Courtney K. Harris
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
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Featured researches published by Courtney K. Harris.
Computers & Geosciences | 2008
John C. Warner; Christopher R. Sherwood; Richard P. Signell; Courtney K. Harris; Hernan G. Arango
We are developing a three-dimensional numerical model that implements algorithms for sediment transport and evolution of bottom morphology in the coastal-circulation model Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS v3.0), and provides a two-way link between ROMS and the wave model Simulating Waves in the Nearshore (SWAN) via the Model-Coupling Toolkit. The coupled model is applicable for fluvial, estuarine, shelf, and nearshore (surfzone) environments. Three-dimensional radiation-stress terms have been included in the momentum equations, along with effects of a surface wave roller model. The sediment-transport algorithms are implemented for an unlimited number of user-defined non-cohesive sediment classes. Each class has attributes of grain diameter, density, settling velocity, critical stress threshold for erosion, and erodibility constant. Suspended-sediment transport in the water column is computed with the same advection-diffusion algorithm used for all passive tracers and an additional algorithm for vertical settling that is not limited by the CFL criterion. Erosion and deposition are based on flux formulations. A multi-level bed framework tracks the distribution of every size class in each layer and stores bulk properties including layer thickness, porosity, and mass, allowing computation of bed morphology and stratigraphy. Also tracked are bed-surface properties including active-layer thickness, ripple geometry, and bed roughness. Bedload transport is calculated for mobile sediment classes in the top layer. Bottom-boundary layer submodels parameterize wave-current interactions that enhance bottom stresses and thereby facilitate sediment transport and increase bottom drag, creating a feedback to the circulation. The model is demonstrated in a series of simple test cases and a realistic application in Massachusetts Bay.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1994
Patricia L. Wiberg; Courtney K. Harris
The wavelength, height, and steepness of ripples formed under oscillatory flows in flume and field studies are reexamined to construct a simple and accurate method of predicting these ripple properties. Ripples with wavelengths proportional to near-bed wave orbital diameter (orbital ripples), predominant in laboratory experiments, are found to have heights in excess of the thickness of the wave boundary layer. Ripples with wavelengths that are roughly proportional to grain size and nearly independent of orbital diameter (anorbital ripples), which predominate in the field, have heights at least several times smaller than wave boundary layer thickness. Relating wave boundary layer height to the generally more easily estimated wave orbital diameter, a set of expressions are developed for predicting ripple type and geometry based on mean grain size, wave orbital diameter, and estimated anorbital ripple height. This method provides a good characterization of ripple wavelength and steepness for a large set of combined field and flume data.
Computers & Geosciences | 2001
Courtney K. Harris; Patricia L. Wiberg
Abstract A two-dimensional, time-dependent solution to the transport equation is formulated to account for advection and diffusion of sediment suspended in the bottom boundary layer of continental shelves. This model utilizes a semi-implicit, upwind-differencing scheme to solve the advection–diffusion equation across a two-dimensional transect that is configured so that one dimension is the vertical, and the other is a horizontal dimension usually aligned perpendicular to shelf bathymetry. The model calculates suspended sediment concentration and flux; and requires as input wave properties, current velocities, sediment size distributions, and hydrodynamic sediment properties. From the calculated two-dimensional suspended sediment fluxes, we quantify the redistribution of shelf sediment, bed erosion, and deposition for several sediment sizes during resuspension events. The two-dimensional, time-dependent approach directly accounts for cross-shelf gradients in bed shear stress and sediment properties, as well as transport that occurs before steady-state suspended sediment concentrations have been attained. By including the vertical dimension in the calculations, we avoid depth-averaging suspended sediment concentrations and fluxes, and directly account for differences in transport rates and directions for fine and coarse sediment in the bottom boundary layer. A flux condition is used as the bottom boundary condition for the transport equation in order to capture time-dependence of the suspended sediment field. Model calculations demonstrate the significance of both time-dependent and spatial terms on transport and depositional patterns on continental shelves.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2005
Craig M. Lee; Farid Askari; Jeff Book; Sandro Carniel; Benoit Cushman-Roisin; Clive E. Dorman; James D. Doyle; Pierre Flament; Courtney K. Harris; Burton H. Jones; Milivoj Kuzmić; Paul J. Martin; Andrea S. Ogston; Mirko Orlić; Henry Perkins; Pierre-Marie Poulain; Julie Pullen; Aniello Russo; Christopher R. Sherwood; Richard P. Signell; Dietmar Thaler
During winters, the northern Adriatic Sea experiences frequent, intense cold-air outbreaks that drive oceanic heat loss and imprint complex but predictable patterns in the underlying waters. This strong, reliable forcing makes this region an excellent laboratory for observational and numerical investigations of air-sea interaction, sediment and biological transport, and mesoscale wind-driven flow. Narrow sea surface wind jets, commonly known as “bora,” occur when cold, dry air spills through gaps in the Dinaric Alps (the mountain range situated along the Adriatics eastern shore). Horizontal variations in these winds drive a mosaic of oceanic cyclonic and anticyclonic cells that draw coastal waters far into the middle basin. The winds also drive intense cooling and overturning, producing a sharp front between dense, vertically homogenous waters (North Adriatic Dense Water, or NAdDW) in the north and the lighter (colder, fresher), stratified waters of the Po River plume. Once subducted at the front, the NAdDW flows southward in a narrow vein following the isobaths (contours of constant depth) of the Italian coast. In addition to governing the basins general circulation, these processes also influence sediment transport and modulate biological and optical variability
Continental Shelf Research | 1997
Courtney K. Harris; Patricia L. Wiberg
Abstract Modeling shelf sediment transport rates and bed reworking depths is problematic when the wave and current forcing conditions are not precisely known, as is usually the case when long-term sedimentation patterns are of interest. Two approaches to modeling sediment transport under such circumstances are considered. The first relies on measured or simulated time series of flow conditions to drive model calculations. The second approach uses as model input probability distribution functions of bottom boundary layer flow conditions developed from wave and current measurements. Sediment transport rates, frequency of bed resuspension by waves and currents, and bed reworking calculated using the two methods are compared at the mid-shelf STRESS (Sediment TRansport on Shelves and Slopes) site on the northern California continental shelf. Current, wave and resuspension measurements at the site are used to generate model inputs and test model results. An 11-year record of bottom wave orbital velocity, calculated from surface wave spectra measured by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) Buoy 46013 and verified against bottom tripod measurements, is used to characterize the frequency and duration of wave-driven transport events and to estimate the joint probability distribution of wave orbital velocity and period. A 109-day record of hourly current measurements 10 m above bottom is used to estimate the probability distribution of bottom boundary layer current velocity at this site and to develop an auto-regressive model to simulate current velocities for times when direct measurements of currents are not available. Frequency of transport, the maximum volume of suspended sediment, and average flux calculated using measured wave and simulated current time series agree well with values calculated using measured time series. A probabilistic approach is more amenable to calculations over time scales longer than existing wave records, but it tends to underestimate net transport because it does not capture the episodic nature of transport events. Both methods enable estimates to be made of the uncertainty in transport quantities that arise from an incomplete knowledge of the specific timing of wave and current conditions.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2006
Steven A. Kuehl; Clark R. Alexander; Lionel Carter; Lila Gerald; Thomas P. Gerber; Courtney K. Harris; Jesse E. McNinch; Alan R. Orpin; Lincoln F. Pratson; James P. M. Syvitski; J.P. Walsh
A new research program focusing on sediment dispersal across the active margin of the New Zealand east coast has provided the foundation for a holistic understanding of the transport and fate of terrestrial materials in the coastal ocean. Field studies began in January 2005 with two acoustic mapping and shallow seabed sampling expeditions to the shelf and slope off the Waipaoa River (Figure l), and in February 2006, the specially designed French research vessel (R/V) Marion Dufresne II collected seven long (up to 25 meters) piston cores from the study area for stratigraphic control. Both the 2005 and 2006 expeditions are part of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) MARGINS Source-to-Sink (S2S) initiative.
Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. Eighth International ConferenceAmerican Society of Civil Engineers | 2004
Courtney K. Harris; Peter Traykovski; W. Rockwell Geyer
Observations of the Eel River shelf, Northern California snow that during times of significant sediment supply and energetic waves, sediment flux is dominated by down-slope, gravitationally driven transport within a near-bed turbid layer. These fluid muds are supported by wave-induced turbulence. Their thickness scales with the height of the wave boundary layer, and therefore thins offshore. Flux within these layers is not resolved by conventional three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport models. To represent this transport mechanism we therefore modified an existing three-dimensional sigma-coordinate model to include a near-bed turbid layer by adding a wave-boundary layer grid cell beneath the conventional sigma grid. Sediment concentrations within the wave boundary layer represent a mass balance between erosion and deposition from the seafloor, entrainment into the overlying water column, sediment settling, and flux divergence in the across- and along-shelf directions. The transport velocity within the wave boundary layer is estimated by a balance between frictional drag and the negative buoyancy of the turbid layer. The modified three-dimensional transport model replicates water-column and sea-bed observations of sediment dispersal and disposition on the Eel Shelf. Concentrations within the layer and depositional footprints of flood events proved to be sensitive to the settling and turbulence properties of the turbid layer. Development of a module for sigma coordinate models that includes this transport mechanism provides a means of comparing relative contributions of gravitationally-driven transport to conventional dilute resuspension, for studying other energetic, sediment-laden environments, and for comparing parameterizations of wave-supported fluid muds.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Steven J. Lentz; Bradford Butman; Courtney K. Harris
Hudson Shelf Valley is a 20–30 m deep, 5–10 km wide v-shaped submarine valley that extends across the Middle Atlantic Bight continental shelf. The valley provides a conduit for cross-shelf exchange via along-valley currents of 0.5 m s−1 or more. Current profile, pressure, and density observations collected during the winter of 1999–2000 are used to examine the vertical structure and dynamics of the flow. Near-bottom along-valley currents having times scales of a few days are driven by cross-shelf pressure gradients setup by wind stresses, with eastward (westward) winds driving onshore (offshore) flow within the valley. The along-valley momentum balance in the bottom boundary layer is predominantly between the pressure gradient and bottom stress because the valley bathymetry limits current veering. Above the bottom boundary layer, the flow veers toward an along-shelf (cross-valley) orientation and a geostrophic balance with some contribution from the wind stress (surface Ekman layer). The vertical structure and strength of the along-valley current depends on the magnitude and direction of the wind stress. During offshore flows driven by westward winds, the near-bottom stratification within the valley increases resulting in a thinner bottom boundary layer and weaker offshore currents. Conversely, during onshore flows driven by eastward winds the near-bottom stratification decreases resulting in a thicker bottom boundary layer and stronger onshore currents. Consequently, for wind stress magnitudes exceeding 0.1 N m−2, onshore along-valley transport associated with eastward wind stress exceeds the offshore transport associated with westward wind stress of the same magnitude.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2000
Christopher R. Sherwood; Richard P. Signell; Courtney K. Harris; Bradford Butman
Numerical models of coastal sediment transport are increasingly used to address problems ranging from remediation of contaminated sediments, to siting of sewage outfalls and disposal sites, to evaluating impacts of coastal development. They are also used as a test bed for sediment-transport algorithms, to provide realistic settings for biological and geochemical models, and for a variety of other research, both fundamental and applied. However, there are few full-featured, publicly available coastal sediment-transport models, and fewer still that are well tested and have been widely applied. This was the motivation for a workshop in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, on June 22–23, 2000, that explored the establishment of community models for coastal sediment-transport processes.
Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2009
Nathan Hawley; Courtney K. Harris; Barry M. Lesht; Anne H. Clites
ABSTRACT A two-dimensional (vertical and cross-shore) sediment transport model was applied to several transects in southern Lake Michigan using observations of waves and currents recorded during the spring of 2000. Conditions during this period included several storms that are among the largest observed in the lake. The observations were used to examine the sensitivity of the model to variations in the input parameters (waves, currents, initial bottom sediment size distribution, settling velocity, and bottom stress required for erosion). The results show that changing the physical forcing (waves and currents) or the initial bottom sediment size distribution affected the results more than varying the particle properties (settling velocity and critical shear stress) or the size classes used to describe the size distribution. This indicates that for this model specification of input parameters are of first order importance and should be specified with some confidence before adding additional complexity by including processes such as flocculation and bed consolidation.