
Analyst | 2006

New electrodes for old: from carbon nanotubes to edge plane pyrolytic graphite

Craig E. Banks; Richard G. Compton

Different types of carbon based electrodes have emerged over the last few years, significantly changing the scope and sensitivity of electro-analytical methods for the measurement of diverse targets from metal ions through gases to biological markers. This Highlight article shows how the use of carbon nanotube modified electrodes has led to a fundamental understanding of the location and nature of electron transfer processes on graphitic electrodes and to the realisation that edge plane pyrolytic graphite may represent, at present, an optimal electrode material of this type for electroanalysis.

Analyst | 2010

Graphene electrochemistry: an overview of potential applications

Dale A. C. Brownson; Craig E. Banks

Graphene, a 2D nanomaterial that possesses spectacular physical, chemical and thermal properties, has caused immense excitement amongst scientists since its freestanding form was isolated in 2004. With research into graphene rife, it promises enhancements and vast applicability within many industrial aspects. Furthermore, graphene possesses a vast array of unique and highly desirable electrochemical properties, and it is this application that offers the most enthralling and spectacular journey. We present a review of the current literature concerning the electrochemical applications and advancements of graphene, starting with its use as a sensor substrate through to applications in energy production and storage, depicting the truly remarkable journey of a material that has just come of age.

Advanced Materials | 2015

Carbon Quantum Dots and Their Derivative 3D Porous Carbon Frameworks for Sodium-Ion Batteries with Ultralong Cycle Life.

Hongshuai Hou; Craig E. Banks; Mingjun Jing; Yan Zhang; Xiaobo Ji

A new methodology for the synthesis of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) for large production is proposed. The as-obtained CQDs can be transformed into 3D porous carbon frameworks exhibiting superb sodium storage properties with ultralong cycle life and ultrahigh rate capability, comparable to state-of-the-art carbon anode materials for sodium-ion batteries.

RSC Advances | 2011

Electrochemical capacitors utilising transition metal oxides: an update of recent developments

Wentao Deng; Xiaobo Ji; Qiyuan Chen; Craig E. Banks

Transition metal oxides receive considerable attention in the area of electrochemistry not only due to their beneficial reported structural, mechanical or electronic properties, but because of their capacitive properties ascribed to their multiple oxide states they exhibit pseudo capacitances which carbon counterparts generally cannot. Typically transition metal oxides may be classified as noble transition metal oxides which exhibit excellent capacitive properties but have the drawback of generally being relatively expensive. Alternatively base metal oxides may also be utilised which are considerably cheaper and more environment friendly than noble transition metals as well as exhibiting good capacitive properties. In considering that nanostructured materials can help ameliorate the electrochemical performances of transition metal oxides, this review summarizes the recent investigations of fundamental advances in understanding the electrochemical reactivity of transition metal oxides, thus leading to an improved capacitive performance, which is essential for their continual use in a plethora of supercapacitor applications.

RSC Advances | 2011

Electrochemistry of graphene: not such a beneficial electrode material?

Dale A. C. Brownson; Lindsey J. Munro; Dimitrios K. Kampouris; Craig E. Banks

We critically evaluate the reported electro-catalysis of graphene using inner-sphere and outer-sphere electrochemical redox probes, namely potassium ferrocyanide (II) and hexaammine-ruthenium(III) chloride, in addition to L-ascorbic acid and β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Well characterised commercially available graphene is utilised which has not been chemically treated, is free from surfactants, and as a result of its fabrication has an extremely low oxygen content allowing the electronic properties to be properly de-convoluted. Surprisingly we observe that graphene exhibits slow electron transfer towards the electrochemical probes studied, effectively blocking underlying electron transfer of the supporting electrode substrate likely due to its large basal and low edge plane content. Such observations, never reported before, suggest that graphene may not be such a beneficial electrode material as widely reported in the literature. Density Functional Theory is conducted on symmetric graphene flakes of varying sizes indicating that the HOMO and LUMO energies are concentrated around the edge of the graphene sheet, at the edge plane sites, rather than the central basal plane region, consistent with experimental observations. We define differentiating coverage-based working regions for the electrochemical utilisation of graphene: ‘Zone I’, where graphene additions do not result in complete coverage of the underlying electrode and thus increasing basal contribution from graphene modification leads to increasingly reduced electron transfer and electrochemical activity; ‘Zone II’, once complete single-layer coverage is achieved, layered graphenevizgraphite materialises with increased edge plane content and thus an increase in heterogeneous electron transfer is observed with increased layering. We offer insight into the electrochemical properties of these carbon materials, invaluable where electrode design for electrochemical sensing applications is sought.

Analyst | 2004

Electrocatalytic detection of thiols using an edge plane pyrolytic graphite electrode

Ryan R. Moore; Craig E. Banks; Richard G. Compton

The first example of using an edge plane pyrolytic graphite electrode in electroanalysis is reported as the determination of homocysteine, N-acetylcysteine, cysteine and glutathione is studied. The response of the electrode in the direct oxidation of thiol moieties is explored and found to be electrocatalytic producing a reduction in the overpotential while having enhanced signal-to-noise characteristics compared to glassy carbon and basal plane pyrolytic graphite electrodes. The effectiveness of the methodology is examined in the determination of cysteine species in a growth tissue media that contains a high number of common biological interferences. The advantageous properties of this electrode for thiol determination lie in its excellent catalytic activity, sensitivity and simplicity.

Journal of The Iranian Chemical Society | 2005

An Overview of the Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen at Carbon-Based Modified Electrodes

Biljana Šljukić; Craig E. Banks; Richard G. Compton

We present an overview of the electrochemical reduction of oxygen in water, focussing on carbon-based and modified carbon electrodes. This process is of importance for gas sensing, in fuel cells and in the electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2003

Electrochemistry of immobilised redox droplets: Concepts and applications

Craig E. Banks; Trevor J. Davies; Russell G. Evans; Geraldine Hignett; Andrew J. Wain; Nathan S. Lawrence; Jay D. Wadhawan; Frank Marken; Richard G. Compton

The use of microdroplet modified electrodes provides a simple methodology with which to study the biphasic electrochemistry of a plethora of species, encouraging the use of such techniques to mimic emulsion media. Furthermore, since the droplets may be miniaturised, this approach may assist in the field of biomimetic electrochemistry. For these reasons, this paper reviews the voltammetry of electrodes modified with electrochemically active droplets. The primary focus of the review is of unsupported droplets, where electron transfer processes occur at the three phase boundary, the base circumference of the individual droplets (of a volume range spanning nine orders of magnitude, going from microlitre to femtolitre volumes). The voltammetry of such systems is categorised via a semi-quantitative appreciation of the voltammetric characteristics. Finally, several topical examples illustrating the potential of application of this technology are described.

Energy and Environmental Science | 2013

A carbon quantum dot decorated RuO2 network: outstanding supercapacitances under ultrafast charge and discharge

Yirong Zhu; Xiaobo Ji; Chenchi Pan; Qingqing Sun; Weixin Song; Laibing Fang; Qiyuan Chen; Craig E. Banks

Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) due to their unique properties have recently attracted extensive attention from researchers in many fields. In the present work, a new application in the form of a CQD-based hybrid as an excellent electrode material for supercapacitors is reported for the first time. The CQDs are fabricated by a facile chemical oxidation method following which they are thermally reduced, and further decorated with RuO2 to obtain the composites. The hybrid exhibits a specific capacitance of 460 F g−1 at an ultrahigh current density of 50 A g−1 (41.9 wt% Ru loading), and excellent rate capability (88.6, 84.2, and 77.4% of capacity retention rate at 10, 20, and 50 A g−1 compared with 1 A g−1, respectively). Surprisingly, the hybrid shows exceptional cycling stability with 96.9% capacity retention over 5000 cycles at 5 A g−1. Such remarkable electrochemical performances can be primarily ascribed to the significantly enhanced utilization of RuO2 achieved by the efficient dispersion of tiny reduced CQDs and the formation of a CQD-based hybrid network structure that can facilitate the fast charge transport and ionic motion during the charge–discharge process. Additionally, the contact resistance at the interface between active materials and current collectors is concluded to be a key factor in determining the performance of the hybrid. These results above demonstrate the great potential of CQD-based hybrid materials in the development of high-performance electrode materials for supercapacitors.

Journal of Materials Chemistry | 2015

Carbon dots supported upon N-doped TiO2 nanorods applied into sodium and lithium ion batteries

Yingchang Yang; Xiaobo Ji; Mingjun Jing; Hongshuai Hou; Yirong Zhu; Laibing Fang; Xuming Yang; Qiyuan Chen; Craig E. Banks

N-doped TiO2 nanorods decorated with carbon dots with enhanced electrical-conductivity and faster charge-transfer have been fabricated utilizing a simple hydrothermal reaction process involving TiO2 powders (P25) and NaOH in the presence of carbon dots followed by ion exchange and calcination treatments. Due to the merits of the carbon dots, doping and nanostructures, the as-designed N–TiO2/C-dots composite utilized as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries can sustain a capacity of 185 mA h g−1 with 91.6% retention even at a high rate of 10 C over 1000 cycles. It is interesting to note that the ratios of capacitive charge capacity during such high rates for the N–TiO2/C-dots composite electrodes are higher than those at low rates, which likely explains the observed excellent rate capabilities. In contrast to lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries have gained more interest in energy storage grids because of the greater abundance and lower cost of sodium-containing precursors. The as-obtained N–TiO2/C-dots composites reported here and utilized as anode materials for sodium-ion batteries exhibit excellent electrochemical performances, including substantial cycling stabilities (the capacity retention ratios after 300 cycles at 5 C is 93.6%) and remarkable rate capabilities (176 mA h g−1 at 5 C, 131 mA h g−1 at 20 C); such performances are the greatest ever reported to date over other structured TiO2 or TiO2 composite materials.

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