D. J. McComas
Southwest Research Institute
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Featured researches published by D. J. McComas.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1993
D. J. McComas; S. J. Bame; B. L. Barraclough; J. R. Donart; R. C. Elphic; J. T. Gosling; Mark B. Moldwin; K. R. Moore; M. F. Thomsen
The first three magnetospheric plasma analyzer (MPA) instruments have been returning data from geosynchronous orbit nearly continuously since late 1989, 1990, and 1991. These identical instruments provide for the first time simultaneous plasma observations from three widely spaced geosynchronous locations. The MPA instruments measure the three-dimensional velocity space distributions of both electrons and ions with energies between ∼1 eV/q and ∼40 keV/q. MPA capabilities and observations are summarized in this paper. We use the simultaneous observations from three longitudinally separated spacecraft to synthesize a synoptic view of the morphology of the magnetosphere at geosynchronous orbit over a 6-week interval in early 1992. The MPA observations indicate that the spacecraft encountered seven regions with characteristic plasma populations during this period: (1) the cool, dense plasmasphere (13.1% of the data); (2) a warmer, less dense plasma trough (22.5%); (3) the hot plasma sheet (40.3%); (4) a combination of plasma trough and plasma sheet (18.6%); (5) an empty trough region, devoid of plasma sheet, plasmasphere, or plasma trough populations (4.3%); (6) the magnetosheath and/or low-latitude boundary layer (0.7%); and (7) the lobe (0.3%). The local time distributions of these regions are examined. For example, as suggested by previous authors, we find that at geomagnetically quiet times (Kp < 2) geosynchronous orbit can lie entirely within the plasmasphere while at more active times only the afternoon to evening portions of the orbit are typically within the plasmasphere. We also find that the plasma convection inside the plasmasphere is generally sunward in the corotating (geosynchronous spacecraft) reference frame, independent of activity level, in contrast to previous studies. In addition to such statistical results, the simultaneous data sets at different local times allow us to at least partially separate spatial from temporal variations. In particular, we use these observations to examine the instantaneous shapes of the plasmapause and magnetopause as they pass over geosynchronous orbit. As expected, the plasmapause is found to have a highly variable shape, at various times showing (1) a stable dusk side bulge, (2) a variable bulge which expands, contracts, and moves, (3) an overall expansion and contraction of the plasmasphere, and (4) even more complicated behavior which is best accounted for by large-scale structure of the plasmapause and/or disconnected plasma blobs. During the 6 weeks of data examined, the magnetosheath was encountered on several occasions at synchronous orbit, preferentially on the prenoon side of the magnetosphere. For the first time, simultaneous prenoon and postnoon observations confirm this asymmetry and demonstrate that the magnetopause shape can be highly asymmetric about the Earth-Sun line.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
J. Heerikhuisen; N. V. Pogorelov; G. P. Zank; Geoffrey Crew; Priscilla C. Frisch; H. O. Funsten; Paul Henry Janzen; D. J. McComas; Daniel B. Reisenfeld; N. A. Schwadron
First data from NASAs Interstellar Boundary EXplorer (IBEX) mission show a striking ribbon feature of enhanced energetic neutral atom (ENA) emission. The enhancement in flux is between 2 and 3 times greater than adjacent regions of the sky. Yet the spectral index of ENAs appears to be the same both inside and outside the ribbon. While the ribbon itself was not predicted by any models of the heliospheric interface, its geometry appears to be related to the predicted interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) outside the heliopause (HP). In this Letter, we examine a process of ENA emission from the outer heliosheath, based on a source population of non-isotropic pick-up ions that themselves originate as ENAs from inside the HP. We find that our simplistic approach yields a ribbon of enhanced ENA fluxes as viewed from the inner heliosphere with a spatial location and ENA flux similar to the IBEX measurements, with the provision that the ions retain a partial shell distribution long enough for the ions to be neutralized. As a corollary, our idealized simulation of this mechanism suggests that ISMF is likely oriented close to the center of the observed ribbon.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
N. A. Schwadron; F. Allegrini; M. Bzowski; E. R. Christian; Geoffrey Crew; M. A. Dayeh; Robert DeMajistre; Priscilla C. Frisch; H. O. Funsten; S. A. Fuselier; K. Goodrich; Mike Gruntman; Paul Henry Janzen; Harald Kucharek; G. Livadiotis; D. J. McComas; Eberhard Moebius; C. Prested; Daniel B. Reisenfeld; M. Reno; E. Roelof; J. Siegel; R. Vanderspek
The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) observes a remarkable feature, the IBEX ribbon, which has energetic neutral atom (ENA) flux over a narrow region ~20° wide, a factor of 2-3 higher than the more globally distributed ENA flux. Here, we separate ENA emissions in the ribbon from the distributed flux by applying a transparency mask over the ribbon and regions of high emissions, and then solve for the distributed flux using an interpolation scheme. Our analysis shows that the energy spectrum and spatial distribution of the ribbon are distinct from the surrounding globally distributed flux. The ribbon energy spectrum shows a knee between ~1 and 4 keV, and the angular distribution is approximately independent of energy. In contrast, the distributed flux does not show a clear knee and more closely conforms to a power law over much of the sky. Consistent with previous analyses, the slope of the power law steepens from the nose to tail, suggesting a weaker termination shock toward the tail as compared to the nose. The knee in the energy spectrum of the ribbon suggests that its source plasma population is generated via a distinct physical process. Both the slope in the energy distribution of the distributed flux and the knee in the energy distribution of the ribbon are ordered by latitude. The heliotail may be identified in maps of globally distributed flux as a broad region of low flux centered ~44°W of the interstellar downwind direction, suggesting heliotail deflection by the interstellar magnetic field.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
D. J. McComas; N. Angold; H. A. Elliott; G. Livadiotis; N. A. Schwadron; R. M. Skoug; Charles W. Smith
The last solar minimum, which extended into 2009, was especially deep and prolonged. Since then, sunspot activity has gone through a very small peak while the heliospheric current sheet achieved large tilt angles similar to prior solar maxima. The solar wind fluid properties and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) have declined through the prolonged solar minimum and continued to be low through the current mini solar maximum. Compared to values typically observed from the mid-1970s through the mid-1990s, the following proton parameters are lower on average from 2009 through day 79 of 2013: solar wind speed and beta (~11%), temperature (~40%), thermal pressure (~55%), mass flux (~34%), momentum flux or dynamic pressure (~41%), energy flux (~48%), IMF magnitude (~31%), and radial component of the IMF (~38%). These results have important implications for the solar winds interaction with planetary magnetospheres and the heliospheres interaction with the local interstellar medium, with the proton dynamic pressure remaining near the lowest values observed in the space age: ~1.4 nPa, compared to ~2.4 nPa typically observed from the mid-1970s through the mid-1990s. The combination of lower magnetic flux emergence from the Sun (carried out in the solar wind as the IMF) and associated low power in the solar wind points to the causal relationship between them. Our results indicate that the low solar wind output is driven by an internal trend in the Sun that is longer than the ~11 yr solar cycle, and they suggest that this current weak solar maximum is driven by the same trend.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1995
M. Neugebauer; B. E. Goldstein; D. J. McComas; S. T. Suess; A. Balogh
During its south polar passage in 1994, the Ulysses spacecraft continuously sampled the properties of the solar wind emanating from the south polar coronal hole. At latitudes poleward of ∼−60°, the solar wind speed had an average value of 764 km/s and a range of 700–833 km/s. The principal variations in the vector velocity were associated with either outward propagating Alfven waves with periods up to about half a day or with longer-period high- or low-speed “microstreams.” The microstreams had an amplitude of ∼40 km/s and a mean half width of 0.4 days, and they recurred on timescales of 2–3 days (power spectral peaks at 1.9 and 3.3 days). The density and temperature profiles showed the expected evidence of pileup and compression on the leading edges of high-speed microstreams, although no forward or reverse shocks were observed. The particle fluxes were nearly the same for both the fast and slow microstreams. The higher-speed microstreams had higher proton temperatures and higher alpha-particle abundances than did the slower microstreams. The absence of latitude variations in the thickness or the recurrence rate suggests that the microstreams are caused by temporal rather than long lived (> a few days) spatial variations in the source region at the Sun. Some speculations are made about the possible cause of the microstreams.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
D. J. Lawrence; M. F. Thomsen; J. E. Borovsky; D. J. McComas
Measurements of the cold ion density at geosynchronous orbit obtained by Los Alamos magnetospheric plasma analyzers over the course of 7 years are used to estimate the rate of plasmaspheric refilling at early times in the refilling process (≤24 hours) and at late times (up to several days during intervals of prolonged geomagnetic quiet). While the measured refilling rates are highly variable, we find that plasmasphere refilling at geosynchronous orbit occurs as a two-step process: for early times the refilling rate is ∼0.6–12 cm−3 d−1, while for later times the refilling rate rises up to 10–50 cm−3 d−1. These results are consistent with a model of plasmasphere refilling which uses Coulomb collisions as a dominant trapping mechanism [see Wilson et al. 1992].
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
S. V. Chalov; D. B. Alexashov; D. J. McComas; Vladislav V. Izmodenov; Yu.G. Malama; N. A. Schwadron
We present a new kinetic-gasdynamic model of the solar wind interaction with the local interstellar medium. The model incorporates several processes suggested earlier for the origin of the ribbon?the most prominent feature seen in the all-sky maps of heliospheric energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) discovered by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX). The ribbon is a region of enhanced fluxes of ENAs crossing almost the entire sky. Soon after the ribbons discovery, it was realized that the enhancement of the fluxes could be in the directions where the radial component of the interstellar magnetic field around the heliopause is close to zero. Our model includes secondary charge exchange of the interstellar H atoms with the interstellar pickup protons outside the heliopause. Previously, in the frame of a kinetic-gasdynamic model where pickup protons are treated as a separate kinetic component, it was shown that the interstellar pickup protons outside the heliopause may be a significant source of ENAs at energies above 1 keV. The key difference between the current work and the previous models is in the assumption of no pitch-angle scattering for newly created pickup protons outside the heliopause. We demonstrate that in the limit of no pitch-angle scattering ribbon of enhanced ENA fluxes appears in the model, and this may qualitatively explain the ribbon discovered by IBEX.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2001
C. J. Pollock; Kazushi Asamura; M. M. Balkey; J. L. Burch; H. O. Funsten; M. Grande; Mike Gruntman; M. G. Henderson; J.-M. Jahn; Michael L. Lampton; Michael W. Liemohn; D. J. McComas; T. Mukai; S. Ritzau; Mark L. Schattenburg; Earl Scime; R. M. Skoug; P. Valek; M. Wüest
InitialENA images obtained with the MENA imager on the IMAGE observatory show that ENAs ema- nating from Earths magnetosphere at least crudely track both Dst and Kp. Images obtained during the storm of August 12, 2000, clearly show strong ring current asymme- try during storm main phase and early recovery phase, and a high degree of symmetry during the late recovery phase. Thus, these images establish the existence of both partial and complete ring currents during the same storm. Further, they suggest that ring current loss through the day side mag- netopause dominates other loss processes during storm main phase and early recovery phase.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1995
Mark B. Moldwin; J. L. Phillips; J. T. Gosling; Earl Scime; D. J. McComas; S. J. Bame; A. Balogh; R. J. Forsyth
A well-defined, small-scale (≈0.05 AU) magnetic flux rope was observed by Ulysses at about 5 AU in close proximity to a heat flux dropout (HFD) at the heliospheric current sheet (HCS). This magnetic flux rope is characterized by a rotation of the field in the plane approximately perpendicular to the ecliptic (and containing the Sun and the spacecraft) and with a magnetic field maximum centered near the inflection point of the bipolar signature. The edges of the flux rope are well defined by diamagnetic field minima. A bidirectional electron heat flux signature is coincident with the magnetic flux rope structure. The event occurred during a time of slightly increasing solar wind speed, suggesting that the field and plasma were locally compressed. Unlike most coronal mass ejections/magnetic clouds, this event is characterized by high proton temperatures and densities, high plasma beta, no significant alpha particle abundance increase, and a small radial size. We interpret these observations in terms of multiple magnetic reconnection of previously open field lines in interplanetary space at the HCS. Such reconnection produces a U-shaped structure entirely disconnected from the Sun (which we associate with the HFD), a closed magnetic flux rope (which we associate with the counterstreaming electron event), and a closed magnetic loop or tongue connected back to the Sun at both ends. These observations suggest that magnetic reconnection, and its changes to magnetic field topology, can occur well beyond the solar corona in interplanetary space.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
R. M. Skoug; W. C. Feldman; J. T. Gosling; D. J. McComas; Charles W. Smith
We present a study of 9 months of data from the solar wind plasma electron instrument on the ACE spacecraft. Electron pitch angle distributions were used to identify intervals of counterstreaming halo electrons, which were observed ∼16% of the time that the spacecraft was not magnetically connected to the Earths bow shock. Counterstreaming electrons presumably indicate a closed magnetic field topology and thus indicate the passage of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the solar wind. In this study, we separately examine electron moments at times with and without counterstreaming electrons, including both magnetic clouds and noncloud CMEs. The properties of both the core and halo electron populations were nearly identical at times with and without counterstreaming electrons. Both low and high electron densities and temperatures were observed in either type of event. In contrast, magnetic clouds, on average, showed increased densities and reduced temperatures. The core/halo density ratio and the total electron density were anticorrelated in all cases, indicating that the halo contributes more to the total electron density at low density times, regardless of magnetic topology. Total electron temperature and density were anticorrelated in all types of events. This consistent anticorrelation implies that such single-spacecraft measurements of temperature and density cannot be used to determine a polytropic index for solar wind electrons. Instead, the anticorrelation may be due to pressure balance of the solar wind plasma or may be a remnant of coronal conditions.