Cumhur Arici
Akdeniz University
Featured researches published by Cumhur Arici.
Hormone Research in Paediatrics | 2002
Cumhur Arici; Okan Erdogan; Hasan Altunbas; Adil Boz; Mustafa Melikoglu; Binnur Karayalcin; Tuncer Karpuzoglu
Background: Thyroid carcinoma in childhood and adolescence is uncommon and because of the slow progression of disease the standard treatment is controversial. The aim of this study was to perform a retrospective analysis of treatment results for differentiated thyroid carcinoma in this age group treated in our clinic. Material and Methods: From August 1988 to February 2001, 15 patients between the ages of 8 and 21 years (average 16.8) were treated for differentiated thyroid carcinoma at Akdeniz University Medical School Departments of General and Pediatric Surgery. The patients included 10 (67%) females and 5 (33%) males. None of the patients had a previous positive history of head and neck irradiation. All patients, except 2, were euthyroid at the time of diagnosis. Results: Nine of the patients underwent total thyroidectomy and in 6 cases subtotal thyroidectomy was performed. There were multiple lymph node metastases in 4 (27%) patients and (various forms of) cervical lymph node dissections were performed in these patients. In addition, 2 children (13%) showed pulmonary metastasis. The incidence of surgical complications was 20% (1 permanent, 1 transient hypoparathyroidism and 1 permanent laryngeal nerve injury). Histological examinations revealed the following: papillary carcinoma in 9 (60%), follicular carcinoma in 5 (33%) patients, and Hurthle cell carcinoma in 1 (7%) patient. Postoperative radioiodine ablation was also added to treatment in 10 (67%) of the patients and all patients received L-thyroxine in suppressive doses. After a median follow-up period of 57 months (range 5–149), all patients are alive and disease-free. Conclusion: Our observations suggest that although most children and adolescents with differentiated thyroid carcinoma are seen with more extensive disease than adults, a total or subtotal thyroidectomy with an appropriate lymph node dissection followed by ablative radioiodine treatment carries a more favorable prognosis.
Apmis | 2003
Akkaya Bahar Kilicarslan; Mehmet Öğüş; Cumhur Arici; H. Elif Pestereli; Mehtap Cakir; Gülten Karpuzoğlu
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a major regulator of angiogenesis and may be produced by some cancer cells. Several recent reports have documented that increased expression of VEGF is associated with risk of recurrence or decreased recurrence‐free survival in papillary thyroid cancers (PTC). The aims of this study were to determine whether immunohistochemical expression of VEGF is related to local and distant recurrence of PTC and to evaluate the relationship between hypervascularization and VEGF expression in papillary thyroid carcinomas. VEGF expression was examined immunohistochemically in 48 papillary carcinomas. Ten normal thyroids were used as controls. Patients were followed for 61.7 (range 24–143) months. Twelve of the patients had local and distant recurrences. VEGF immunostaining, blinded for clinicopathological data, was evaluated semiquantitatively by two pathologists. The difference between the recurrent (n:12) and nonrecurrent (n:36) carcinomas was statistically significant (p:0.001). VEGF expression was also stronger in papillary thyroid carcinomas than in normal thyroid tissues. The mean microvascular densities were significantly higher than in normal thyroid tissues. These data indicate that VEGF staining is strongly associated with increased frequency of local and distant recurrence in PTC and that the immunohistochemical profile of the expression may be used as a marker for predicting which tumors have metastatic potential.
Lymphatic Research and Biology | 2013
Saadet Ugur; Cumhur Arici; Muhittin Yaprak; Ayhan Mesci; Gulbin Ayse Arıcı; Kemal Dolay; Vahit Ozmen
INTRODUCTION Secondary lymphedema is one of the major important long-term complications of breast cancer treatment. The aim of this study is to determine patient- and treatment-related risk factors of lymphedema in breast cancer patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients, who had been operated on for primary breast cancer at Akdeniz University Hospital and followed regularly between August 1984 and December 2009 were included in the study. In order to evaluate the arm swelling objectively, measurements were performed with a flexible tape measure for both arms, and limb volume was calculated using a truncated cone volume formula. Participants, whose volume difference between the two arms was ≥ 5%, were considered as lymphedema-positive patients. The SPSS program (SPSS inc. Chicago, IL) was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS The mean age of 455 patients was 50.6 years and the median follow-up time was 53 months. Lymphedema was found in 124 (27%) patients. Most of the patients with a history of postoperative wound infection (52%) and lymphangitis (57%) had lymphedema (p=0.003 and p=0.002, respectively). Addition of radiation therapy increased lymphedema risk 1.83 times (p=0.007). The mean duration of the axillary drainage and number of the removed lymph nodes were 7.8 days and 19, respectively. The rate of lymphedema in patients with early stage breast cancer was less than patients with advanced breast cancer (24% and 35.3%, respectively, p=0.018). Most of the patients (92%) with lymphedema had a high body mass index (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m²), and obesity was another important factor for lymphedema (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS The most important treatment and patient-related risk factors for breast cancer-related lymphedema were obesity (≥ 25 kg/m²), axillary lymph node dissection, postoperative radiotherapy, wound infection, history of lymphangitis, and duration of axillary drainage. Elimination or prevention of these risk factors may reduce the incidence of lymphedema.
Hormone Research in Paediatrics | 2007
Mehtap Cakir; Cumhur Arici; Huseyin Alakus; Hasan Altunbas; Mustafa Kemal Balci; Umit Karayalcin
Background and Aims: Thyroid malignancy detected incidentally in patients who are operated for thyrotoxicosis has been reported at different rates. The aim of this study was to investigate the rate of incidental thyroid carcinoma in thyrotoxic patients managed with surgery in our institution. Methods: Of the 375 thyrotoxic patients who had thyroid surgery between the years of 1997–2004, 70.7% were females and 29.3% were males. Among thyrotoxic patients 65.3% (n = 245) had toxic multinodular goiter (TMG), 16.8% (n = 63) had toxic adenoma (TA) and 17.9% (n = 67) had Graves’ disease. Results: Twenty-six (6.9%) of all thyrotoxic patients had thyroid carcinoma. Eighteen (7.3%) of TMG, 4 (6.3%) of TA and 4 (6%) of Graves’ disease patients had thyroid carcinoma. Histologic examination revealed 18 papillary (9 microscopic), 5 follicular, 2 hurthle cell and 1 anaplastic carcinoma. Conclusion: In our study, incidental thyroid carcinoma was found in 6.9% of subjects with thyrotoxicosis. Papillary thyroid microcarcinomas constituted 34.6% (26/9) of these newly diagnosed thyroid carcinomas. The incidence of thyroid carcinoma was not higher in subjects with Graves’ disease compared to TMG and TA. The rate of incidental thyroid carcinoma in subjects with thyrotoxicosis treated with surgery was similar to previous studies reported from different countries.
Clinical Nuclear Medicine | 2001
Adil Boz; Cumhur Arici; Firat Gungor; Akin Yildiz; Taner Çolak; Binnur Karayalcin
A 30-year-old woman underwent two operations for multinodular goiter and follicular thyroid carcinoma. The residual thyroid tissue was ablated by I-131 therapy. After 7 years of follow-up, Tc-99m MIBI and I-131 scintigraphy were performed, because her serum thyroglobulin level was much higher compared with the control analysis performed in the sixth year. Tc-99m MIBI showed pathologic accumulation, which could be consistent with a local recurrence, whereas the results of I-131 scintigraphy were negative. The locally recurring follicular thyroid carcinoma was resected using a gamma probe and Tc-99m MIBI. The thyroglobulin level decreased to a normal level after surgery. This case shows that the intraoperative use of a gamma probe with Tc-99m MIBI allows localization of recurrent thyroid tissue in the scarred area in patients with increased radionuclide accumulation, and scanning of the affected area using the gamma probe may be helpful in determining whether resection is complete.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A | 2004
Mehtap Cakir; Cumhur Arici; Sukran Tacoy; Umit Karayalcin
A 23‐year‐old female with Costello syndrome is presented. She had mental retardation, macrocephalia, “coarse” facial features, deep palmar and plantar creases, hyperkeratosis in palms and soles, hyperpigmentation, curly hair, and cutis laxa, which are among the diagnostic features of the syndrome, and a history of hyperprolactinemia since the age of 16. Her present complaint was weakness and widespread bone‐pain. In routine biochemistry, she had an elevated calcium level of 11.1 (8.6–10.2) mg/dl and her DEXA evaluation was consistent with osteoporosis (vertebra and femur T score <−2.5). High PTH levels, 103 (8–78) pg/ml, suggested presence of a parathyroid adenoma. Tc‐MIBI scintigraphy revealed two focuses of pathological uptake, one located inferior to left lobe of thyroid and the other in the superior left lobe of thyroid gland. After parathyroid adenomectomy, her serum calcium and PTH levels returned to normal values. This is the first case of parathyroid adenoma and hyperprolactinemia in the literature, reported in a patient with Costello syndrome.
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports | 2014
Mehmet Akif Türkoğlu; Gülsüm Özlem Elpek; Volkan Doğru; Hasan Calis; Aslı Uçar; Cumhur Arici
INTRODUCTION İn this paper, we present a rare case of primary dedifferantiated liposarcoma (DDLS) of the colon, management of which is unclear and difficult to cope with. PRESENTATION OF CASE 71 year old female patient with complaints of abdominal pain and swelling was referred to our clinic with the diagnosis of intraabdominal mass. 23 cm × 19 cm × 18 cm tumor starting from the neighborhood of left liver lobe and extending toward pelvic floor was detected on computed tomography. At laparotomy, a multilobulated, soft and yellowish mass was arising from transvers colon and invading greater curvature of stomach. En-bloc removal of the tumor including segmental colon and gastric wedge resection was performed. Postoperative histopathological diagnosis was consistent with dedifferentiated liposarcoma. DISCUSSION Liposarcomas are rarely encountered in the gastrointestinal tract. Previously, only ten cases of primary liposarcoma of the colon have been reported worldwide and to our knowledge DDLS of transverse colon is the first case reported in the literature. DDLS is a high-grade aggressive tumor carrying the ability to metastasize. Despite complete removal of tumor recurrence is common in DDLS. CONCLUSION The constellation of findings in our patient demonstrates that liposarcomas which histologically exhibit dedifferentiation are associated with a poor clinical prognosis and advocating surgery alone is not recommended.
Clinical Endocrinology | 2016
Guven Baris Cansu; Nusret Yilmaz; Sebahat Ozdem; Mustafa Kemal Balci; Gultekin Suleymanlar; Cumhur Arici; Adil Boz; Ramazan Sari; Hasan Altunbas
Although an International Workshop has suggested that cardiovascular assessment in asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) patients is not necessary, improvements in risk factors of subclinical atherosclerosis have been shown following parathyroidectomy. The objectives of this study were to determine whether parathyroidectomy in asymptomatic PHPT patients causes any change in carotid intima‐media thickness (CIMT), arterial stiffness [pulse wave velocity (PWV)] and soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) levels.
Visceral medicine | 2005
Cumhur Arici; Dinc Dincer; Alihan Gurkan; Ayhan Dinckan; Ayhan Mesci; Güner Öğünç
Ziel: Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, unsere Erfahrungen in der chirurgischen Therapie stromaler Tumoren des Magens vorzustellen. Material und Methoden: Diese retrospektive Studie evaluiert die klinischen und pathologischen Ergebnisse von 9 Patienten, die im Zeitraum zwischen Dezember 1998 und Dezember 2003 im Universitätshospital der Akdeniz-Universität an einem stromalen Magentumor operiert wurden. Ergebnisse: Das Alter der Patienten (7 Frauen, 2 Männer) lag zwischen 52 Jahren und 75 Jahren (Median 62 Jahre). Die häufigsten Symptome waren Gewichtsverlust und Dyspepsie, gefolgt von gastrointestinaler Blutung und abdominellen Schmerzen. Eine Lokalisation des Tumorherds in der Magenwand war mittels Ultraschall und/oder CT in allen Fällen möglich. Eine definitive präoperative Diagnose der stromalen Magentumoren wurde in keinem der Fälle gestellt. Alle Patienten unterzogen sich einer chirurgischen Resektion. Bei 5 Patienten wurde eine Wedge-Resektion mit tumorfreien Rändern durchgeführt (in einem Fall zusätzlich eine Splenektomie mit distaler Pankreatektomie). Drei Patienten wurden mit einer distalen Gastrektomie und 1 Patient mit einer totalen Gastrektomie mit Splenektomie und partieller Hepatektomie behandelt. Die regionale Lymphknotendissektion wurde in der Regel auf die angrenzenden Lymphknoten beschränkt. Keiner der Patienten verstarb nach der Operation. Drei Patienten unterzogen sich einer adjuvanten Chemotherapie. Der Follow-up-Zeitraum lag zwischen 3 und 46 Monaten (Median 16 Monate). Bis auf 1 Patienten leben alle ohne den Nachweis von lokalen oder Fernmetastasen. Ein Patient wurde nach 3 Jahren wegen eines lokalen Rezidivtumors erneut operiert. Zusammenfassung: Die komplette Resektion der stromalen Magentumoren mit tumorfreien Rändern geht mit einer günstigen Prognose einher, zumindest für eine kurze Follow-up-Periode.
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery | 2018
Ömer Özkan; Anı Cinpolat; Nasuh Utku Dogan; Gamze Bektas; Kemal Dolay; Alihan Gürkan; Cumhur Arici; Selen Dogan
Abstract Although vaginal reconstructions with intestinal segments require particularly complex surgical procedures, this technique has become popular with respect to fairly good functional and esthetic outcomes. This study describes cases of vaginal reconstruction performed using a modified rectosigmoid colon held in an ischemic state in order to reduce secretion and denervated in order to prevent defecation problems. Vaginal reconstructions with rectosigmoid colon were performed on 43 patients. In this retrospective study, 34 patients had Müllerian agenesis, while nine had undergone male to female sex reassignment surgery in which adequate vaginal depth had not been achieved. A rectosigmoid colon with its vascular pedicle was used and left in an ischemic state. All nerve structures within the pedicle were excised intraoperatively. Follow-up period was between 12 and 60 months. Partial necrosis occurred in one patient which was reconstructed with local flap. Hematoma developed beneath the skin incision in two cases, but resolved with conservative treatment. A good esthetic outcome was achieved in all cases. Sexual function was assessed using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) in 15 patients. Fourteen out of 15 patients scored above 26.5 on this scale and were determined as having no sexual dysfunction (FSFI score ≥26.5). In conclusion, vaginal reconstruction with denervated rectosigmoid held in an ischemic state appears to be a reasonable option among several available reconstruction techniques.