
Functional Plant Biology | 2011

The evolution and functional significance of leaf shape in the angiosperms

Adrienne B. Nicotra; Andrea Leigh; C. Kevin Boyce; Cynthia S. Jones; Karl J. Niklas; Dana L. Royer; Hirokazu Tsukaya

Angiosperm leaves manifest a remarkable diversity of shapes that range from developmental sequences within a shoot and within crown response to microenvironment to variation among species within and between communities and among orders or families. It is generally assumed that because photosynthetic leaves are critical to plant growth and survival, variation in their shape reflects natural selection operating on function. Several non-mutually exclusive theories have been proposed to explain leaf shape diversity. These include: thermoregulation of leaves especially in arid and hot environments, hydraulic constraints, patterns of leaf expansion in deciduous species, biomechanical constraints, adaptations to avoid herbivory, adaptations to optimise light interception and even that leaf shape variation is a response to selection on flower form. However, the relative importance, or likelihood, of each of these factors is unclear. Here we review the evolutionary context of leaf shape diversification, discuss the proximal mechanisms that generate the diversity in extant systems, and consider the evidence for each the above hypotheses in the context of the functional significance of leaf shape. The synthesis of these broad ranging areas helps to identify points of conceptual convergence for ongoing discussion and integrated directions for future research.

American Journal of Botany | 2009

Wood anatomy and wood density in shrubs: responses to varying aridity along transcontinental transects.

Hugo I. Martínez-Cabrera; Cynthia S. Jones; Susana Espino; H. Jochen Schenk

Wood density plays a key role in ecological strategies and life history variation in woody plants, but little is known about its anatomical basis in shrubs. We quantified the relationships between wood density, anatomy, and climate in 61 shrub species from eight field sites along latitudinal belts between 31° and 35° in North and South America. Measurements included cell dimensions, transverse areas of each xylem cell type and percentage contact between different cell types and vessels. Wood density was more significantly correlated with precipitation and aridity than with temperature. High wood density was achieved through reductions in cell size and increases in the proportion of wall relative to lumen. Wood density was independent of vessel traits, suggesting that this trait does not impose conduction limitations in shrubs. The proportion of fibers in direct contact with vessels decreased with and was independent of wood density, indicating that the number of fiber-vessel contacts does not explain the previously observed correlation between wood density and implosion resistance. Axial and radial parenchyma each had a significant but opposite association with wood density. Fiber size and wall thickness link wood density, life history, and ecological strategies by controlling the proportion of carbon invested per unit stem volume.

International Journal of Plant Sciences | 1999

An Essay on Juvenility, Phase Change, and Heteroblasty in Seed Plants

Cynthia S. Jones

Phase change (the change from nonreproductive to reproductive status) and heteroblasty (ontogenetic changes in vegetative metamers) are two determinants of longitudinal asymmetry in plants. These concepts are critically important to understanding the regulation of plant development as well as morphological evolution and life‐history variation. Since Goebel, the two have been conflated. This article questions how phase change and heteroblasty are delimited and explores some of the problems that arise in the explicit or implicit link between them, given that several lines of evidence indicate that they are distinct and independent facets of plant development. It is suggested that problems are perpetuated through use of the terms “juvenile” and “adult” to describe both phenomena.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2008

Hydraulic integration and shrub growth form linked across continental aridity gradients.

H. Jochen Schenk; Susana Espino; Christine M. Goedhart; Marisa Nordenstahl; Hugo I. Martinez Cabrera; Cynthia S. Jones

Both engineered hydraulic systems and plant hydraulic systems are protected against failure by resistance, reparability, and redundancy. A basic rule of reliability engineering is that the level of independent redundancy should increase with increasing risk of fatal system failure. Here we show that hydraulic systems of plants function as predicted by this engineering rule. Hydraulic systems of shrubs sampled along two transcontinental aridity gradients changed with increasing aridity from highly integrated to independently redundant modular designs. Shrubs in humid environments tend to be hydraulically integrated, with single, round basal stems, whereas dryland shrubs typically have modular hydraulic systems and multiple, segmented basal stems. Modularity is achieved anatomically at the vessel-network scale or developmentally at the whole-plant scale through asymmetric secondary growth, which results in a semiclonal or clonal shrub growth form that appears to be ubiquitous in global deserts.

Oecologia | 2008

Leaf shape linked to photosynthetic rates and temperature optima in South African Pelargonium species

Adrienne B. Nicotra; Meredith Cosgrove; Ann Cowling; Carl D. Schlichting; Cynthia S. Jones

The thermal response of gas exchange varies among plant species and with growth conditions. Plants from hot dry climates generally reach maximal photosynthetic rates at higher temperatures than species from temperate climates. Likewise, species in these environments are predicted to have small leaves with more-dissected shapes. We compared eight species of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) selected as phylogenetically independent contrasts on leaf shape to determine whether: (1) the species showed plasticity in thermal response of gas exchange when grown under different water and temperature regimes, (2) there were differences among more- and less-dissected leafed species in trait means or plasticity, and (3) whether climatic variables were correlated with the responses. We found that a higher growth temperature led to higher optimal photosynthetic temperatures, at a cost to photosynthetic capacity. Optimal temperatures for photosynthesis were greater than the highest growth temperature regime. Stomatal conductance responded to growth water regime but not growth temperature, whereas transpiration increased and water use efficiency (WUE) decreased at the higher growth temperature. Strikingly, species with more-dissected leaves had higher rates of carbon gain and water loss for a given growth condition than those with less-dissected leaves. Species from lower latitudes and lower rainfall tended to have higher photosynthetic maxima and conductance, but leaf dissection did not correlate with climatic variables. Our results suggest that the combination of dissected leaves, higher photosynthetic rates, and relatively low WUE may have evolved as a strategy to optimize water delivery and carbon gain during short-lived periods of high soil moisture. Higher thermal optima, in conjunction with leaf dissection, may reflect selection pressure to protect photosynthetic machinery against excessive leaf temperatures when stomata close in response to water stress.

Evolution | 1992

Comparative ontogeny of a wild cucurbit and its derived cultivar

Cynthia S. Jones

Most previous studies of evolutionary modification of form in plants have focused primarily on individual organs or flowers. Few have investigated the role of evolutionary changes in timing or position at the level of whole plant ontogeny. This study compares ontogenies of the primary shoots of two subspecies of Cucurbita argyrosperma, one a cultivar and the other its wild progenitor. Differences in flowering times between these subspecies suggested that the cultivar may have evolved from the wild subspecies via heterochronic processes leading to paedomorphosis. Analyses showed that both subspecies are similar in vegetative architecture and rates of leaf production. Earlier flowering in the cultivar, both in terms of position and absolute time, appears to have arisen through progenesis. Initial observations of leaf blade morphology led to the hypothesis that paedomorphosis and gigantism also may have been involved in the evolution of leaf blade shape in the cultivar: all leaves of the cultivar are larger and visually similar in shape to early leaves of the wild subspecies. However, quantitative analysis revealed that leaves of the cultivar are neither geometrically, nor solely allometrically larger versions of early leaves of the progenitor. Leaf shape in the cultivar exhibits novel features as well as effects of allometry shared with the progenitor, hence a simple hypothesis of paedomorphic evolution of leaf shape is not supported.

American Journal of Botany | 2011

Integration of vessel traits, wood density, and height in angiosperm shrubs and trees.

Hugo I. Martínez-Cabrera; H. Jochen Schenk; Sergio R. S. Cevallos-Ferriz; Cynthia S. Jones

PREMISE OF THE STUDY Trees and shrubs tend to occupy different niches within and across ecosystems; therefore, traits related to their resource use and life history are expected to differ. Here we analyzed how growth form is related to variation in integration among vessel traits, wood density, and height. We also considered the ecological and evolutionary consequences of such differences. METHOD In a sample of 200 woody plant species (65 shrubs and 135 trees) from Argentina, Mexico, and the United States, standardized major axis (SMA) regression, correlation analyses, and ANOVA were used to determine whether relationships among traits differed between growth forms. The influence of phylogenetic relationships was examined with a phylogenetic ANOVA and phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs). A principal component analysis was conducted to determine whether trees and shrubs occupy different portions of multivariate trait space. KEY RESULTS Wood density did not differ between shrubs and trees, but there were significant differences in vessel diameter, vessel density, theoretical conductivity, and as expected, height. In addition, relationships between vessel traits and wood density differed between growth forms. Trees showed coordination among vessel traits, wood density, and height, but in shrubs, wood density and vessel traits were independent. These results hold when phylogenetic relationships were considered. In the multivariate analyses, these differences translated as significantly different positions in multivariate trait space occupied by shrubs and trees. CONCLUSIONS Differences in trait integration between growth forms suggest that evolution of growth form in some lineages might be associated with the degree of trait interrelation.

Evolution | 2009

Leaf shape evolution in the South African genus Pelargonium L' Hér. (Geraniaceae)

Cynthia S. Jones; Freek T. Bakker; Carl D. Schlichting; Adrienne B. Nicotra

Leaf shapes reflect complex assemblages of shape-determining elements, yet evolutionary studies tend to treat leaf shape as a single attribute, for example cordate or linear. As with all complex structures, individual elements of a leaf could theoretically evolve independently and at different rates to the extent permitted by genetic and functional limitations. We examined relative evolutionary lability of shape-determining elements in the highly diverse South African plant genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae). We used SIMMAP to calculate Bayesian posterior probabilities for ancestral states of leaf-shape characters for major nodes across multiple phylogenetic trees. Trees were derived from a Bayesian analysis of DNA sequence data from four partitions. We found that shape elements differed in rates of character-state transformations across the tree. Leaf base, apex, and overall outline had low rates. Transformations in venation occurred at slightly higher rates and were associated with shifts in venation among major clades. Leaf margin type and overall leaf size showed intermediate rates, whereas high rates were observed in the extent of lamina lobing and functional leaf size. The results indicate that suites of elements characteristic of the recently evolved xerophytic lineage, for example pinnate venation, dissected lamina, and entire margins, were acquired piecemeal over nested levels of the phylogeny.

Annals of Botany | 2011

A hundred-year-old question: is the moss calyptra covered by a cuticle? A case study of Funaria hygrometrica

Jessica M. Budke; Bernard Goffinet; Cynthia S. Jones

BACKGROUND AND AIMS The maternal gametophytic calyptra is critical for moss sporophyte development and ultimately sporogenesis. The calyptra has been predicted to protect the sporophyte apex, including the undifferentiated sporogenous region and seta meristem, from desiccation. We investigate the hypothesis that this waterproofing ability is due to a waxy cuticle. The idea that moss calyptrae are covered by a cuticle has been present in the literature for over a century, but, until now, neither the presence nor the absence of a cuticle has been documented for any calyptra. METHODS The epidermis of the calyptra, leafy gametophyte and sporophyte sporangia of the moss Funaria hygrometrica were examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Thicknesses of individual cuticle layers were quantified and compared statistically. The immunochemistry antibody (LM19) specific for pectins was used to locate cell wall material within the cuticle. KEY RESULTS A multi-layered cuticle is present on the calyptra of F. hygrometrica, including layers analogous to the cuticular layer, cell wall projections, electron-lucent and electron-dense cuticle proper observed in vascular plants. The calyptra rostrum has a cuticle that is significantly thicker than the other tissues examined and differs by specialized thickenings of the cuticular layer (cuticular pegs) at the regions of the anticlinal cell walls. This is the first documentation of cuticular pegs in a moss. CONCLUSIONS The calyptra and its associated cuticle represent a unique form of maternal care in embryophytes. This organ has the potential to play a critical role in preventing desiccation of immature sporophytes and thereby may have been essential for the evolution of the moss sporophyte.

American Journal of Botany | 2001

Heteroblasty and preformation in mayapple, Podophyllum Peltatum (Berberidaceae): developmental flexibility and morphological constraint

Cynthia S. Jones; Maxine A. Watson

Developmental preformation can constrain growth responses of shoots to current conditions, but there is potential for flexibility in development preceding formation of the preformed organs. Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) is strongly heteroblastic, producing rhizome scales, bud scales, and either a single vegetative foliage leaf or two foliage leaves on a sexual shoot. To understand how and when preformation constrains growth responses, we compare (1) how leaf homologs of the renewal shoot differ in development, (2) whether there are differences in shoot development that occur in advance of morphological determination of shoot type, and (3) whether there are points of developmental flexibility in renewal shoot growth prior to preformation of the foliage and floral organs. We use scanning electron microscopy and histology to show that the three vegetative leaves (both types of scale leaves and the vegetative foliage leaf) are similar in the initial establishment of an encircling and overarching leaf base. Differences among them are found in the timing of differentiation of the leaf base and in the relative timing and degree of growth of the lamina and petiole. In contrast, foliage leaves on sexual shoots show less expression of the leaf base and precocious growth of the lamina and petiole. Prior to shoot type determination, there are no morphological differences in the sequence or position of leaf homologs that predict final shoot type. In this colony, leaves at positions 12 and 13, on average, appear to be identical in development until they are between 700 and 800 μm in length, when it becomes possible to distinguish leaves that will become vegetative foliage leaves from additional bud scale leaves on vegetative or sexual shoots. We suggest that late developmental determination of leaves at positions 12 and 13 reflects ontogenetic sensitivity to a transition to flowering. Thus, in mayapple, heteroblasty appears to facilitate developmental flexibility prior to the point where shoot growth becomes constrained by preformation of determined aerial structures.

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