D. Besson
University of Florida
Physics Letters B | 1989
P. Avery; D. Besson; L. Garren; J. Yelton; T. Bowcock; K. Kinoshita; F. M. Pipkin; M. Procario; Richard Wilson; J. Wolinski; D. Xiao; P. Baringer; P. Haas; Ha Lam; A. Jawahery; C. H. Park; D. Perticone; R. Poling; R. Fulton; M. Hempstead; T. Jensen; D. R. Johnson; H. Kagan; R. Kass; F. Morrow; J. Whitmore; W.-Y. Chen; J. Dominick; R. L. McIlwain; David Harry Miller
Abstract We have measured upper limits on branching fractions for rare exclusive decays of B mesons arising from one-loop diagrams in the standard model of electroweak interactions. We also obtain an upper limit for the lepton-number-violating decay B 0 → μ ± e ∓ .
Physics Letters B | 1989
M. S. Alam; N. Katayama; I. J. Kim; W. C. Li; X. C. Lou; C. R. Sun; D. Bortoletto; M. Goldberg; N. Horwitz; M. D. Mestayer; G. C. Moneti; V. Sharma; I. P. J. Shipsey; T. Skwarnicki; S. E. Csorna; T. Letson; I. Brock; T. Ferguson; J. P. Alexander; M. Artuso; C. Bebek; K. Berkelman; D. G. Cassel; E. Cheu; D. M. Coffman; G. Crawford; J. W. DeWire; P. S. Drell; R. Ehrlich; R. S. Galik
Abstract Using the CLEO detector, we present a measurement of the mass of the charged charmed strange baryon Ξ + c and its neutral counterpart the Ξ 0 c . The Ξ + c is observed through its decay to Ξ - π + π + , and its mass is measured to be (2467±3±4) MeV. The isospin mass splitting of the Ξ c system is found to be M ( Ξ + c )- M ( Ξ 0 c )=(−5±4±1)MeV.
Physics Letters B | 1987
C. Bebek; K. Berkelman; E. Blucher; D. G. Cassel; T. Copie; R. DeSalvo; J. W. DeWire; R. Ehrlich; R. S. Galik; M. Gilchriese; B. Gittelman; S. W. Gray; A. M. Halling; D. L. Hartill; B. K. Heltsley; S. Holzner; J. Kandaswamy; R. Kowalewski; D. L. Kreinick; Y. Kubota; N. B. Mistry; J. Mueller; R. Namjoshi; E. Nordberg; D. Perticone; D. Peterson; M. Pisharody; K. Read; D. Riley; A. Silverman
The tau lepton lifetime is measured using four different methods with the DELPHI detector. Three measurements using one prong decays are combined, accounting for correlations, resulting in ττ=298 ±7 (stat.)±4 (syst.) fs while the decay length distribution of three prong decays gives ππ=298±13 (stat)±(syst.) fs. The combined result is ττ=298±7 fs. The ratio of the Fermi coupling constant from tau decay relative to that from muon decay is found to be 0.985±0.013, compatible with lepton universality.
Physical Review D | 1986
M. S. Alam; N. Katayama; I. J. Kim; C. R. Sun; V. Tanikella; A. Bean; G. J. Bobbink; I. Brock; A. Engler; T. Ferguson; R.W. Kraemer; C. Rippich; R.B. Sutton; H. Vogel; C. Bebek; K. Berkelman; E. Blucher; D. G. Cassel; T. Copie; R. DeSalvo; J. W. DeWire; R. Ehrlich; R. S. Galik; M. Gilchriese; B. Gittelman; S. W. Gray; A. M. Halling; D. L. Hartill; B. K. Heltsley; S. Holzner
We have measured the inclusive branching ratio for B..-->..psiX to be (1.09 +- 0.16 +- 0.21)%, and the exclusive branching ratios for B/sup -/..-->..psiK/sup -/ and B-bar /sup 0/..-->..psiK-bar /sup *//sup 0/ to be (0.09 +- 0.05)% and (0.41 +- 0.18)%, respectively. The mass difference between neutral and charged B mesons is 1.1 +- 2.1 MeV, while the difference between the mass of UPSILON(4S) and twice the mean B-meson mass is 18.5 +- 3.0 MeV. The psi momentum distribution implies a substantial two-body decay (in agreement with direct measurements), but also some combination of B..-->..psiX with M/sub X/>1.5 GeV, and B..-->..psiX.
Physics Letters B | 1990
W.-Y. Chen; R. L. McIlwain; D. H. Miller; C. R. Ng; S. F. Schaffner; E. I. Shibata; W. M. Yao; K. Sparks; E. H. Thorndike; C. H. Wang; M. S. Alam; I. J. Kim; W. C. Li; X. C. Lou; C. R. Sun; P. N. Wang; M. I. Zoeller; D. Bortoletto; M. Goldberg; N. Horwitz; V. Jain; M. D. Mestayer; G. C. Moneti; V. Sharma; I. P. J. Shipsey; T. Skwarnicki; M. Thulasidas; S. E. Csorna; T. Letson; J. P. Alexander
Abstract Using the CLEO detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring, we have searched for two-photon production of charmonium in four-track final states. We have measured Γ γγ ( η c )=5.9 +2.1 −1.8 ±1.9 keV, and we have obtained 95% CL upper limits of Γ γγ ( X c 0 ) Γ γγ ( X c 2 )
Physics Letters B | 1989
R. Fulton; P. Haas; M. Hempstead; T. Jensen; D. R. Johnson; H. Kagan; R. Kass; F. Morrow; J. Whitmore; P. Baringer; W.-Y. Chen; R. L. McIlwain; D. H. Miller; C. R. Ng; E. I. Shibata; W. M. Yao; M. S. Alam; D. Chen; N. Katayama; I. J. Kim; W. C. Li; X. C. Lou; C. R. Sun; V. Tanikella; D. Bortoletto; M. Goldberg; N. Horwitz; P. Lubrano; M. D. Mestayer; G. C. Moneti
The branching ratio for inclusive ψ production in ψ(1S) decays is measured to be (0.11 ± 0.04 ± 0.02)%.
Physics Letters B | 1989
W.-Y. Chen; R. L. McIlwain; D. H. Miller; C. R. Ng; E. I. Shibata; W. M. Yao; K. Sparks; E. H. Thorndike; M. S. Alam; N. Katayama; I. J. Kim; W. C. Li; X. C. Lou; C. R. Sun; D. Bortoletto; M. Goldberg; N. Horwitz; P. Lubrano; M. D. Mestayer; G. C. Moneti; V. Sharma; I. P. J. Shipsey; T. Skwarnicki; S. E. Csorna; T. Letson; I.C. Brock; T. Ferguson; J. P. Alexander; M. Artuso; C. Bebek
Abstract Using the CLEO detector, we have measured the branching ratios for the exclusive decays of the D s + meson into K ∗0 K + , K 0 K + , and K ∗+ K 0 relative to the decay D s + →φπ + to be close to unity. We have also measured the mass diference between the D s + and D + meson to be 98.5±1.5 MeV/ c 2 .
Physics Letters B | 1987
S. E. Csorna; M. D. Mestayer; R. S. Panvini; G. B. Word; A. Bean; G.J. Bobbink; I. Brock; A. Engler; T. Ferguson; R.W. Kraemer; C. Rippich; H. Vogel; C. Bebek; K. Berkelman; E. Blucher; D. G. Cassel; T. Copie; R. DeSalvo; J. W. DeWire; R. Ehrlich; R. S. Galik; M. Gilchriese; B. Gittelman; S. W. Gray; A. M. Halling; D. L. Hartill; B. K. Heltsley; S. Holzner; M. Ito; J. Kandaswamy
Abstract We have measured the lifetimes of the D0, D+ and Ds+ mesons with data from the CLEO detector. We find τD0 = (5.0 ± 0.7 ± 0.4) × 10−13s, τD+ = (11.4 ± 1.6 ± 0.7) × 10−13s and τDs+ = (4.7 ± 2.2 ± 0.5) × 10−13s, giving lifetime ratios τD+/τD0 = 2.3 ± 0.5 and τDs+/τD0 = 0.9 ± 0.5.
Physical Review Letters | 1986
P. Haas; M. Hempstead; T. Jensen; H. Kagan; R. Kass; S. Behrends; T. Gentile; Jan M. Guida; Joan A. Guida; F. Morrow; R. Poling; C. Rosenfeld; E. H. Thorndike; P. Tipton; J. Green; R. Namjoshi; F. Sannes; R. Stone; M. S. Alam; N. Katayama; I. J. Kim; C. R. Sun; V. Tanikella; D. Bortoletto; A. Chen; L. Garren; M. Goldberg; N. Horwitz; A. Jawahery; P. Lubrano
We present evidence for inclusive F-italic-meson production in B-italic-meson decay. The product branching fraction B-italic(B-italic..-->..F-italicX-italic)B-italic(F-italic/sup +/..-->..phi..pi../sup +/) is measured to be 0.0038 +- 0.010. The F-italic momentum spectrum indicates the presence of a large component of two-body final states in the decay B-italic..-->..F-italicX-italic.
Physical Review D | 1988
D. Bortoletto; M. Goldberg; R. Holmes; N. Horwitz; A. Jawahery; P. Lubrano; G. C. Moneti; V. Sharma; I. P. J. Shipsey; P. Thoma; S. E. Csorna; T. Letson; M. D. Mestayer; R. S. Panvini; G. B. Word; A. Bean; G.J. Bobbink; I. Brock; T. Ferguson; R.W. Kraemer; H. Vogel; C. Bebek; K. Berkelman; E. Blucher; D. G. Cassel; T. Copie; R. DeSalvo; J. W. DeWire; R. Ehrlich; R. S. Galik