
Nature | 2001

'Inverse' melting of a vortex lattice

Nurit Avraham; Boris Khaykovich; Y. Myasoedov; M. L. Rappaport; Hadas Shtrikman; D. E. Feldman; Tsuyoshi Tamegai; P. H. Kes; Ming Li; M. Konczykowski; C.J. van der Beek; E. Zeldov

Inverse melting is the process in which a crystal reversibly transforms into a liquid or amorphous phase when its temperature is decreased. Such a process is considered to be very rare, and the search for it is often hampered by the formation of non-equilibrium states or intermediate phases. Here we report the discovery of first-order inverse melting of the lattice formed by magnetic flux lines in a high-temperature superconductor. At low temperatures, disorder in the material pins the vortices, preventing the observation of their equilibrium properties and therefore the determination of whether a phase transition occurs. But by using a technique to ‘dither’ the vortices, we were able to equilibrate the lattice, which enabled us to obtain direct thermodynamic evidence of inverse melting of the ordered lattice into a disordered vortex phase as the temperature is decreased. The ordered lattice has larger entropy than the low-temperature disordered phase. The mechanism of the first-order phase transition changes gradually from thermally induced melting at high temperatures to a disorder-induced transition at low temperatures.

Physical Review Letters | 2000

Quasi-long-range order in nematics confined in random porous media

D. E. Feldman

We study the effect of random porous matrices on the ordering in nematic liquid crystals. The randomness destroys orientational long-range order and drives the liquid crystal into a glass state. We predict two glass phases, one of which possesses quasi-long-range order. In this state the correlation length is infinite and the correlation function of the order parameter obeys a power dependence on the distance. The small-angle light-scattering amplitude diverges but slower than in the bulk nematic. In the uniaxially strained porous matrices two new phases emerge. One type of strain induces an anisotropic quasi-long-range-ordered state while the other stabilizes nematic long-range order.

Solid State Communications | 2007

Hopping conduction in disordered carbon nanotubes

D. P. Wang; D. E. Feldman; B. R. Perkins; Aijun Yin; G.H. Wang; Jimmy Xu; A. Zaslavsky

Abstract We report electrical transport measurements on individual disordered multiwalled carbon nanotubes, grown catalytically in a nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide template. In both as-grown and annealed types of nanotubes, the low-field conductance shows an exp [ − ( T 0 / T ) 1 / 2 ] dependence on temperature T , suggesting that hopping conduction is the dominant transport mechanism, albeit with different disorder-related coefficients T 0 . The electric field dependence of low-temperature conductance behaves as exp [ − ( ξ 0 / ξ ) 1 / 2 ] at high electric field ξ at sufficiently low T . Finally, both annealed and unannealed nanotubes exhibit weak positive magnetoresistance at T = 1.7 K . Comparison with theory indicates that our data are best explained by Coulomb-gap variable-range hopping conduction and permits the extraction of disorder-dependent localization length and dielectric constant.

Physical Review B | 2000

Quasi-long-range order in the random anisotropy Heisenberg model: Functional renormalization group in4−εdimensions

D. E. Feldman

The large distance behaviors of the random field and random anisotropy O(N) models are studied with the functional renormalization group in 4-\epsilon dimensions. The random anisotropy Heisenberg (N=3) model is found to have a phase with the infinite correlation radius at low temperatures and weak disorder. The correlation function of the magnetization obeys a power law \sim |x-y|^{-0.62\epsilon}. The magnetic susceptibility diverges at low fields as \chi \sim H^{-1+0.15\epsilon}. In the random field O(N) model the correlation radius is found to be finite at the arbitrarily weak disorder for any N>3. The random field case is studied with a new simple method, based on a rigorous inequality. This approach allows one to avoid the integration of the functional renormalization group equations.

International Journal of Modern Physics B | 2001


D. E. Feldman

We consider glass states of several disordered systems: vortices in impure superconductors, amorphous magnets, and nematic liquid crystals in random porous media. All these systems can be described by the random-field or random-anisotropy O(N) model. Even arbitrarily weak disorder destroys long range order in the O(N) model. We demonstrate that at weak disorder and low temperatures quasi-long range order emerges. In quasi-long-range-ordered phases the correlation length is infinite and correlation functions obey power dependencies on the distance. In pure systems quasi-long range order is possible only in the lower critical dimension and only in the case of Abelian symmetry. In the presence of disorder this type of ordering turns out to be more common. It exists in a range of dimensions and is not prohibited by non-Abelian symmetries.

Physical Review Letters | 2006

Detecting Non-Abelian Statistics with an Electronic Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

D. E. Feldman; Alexei Kitaev

Fractionally charged quasiparticles in the quantum Hall state with a filling factor nu=5/2 are expected to obey non-Abelian statistics. We demonstrate that their statistics can be probed by transport measurements in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The tunneling current through the interferometer exhibits a characteristic dependence on the magnetic flux and a nonanalytic dependence on the tunneling amplitudes which can be controlled by gate voltages.

Nature | 2017

Observed quantization of anyonic heat flow

Mitali Banerjee; M. Heiblum; Amir Rosenblatt; Yuval Oreg; D. E. Feldman; Ady Stern; V. Umansky

The quantum of thermal conductance of ballistic (collisionless) one-dimensional channels is a unique fundamental constant. Although the quantization of the electrical conductance of one-dimensional ballistic conductors has long been experimentally established, demonstrating the quantization of thermal conductance has been challenging as it necessitated an accurate measurement of very small temperature increase. It has been accomplished for weakly interacting systems of phonons, photons and electronic Fermi liquids; however, it should theoretically also hold in strongly interacting systems, such as those in which the fractional quantum Hall effect is observed. This effect describes the fractionalization of electrons into anyons and chargeless quasiparticles, which in some cases can be Majorana fermions. Because the bulk is incompressible in the fractional quantum Hall regime, it is not expected to contribute substantially to the thermal conductance, which is instead determined by chiral, one-dimensional edge modes. The thermal conductance thus reflects the topological properties of the fractional quantum Hall electronic system, to which measurements of the electrical conductance give no access. Here we report measurements of thermal conductance in particle-like (Laughlin–Jain series) states and the more complex (and less studied) hole-like states in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs–AlGaAs heterostructures. Hole-like states, which have fractional Landau-level fillings of 1/2 to 1, support downstream charged modes as well as upstream neutral modes, and are expected to have a thermal conductance that is determined by the net chirality of all of their downstream and upstream edge modes. Our results establish the universality of the quantization of thermal conductance for fractionally charged and neutral modes. Measurements of anyonic heat flow provide access to information that is not easily accessible from measurements of conductance.

Physical Review E | 2004

Liquid crystals in random porous media: Disorder is stronger in low-density aerosils

D. E. Feldman; Robert A. Pelcovits

The nature of glass phases of liquid crystals in random porous media depends on the effective disorder strength. We study how the disorder strength depends on the density of the porous media and demonstrate that it can increase as the density decreases. We also show that the interaction of the liquid crystal with random porous media can destroy long-range order inside the pores.

Physical Review Letters | 2016

Stabilization of the Particle-Hole Pfaffian Order by Landau-Level Mixing and Impurities That Break Particle-Hole Symmetry

Philip Zucker; D. E. Feldman

Numerical results suggest that the quantum Hall effect at ν = 5/2 is described by the Pfaffian or anti-Pfaffian state in the absence of disorder and Landau level mixing. Those states are incompatible with the observed transport properties of GaAs heterostructures, where disorder and Landau level mixing are strong. We show that the recent proposal of a PH-Pfaffian topological order by Son is consistent with all experiments. The absence of the particle-hole symmetry at ν = 5/2 is not an obstacle to the existence of the PH-Pfaffian order since the order is robust to symmetry breaking.Numerical results suggest that the quantum Hall effect at ν=5/2 is described by the Pfaffian or anti-Pfaffian state in the absence of disorder and Landau-level mixing. Those states are incompatible with the observed transport properties of GaAs heterostructures, where disorder and Landau-level mixing are strong. We show that the recent proposal of a particle-hole (PH)-Pfaffian topological order by Son is consistent with all experiments. The absence of particle-hole symmetry at ν=5/2 is not an obstacle to the existence of the PH-Pfaffian order since the order is robust to symmetry breaking.

Physical Review B | 2007

Shot noise in an anyonic Mach-Zehnder interferometer

D. E. Feldman; Yuval Gefen; Alexei Kitaev; Kamtuen Law; Ady Stern

We show how shot noise in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer in the fractional quantum Hall regime probes the charge and statistics of quantum Hall quasiparticles. The dependence of the noise on the magnetic flux through the interferometer allows for a simple way to distinguish Abelian from non-Abelian quasiparticle statistics. In the Abelian case, the Fano factor (in units of the electron charge) is always lower than unity. In the non-Abelian case, the maximal Fano factor as a function of the magnetic flux exceeds 1.

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