Craig T. Chapman
University of Washington
Featured researches published by Craig T. Chapman.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2011
Craig T. Chapman; Wenkel Liang; Xiaosong Li
The use of fullerene derivatives as electron donors in bulk heterojunctions is a promising development in the search for efficient energy conversion in hybrid solar cells. A long-lived photoexcited electron-hole pair will give rise to increased efficiency in photoenergy conversion. One way to prevent fast electron-hole recombination is to engineer fullerene derivatives that exhibit intrinsic electron-hole separation through accessible charge-transfer excited states. In this letter, the dynamics of photoexcited electron-hole pairs in a C60 derivative is studied using the real-time time-dependent density functional theory. Although the charge-transfer excited state is not directly accessible from the ground state, intrinsic coherent electron-hole separation is observed following photoexcition as a result of direct coupling between excited states. Ultrafast charge-transfer dynamics is the dominant phenomenon in <60 fs after visible photoexcitation. This work provides insights into the characteristics of ultrafast dynamics in photoexcited fullerene derivatives, and aids in the rational design of efficient solar cells.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011
Sean A. Fischer; Craig T. Chapman; Xiaosong Li
Given the exponentially scaling cost of full quantum calculations, approximations need to be employed for the simulation of the time evolution of chemical systems. We present a modified version of surface hopping that has the potential to treat larger systems. This is accomplished through an Ehrenfest-like treatment of the excited states, thereby reducing the dynamics to transitions between the ground state and a mean-field excited state. A simplified description of the excited states is achieved, while still allowing for an accurate description of disparate reaction channels. We test our mean-field approximation for the excited states on a series of model problems. Results are compared to the standard surface hopping procedure, with its explicit treatment of all excited states, and the traditional Ehrenfest approach, with its averaging together of all states.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011
Wenkel Liang; Craig T. Chapman; Xiaosong Li
An efficient first-principles electronic dynamics method is introduced in this article. The approach we put forth relies on incrementally constructing a time-dependent Fock∕Kohn-Sham matrix using active space density screening method that reduces the cost of computing two-electron repulsion integrals. An adaptive stepsize control algorithm is developed to optimize the efficiency of the electronic dynamics while maintaining good energy conservation. A selected set of model dipolar push-pull chromophore molecules are tested and compared with the conventional method of direct formation of the Fock∕Kohn-Sham matrix. While both methods considered herein take on identical dynamical simulation pathways for the molecules tested, the active space density screening algorithm becomes much more computationally efficient. The adaptive stepsize control algorithm, when used in conjunction with the dynamically active space method, yields a factor of ∼3 speed-up in computational cost as observed in electronic dynamics using the time dependent density functional theory. The total computational cost scales nearly linear with increasing size of the molecular system.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011
Feizhi Ding; Wenkel Liang; Craig T. Chapman; Christine M. Isborn; Xiaosong Li
Nonperturbative electronic dynamics using the time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) and time-dependent Kohn-Sham (TDKS) theories with the adiabatic approximation is a powerful tool in obtaining insights into the interaction between a many-electron system and an external electromagnetic field. In practical applications of TDHF/TDKS using a truncated basis set, the electronic dynamics and molecular properties become gauge-dependent. Numerical simulations are carried out in the length gauge and velocity gauge to verify the extent of gauge-dependence using incomplete basis sets. Electronic dynamics of two many-electron systems, a helium atom and a carbon monoxide molecule in high-intensity linearly polarized radiation fields are performed using the TDHF and TDKS with two selected adiabatic exchange-correlation (xc) functionals. The time evolution of the expectation values of the dipole moment and harmonic spectra are calculated in the two gauges, and the basis set dependence on the gauge-invariance of these properties is investigated.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2012
Wenkel Liang; Craig T. Chapman; Feizhi Ding; Xiaosong Li
A first-principles solvated electronic dynamics method is introduced. Solvent electronic degrees of freedom are coupled to the time-dependent electronic density of a solute molecule by means of the implicit reaction field method, and the entire electronic system is propagated in time. This real-time time-dependent approach, incorporating the polarizable continuum solvation model, is shown to be very effective in describing the dynamical solvation effect in the charge transfer process and yields a consistent absorption spectrum in comparison to the conventional linear response results in solution.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2013
Craig T. Chapman; Wenkel Liang; Xiaosong Li
We present a real-time time-dependent density functional theory (RT-TDDFT) investigation of exciton dynamics in a C60 derivative, including solvent effects in the real-time time-dependent polarizable continuum model (RT-TDPCM). Dynamical simulations are carried out to gauge the ability of solvents to enhance ligand-to-fullerene charge transfer following photoexcitation. Solvent stabilization of charge transfer states and solute-solvent interactions lead to nonintuitive changes in electron-hole dynamics. An amplification factor of 1.5 in the molecular dipole oscillation, a measure of charge transfer, is achieved by inclusion of a time-dependent solvent environment.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2007
Craig T. Chapman; Jeffrey A. Cina
Time-resolved coherent nonlinear optical experiments on small molecules in low-temperature host crystals are exposing valuable information on quantum mechanical dynamics in condensed media. We make use of generic features of these systems to frame two simple, comprehensive theories that will enable the efficient calculations of their ultrafast spectroscopic signals and support their interpretation in terms of the underlying chemical dynamics. Without resorting to a simple harmonic analysis, both treatments rely on the identification of normal coordinates to unambiguously partition the well-structured guest-host complex into a system and a bath. Both approaches expand the overall wave function as a sum of product states between fully anharmonic vibrational basis states for the system and approximate Gaussian wave packets for the bath degrees of freedom. The theories exploit the fact that ultrafast experiments typically drive large-amplitude motion in a few intermolecular degrees of freedom of higher frequency than the crystal phonons, while these intramolecular vibrations indirectly induce smaller-amplitude--but still perhaps coherent--motion among the lattice modes. The equations of motion for the time-dependent parameters of the bath wave packets are fairly compact in a fixed vibrational basis/Gaussian bath (FVB/GB) approach. An alternative adiabatic vibrational basis/Gaussian bath (AVB/GB) treatment leads to more complicated equations of motion involving adiabatic and nonadiabatic vector potentials. Computational demands for propagation of the parameter equations of motion appear quite manageable for tens or hundreds of atoms and scale similarly with system size in the two cases. Because of the time-scale separation between intermolecular and lattice vibrations, the AVB/GB theory may in some instances require fewer vibrational basis states than the FVB/GB approach. Either framework should enable practical first-principles calculations of nonlinear optical signals from molecules in cryogenic matrices and their semiclassical interpretation in terms of electronic and vibrational decoherence and vibrational population relaxation, all within a pure-state description of the macroscopic many-body complex.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2012
Feizhi Ding; Craig T. Chapman; Wenkel Liang; Xiaosong Li
We present a time-dependent density functional theory approach for probing the dynamics of electron transfer on a donor-bridge-acceptor polyene dye scaffold. Two kinds of mechanisms, namely, the superexchange mechanism and the sequential mechanism, may be involved in the electron transfer process. In this work, we have focused on the crossover between these two charge transfer mechanisms on a series of donor-bridge-acceptor polyene dye systems with varying lengths of conjugated bridges. A number of methods and quantities are used to assist in the analysis, including the phase relationship of charge evolution and frequency domain spectra of the time-dependent dipole. Our simulations show that the superexchange mechanism plays a dominant role in the electron transfer from donor to acceptor when the bridge length is small, and the sequential mechanism becomes more important as the polyene bridge is lengthened. Full Ehrenfest dynamics with nuclear motion show that molecular vibrations play a very small role in such ultrafast charge transfer processes.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011
Craig T. Chapman; Wenkel Liang; Xiaosong Li
We propose and implement a novel computational method for simulating open-system electronic dynamics and obtaining thermalized electronic structures within an open quantum system framework. The system-bath interaction equation of motion is derived and modeled from the local harmonic oscillator description for electronic density change. The nonequilibrium electronic dynamics in a thermal bath is simulated using first-order kinetics. The resultant electronic densities are temperature-dependent and can take characteristics of the ground and excited states. We present results of calculations performed on H(2) and 1,3-butadiene performed at the Hartree-Fock level of theory using a minimal Slater-type orbital basis set.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2011
Craig T. Chapman; Xiaolu Cheng; Jeffrey A. Cina
A recently framed quantum/semiclassical treatment for the internal nuclear dynamics of a small molecule and the induced small-amplitude coherent motion of a low-temperature host medium (Chapman, C. T.; Cina, J. A. J. Chem. Phys.2007,127, 114502) is further analyzed and subjected to initial tests of its numerical implementation. In the illustrative context of a 1D system interacting with a 1D medium, we rederive the fixed vibrational basis/gaussian bath (FVB/GB) equations of motion for the parameters defining the gaussian bath wave packet accompanying each of the energy eigenkets of the quantum mechanical system. The conditions of validity for the gaussian-bath approximation are shown to coincide with those supporting approximate population conservation. We perform initial numerical tests of the FVB/GB scheme and illustrate the semiclassical description it provides of coherent motion in the medium by comparing its predictions with the exact results for a high-frequency system harmonic oscillator bilinearly coupled to a lower-frequency bath oscillator. Linear vibronic absorption spectra or, equivalently, ultrafast wave packet interferometry signals are shown to be readily and accurately calculable within the FVB/GB framework.