
Cell | 2003

Nitric Oxide Regulates Exocytosis by S-Nitrosylation of N-ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Factor

Kenji Matsushita; Craig N. Morrell; Beatrice Cambien; Shui Xiang Yang; Munekazu Yamakuchi; Clare Bao; Makoto R. Hara; Richard A. Quick; Wangsen Cao; Brian O'Rourke; John M. Lowenstein; Jonathan Pevsner; Denisa D. Wagner; Charles J. Lowenstein

Nitric oxide (NO) inhibits vascular inflammation, but the molecular basis for its anti-inflammatory properties is unknown. We show that NO inhibits exocytosis of Weibel-Palade bodies, endothelial granules that mediate vascular inflammation and thrombosis, by regulating the activity of N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF). NO inhibits NSF disassembly of soluble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complexes by nitrosylating critical cysteine residues of NSF. NO may regulate exocytosis in a variety of physiological processes, including vascular inflammation, neurotransmission, thrombosis, and cytotoxic T lymphocyte cell killing.

Blood | 2014

Emerging roles for platelets as immune and inflammatory cells

Craig N. Morrell; Angela A. Aggrey; Lesley M. Chapman; Kristina L. Modjeski

Despite their small size and anucleate status, platelets have diverse roles in vascular biology. Not only are platelets the cellular mediator of thrombosis, but platelets are also immune cells that initiate and accelerate many vascular inflammatory conditions. Platelets are linked to the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis, malaria infection, transplant rejection, and rheumatoid arthritis. In some contexts, platelet immune functions are protective, whereas in others platelets contribute to adverse inflammatory outcomes. In this review, we will discuss platelet and platelet-derived mediator interactions with the innate and acquired arms of the immune system and platelet-vessel wall interactions that drive inflammatory disease. There have been many recent publications indicating both important protective and adverse roles for platelets in infectious disease. Because of this new accumulating data, and the fact that infectious disease continues to be a leading cause of death globally, we will also focus on new and emerging concepts related to platelet immune and inflammatory functions in the context of infectious disease.

Nature Genetics | 2003

Heterozygous disruption of Hic1 predisposes mice to a gender-dependent spectrum of malignant tumors

Wen Yong Chen; Xiaobei Zeng; Mark G. Carter; Craig N. Morrell; Ray Whay Chiu Yen; Manel Esteller; D. Neil Watkins; James G. Herman; Joseph L. Mankowski; Stephen B. Baylin

The gene hypermethylated in cancer-1 (HIC1) encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor that belongs to a group of proteins known as the POZ family. HIC1 is hypermethylated and transcriptionally silent in several types of human cancer. Homozygous disruption of Hic1 impairs development and results in embryonic and perinatal lethality in mice. Here we show that mice disrupted in the germ line for only one allele of Hic1 develop many different spontaneous malignant tumors, including a predominance of epithelial cancers in males and lymphomas and sarcomas in females. The complete loss of Hic1 function in the heterozygous mice seems to involve dense methylation of the promoter of the remaining wild-type allele. We conclude that HIC1 is a candidate tumor-suppressor gene for which loss of function in both mouse and human cancers is associated only with epigenetic modifications.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2011

Antiphospholipid antibodies promote leukocyte–endothelial cell adhesion and thrombosis in mice by antagonizing eNOS via β2GPI and apoER2

Sangeetha Ramesh; Craig N. Morrell; Cristina Tarango; Gail D. Thomas; Ivan S. Yuhanna; Guillermina Girardi; Joachim Herz; Rolf T. Urbanus; Philip G. de Groot; Philip E. Thorpe; Jane E. Salmon; Philip W. Shaul; Chieko Mineo

In antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) binding to β2 glycoprotein I (β2GPI) induce endothelial cell-leukocyte adhesion and thrombus formation via unknown mechanisms. Here we show that in mice both of these processes are caused by the inhibition of eNOS. In studies of cultured human, bovine, and mouse endothelial cells, the promotion of monocyte adhesion by aPL entailed decreased bioavailable NO, and aPL fully antagonized eNOS activation by diverse agonists. Similarly, NO-dependent, acetylcholine-induced increases in carotid vascular conductance were impaired in aPL-treated mice. The inhibition of eNOS was caused by antibody recognition of domain I of β2GPI and β2GPI dimerization, and it was due to attenuated eNOS S1179 phosphorylation mediated by protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Furthermore, LDL receptor family member antagonism with receptor-associated protein (RAP) prevented aPL inhibition of eNOS in cell culture, and ApoER2-/- mice were protected from aPL inhibition of eNOS in vivo. Moreover, both aPL-induced increases in leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion and thrombus formation were absent in eNOS-/- and in ApoER2-/- mice. Thus, aPL-induced leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion and thrombosis are caused by eNOS antagonism, which is due to impaired S1179 phosphorylation mediated by β2GPI, apoER2, and PP2A. Our results suggest that novel therapies for APS can now be developed targeting these mechanisms.

Circulation Research | 2007

Antibody and Complement in Transplant Vasculopathy

Jennifer R. Wehner; Craig N. Morrell; Taylor L. Reynolds; E. Rene Rodriguez; William M. Baldwin

Advances in immunosuppression have decreased the incidence of acute rejection, but the development of vasculopathy in the coronary arteries of transplants continues to limit the survival of cardiac allografts. Transplant vasculopathy has also been referred to as accelerated graft arteriosclerosis because it has features of arteriosclerosis, but it is limited to the graft and develops over a period of months to years. Although the pathological features of transplant vasculopathy are well defined, the causative mechanisms are not completely understood. This review focuses on the mechanisms by which antibody and complement can cause or contribute to coronary vasculopathy in cardiac transplants. Antibodies and complement can have independent effects, but the combination of antibodies and complement with inflammatory cells has greater pathogenic potential for the endothelial and smooth muscle cells of the coronary arteries. For example, stimulation through receptors for IgG or complement split products can activate macrophages, but stimulation through combinations of these receptors generates synergistic results. Together, antibodies and complement efficiently integrate the activation of endothelial cells, platelets, and macrophages, which are 3 of the primary components in the pathogenesis of transplant vasculopathy. Recent findings indicate that antibodies and complement produced within the transplant may contribute to vascular pathology in some transplants. Acute rejection caused by antibodies and complement has been treated by combinations of plasmapheresis, intravenous gamma-globulin and monoclonal antibodies to CD20 on B lymphocytes. The effect of these treatment modalities on the development of coronary vasculopathy is unknown.

Cell Host & Microbe | 2008

Platelet factor 4 mediates inflammation in experimental cerebral malaria.

Kalyan Srivastava; Ian A. Cockburn; AnneMarie Swaim; Laura E. Thompson; Abhai K. Tripathi; Craig A. Fletcher; Erin Shirk; Henry Sun; M. Anna Kowalska; Karen Fox-Talbot; David J. Sullivan; Fidel Zavala; Craig N. Morrell

Cerebral malaria (CM) is a major complication of Plasmodium falciparum infection in children. The pathogenesis of CM involves vascular inflammation, immune stimulation, and obstruction of cerebral capillaries. Platelets have a prominent role in both immune responses and vascular obstruction. We now demonstrate that the platelet-derived chemokine, platelet factor 4 (PF4)/CXCL4, promotes the development of experimental cerebral malaria (ECM). Plasmodium-infected red blood cells (RBCs) activated platelets independently of vascular effects, resulting in increased plasma PF4. PF4 or chemokine receptor CXCR3 null mice had less severe ECM, including decreased T cell recruitment to the brain, and platelet depletion or aspirin treatment reduced the development of ECM. We conclude that Plasmodium-infected RBCs can directly activate platelets, and platelet-derived PF4 then contributes to immune activation and T cell trafficking as part of the pathogenesis of ECM.

Circulation Research | 2005

HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors Inhibit Endothelial Exocytosis and Decrease Myocardial Infarct Size

Munekazu Yamakuchi; James J M Greer; Scott J. Cameron; Kenji Matsushita; Craig N. Morrell; Karen Talbot-Fox; William M. Baldwin; David J. Lefer; Charles J. Lowenstein

Three-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors protect the vasculature from inflammation and atherosclerosis by cholesterol dependent and cholesterol independent mechanisms. We hypothesized that HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors decrease exocytosis of Weibel-Palade bodies, endothelial cell granules whose contents promote thrombosis and vascular inflammation. We pretreated human aortic endothelial cells with simvastatin for 24 hours, then stimulated the cells with thrombin, and measured the amount of vWF released into the media. We then measured the effect of simvastatin on myocardial infarction in mice. Simvastatin decreased thrombin-stimulated Weibel-Palade body exocytosis by 89%. Simvastatin inhibited exocytosis in part by increasing synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which S-nitrosylated N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor (NSF), a critical regulator of exocytosis. Simvastatin treatment attenuated myocardial infarct size by 58% in wild-type but not eNOS knockout mice. Furthermore, simvastatin decreased endothelial exocytosis and neutrophil infiltration into ischemic-reperfused myocardium, which was mediated in part by P-selectin contained in Weibel-Palade bodies. However, simvastatin did not affect exocytosis and inflammation in myocardial infarcts of eNOS knockout mice. Inhibition of endothelial exocytosis is a novel mechanism by which HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors may reduce vascular inflammation, inhibit thrombosis, and protect the ischemic myocardium. These findings may explain part of the pleiotropic effects of statin therapy for patients with cardiovascular disease.

Journal of Controlled Release | 1997

Bioadhesive microspheres : III. An in vivo transit and bioavailability study of drug-loaded alginate and poly(fumaric-co-sebacic anhydride) microspheres

Donald E. Chickering; Jules S. Jacob; T.A Desai; Michael W. Harrison; W.P Harris; Craig N. Morrell; P Chaturvedi; Edith Mathiowitz

Bioadhesive drug delivery systems (BDDSs) could improve bioavailability by protecting bioactive molecules from physical and chemical degradation, enhancing absorption rates by minimizing diffusion barriers, and increasing the period for absorption by prolonging residence time. The in vivo bioadhesive performance of calcium alginate microspheres and poly(fumaric-co-sebacic anhydride) 20:80 microspheres were evaluated in two ways. Firstly, effect on GI transit was measured in rats. P(FA:SA) 20:80 microspheres showed significantly prolonged retention in the gut when compared to alginate microspheres. Secondly, the ability of these polymers to improve relative bioavailability of a model drug, dicumarol, in rats was assayed. A significant increase was measured in the area under the plasma concentration-time curve for dicumarol encapsulated in P(FA:SA) 20:80 when compared to its controls. The results of this study suggest that polymers which have been shown to produce strong bioadhesive forces in vitro and delayed GI transit in vivo may be used to improve oral bioavailability of certain drugs.

Circulation Research | 2008

In Vivo Platelet–Endothelial Cell Interactions in Response to Major Histocompatibility Complex Alloantibody

Craig N. Morrell; Kazunori Murata; Anne Marie Swaim; Emily Mason; Tanika V. Martin; Laura E. Thompson; Mathew Ballard; Karen Fox-Talbot; Barbara A. Wasowska; William M. Baldwin

Platelets recruit leukocytes and mediate interactions between leukocytes and endothelial cells. Most studies examining this important platelet immune function have focused on the development of atherosclerosis, but similar mechanisms may contribute to acute and chronic vascular lesions in transplants. Platelets have been described as markers of transplant rejection, but little investigation has critically examined a role for platelets in transplant vasculopathy and, in particular, alloantibody-mediated transplant rejection. We now demonstrate using a skin transplant model that alloantibody indirectly induces platelet activation and rolling in vivo. Repeated IgG2a alloantibody injections result in sustained platelet–endothelial interactions and vascular pathology, including von Willebrand factor release, small platelet thrombi, and complement deposition. Maintenance of continued platelet–endothelial interactions are dependent on complement activation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that platelets recruit leukocytes to sites of alloantibody deposition and sustain leukocyte–endothelial cell interactions in vivo. Taken together, our model demonstrates an important role for platelets in alloantibody induced transplant rejection.

American Journal of Transplantation | 2008

Platelets influence vascularized organ transplants from start to finish

Allan D. Kirk; Craig N. Morrell; William M. Baldwin

This review relates the basic functions of platelets to specific aspects of organ allograft rejection. Platelet activation can occur in the donor or recipient before transplantation as well as during antibody‐ and cell‐mediated rejection. Biopsies taken during organ procurement from cadaver donors have documented that activated platelets are attached to vascular endothelial cells or leukocytes. In addition, many patients waiting for transplants have activated platelets due to the diseases that lead to organ failure or as a result of interventions used to support patients before and during transplantation. The contribution of platelets to hyperacute rejection of both allografts and xenografts is well recognized. Intravascular aggregates of platelets can also be prominent in experimental and clinical transplants that undergo acute antibody or cell‐mediated rejection. In acute rejection, platelets can recruit mononuclear cells by secretion of chemokines. After contact, monocytes, macrophages and T cells interact with platelets through receptor/ligand pairs, including P‐selectin/PSGL‐1 and CD40/CD154. There is a potential for therapy to inhibit platelet mediated immune stimulation, but it is counterbalanced by the need to maintain coagulation in the perioperative period.

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