D. C. Wilson
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Featured researches published by D. C. Wilson.
Physics of Plasmas | 2011
S. W. Haan; J. D. Lindl; D. A. Callahan; D. S. Clark; J. D. Salmonson; B. A. Hammel; L. J. Atherton; R. Cook; M. J. Edwards; S. H. Glenzer; Alex V. Hamza; S. P. Hatchett; Mark Herrmann; D. E. Hinkel; D. Ho; H. Huang; O. S. Jones; J. L. Kline; G. A. Kyrala; O. L. Landen; B. J. MacGowan; M. M. Marinak; D. D. Meyerhofer; J. L. Milovich; K. A. Moreno; E. I. Moses; David H. Munro; A. Nikroo; R. E. Olson; Kyle Peterson
Point design targets have been specified for the initial ignition campaign on the National Ignition Facility [G. H. Miller, E. I. Moses, and C. R. Wuest, Opt. Eng. 443, 2841 (2004)]. The targets contain D-T fusion fuel in an ablator of either CH with Ge doping, or Be with Cu. These shells are imploded in a U or Au hohlraum with a peak radiation temperature set between 270 and 300 eV. Considerations determining the point design include laser-plasma interactions, hydrodynamic instabilities, laser operations, and target fabrication. Simulations were used to evaluate choices, and to define requirements and specifications. Simulation techniques and their experimental validation are summarized. Simulations were used to estimate the sensitivity of target performance to uncertainties and variations in experimental conditions. A formalism is described that evaluates margin for ignition, summarized in a parameter the Ignition Threshold Factor (ITF). Uncertainty and shot-to-shot variability in ITF are evaluated, and...
Physics of Plasmas | 2011
M. J. Edwards; J. D. Lindl; B. K. Spears; S. V. Weber; L. J. Atherton; D. L. Bleuel; David K. Bradley; D. A. Callahan; Charles Cerjan; D. S. Clark; G. W. Collins; J. Fair; R. J. Fortner; S. H. Glenzer; S. W. Haan; B. A. Hammel; Alex V. Hamza; S. P. Hatchett; N. Izumi; B. Jacoby; O. S. Jones; J. A. Koch; B. J. Kozioziemski; O. L. Landen; R. A. Lerche; B. J. MacGowan; A. J. Mackinnon; E. R. Mapoles; M. M. Marinak; M. J. Moran
Ignition requires precisely controlled, high convergence implosions to assemble a dense shell of deuterium-tritium (DT) fuel with ρR>∼1 g/cm2 surrounding a 10 keV hot spot with ρR ∼ 0.3 g/cm2. A working definition of ignition has been a yield of ∼1 MJ. At this yield the α-particle energy deposited in the fuel would have been ∼200 kJ, which is already ∼10 × more than the kinetic energy of a typical implosion. The National Ignition Campaign includes low yield implosions with dudded fuel layers to study and optimize the hydrodynamic assembly of the fuel in a diagnostics rich environment. The fuel is a mixture of tritium-hydrogen-deuterium (THD) with a density equivalent to DT. The fraction of D can be adjusted to control the neutron yield. Yields of ∼1014−15 14 MeV (primary) neutrons are adequate to diagnose the hot spot as well as the dense fuel properties via down scattering of the primary neutrons. X-ray imaging diagnostics can function in this low yield environment providing additional information about ...
Physics of Plasmas | 1999
T. R. Dittrich; S. W. Haan; M. M. Marinak; Stephen M. Pollaine; D. E. Hinkel; D. H. Munro; C. P. Verdon; George L. Strobel; R. McEachern; R. Cook; C.C. Roberts; D. C. Wilson; P. A. Bradley; Larry R. Foreman; William S. Varnum
Several inertial confinement fusion (ICF) capsule designs have been proposed as possible candidates for achieving ignition by indirect drive on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser [Paisner et al., Laser Focus World 30, 75 (1994)]. This article reviews these designs, their predicted performance using one-, two-, and three-dimensional numerical simulations, and their fabricability. Recent design work at a peak x-ray drive temperature of 250 eV with either 900 or 1300 kJ total laser energy confirms earlier capsule performance estimates [Lindl, Phys. Plasmas 2, 3933 (1995)] that were based on hydrodynamic stability arguments. These simulations at 250 eV and others at the nominal 300 eV drive show that capsules having either copper doped beryllium (Be+Cu) or polyimide (C22H10N2O4) ablators have favorable implosion stability and material fabrication properties. Prototypes of capsules using these ablator materials are being constructed using several techniques: brazing together machined hemishells (Be+Cu)...
Physics of Plasmas | 2011
O. L. Landen; John Edwards; S. W. Haan; H. F. Robey; J. L. Milovich; B. K. Spears; S. V. Weber; D. S. Clark; J. D. Lindl; B. J. MacGowan; E. I. Moses; J. Atherton; Peter A. Amendt; T. R. Boehly; David K. Bradley; David G. Braun; D. A. Callahan; Peter M. Celliers; G. W. Collins; E. L. Dewald; L. Divol; J. A. Frenje; S. H. Glenzer; Alex V. Hamza; B. A. Hammel; D. G. Hicks; Nelson M. Hoffman; N. Izumi; O. S. Jones; J. D. Kilkenny
Capsule performance optimization campaigns will be conducted at the National Ignition Facility [G. H. Miller, E. I. Moses, and C. R. Wuest, Nucl. Fusion 44, 228 (2004)] to substantially increase the probability of ignition. The campaigns will experimentally correct for residual uncertainties in the implosion and hohlraum physics used in our radiation-hydrodynamic computational models using a variety of ignition capsule surrogates before proceeding to cryogenic-layered implosions and ignition experiments. The quantitative goals and technique options and down selections for the tuning campaigns are first explained. The computationally derived sensitivities to key laser and target parameters are compared to simple analytic models to gain further insight into the physics of the tuning techniques. The results of the validation of the tuning techniques at the OMEGA facility [J. M. Soures et al., Phys. Plasmas 3, 2108 (1996)] under scaled hohlraum and capsule conditions relevant to the ignition design are shown ...
Physics of Plasmas | 2012
O. S. Jones; C. Cerjan; M. M. Marinak; J. L. Milovich; H. F. Robey; P. T. Springer; L. R. Benedetti; D. L. Bleuel; E. Bond; D. K. Bradley; D. A. Callahan; J. A. Caggiano; Peter M. Celliers; D. S. Clark; S. M. Dixit; T. Döppner; Rebecca Dylla-Spears; E. G. Dzentitis; D. R. Farley; S. Glenn; S. H. Glenzer; S. W. Haan; B. J. Haid; C. A. Haynam; Damien G. Hicks; B. J. Kozioziemski; K. N. LaFortune; O. L. Landen; E. R. Mapoles; A. J. Mackinnon
A detailed simulation-based model of the June 2011 National Ignition Campaign cryogenic DT experiments is presented. The model is based on integrated hohlraum-capsule simulations that utilize the best available models for the hohlraum wall, ablator, and DT equations of state and opacities. The calculated radiation drive was adjusted by changing the input laser power to match the experimentally measured shock speeds, shock merger times, peak implosion velocity, and bangtime. The crossbeam energy transfer model was tuned to match the measured time-dependent symmetry. Mid-mode mix was included by directly modeling the ablator and ice surface perturbations up to mode 60. Simulated experimental values were extracted from the simulation and compared against the experiment. Although by design the model is able to reproduce the 1D in-flight implosion parameters and low-mode asymmetries, it is not able to accurately predict the measured and inferred stagnation properties and levels of mix. In particular, the measu...
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2006
V. Yu. Glebov; D. D. Meyerhofer; T. C. Sangster; C. Stoeckl; S. Roberts; C. A. Barrera; J. Celeste; Charles Cerjan; Lucile S. Dauffy; David C. Eder; R. L. Griffith; S. W. Haan; B. A. Hammel; S. P. Hatchett; N. Izumi; J. R. Kimbrough; J. A. Koch; O. L. Landen; R. A. Lerche; B. J. MacGowan; M. J. Moran; E. W. Ng; Thomas W. Phillips; P. Song; R. Tommasini; B. K. Young; S. E. Caldwell; Gary P. Grim; S. C. Evans; J. M. Mack
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) will provide up to 1.8MJ of laser energy for imploding inertial confinement fusion (ICF) targets. Ignited NIF targets are expected to produce up to 1019 DT neutrons. This will provide unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the use of nuclear diagnostics in ICF experiments. In 2005, the suite of nuclear-ignition diagnostics for the NIF was defined and they are under development through collaborative efforts at several institutions. This suite includes PROTEX and copper activation for primary yield measurements, a magnetic recoil spectrometer and carbon activation for fuel areal density, neutron time-of-flight detectors for yield and ion temperature, a gamma bang time detector, and neutron imaging systems for primary and downscattered neutrons. An overview of the conceptual design, the developmental status, and recent results of prototype tests on the OMEGA laser will be presented.
Physics of Plasmas | 2011
B. A. Hammel; Howard A. Scott; S. P. Regan; C. Cerjan; D. S. Clark; M. J. Edwards; R. Epstein; S. H. Glenzer; S. W. Haan; N. Izumi; J. A. Koch; G. A. Kyrala; O. L. Landen; S. H. Langer; Kyle Peterson; V. A. Smalyuk; L. J. Suter; D. C. Wilson
High mode number instability growth of “isolated defects” on the surfaces of National Ignition Facility [Moses et al., Phys. Plasmas 16, 041006 (2009)] capsules can be large enough for the perturbation to penetrate the imploding shell, and produce a jet of ablator material that enters the hot-spot. Since internal regions of the CH ablator are doped with Ge, mixing of this material into the hot-spot results in a clear signature of Ge K-shell emission. Evidence of jets entering the hot-spot has been recorded in x-ray images and spectra, consistent with simulation predictions [Hammel et al., High Energy Density Phys. 6, 171 (2010)]. Ignition targets have been designed to minimize instability growth, and capsule fabrication improvements are underway to reduce “isolated defects.” An experimental strategy has been developed where the final requirements for ignition targets can be adjusted through direct measurements of mix and experimental tuning.
Physics of Plasmas | 2014
V. A. Smalyuk; M. A. Barrios; J. A. Caggiano; D. T. Casey; C. Cerjan; D. S. Clark; M. J. Edwards; J. A. Frenje; M. Gatu-Johnson; Vladimir Yu. Glebov; G. P. Grim; S. W. Haan; B. A. Hammel; Alex V. Hamza; D. Hoover; W. W. Hsing; O. A. Hurricane; J. D. Kilkenny; J. L. Kline; J. P. Knauer; J. J. Kroll; O. L. Landen; J. D. Lindl; T. Ma; J. McNaney; M. Mintz; A. S. Moore; A. Nikroo; T. Parham; J. L. Peterson
Hydrodynamic instability growth and its effects on implosion performance were studied at the National Ignition Facility [G. H. Miller, E. I. Moses, and C. R. Wuest, Opt. Eng. 443, 2841 (2004)]. Implosion performance and mix have been measured at peak compression using plastic shells filled with tritium gas and containing embedded localized carbon-deuterium diagnostic layers in various locations in the ablator. Neutron yield and ion temperature of the deuterium-tritium fusion reactions were used as a measure of shell-gas mix, while neutron yield of the tritium-tritium fusion reaction was used as a measure of implosion performance. The results have indicated that the low-mode hydrodynamic instabilities due to surface roughness were the primary culprits for yield degradation, with atomic ablator-gas mix playing a secondary role. In addition, spherical shells with pre-imposed 2D modulations were used to measure instability growth in the acceleration phase of the implosions. The capsules were imploded using ig...
Physics of Plasmas | 1995
Allan A. Hauer; L. Suter; Norman D. Delamater; D. Ress; L. Powers; Glenn Ronald Magelssen; David B. Harris; O. Landen; E. Lindmann; W. Hsing; D. C. Wilson; P. Amendt; R. Thiessen; R. Kopp; D. Phillion; B. Hammel; D. N. Baker; J. M. Wallace; R. Turner; M. Cray; Robert G. Watt; J. Kilkenny; J. M. Mack
Good radiation drive symmetry will be crucial for achieving ignition in laboratory inertial fusion experiments. The indirect‐drive inertial confinement fusion (ICF) method utilizes the soft x‐ray field in a radiation‐containing cavity, or hohlraum, to help achieve a high degree of symmetry. Achievement of the conditions necessary for ignition and gain will require experimental fine tuning of the drive symmetry. In order to make tuning possible, a significant effort has been devoted to developing symmetry measurement techniques. These techniques have been applied to a series of experiments that give a graphic picture of the symmetry conditions in the complex hohlraum environment. These experiments have been compared with detailed, fully integrated theoretical modeling. The ultimate goal of this work is the detailed understanding of symmetry conditions and the methods for their control. Comparison with experiments provides crucial benchmarking for the modeling—a key element in planning for ignition.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2010
H. W. Herrmann; Nelson M. Hoffman; D. C. Wilson; W. Stoeffl; Lucile S. Dauffy; Y. Kim; A. McEvoy; C. S. Young; J. M. Mack; C. J. Horsfield; M. S. Rubery; E. K. Miller; Zaheer Ali
The gamma reaction history (GRH) diagnostic is a multichannel, time-resolved, energy-thresholded γ-ray spectrometer that provides a high-bandwidth, direct-measurement of fusion reaction history in inertial confinement fusion implosion experiments. 16.75 MeV deuterium+tritium (DT) fusion γ-rays, with a branching ratio of the order of 10(-5)γ/(14 MeV n), are detected to determine fundamental burn parameters, such as nuclear bang time and burn width, critical to achieving ignition at the National Ignition Facility. During the tritium/hydrogen/deuterium ignition tuning campaign, an additional γ-ray line at 19.8 MeV, produced by hydrogen+tritium fusion with a branching ratio of unity, will increase the available γ-ray signal and may allow measurement of reacting fuel composition or ion temperature. Ablator areal density measurements with the GRH are also made possible by detection of 4.43 MeV γ-rays produced by inelastic scatter of DT fusion neutrons on (12)C nuclei in the ablating plastic capsule material.