
Featured researches published by D. J. Williams.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1993

Structure of the tail plasma/current sheet at ∼11 RE and its changes in the course of a substorm

V. A. Sergeev; D. G. Mitchell; C. T. Russell; D. J. Williams

At the end of April 2, 1978, the ISEE 1 and 2 spacecraft moved inbound at ∼11 RE on the nightside (0130 MLT). Due to a flapping motion of the plasma sheet the spacecraft crossed the neutral sheet region (central region of the plasma sheet) more than 10 times in the hour between 2115 and 2215 UT. This provided a unique opportunity to study the structure of the plasma/current region and its evolution during substorm growth and early expansion before the final disruption of the current sheet. Using minimum variance analysis of the magnetic field variations during the crossings as well as finite ion gyroradius diagnostics, we determine the orientation of the current sheet (CS) and then estimate the CS thickness as well as the value of its normal component, Bn. Typically, the current distribution was inferred to be very inhomogeneous with a current concentrated in a very thin CS (only 0.2 to 0.8 RE as thick) embedded inside the thicker plasma sheet. Current sheet crossings could be classified as regular or turbulent. The first type prevailed during the growth phase and at the initial stage of expansion when the spacecraft were well outside (in longitude) of the active region of the substorm and no large plasma flow was detected. The normal field component Bn was typically very small (∼1 nT) in the CS center in comparison to the larger shear magnetic By component. In the course of the growth phase we inferred an increase of the lobe field Bx and a decrease of the CS half thickness h (from h∼3000 km to ∼800 km just before the expansion onset), i.e., a very large increase (up to an order of magnitude) of the current density. At the same time, in disagreement with the usual cartoon picture of magnetic reconfiguration, the magnetic field magnitude in the CS center increased (instead of decreased) at the expense of the shear component. Three turbulent crossings were found during substorm expansion within the longitude range of the substorm current wedge (SCW). The second of them was detected ∼1 min before the main dipolarization and was characterized by a rather small CS thickness (h < 600 km), by strong earthward plasma flow and by a positive normal magnetic field component. That period showed signatures of concentration of both cross-B and field-aligned current at the outer edge of CS and may indicate a nearby reconnection region. The main result of this study is that the region of very thin current sheet (thickness of the order of the gyroradius of thermal protons in the field just outside the current sheet), which contained a very small normal component, clearly appeared in the near tail prior to the sudden onset of current disruption as predicted by some quantitative models of quasi-static evolution of earthward convecting plasma sheet flux tubes. Comparing these observations to theoretical results, we find that the threshold conditions for the growth of the tearing mode instability in sheared magnetic fields were apparently satisfied in this case, but the growth rate was too slow for sudden initiation of substorm expansion.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1997

Magnetotail flow bursts: Association to global magnetospheric circulation, relationship to ionospheric activity and direct evidence for localization

V. Angelopoulos; T. D. Phan; D. Larson; F. S. Mozer; Robert P. Lin; K. Tsuruda; H. Hayakawa; T. Mukai; S. Kokubun; T. Yamamoto; D. J. Williams; R. W. McEntire; R. P. Lepping; G. K. Parks; M. Brittnacher; James F. Spann; H. J. Singer; K. Yumoto

A series of bursty bulk flow events (BBFs) were observed by GEOTAIL and WIND in the geomagnetotail. IMP8 at the solar wind showed significant energy coupling into the magnetosphere, while the UVI instrument on POLAR evidenced significant energy transfer to the ionosphere during two substorms. There was good correlation between BBFs and ionospheric activity observed by UVI even when ground magnetic signatures were absent, suggesting that low ionospheric conductivity at the active sector may be responsible for this observation. During the second substorm no significant flux transport was evidenced past WIND in stark contrast to GEOTAIL and despite the small intersatellite separation ((3.54, 2.88, −0.06) RE). Throughout the intervals studied there were significant differences in the individual flow bursts at the two satellites, even during longitudinally extended ionospheric activations. We conclude that the half-scale-size of transport-bearing flow bursts is less than 3 RE.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999

Comprehensive study of the magnetospheric response to a hot flow anomaly

D. G. Sibeck; N. L. Borodkova; S. J. Schwartz; C. J. Owen; R. Kessel; S. Kokubun; R. P. Lepping; Robert P. Lin; K. Liou; H. Lühr; R. W. McEntire; C.-I. Meng; T. Mukai; Zdenek Nemecek; George K. Parks; T. D. Phan; S. A. Romanov; J. Šafránková; J.-A. Sauvaud; H. J. Singer; S. I. Solovyev; A. Szabo; Kazue Takahashi; D. J. Williams; K. Yumoto; G. N. Zastenker

We present a comprehensive observational study of the magnetospheric response to an interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) tangential discontinuity, which first struck the postnoon bow shock and magnetopause and then swept past the prenoon bow shock and magnetopause on July 24, 1996. Although unaccompanied by any significant plasma variation, the discontinuity interacted with the bow shock to form a hot flow anomaly (HFA), which was observed by Interball-1 just upstream from the prenoon bow shock. Pressures within and Earthward of the HFA were depressed by an order of magnitude, which allowed the magnetopause to briefly (∼7 min) move outward some 5 RE beyond its nominal position and engulf Interball-1. A timing study employing nearby Interball-1 and Magion-4 observations demonstrates that this motion corresponded to an antisunward and northward moving wave on the magnetopause. The same wave then engulfed Geotail, which was nominally located downstream in the outer dawn magnetosheath. Despite its large amplitude, the wave produced only minor effects in GOES-8 geosynchronous observations near local dawn. Polar Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) observed a sudden brightening of the afternoon aurora, followed by an even more intense transient brightening of the morning aurora. Consistent with this asymmetry, the discontinuity produced only weak near-simultaneous perturbations in high-latitude postnoon ground magnetometers but a transient convection vortex in the prenoon Greenland ground magnetograms. The results of this study indicate that the solar wind interaction with the bow shock is far more dynamic than previously imagined and far more significant to the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction.

Reviews of Geophysics | 1992

Global magnetospheric imaging

D. J. Williams; Edmond C. Roelof; D. G. Mitchell

The demonstrated and developing methods for global magnetospheric imaging are presented and the scientific expectations of having global observations in conjunction with local measurements are discussed. The global observations of the previously invisible magnetosphere will provide the first look at the overall magnetosphere, its dynamics, and the interactions between its component parts. The capability of imaging magnetospheric plasmas marks the first occasion where an astrophysical plasma system which has been well characterized by in situ measurements, i.e., the earths magnetosphere, can also be characterized globally by remote sensing. 80 refs.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999

Storm-like dynamics of Jupiter's inner and middle magnetosphere

B. H. Mauk; D. J. Williams; R. W. McEntire; Krishan K. Khurana; J. G. Roederer

The discovery of energy-time dispersed, charged particle signatures of dynamic, longitudinally confined charged particle injections within Jupiters inner magnetosphere has been reported previously as measured in >20-keV particle intensities by the Galileo energetic particles detector (EPD). While these events have similarities to so-called substorm injections observed within the Earths magnetosphere, it is unknown whether the driving mechanisms are similar. Over 100 Jovian injection events have now been documented between radial distances of ∼9 RJ (the inner boundary of most of the observations) and 27 RJ Injections occur at all System III longitudes and local time positions. Similar to Earth magnetospheric injections, the Jovian injections occur throughout the broad radial region of transition between the quasi-dipolar and neutral sheet magnetic field configurations, and where the charged particle energy densities are competitive with the magnetic energy densities. The Jovian injections can be clustered in time, analogous to what often happens during well-known magnetic storms that occur in the Earths magnetosphere. During one particular periapsis of Galileos orbital trajectory, the magnetosphere was observed by EPD to become suddenly very disturbed with multiple injections following a prolonged period (>24 Earth hours) of relative quiescence. Because of the prestorm coincidence of a signature of an apparent Earth-like global magnetospheric disturbance, we hypothesize that this Jovian storm occurred when the inner and middle magnetosphere were triggered out of marginal stability by the passage of a magnetohydrodynamic fast mode wave launched at the magnetopause by a pressure variation in the interplanetary (solar wind) environment.

Nature | 2002

Transient aurora on Jupiter from injections of magnetospheric electrons

B. H. Mauk; John Clarke; Denis Grodent; J. H. Waite; C. Paranicas; D. J. Williams

Energetic electrons and ions that are trapped in Earths magnetosphere can suddenly be accelerated towards the planet. Some dynamic features of Earths aurora (the northern and southern lights) are created by the fraction of these injected particles that travels along magnetic field lines and hits the upper atmosphere. Jupiters aurora appears similar to Earths in some respects; both appear as large ovals circling the poles and both show transient events. But the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Earth are so different—particularly in the way they are powered—that it is not known whether the magnetospheric drivers of Earths aurora also cause them on Jupiter. Here we show a direct relationship between Earth-like injections of electrons in Jupiters magnetosphere and a transient auroral feature in Jupiters polar region. This relationship is remarkably similar to what happens at Earth, and therefore suggests that despite the large differences between planetary magnetospheres, some processes that generate aurorae are the same throughout the Solar System.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998

Geotail observations of substorm onset in the inner magnetotail

D. H. Fairfield; T. Mukai; A. T. Y. Lui; C. A. Cattell; G. D. Reeves; T. Nagai; G. Rostoker; H. J. Singer; Michael L. Kaiser; S. Kokubun; Alan J. Lazarus; R. P. Lepping; Masato Nakamura; John T. Steinberg; K. Tsuruda; D. J. Williams; Takashi Yamamoto

On April 26, 1995, while Geotail was in the near-equatorial magnetotail at 13 RE and 2300 LT, a substorm onset occurred that was documented by ground magnetograms, auroral kilometric radiation, and magnetic field and particle data from four spacecraft at and near geosynchronous orbit. Although Geotail was initially outside a greatly thinned current sheet, plasma sheet thickening associated with the substorm dipolarization quickly caused Geotail to move into the plasma sheet where it observed field-aligned earthward moving ions with velocities of 400 km/s. During the subsequent few minutes as the magnetic field became more northward, the velocities increased with particles moving increasingly into the energy range of the energetic particle experiment. These flows culminated with 1-min worth of earthward flow of 2000 km/s that was perpendicular to the northward B field. Such flow, probably the largest ever detected at 13 RE, was confirmed by the observation of an intense dc electric field of 50 mV/m (0.3 megavolts/RE). This large field is probably inductive, caused by reconnection that occurred tailward of the spacecraft, and related to the acceleration processes associated with particle injection at geosynchronous orbit. Energy and magnetic flux conservation arguments suggest that this rapid flow has a small cross-tail dimension of the order of 1 RE. The data appear to support a simulation of Birn and Hesse [1996] which showed rapid earthward flows from a reconnection line at 23 RE that caused a tailward expansion of a region of dipolarized flux. Subsequent to the onset, Geotail observed plasma vortices with typical velocities of 50–100 km/s that occurred in a high-beta plasma sheet with a 15-nT northward magnetic field. The vortices were punctuated by occasional flow bursts with velocities up to 400 km/s, one of which was accompanied by a violently varying magnetic field where north/south field components were as large as 30 nT and as small as −8 nT.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1993

Fine structure of Langmuir waves produced by a solar electron event

D. A. Gurnett; G. B. Hospodarsky; W. S. Kurth; D. J. Williams; Scott Jay Bolton

Highly structured bursts of Langmuir waves produced by energetic electrons ejected from a solar flare have been observed using wideband plasma wave measurements on the Galileo spacecraft. The wideband sampling system on Galileo provides digital electric field waveforms at sampling rates up to 201,600 samples s−1, much higher than any previous instrument of this type. The solar flare of interest occurred on December 10, 1990, while the spacecraft was at a radial distance of 0.98 AU from the Sun. This flare emitted a stream of energetic electrons and an associated type III radio event, both of which were detected by Galileo. Starting about 1 hour after the onset of the flare, a large number of intense Langmuir wave bursts were detected near the local electron plasma frequency, which was about 25 kHz. The Langmuir wave bursts, which lasted about 1.5 hours, coincided with the arrival of the solar electrons. The bursts are highly structured and consist mainly of isolated wave packets with durations as short as 1 ms and beat-type waveforms with beat frequencies ranging from 200 to 500 Hz. The peak electric field strengths are about 1.7 mV m−1. The highly structured envelopes of these waves are strongly suggestive of nonlinear parametric decay processes such as those predicted by various theories dealing with the saturation of beam-driven electrostatic instabilities. However, the intensities are too low for strong turbulence effects to be important.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000

Acceleration of oxygen ions of ionospheric origin in the near‐Earth magnetotail during substorms

M. Nosé; A. T. Y. Lui; S. Ohtani; B. H. Mauk; R. W. McEntire; D. J. Williams; T. Mukai; K. Yumoto

Measurements from the suprathermal ion composition spectrometer (STICS) sensor of the energetic particle and ion composition (EPIC) instrument on the Geotail spacecraft were used to investigate dynamics of O+ ions of ionospheric origin at energies of 9 keV to 210 keV in the near-Earth plasma sheet during the substorm expansion phase. Substorm signatures were clearly observed on the ground at 1850 UT on May 17, 1995. In the expansion phase of this substorm, Geotail stayed in the plasma sheet at X∼−10.5 RE and observed a local dipolarization signature accompanied by strong disturbances of the magnetic field. From the energetic ion flux data of EPIC/STICS, we obtained the following results: (1) energetic flux enhancement was more pronounced for O+ than for H+; (2) the flux was enhanced almost simultaneously with local dipolarization; (3) the enhancement factor of O+ ions (EO+), which represents the enhancement of the O+ flux ratio (after and before substorm onset) relative to the H+ flux ratio, was as large as 1.31; and (4) thermal energy increased from 8.9 keV to 42.8 keV for O+ ions and from 9.4 keV to 15.9 keV for H+ ions. We also performed statistical analysis for 35 events of local dipolarization found in the near-Earth region (X∼−6 to −16 RE). We found that EO+ is larger than unity in all ranges of radial distance and that the average value of EO+ is 1.37. These results suggest that O+ ions are commonly more energized than H+ ions during the substorm expansion phase. To interpret these observational results, we propose a mechanism in which ions are accelerated in a non-adiabatic way during substorm-associated field reconfiguration.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1997

Enhanced whistler‐mode emissions: Signatures of interchange motion in the Io torus

Scott Jay Bolton; Richard M. Thorne; D. A. Gurnett; W. S. Kurth; D. J. Williams

During the Galileo inbound pass through the Io torus the plasma wave instrument detected intervals of enhanced whistler-mode emissions. Over two of these intervals in the inner torus (L < 6.5), for which energetic particle data is also available, the flux and pitch angle anisotropy of resonant electrons exhibited a simultaneous enhancement consistent with inward adiabatic transport from a source region in the outer torus. The enhanced electromagnetic emissions are interpreted as a modulation of cyclotron whistler-mode instability above the normal marginally stable state of the plasma. This suggests that the enhanced emissions are a sensitive indicator of rapid inward transport associated with interchange motions in the Io torus.

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