D. Lopiano
Argonne National Laboratory
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Featured researches published by D. Lopiano.
Physics Letters B | 1991
D. L. Adams; N. Akchurin; N.I. Belikov; B. E. Bonner; J.A. Buchanan; J. Bystricky; J.M. Clement; M. Corcoran; J.D. Cossairt; J. Cranshaw; A.A. Derevschikov; H. En'yo; H. Funahashi; Y. Goto; O. Grachov; D.P. Grosnick; D. Hill; K. Imai; Y. Itow; Kazuo Iwatani; K.W. Krueger; K. Kuroda; Langland J; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; D. Lopiano; F.C. Luehring; T. Maki; S. Makino; A. Masaike
The analyzing power in inclusive charged pion production has been measured using the 200 GeV Fermilab polarized proton beam. A striking dependence in x(F) is observed in which A(N) increases from 0 to 0.42 with increasing x(F) for the pi+ data and decreases from 0 to -0.38 with increasing x(F) for pi- data. The kinematic range covered is 0.2 less-than-or-equal-to x(F) less-than-or-equal-to 0.9 and 0.2 less-than-or-equal-to p(T) 2.0 GeV/c. In a simple model our data indicate that at large x(F) the transverse spin of the proton is correlated with that of its quark constituents.
European Physical Journal A | 1992
D. L. Adams; N. Akchurin; N.I. Belikov; J. Bystricky; M. Corcoran; J.D. Cossairt; J. Cranshaw; A.A. Derevschikov; H. En'yo; H. Funahashi; Y. Goto; O. Grachov; D.P. Grosnick; D. Hill; K. Imai; Y. Itow; Kazuo Iwatani; K.W. Krueger; K. Kuroda; M. Laghai; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; D. Lopiano; F.C. Luehring; T. Maki; S. Makino; A. Masaike; Yu. A. Matulenko; A.P. Meschanin; A. Michalowicz
The spin asymmetryAN for inclusive π0 production by 200-GeV transversely-polarized protons on a liquid hydrogen target has been measured at Fermilab over a wide range ofxF, with 0.5<pT<2 GeV/c. AtxF>0.3, the asymmetry rises with increasingxF and reaches a value ofAN=0.15±0.03 in the region 0.6<xF<0.8. This result provides new input regarding the question of the internal spin structure of transversely-polarized protons.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1990
D.P. Grosnick; D.A. Hill; M. Laghai; D. Lopiano; Y. Ohashi; T. Shima; H. M. Spinka; Robert Stanek; D. G. Underwood; A. Yokosawa; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; L. van Rossum; D. Carey; R.N. Coleman; J.D. Cossairt; A.L. Read; R. Schailey; A.A. Derevschikov; Yu.A. Matulenko; A.P. Meschanin; S. B. Nurushev; R.A. Rzaev; V.L. Solovyanov; A.N. Vasiliev; N. Akchurin; Y. Onel; K. Imai; S. Makino; A. Masaike
We describe a new polarized-proton and -antiproton beam with 185-GeV/c momentum in the Fermilab MP beam line which is currently operational. The design uses the parity-conserving decay of lambda and antilambda hyperons to produce polarized protons and antiprotons, respectively. A beam-transport system minimizes depolarization effects and uses a set of 12 dipole magnets that rotate the beam-particle spin direction. A beam-tagging system determines the momentum and polarization of individual beam particles, allowing a selection of particles in definite intervals at momentum and polarization. We measured polarization of the beam by using two types of polarimeters, which verified the determination of polarization by a beam-particle tagging system. Two of these processes are the inverse-Primakoff effect and the Coulomb-nuclear interference (CNI) in elastic proton-proton scattering. Another experiment measured the {pi}{sup 0} production asymmetry of large-x{sub F} values; this process may now be used as an on-line beam polarimeter. 9 refs., 9 figs.
Physics Letters B | 1995
D. L. Adams; N. Achurin; N.I. Belikov; A. Bravar; J. Bystricky; M. Corcoran; J.D. Cossairt; J. Cranshaw; A.A. Derevschikov; H. En'yo; H. Funahashi; Y. Goto; O. Grachov; D.P. Grosnick; D. Hill; T. Iijima; K. Imai; Y. Itow; Kazuo Iwatani; K.W. Krueger; K. Kuroda; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; D. Lopiano; F.C. Luehring; T. Maki; S. Makino; A. Masaike; Yu. A. Matulenko; A.P. Meschanin
The single spin asymmetry for inclusive direct-photon production has been measured using a polarized proton beam of 200 GeV/c with an unpolarized proton target at −0.15 < xf < 0.15 and 2.5 < pt < 3.1 GeV/c at Fermilab. The data on the cross section for pp → γX at 2.5 < pt < 3.8 GeV/c are also provided. The measurement was done using lead-glass calorimeters and photon detectors which surrounded the fiducial area of the calorimeters. Background rejection has been done using these surrounding photon detectors. The cross section obtained is consistent with the results of previous measurements assuming a nuclear dependence of A1.0. The single spin asymmetry, AN, for the direct-photon production is consistent with zero within experimental uncertainty.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1993
J. Ball; Ph. Chesny; M. Combet; Jean-Charles Fontaine; R. Kunne; J.L. Sans; J. Bystricky; C.D. Lac; D. Legrand; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; M. de Mali; F. Perrot-Kunne; L. van Rossum; P. Bach; Ph. Demierre; G. Gaillard; R. Hess; Z.F. Janout; D. Rapin; Ph. Sormani; B. Vuaridel; J.P. Goudour; R. Binz; A. Klett; E. Rössle; H. Schmitt; L.S. Barabash; Z. Janout; V.A. Kalinnikov
Abstract The present article describes an apparatus used for the measurement of spin dependent observables at SATURNE II. Observables for np elastic and quasi-elastic scattering were measured between 0.31 and 1.1 GeV, those for pp elastic scattering between 1.94 and 2.24 GeV. Measurements of pn and pp observables with an unpolarized 6LiD and 7LiH targets around 2 GeV were also carried out. Fast electronics, on-line data acquisition, event selection and off-line analysis are presented.
Physics Letters B | 1991
M. Beddo; G. R. Burleson; J.A. Faucett; S. Gardiner; G. S. Kyle; R. Garnett; D.P. Grosnick; D. Hill; K. F. Johnson; D. Lopiano; Y. Ohashi; T. Shima; H. M. Spinka; R. W. Stanek; D. G. Underwood; A. Yokosawa; G. Glass; R.A. Kenefick; S. Nath; L. C. Northcliffe; J. J. Jarmer; S. I. Penttilä; R. H. Jeppesen; G.E. Tripard; M. Devereux; P. Kroll
Abstract A measurement of Δσ L (np), the difference between neutron-proton total cross sections in pure longitudinal spin states, is described. Data were taken for five energies between 500 and 800 MeV, with statistical errors of ≈ 1.5 mb and an estimated normalization error of 6%. The data, combined with other results, show some evidence for an elastic I =0 spin-singlet resonance with mass ∼ 2213 MeV and width ∼ 74 MeV, or a coupled-triplet resonance with similar mass and width.
Nuclear Physics | 1998
D. L. Adams; N. Akchurin; L.V. Alexeeva; N.I. Belikov; B. E. Bonner; A. Bravar; J. Bystricky; M. Corcoran; J.D. Cossairt; J. Cranshaw; A.A. Derevschikov; H. En'yo; H. Funahashi; Y. Goto; O. Grachov; D.P. Grosnick; D. Hill; T. Iijima; K. Imai; Y. Itow; Kazuo Iwatani; Yu. Kharlov; K. Krueger; K. Kuroda; M. Laghai; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; D. Lopiano; F.C. Luehring; T. Maki
We present experimental results on measuring a single spin asymmetry in η-meson production in the interaction of transversely polarized protons and antiprotons at plab = 200 GeV/c with a proton target in the region 0.2 < xF < 0.7 for p↑p, 0.3 < xF < 0.7 for p↑p and 0.7 < pT < 2.0 GeV/c. A comparison of single spin asymmetries in π- and η-meson production is made.
Nuclear Physics | 1993
J. Ball; Ph. Chesny; M. Combet; J.M. Fontaine; C.D. Lac; J.L. Sans; J. Bystricky; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; M. de Mali; F. Perrot-Kunne; L. van Rossum; A. Ahmidouch; P. Bach; Ph. Demierre; G. Gaillard; R. Hess; R. Kunne; D. Rapin; Ph. Sormani; J.P. Goudour; R. Binz; A. Klett; E. Rössle; H. Schmitt; D. Lopiano; H. M. Spinka
Abstract We present a total of 427 np analyzing power data points in a large angular interval at 12 energies between 0.312 and 1.10 GeV. The SATURNE II polarized beam of free monochromatic neutrons was scattered either on the Saclay frozen-spin polarized proton target or on CH2 and C targets. Present results are compared with existing elastic and quasieleastic data.
Physics Letters B | 1994
J. Ball; P.-A. Chamouard; M. Combet; J-C Fontaine; R. Kunne; J.M. Lagniel; J.L. Lemaire; G. Milleret; J.L. Sans; J. Bystricky; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; M. de Mali; Ph. Demierre; R. Hess; Z.F. Janout; E.L. Lomon; D. Rapin; B. Vuaridel; L.S. Barabash; Z. Janout; V.A. Kalinnikov; Yu. M. Kazarinov; B. A. Khachaturov; V. N. Matafonov; I.L. Pisarev; A.A. Popov; Yu. A. Usov; M. Beddo; D.P. Grosnick
Abstract The angular dependece of the pp elastic scattering spin correlation parameter was measured in the angular range from 60° to 97° CM at 14 energies between 1.96 and 2.23 GeV. A rapid decrease of the energy dependence of this observable at 90° CM is observed around 2.11 GeV kinetic energy. This agrees with the behavior of A oonn predicted on the basis of an exotic six-quark structure. The A oonn (90° CM ), together with the known differential cross section, allows the determination of the absolute value of the pure spin-singlet amplitude. The energy dependence of this amplitude shows a shoulder centered at 2.11 GeV, corresponding to a total mass of 2.735 GeV and an estimated width of 17 MeV.
Nuclear Physics | 1998
C.E. Allgower; J. Ball; M. Beddo; Y. Bedfer; A. Boutefnouchet; J. Bystricky; P.-A. Chamouard; Ph. Demierre; J-C Fontaine; V. Ghazikhanian; D.P. Grosnick; R. Hess; Z. Janout; Z.F. Janout; V.A. Kalinnikov; T.E. Kasprzyk; B. A. Khachaturov; R. Kunne; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; D. Lopiano; V. N. Matafonov; I.L. Oisarev; A.A. Popov; A. N. Prokofiev; D. Rapin; J.L. Sans; H. M. Spinka; A. Teglia; Yu. A. Usov
Abstract A polarized proton beam extracted from SATURNE II was scattered on an unpolarized CH2 target. The angular distribution of the beam analyzing power Aoono was measured at large angles from 1.98 to 2.8 GeV and at 0.80 GeV nominal beam kinetic energy. The same observable was determined at the fixed mean laboratory angle of 13.9° in the same energy range. Both measurements are by-products of an experiment measuring the spin correlation parameter Aoon.