
Featured researches published by D. F. Baker.

Nature | 2001

Recent patterns and mechanisms of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems

David S. Schimel; Joanna Isobel House; K. Hibbard; P. Bousquet; Philippe Ciais; Philippe Peylin; Bobby H. Braswell; Mike Apps; D. F. Baker; Alberte Bondeau; Josep G. Canadell; Galina Churkina; Wolfgang Cramer; A. S. Denning; Christopher B. Field; Pierre Friedlingstein; Christine L. Goodale; Martin Heimann; R. A. Houghton; Jerry M. Melillo; Berrien Moore; Daniel Murdiyarso; Ian R. Noble; Stephen W. Pacala; I. C. Prentice; M. R. Raupach; P. J. Rayner; Robert J. Scholes; Will Steffen; Christian Wirth

Knowledge of carbon exchange between the atmosphere, land and the oceans is important, given that the terrestrial and marine environments are currently absorbing about half of the carbon dioxide that is emitted by fossil-fuel combustion. This carbon uptake is therefore limiting the extent of atmospheric and climatic change, but its long-term nature remains uncertain. Here we provide an overview of the current state of knowledge of global and regional patterns of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems. Atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen data confirm that the terrestrial biosphere was largely neutral with respect to net carbon exchange during the 1980s, but became a net carbon sink in the 1990s. This recent sink can be largely attributed to northern extratropical areas, and is roughly split between North America and Eurasia. Tropical land areas, however, were approximately in balance with respect to carbon exchange, implying a carbon sink that offset emissions due to tropical deforestation. The evolution of the terrestrial carbon sink is largely the result of changes in land use over time, such as regrowth on abandoned agricultural land and fire prevention, in addition to responses to environmental changes, such as longer growing seasons, and fertilization by carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Nevertheless, there remain considerable uncertainties as to the magnitude of the sink in different regions and the contribution of different processes.

Nature | 2002

Towards robust regional estimates of CO2 sources and sinks using atmospheric transport models

Kevin Robert Gurney; R. M. Law; A. S. Denning; P. J. Rayner; D. F. Baker; P. Bousquet; L. Bruhwiler; Yu-Han Chen; Philippe Ciais; S. Fan; Inez Y. Fung; Manuel Gloor; Martin Heimann; K. Higuchi; J. John; Takashi Maki; S. Maksyutov; Kenneth A. Masarie; P. Peylin; Michael J. Prather; B. C. Pak; J. Randerson; J. Sarmiento; S. Taguchi; Tomoyuki Takahashi; C.-W. Yuen

Information about regional carbon sources and sinks can be derived from variations in observed atmospheric CO2 concentrations via inverse modelling with atmospheric tracer transport models. A consensus has not yet been reached regarding the sizexa0and distribution of regional carbon fluxes obtained using this approach, partly owing to the use of several different atmospheric transport models. Here we report estimates of surface–atmosphere CO2 fluxes from an intercomparison of atmospheric CO2 inversion models (the TransCom 3 project), which includes 16 transport models and model variants. We find an uptake of CO2 in the southern extratropical ocean less than that estimated from ocean measurements, a result that is not sensitive to transport models or methodological approaches. We also find a northern land carbon sink that is distributed relatively evenly among the continents of the Northern Hemisphere, but these results show some sensitivity to transport differences among models, especially in how they respond to seasonal terrestrial exchange of CO2. Overall, carbon fluxes integrated over latitudinal zones are strongly constrained by observations in the middle to high latitudes. Further significant constraints to our understanding of regional carbon fluxes will therefore require improvements in transport models and expansion of the CO2 observation network within the tropics.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 2004

Transcom 3 inversion intercomparison: Model mean results for the estimation of seasonal carbon sources and sinks

Kevin Robert Gurney; R. M. Law; A. Scott Denning; P. J. Rayner; Bernard Pak; D. F. Baker; P. Bousquet; Lori Bruhwiler; Yu Han Chen; Philippe Ciais; Inez Y. Fung; Martin Heimann; Jasmin G. John; Takashi Maki; Shamil Maksyutov; Philippe Peylin; Michael J. Prather; Shoichi Taguchi

[1] The TransCom 3 experiment was begun to explore the estimation of carbon sources and sinks via the inversion of simulated tracer transport. We build upon previous TransCom work by presenting the seasonal inverse results which provide estimates of carbon flux for 11 land and 11 ocean regions using 12 atmospheric transport models. The monthly fluxes represent the mean seasonal cycle for the 1992 to 1996 time period. The spread among the model results is larger than the average of their estimated flux uncertainty in the northern extratropics and vice versa in the tropical regions. In the northern land regions, the model spread is largest during the growing season. Compared to a seasonally balanced biosphere prior flux generated by the CASA model, we find significant changes to the carbon exchange in the European region with greater growing season net uptake which persists into the fall months. Both Boreal North America and Boreal Asia show lessened net uptake at the onset of the growing season with Boreal Asia also exhibiting greater peak growing season net uptake. Temperate Asia shows a dramatic springward shift in the peak timing of growing season net uptake relative to the neutral CASA flux while Temperate North America exhibits a broad flattening of the seasonal cycle. In most of the ocean regions, the inverse fluxes exhibit much greater seasonality than that implied by the DpCO2 derived fluxes though this may be due, in part, to misallocation of adjacent land flux. In the Southern Ocean, the austral spring and fall exhibits much less carbon uptake than implied by DpCO2 derived fluxes. Sensitivity testing indicates that the inverse estimates are not overly influenced by the prior flux choices. Considerable agreement exists between the model mean, annual mean results of this study and that of the previously published TransCom annual mean inversion. The differences that do exist are in poorly constrained regions and tend to exhibit compensatory fluxes in order to match the global mass constraint. The differences between the estimated fluxes and the prior model over the northern land regions could be due to the prior model respiration response to temperature. Significant phase differences, such as that in the Temperate Asia region, may be due to the limited observations for that region. Finally, differences in the boreal land regions between the prior model and the estimated fluxes may be a reflection of the timing of spring thaw and an imbalance in respiration versus photosynthesis. INDEX TERMS: 0322 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Constituent sources and sinks; 1615 Global Change: Biogeochemical processes (4805); 0315 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Biosphere/atmosphere interactions; KEYWORDS: carbon transport, inversion

Carbon Balance and Management | 2007

Africa and the global carbon cycle

Christopher A. Williams; Niall P. Hanan; Jason C. Neff; Robert J. Scholes; Joseph A. Berry; A. Scott Denning; D. F. Baker

The African continent has a large and growing role in the global carbon cycle, with potentially important climate change implications. However, the sparse observation network in and around the African continent means that Africa is one of the weakest links in our understanding of the global carbon cycle. Here, we combine data from regional and global inventories as well as forward and inverse model analyses to appraise what is known about Africas continental-scale carbon dynamics. With low fossil emissions and productivity that largely compensates respiration, land conversion is Africas primary net carbon release, much of it through burning of forests. Savanna fire emissions, though large, represent a short-term source that is offset by ensuing regrowth. While current data suggest a near zero decadal-scale carbon balance, interannual climate fluctuations (especially drought) induce sizeable variability in net ecosystem productivity and savanna fire emissions such that Africa is a major source of interannual variability in global atmospheric CO2. Considering the continents sizeable carbon stocks, their seemingly high vulnerability to anticipated climate and land use change, as well as growing populations and industrialization, Africas carbon emissions and their interannual variability are likely to undergo substantial increases through the 21st century.

Nature | 2002

Carbon cycle: The wildfire factor

David S. Schimel; D. F. Baker

Events such as wildfires, occurring on a tiny area of the globe, can have a huge impact on the global carbon cycle. This much is plain from investigation of the terrible fires that afflicted Indonesia five years ago.

Tellus B | 2006

Variational data assimilation for atmospheric CO2

D. F. Baker; Scott C. Doney; David S. Schimel

The sources and sinks of important climatic trace gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) are often deduced from spatial and temporal variations in atmospheric concentrations. Reducing uncertainties in our understanding of the contemporary carbon budget and its underlying dynamics, however, requires significantly denser observations globally than is practical with in situ measurements. Space-based measurements appear technically feasible but require innovations in data analysis approaches.We develop a variational data assimilation scheme to estimate surface CO2 fluxes at fine time/space scales from such dense atmospheric data. Global flux estimates at a daily time step and model-grid spatial resolution (4◦ × 5◦ here) are rapidly achieved after only a few dozen minimization steps.We quantify the flux errors from existing, planned and hypothetical surface and space-borne observing systems. Simulations show that the planned NASA Orbital Carbon Observatory (OCO) satellite should provide significant additional information beyond that from existing and proposed in situ observations. Improvements in data assimilation techniques and in mechanistic process models are both needed to fully exploit the emerging global carbon observing system.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 2008

Interannual variations in continental‐scale net carbon exchange and sensitivity to observing networks estimated from atmospheric CO2 inversions for the period 1980 to 2005

Kevin Robert Gurney; D. F. Baker; P. J. Rayner; S. S. Denning

[1]xa0Interannually varying net carbon exchange fluxes from the TransCom 3 Level 2 Atmospheric Inversion Intercomparison Experiment are presented for the 1980 to 2005 time period. The fluxes represent the model mean, net carbon exchange for 11 land and 11 ocean regions after subtraction of fossil fuel CO2 emissions. Both aggregated regional totals and the individual regional estimates are accompanied by a model uncertainty and model spread. We find that interannual variability is larger on the land than the ocean, with total land exchange correlated to the timing of both El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) as well as the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. The post-Pinatubo negative flux anomaly is evident across much of the tropical and northern extratropical land regions. In the oceans, the tropics tend to exhibit the greatest level of interannual variability, while on land, the interannual variability is slightly greater in the tropics and northern extratropics. The interannual variation in carbon flux estimates aggregated by land and ocean across latitudinal bands remains consistent across eight different CO2 observing networks. The interannual variation in carbon flux estimates for individual flux regions remains mostly consistent across the individual observing networks. At all scales, there is considerable consistency in the interannual variations among the 13 participating model groups. Finally, consistent with other studies using different techniques, we find a considerable positive net carbon flux anomaly in the tropical land during the period of the large ENSO in 1997/1998 which is evident in the Tropical Asia, Temperate Asia, Northern African, and Southern Africa land regions. Negative anomalies are estimated for the East Pacific Ocean and South Pacific Ocean regions. Earlier ENSO events of the 1980s are most evident in southern land positive flux anomalies.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2008

Contribution of ocean, fossil fuel, land biosphere, and biomass burning carbon fluxes to seasonal and interannual variability in atmospheric CO2

Cynthia D. Nevison; Natalie M. Mahowald; Scott C. Doney; Ivan D. Lima; Guido R. van der Werf; James T. Randerson; D. F. Baker; Prasad S. Kasibhatla; Galen A. McKinley

Seasonal and interannual variability in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations was simulated using fluxes from fossil fuel, ocean and terrestrial biogeochemical models, and a tracer transport model with time-varying winds. The atmospheric CO2 variability resulting from these surface fluxes was compared to observations from 89 GLOBALVIEW monitoring stations. At northern hemisphere stations, the model simulations captured most of the observed seasonal cycle in atmospheric CO2, with the land tracer accounting for the majority of the signal. The ocean tracer was 3–6 months out of phase with the observed cycle at these stations and had a seasonal amplitude only ∼10% on average of observed. Model and observed interannual CO2 growth anomalies were only moderately well correlated in the northern hemisphere (R ∼ 0.4–0.8), and more poorly correlated in the southern hemisphere (R < 0.6). Land dominated the interannual variability (IAV) in the northern hemisphere, and biomass burning in particular accounted for much of the strong positive CO2 growth anomaly observed during the 1997–1998 El Nino event. The signals in atmospheric CO2 from the terrestrial biosphere extended throughout the southern hemisphere, but oceanic fluxes also exerted a strong influence there, accounting for roughly half of the IAV at many extratropical stations. However, the modeled ocean tracer was generally uncorrelated with observations in either hemisphere from 1979–2004, except during the weak El Nino/post-Pinatubo period of the early 1990s. During that time, model results suggested that the ocean may have accounted for 20–25% of the observed slowdown in the atmospheric CO2 growth rate

Geophysical Research Letters | 2006

Sensitivity of inverse estimation of annual mean CO2 sources and sinks to ocean-only sites versus all-sites observational networks

Prabir K. Patra; Kevin Robert Gurney; A. Scott Denning; Shamil Maksyutov; Takakiyo Nakazawa; D. F. Baker; P. Bousquet; Lori Bruhwiler; Yu Han Chen; Philippe Ciais; Song-Miao Fan; Inez Y. Fung; Manuel Gloor; Martin Heimann; Kaz Higuchi; Jasmin G. John; R. M. Law; Takashi Maki; Bernard Pak; Philippe Peylin; Michael J. Prather; P. J. Rayner; Jorge L. Sarmiento; Shoichi Taguchi; Taro Takahashi; Chiu Wai Yuen

[1]xa0Inverse estimation of carbon dioxide (CO2) sources and sinks uses atmospheric CO2 observations, mostly made near the Earths surface. However, transport models used in such studies lack perfect representation of atmospheric dynamics and thus often fail to produce unbiased forward simulations. The error is generally larger for observations over the land than those over the remote/marine locations. The range of this error is estimated by using multiple transport models (16 are used here). We have estimated the remaining differences in CO2 fluxes due to the use of ocean-only versus all-sites (i.e., over ocean and land) observations of CO2 in a time-independent inverse modeling framework. The fluxes estimated using the ocean-only networks are more robust compared to those obtained using all-sites networks. This makes the global, hemispheric, and regional flux determination less dependent on the selection of transport model and observation network.

Science | 2012

Iconic CO2 Time Series at Risk

Sander Houweling; Bakr Badawy; D. F. Baker; Sourish Basu; Dmitry Belikov; P. Bergamaschi; P. Bousquet; Grégoire Broquet; Tim Butler; Josep G. Canadell; Jing M. Chen; F. Chevallier; Philippe Ciais; G. James Collatz; Scott Denning; Richard J. Engelen; I. G. Enting; Marc L. Fischer; A. Fraser; Christoph Gerbig; Manuel Gloor; Andrew R. Jacobson; Dylan B. A. Jones; Martin Heimann; Aslam Khalil; Thomas Kaminski; Prasad S. Kasibhatla; Nir Y. Krakauer; M. Krol; Takashi Maki

The steady rise in atmospheric long-lived greenhouse gas concentrations is the main driver of contemporary climate change. The Mauna Loa CO2 time series (1, 2), started by C. D. Keeling in 1958 and maintained today by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) of NOAA, is iconic evidence of the effect of human-caused fossil fuel and land-use change emissions on the atmospheric increase of CO2. The continuity of such records depends critically on having stable funding, which is challenging to maintain in the context of 3- to 4-year research grant funding cycles (3), and is currently threatened by the financial crisis. The ESRL Global Monitoring Division maintains a network of about 100 surface and aircraft sites worldwide at which whole air samples are collected approximately every week for analysis of CO2, CH4, CO, halocarbons, and many other chemical species (4). This is complemented by high-frequency measurements at the Mauna Loa, Barrow, American Samoa, and South Pole observatories, and about 10 North American tall towers. The success of the NOAA program has inspired similar efforts in Europe (5), China (6), India (7), and Brazil (8), with the United Nations World Meteorological Organization providing guidance and precision requirements through the Global Atmosphere Watch program (9), but no funding. The data collected by NOAA and its worldwide partners have been used not only to demonstrate the unassailable rise of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, but also to infer the magnitudes, locations, and times of surface-atmosphere exchange of those gases based on small concentration gradients between sites (10). Important findings from analysis of these records include the detection of a significant terrestrial carbon sink at northern mid-latitudes (11) and subsequent research aimed at identifying the mechanisms by which that sink must operate. Long-term, high-quality, atmospheric measurements are crucial for quantifying trends in greenhouse gas fluxes and attributing them to fossil fuel emissions, changes in land-use and management, or the response of natural land and ocean ecosystems to climate change and elevated CO2 concentrations. Greenhouse gas measurements along tall towers in the interior continents allow quantification of regional sources and sinks, which has a very high relevance for measuring the effectiveness of climate policy. NOAA ESRL provides measurements that are critical for the U.S. national security in that they provide independent verification and early warning of changing greenhouse gas emissions from countries involved in efforts to mitigate greenhouse gases. Dedicated carbon-observing satellites such as GOSAT and OCO-2 are needed to fill in the missing geographical information required for verification of carbon flux mitigation efforts. However, satellite retrievals do not yet provide sufficient information to deliver new constraints on surface fluxes, although quick progress is being made in this direction. In situ observations are crucial for anchoring space-borne measurements, for detecting potential biases of remote sensing techniques, and for providing continuity given the finite lifetime of satellites. Despite the growing importance of greenhouse gas observations to humanity, substantial budget cuts at NOAA have resulted in curtailment of our ability to observe and understand changes to the global carbon cycle. Already, a dozen surface flask-sampling sites have been removed from NOAAs operational network and aircraft profiling sites have been eliminated and reduced in frequency at the remaining NOAA sites. The planned growth in the tall tower program has stopped, and plans for closing some towers are being developed. The U.S. budget process in this election year, with the added risk of mandatory across-the-board cuts due to the 2011 Budget Control Act, foretells more bleak news for greenhouse gas monitoring at NOAA and could cause further retreat from the goal of recording ongoing changes in atmospheric composition. As scientists, we believe that preserving the continuity of these vital time series must remain a priority for U.S. carbon cycle research.

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