Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior
Federal University of Alagoas
British Journal of Nutrition | 2009
Haroldo da Silva Ferreira; Fabiana Andréa Moura; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior; Telma Maria de Menezes Toledo Florêncio; Regina Coeli da Silva Vieira; Monica Lopes de Assunção
The objectives of the study were to investigate whether the health conditions of mothers with short stature differed from those with normal stature, and to establish if these aspects were associated with the health of the offspring. Data relating to health and socio-economic, demographic and anthropometric conditions were collected from a probabilistic sample population consisting of 1180 mothers and 1511 children ( < 10 years) living in the semi-arid region of the State of Alagoas, Brazil. Mothers were categorised according to stature, with those in the 1st quartile being defined as of short stature and those in the 4th quartile being defined as of normal stature and serving as a reference for the comparison of variables of interest. Following verification that maternal stature fulfilled parametric assumptions, its associations with the other variables were determined by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients. After excluding strongly self-correlated variables (r >or= 0.70), the remaining variables were analysed by multiple linear regression. The results showed that low maternal stature was independently associated with obesity (percentage body fat >or= 30; P = 0.045), abdominal adiposity (waist:hip ratio >or= 0.85; P = 0.007) and high systolic blood pressure ( >or= 140 mmHg; P = 0.006). Short maternal stature was associated with low birth weight ( < 3000 g; P = 0.01) and stunting (height-for-age Z score < - 2; P = 0.019) in the offspring. Thus, in the semi-arid region of Alagoas, women of short stature presented a higher prevalence of chronic degenerative diseases and produced less healthy children than women of normal stature.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia | 2008
Haroldo da Silva Ferreira; Fabiana Andréa Moura; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior
PURPOSE to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated to anemia in pregnant women from the semiarid region of Alagoas, Brazil. METHODS transversal study comprising a sample (n=150) obtained taking into consideration the prevalence estimated by World Health Organization of 52%, an error of 8% and a confidence interval of 95%. Sampling has been done in three stages: 15 towns among the 38 in the region, four census sectors by town and 24 residences by sector. All the resident pregnant women were eligible, and their socio-economic, demographic, anthropometric and health data have been collected. Anemia was identified at the <11 g/dL hemoglobin level (Hemocue), and its association with risk factors, tested by multiple linear regression analysis. RESULTS anemia prevalence was 50%. Seventy eight per cent of the pregnant women were under pre-natal care. From those, 79.3% were in the second or third trimester of gestation. Nevertheless, only 21.2% of them were taking iron supplementation. Variables (p<0.05) independently associated with anemia (anemic versus not-anemic pregnant women) were: larger number of family members (4.5+/-2.3 versus 4,3+/-2.3; p=0.02), lower age group of the pregnant woman (23.9+/-6.3 versus 24.7+/-6.7; p=0.04), or of her partner (34.5+/-15.8 versus 36+/-17.5; p=0.03), no toilet in the house (30.7 versus 24%; p<0.001), history of child abortion and/or death (32.4 versus 16.4%; p<0.001), living in the country (60 versus 46.7%; p=0.03), average per capita income <US
Food Chemistry | 2013
Giselda Macena Lira; Jadna C.M. Pascoal; Elizabeth Aparecida Ferraz da Silva Torres; Rosana Aparecida Manólio Soares; Simone Mendonça; Geni Rodrigues Sampaio; Meiryellen da S. Correia; Caterine Cristine Vasconcelos Quintiliano Cabral; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior; Ana Maria Queijeiro López
1.00/day (60.3 versus 52.1%; p=0.02), pre-gestational weight <50 kg (33.3 versus 24.6%; p=0.03), pre-natal care onset after the first trimester of gestation (45.3 versus 18%; p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS anemia prevalence in pregnant women from the semiarid region of Alagoas constitutes a major health problem, deserving special attention by the people in charge of public policy.
Revista Brasileira De Ciencias Farmaceuticas | 2008
Fabiana Rodrigues de Oliveira; Giselda Macena Lira; Elizabeth Aparecida Ferraz da Silva Torres; Rosana Aparecida Manólio Soares; Simone Mendonça; Kelly W. B. Silva; Sarah J. G. B. Simon; Tatiana Maria Palmeira dos Santos; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior
This paper aimed to evaluate the influence of seasonality on the chemical composition of oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae). Samples were collected during summer and winter from the estuary and lagoon complex of the municipality of Barra de São Miguel, Alagoas, Brazil. Statistical differences (p<0.05) between summer and winter were observed in relation to chemical composition. The oysters cultivated in the winter presented some nutritional advantages because of the higher levels of proteins and functional nutrients, such as the eicosapentaenoic-docosahexaenoic acid combination and percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 and n-6), and the lower levels of saturated fatty acids. Therefore, the animals in winter presented a higher content of cholesterol oxides. The levels of cholesterol oxides found in these products during winter may encourage researchers to investigate the composition of oysters cultivated in different climates all over the world.
Arquivos Brasileiros De Endocrinologia E Metabologia | 2008
Maria Angélica da Silva; Terezinha da Rocha Ataide; Suzana Lima de Oliveira; Antônio Euzébio Goulart Sant'Ana; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior; Maria do Carmo Balwani; Fernanda G. S. de Oliveira; Mércia Santos
In an attempt to analyze how processing enhances the nutritional value of the mandim fish (Arius spixii) marketed in Maceio-AL, Brazil, the following nutritional components were determined in fresh and processed (salted-dried) fish: centesimal composition, calorie count, chloride, fatty acid and cholesterol profile. The presence of cholesterol oxides was also investigated. Respective results for fresh and processed mandim fish were: moisture (70.13% and 40.31%), proteins (51.73% and 38.07%, dried), carbohyrdrates (4.67% and 2.24%, dried), calories (486 kcal/100g and 367 kcal/100g, dried), fatty acids (polyunsaturared 14,54% and 15,49%, omega-3 8,51% and 6,51%), cholesterol (82.66 mg/100g and 61.30 mg/100g) and oxides (7-ketocholesterol 8.31 µg/g and 17.90 µg/g). These figures clearly showed that processing led to significant change in the nutritional value of the mandim fish.
Revista De Nutricao-brazilian Journal of Nutrition | 2011
Fabiana Accioly de Lima; Sandra Mary Lima Vasconcelos; Antônio Euzébio Goulart Sant'Ana; Terezinha da Rocha Ataide; Cristhiane Maria Bazílio de Omena; Maria Emília da Silva Menezes; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of chronic consumption of di- and triheptanoin on hepatic steatosis (HS) in rats. METHODOLOGY Wistar rats were submitted to a diet AIN-93 with 0, 30 or 50% of its oil substituted with an oil rich in di- and triheptanoin, groups TAGC(7)0, TAGC(7)30 and TAGC(7)50 respectively, for nine months. The control group received Labina(R). Liver histology, hepatic lesion and function proofs, glycemia and lipid profile, were performed. Variance analyses, F-test, Dunnet s test and uni- and multivariate regression analyses were performed (p<0.05). RESULTS TAGC(7)0, TAGC(7)30 and TAGC(7)50 developed HS; 80% of severe cases in TAGC(7)0, as against 40% in TAGC(7)50. The absolute (ALW) and relative (RLW) liver weights were higher in TAGC(7)0 and TAGC(7)30, and glycemia was greater in TAGC(7)30 and TAGC(7)50, than in the Control. Total cholesterol, LDL-c, LDL-c/HDL-c and total proteins were higher in the Control. The experimental oil reduced RLW and showed a tendency in the reduction of body weight, ALW, percentage of hepatic lipids and the severity of HS. The explanatory variables in relation to HS were final weight, glycemia, albumin, HDL-c, LDL-c, LDL-c/HDL-c, VLDL-c and alkaline phosphatase. CONCLUSIONS It is suggested that di- and triheptanoin have a hepatoprotector effect against HS, in rats, in a dose-dependent manner.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health | 2011
Adriana Toledo de Paffer; Cristiane Silvestre de Paula; Haroldo da Silva Ferreira; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior; Regina Coeli da Silva Vieira; Claudio Torres de Miranda
1 Artigo elaborado a partir da dissertacao de F.A. LIMA, intitulada “Consumo de cafe segundo metodos de preparo e associacao com perfil lipidico serico em hipertensos e diabeticos de Flexeiras AL”. Universidade Federal de Alagoas; 2008. Apoio: DELIT-MS/CNPq/FAPEAL/SESAU-AL (PPSUS) e Fundacao de Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas (Processo no 2005-0230427-7). 2 Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Faculdade de Nutricao, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Nutricao. Maceio, AL, Brasil. 3 Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Faculdade de Nutricao, Laboratorio de Nutricao em Cardiologia. Campus A. C. Simoes, BR 104 Norte, km 97, Tabuleiro dos Martins, 57072-970, Maceio, AL, Brasil. Correspondencia para/Correspondence to: S.M.L. VASCONCELOS. E-mail: . 4 Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Quimica e Biotecnologia, Instituto de Quimica e Biotecnologia. Maceio, AL, Brasil. Consumo de cafe segundo metodos de preparo da bebida e associacao com perfil lipidico serico em hipertensos e diabeticos1
Revista Dor | 2016
José Toscano; Anna Cecilya Gomes Zefferino; Jamerson Bruno Cordeiro Felix; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior; Diego Augusto Santos Silva
In 1996 one of the authors (CTM) was the leading author of a clinically based case–control study conducted in Brazil, which investigated the association between child stunting and maternal common mental disorders (MCMD).1 A positive association (OR 2.8; 95% CI 1.2 to 6.9) was found in that case. Similar methods and results have been reported in another study conducted in Pakistan (OR 3.9; 95% CI 1.95 to7.86).2 Harpham et al 3 were the first to test this association through population surveys in a multicentre study. They found significant positive associations between child stunting and MCMD in two out of four countries, namely India (OR 1.4; 95% CI 1.2 to 1.6) and Vietnam (OR 1.4; 95% CI 1.1 to 1.8). In Peru and Ethiopia, there was no significant association. There was congruence in the results of clinical and population-based studies. We conducted a …
Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira | 2010
Haroldo da Silva Ferreira; Evla Darc Ferro Vieira; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior; Marina Dhandara Rodrigues de Queiroz
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: From usual actions which reflect lifestyle of those working on administrative functions, there is the sedentary behavior. This study aimed at associating prevalence of pain to sedentary behavior and physical activity level of public servants. METHODS: Sample was made up of 156 public servants of both genders, mean age of 39.8±12.3 years, working for a federal university of the Northeastern region of Brazil, who have answered a questionnaire with variables related to pain, sedentary behavior and practice of physical activity. For descriptive analysis data were expressed in mean, standard deviation, absolute and relative frequency. Regression analysis was used to estimate prevalence ratios and confidence interval of 95%. For adjusted analysis, all variables were included in the model, considering p≤0.05 significantly associated to the outcome. RESULTS: The prevalence of sedentary behavior watching TV was 24.4% and at work it was 88.5%. Approximately 65% of the sample were poorly physically active. Pain was reported by 76.3% of the sample. After adjusting for gender, age and physical activity, those spending more than two hours a day sitting watching TV and remaining sitting at work were subgroups with highest possibilities of having pain (p<.0.05). CONCLUSION: Approximately eight out of ten employees have reported musculoskeletal pain. From investigated behaviors, it was observed that servants spending a lot of time sitting had higher probability of reporting pain.
Sao Paulo Medical Journal | 2012
Adriana Toledo de Paffer; Haroldo da Silva Ferreira; Cyro Rego Cabral Júnior; Claudio Torres de Miranda