D.E. Shipilo
Moscow State University
Physical Review Letters | 2016
V.A. Andreeva; O.G. Kosareva; N.A. Panov; D.E. Shipilo; Petr Solyankin; Mikhail N. Esaulkov; P. González de Alaiza Martínez; A. P. Shkurinov; V.A. Makarov; Luc Bergé; S. L. Chin
We have solved the long-standing problem of the mechanism of terahertz (THz) generation by a two-color filament in air and found that both neutrals and plasma contribute to the radiation. We reveal that the contribution from neutrals by four-wave mixing is much weaker and higher in frequency than the distinctive plasma lower-frequency contribution. The former is in the forward direction while the latter is in a cone and reveals an abrupt down-shift to the plasma frequency. Ring-shaped spatial distributions of the THz radiation are shown to be of universal nature and they occur in both collimated and focusing propagation geometries. Experimental measurements of the frequency-angular spectrum generated by 130-fs laser pulses agree with numerical simulations based on a unidirectional pulse propagation model.
Optics Express | 2015
Arnaud Couairon; O.G. Kosareva; N.A. Panov; D.E. Shipilo; V.A. Andreeva; Vytautas Jukna; F. Nesa
Part of the chain in petawatt laser systems may involve extreme focusing conditions for which nonparaxial and vectorial effects have high impact on the propagation of radiation. We investigate the possibility of using propagation equations to simulate numerically the focal spot under these conditions. We derive a unidirectional propagation equation for the Hertz vector, describing linear and nonlinear propagation under situations where nonparaxial diffraction and vectorial effects become significant. By comparing our simulations to the results of vector diffraction integrals in the case of linear tight-focusing by a parabolic mirror, we establish a practical criterion for the critical f -number below which initializing a propagation equation with a parabolic input phase becomes inaccurate. We propose a method to find suitable input conditions for propagation equations beyond this limit. Extreme focusing conditions are shown to be modeled accurately by means of numerical simulations of the unidirectional Hertz-vector propagation equation initialized with suitable input conditions.
Laser Physics Letters | 2016
D.E. Shipilo; N.A. Panov; E. S. Sunchugasheva; D. V. Mokrousova; V.A. Andreeva; O.G. Kosareva; L. V. Seleznev; A. B. Savel’ev; A. A. Ionin; S. L. Chin
The fusion of several coherent 800 nm femtosecond filaments is induced experimentally and numerically by transmitting a beam through a mask with circular apertures followed by the focusing lens. The far-field image of the four-filament fusion region reveals bright on-axis maximum and differs drastically from the diffraction pattern of a low energy beam propagating through the mask in the linear regime. In 3D+time numerical simulations with the carrier wave resolved we show a factor-of-5 saturable growth in the peak plasma density with successive increase in the number of mask openings. An overall spectral blueshift of the fundamental and the third harmonics follows the plasma density increase. The simulated far-field on-axis emission agrees with the experiment and serves as the indication of nonlinear interaction in the fusion region.
Optics Express | 2017
D.E. Shipilo; N.A. Panov; E. S. Sunchugasheva; D. V. Mokrousova; A. V. Shutov; V. D. Zvorykin; N.N. Ustinovskii; L. V. Seleznev; A. B. Savel’ev; O.G. Kosareva; S. L. Chin; A. A. Ionin
A technique is presented to create uninterrupted long ultraviolet filaments in air using appropriately structured transmission mesh. The mesh with different cell sizes was inserted into 10-cm parallel beam of 0.2-J, 248-nm, and 870-fs pulse propagating along ~100-m corridor. Transverse positions of multiple filaments formed by the optimum size cells were reproducible within at least 15 m along the propagation path. 3D+time simulations confirmed uninterrupted plasma channels with fixed positions in the transverse space similar to the experiment. Unoptimized cell size resulted in filaments shifting towards the cell center and destruction of uninterrupted filaments.
Jetp Letters | 2017
A. A. Ushakov; M. Matoba; N. Nemoto; N. Kanda; K. Konishi; P. A. Chizhov; N.A. Panov; D.E. Shipilo; V. V. Bukin; Makoto Kuwata-Gonokami; J. Yumoto; O.G. Kosareva; S. V. Garnov; A. B. Savel’ev
We report the first experimental observation of backward terahertz emission from the two-color laser induced plasma filament in air. The ratio of measured forward-to-backward terahertz radiation is ∼25/1. This result agrees with numerical simulations based on interferometric model assuming 0.3 mm long plasma source.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2017
D.E. Shipilo; Nicolay Panov; V.A. Andreeva; O.G. Kosareva; Alexander M. Saletski; Huailiang Xu; Pavel Polynkin
The mid-infrared OPCPA-based laser facilities have recently reached the critical power for self-focusing in air [1]. This ensures the demonstration of the major difference between the mid- and near-infrared filamentation in air: the odd optical harmonics, harshly suppressed by the material dispersion and phase-mismatch in the near-infrared (800 nm), gain reliable energies in the mid-infrared (3.9 µm) filament [1,2]. Another issue that makes mid-infrared filamentation different from the near-infrared one is a lot of molecular vibrational lines belonging to atmospheric constituents and located in the mid-infrared range [3]. As the result the mid-infrared region of interest becomes subdivided into the bands of normal and anomalous dispersion, the former of which leads to the pulse splitting in temporal domain, while the latter produces the confined light bullet. We simulate the 3.9-µm filamentation using Forward Maxwell equation. We include the tunnel ionization and transient photocurrent as the collapse arresting mechanism, which balances dynamically the instantaneous third-order medium response (similarly to 800-nm filamentation). The key feature that allows us to quantify the losses due to absorption bands is the accurate account of the complex linear absorption index. The absorption index obtained from Mathar model [3] is interpolated to the fine frequency grid (step of about 0.1 THz), and the refractive index is matched according to Kramers-Krönig relations [4]. If the initial Gaussian pulse has a center wavelength of 3.9 µm and a duration of 80 fs FWHM, the energy loss in the carbon dioxide (CO_2) absorption band at 4.3 µm is about 1% in the linear propagation regime. But when we take the 80-mJ pulse (about 3 critical powers for self-focusing), the Kerr-induced spectral broadening develops significantly before the clamping level of intensity is reached. In the collimated beam geometry about 2% of the initial pulse energy is absorbed on the CO_2 band before the filament is formed. In the developed filament all the partial losses due to plasma, harmonic generation and absorption on vibrational lines grow up rapidly with the propagation distance, and the absorption on vibrational lines overwhelms all the rest ones. Indeed the new mechanism is revealed – the linear absorption is enhanced by the nonlinear spectral broadening. Thus, the nonlinearly enhanced linear absorption (NELA) is formed. The rotational transitions are estimated to consume as much energy as the free electron generation mechanism [5], which is less than NELA for 3.9-µm filament. In conclusion, in the 3.9-µm filament the excitations of molecular absorption lines are estimated to provide the major optical losses in the atmosphere as compared with plasma and high-frequency conversion. [1] A. V. Mitrofanov et al., Sci. Rep. 5, 8368 (2015). [2] P. Panagiotopoulos et al., Nat. Photonics 9, 543 (2015). [3] R. J. Mathar, Appl. Opt. 43, 928 (2004). [4] N. A. Panov et al., Phys. Rev. A 94, 041801 (2016). [5] S. Zahedpour et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 143601 (2014).
Archive | 2017
O.G. Kosareva; V.A. Andreeva; D.E. Shipilo; A. B. Savel’ev; A. P. Shkurinov; V.P. Kandidov; V.A. Makarov
The phenomenon of ultrashort laser-pulse filamentation in transparent gases and liquids is represented by the localization of laser energy in a thin string of light called filament. This string is created under the joint action of radiation self-focusing and defocusing in the plasma, which is produced by the same propagating laser pulse that limits the self-focusing collapse. Ultrashort filamenting pulse emits continuum spanning from ultraviolet to terahertz range. The origin of low-frequency terahertz (THz) radiation (0-15 THz) originates from the ionization-induced photocurrent, while the higher-frequency THz radiation comes from the Kerr nonlinearity of neutral molecules.
international conference laser optics | 2016
V.A. Andreeva; Mikhail N. Esaulkov; N.A. Panov; Petr Solyankin; V.A. Makarov; D.E. Shipilo; A. P. Shkurinov; O.G. Kosareva; S. L. Chin
We examined experimentally and theoretically polarization of THz radiation generated during dual-color (800nm+400nm) co-propagation of high-peak-power femtosecond laser pulses in gases. We reveal that THz radiation polarization is predominantly defined by the generation of the nonlinear photocurrent in the self - induced laser plasma and remains relatively stable with respect to the change of the initial polarization angle between the 800 nm and 400 nm light fields.
international conference laser optics | 2016
V.A. Andreeva; A. A. Ionin; O.G. Kosareva; D. V. Mokrousova; N.A. Panov; A. B. Savel'ev; L. V. Seleznev; D.E. Shipilo; E. S. Sunchugasheva
The interaction of four focused beams under filamentation was studied both experimentally and numerically. In this case single axial filament formation near the geometrical focus of the system takes place.
High-Power Lasers 2016: Technology and Systems | 2016
V.V. Pankratov; D.E. Shipilo; M.M. Yandulsky; N.A. Panov; O.G. Kosareva
We develop the model of the acoustic wave emission by the femtosecond filament and the model of optical nanosecond pulse guiding in the transient waveguide created as a result of interference of acoustic waves diverging from the filaments array. The numerical algorithms and appropriate solvers are created. In the simulation we identify two regions of time delays between the femtosecond pulse launching the acoustic waves and the nanosecond guided pulse, where the optical guiding is achieved with the high and moderate quality.