D. E. Watkins
Los Alamos National Laboratory
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | 1990
D. E. Watkins; Andrew M. Scott; Kevin D. Ridley
The threshold for instability in Brillouin-enhanced four-wave mixing has been experimentally determined as a function of both the phase mismatch and the ratio of the pump beam intensities and is shown to agree with theoretical modeling. The effective input noise intensity for four-wave mixing in the unstable regime is compared to the noise in a stimulated Brillouin scattering amplifier and is found to be higher by a factor of three in the forward direction. Competition between two input signals has been investigated, and it is shown that the signal which arrives first dominates the interaction in the unstable regime. >
Journal of the Optical Society of America | 1983
D. E. Watkins; C. R. Phipps
We present the results of degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) studies in three samples of p-type Ge with a wide range of absorptive properties. Three mechanisms for DFWM are observed in this material. A model, which includes the mechanisms of the inhomogeneously broadened saturable absorption of p-type Ge and the optical Kerr effect that is due to bound electrons in Ge but not the mechanism of bulk plasma formation that occurs only at extremely high pump intensities, is developed and compared with the experimental results. Pump-beam attenuation by the medium is shown to be an important effect in modeling DFWM. The model, which has no free parameters, fits the experimental data well for samples with small-signal transmission of greater than 20%.
Journal of the Optical Society of America | 1990
Andrew M. Scott; D. E. Watkins; Paul R. Tapster
conference on lasers and electro-optics | 1990
D. E. Watkins; A. M. Scott; K. D. Ridley
conference on lasers and electro-optics | 1989
K. D. Ridley; A. M. Scott; D. E. Watkins
Journal of the Optical Society of America | 1989
D. E. Watkins; Kevin D. Ridley; Andrew M. Scott
conference on lasers and electro-optics | 1988
Norman A. Kurnit; E. L. Sklar; John M. Telle; S. J. Thomas; D. E. Watkins; Julius Goldhar
Journal of the Optical Society of America | 1983
D. E. Watkins; Claude R. Phipps; William W. Rigrod
Journal of the Optical Society of America | 1983
D. E. Watkins; C. R. Phipps; William W. Rigrod
Journal of the Optical Society of America | 1980
D. E. Watkins; Scott J. Thomas; J. F. Figueira