and fuzzy sets. Also, dynamic analysis of capacity expansion, facility improvement, and inventory planning within a multi-period and multi-option context could be facilitated in this model. The developed IMIFLP-CCPM was applied to a long-term coupled coal and power management with CO2 reduction systems in Subei region, Northeast China. One base scenario and four CO2 reduction scenarios were presented and analyzed to examine the optimal coal-flow allocation patterns and carbon mitigation schemes for the studied system when forced to comply with a given CO2 emission limit. The results indicated that the IMIFLP-CCPM model could provide in-depth analysis of tradeoffs between system costs, energy security, and CO2 emission reduction, thus helping investigate interactive relationships among multiple economical, environmental, and energy structural targets within the study system. Moreover, the attempt of planning coupled coal and power management with CO2 mitigation under uncertainty would provide an effective reference to cope with the dilemma of energy development and CO2 mitigation under the climate change situation in China.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2017

High‐resolution projections of 21st century climate over the Athabasca River Basin through an integrated evaluation‐classification‐downscaling‐based climate projection framework

Guanhui Cheng; Guohe Huang; Cong Dong; Jinxin Zhu; Xiong Zhou; Yao Yao

An evaluation-classification-downscaling-based climate projection (ECDoCP) framework is developed to fill a methodological gap of general circulation models (GCMs)-driven statistical-downscaling-based climate projections. ECDoCP includes four interconnected modules: GCM evaluation, climate classification, statistical downscaling, and climate projection. Monthly averages of daily minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) temperature and daily cumulative precipitation (Prec) over the Athabasca River Basin (ARB) at a 10 km resolution in the 21st century under four Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) are projected through ECDoCP. At the octodecadal scale, temperature and precipitation would increase; after bias correction, temperature would increase with a decreased increment, while precipitation would increase only under RCP 8.5. Interannual variability of climate anomalies would increase from RCPs 4.5, 2.6, 6.0 to 8.5 for temperature and from RCPs 2.6, 4.5, 6.0 to 8.5 for precipitation. Bidecadal averaged climate anomalies would decrease from December-January-February (DJF), March-April-May (MAM), September-October-November (SON) to June-July-August (JJA) for Tmin, from DJF, SON, MAM to JJA for Tmax, and from JJA, MAM, SON to DJF for Prec. Climate projection uncertainties would decrease in May to September for temperature and in November to April for precipitation. Spatial climatic variability would not obviously change with RCPs; climatic anomalies are highly correlated with climate-variable magnitudes. Climate anomalies would decrease from upstream to downstream for temperature, and precipitation would follow an opposite pattern. The north end and the other zones would have colder and warmer days, respectively; precipitation would decrease in the upstream and increase in the remaining region. Climate changes might lead to issues, e.g., accelerated glacier/snow melting, deserving attentions of researchers and the public.

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