D. Micol
Institut national de la recherche agronomique
Meat Science | 2002
A. Priolo; D. Micol; Jacques Agabriel; S. Prache; Eric Dransfield
Thirty-two male Ile de France lambs were divided into four equal groups at age 37 days. Two groups were allowed to graze a natural pasture in France each at a different growth rate (grass high and grass low groups). The other two groups were raised in stalls and fed concentrates to achieve the same growth rates (stall high and stall low groups, respectively) as from the grass groups. The animals were slaughtered when they attained 35 kg and their carcass and meat quality were evaluated. Animals from the two high growth rate groups were slaughtered at an average age of 129 days while those from the low growth rate groups were slaughtered at 163 days. Carcasses from stall-fed lambs were heavier than those from grass-fed lambs as the digestive tract percentage was higher in the grass lambs. Carcasses from stall lambs had better muscular conformation score (P <0.05) and were fattier than those from grass-fed animals. Subcutaneous fat was more yellow and harder in grass-fed lambs (P <0.05). Meat from grass-fed lambs was darker (P <0.05) in colour (lower L*) than meat from stall animals up to 24 h of display. Meat from stall fed animals was more tender and juicier than meat from grass-fed animals (P <0.01), as judged by a trained panel of assessors. Typical lamb flavour was higher in stall-fed lambs (P <0.01). Meat from grass-fed animals had more pronounced liver flavour (P <0.05) and less fatty flavour (P <0.01) than stall-fed lambs. Overall the difference in meat quality between the two different growth rates was minimal.
Meat Science | 2004
B. Aurousseau; D. Bauchart; E Calichon; D. Micol; A. Priolo
Thirty-two male Ile-de-France lambs were used in a factorial 2×2 design to analyse the effects of feeding systems (grass outdoor, G, or concentrate and hay indoor: stall, S) and of growth rate (low, L, or high, H) on total lipids, triglyceride (TG) and phospholipid (PL) contents and their fatty acid composition in the longissimus thoracis muscle (L.T.). Contents were lower for TG (10.4 vs. 15.8 mg/100 g fresh tissue, P<0.05) and higher for PL (6.4 vs. 5.8 mg/100 g fresh tissue, P <0.05) in grass-fed lambs compared to stall-fed ones. TG of grass fed lambs displayed lower proportions of palmitic acid (C16:0), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), linoleic acid (C18:2n-6) and other (n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and higher proportions of stearic acid (C18:0), linolenic acid (C18:3n-3), cis 9, 11 trans C18:2 and trans monounsaturated fatty acids. In PL of the same lambs only lower MUFA, C18:2n-6 and (n-6) PUFA and higher C18:3n-3, (n-3) PUFA and cis 9, 11 trans C18:2 were observed. Growth rate had no effect on lipid, TG or PL contents of longissimus thoracis. However C18:0 proportions were higher in TG and lower in PL for low growth rate lambs. Low growth rate lambs had also lower cis 9, 11 trans C18:2 in TG. Thus, irrespective of growth rate, the muscle lipids characteristic of grass fed lambs fulfilled the recommended features of human food components much better than that of stall fed lambs, namely for CLA and C18:3n-3. The lower ratios of (n-6) to (n-3) PUFA displayed in grass fed lambs both in TG and in PL were also useful to discriminate all the grass fed lambs from all the stall fed animals.
Meat Science | 2004
A. Priolo; A. Cornu; S. Prache; M. Krogmann; Nathalie Kondjoyan; D. Micol; J.L. Berdagué
Volatile compounds were analysed in subcutaneous fat from lambs raised and finished on grass (GG); raised and finished on concentrates (SS); raised on grass and finished on concentrates for a long (GS1) or a short (GS2) period. Whereas 3-methylindole (skatole), a compound that has been described as a good discriminator of grass feeding, was unaffected by the diet (P>0.05), 2,3-octanedione was lower (P<0.01) in the fat from animals that spent a period in stall with a concentrate diet than in those finished on grass. Among the 20 monoterpenes detected, only p-cymene was affected by the treatment, being higher (P<0.05) in the fat from animals raised and finished on grass (GG) than in the other treatments. Eight among the 13 detected sesquiterpenes were affected by the diet treatment. In particular β-caryophyllene, not detected in the fat from animals raised and finished on concentrates (SS group), was at basal levels in the animals raised on pasture and finished for different durations on concentrates (GS1 and GS2 treatments) and was present at high levels in the animals raised and finished on grass (P<0.0005). From a factorial discriminant analysis, four of the 33 terpenes detected discriminated perfectly those animals raised and finished on pasture (GG) from all the other groups (SS, GS1, GS2).
Meat Science | 2006
A. De La Torre; Dominique Gruffat; Denys Durand; D. Micol; A. Peyron; V. Scislowski; D. Bauchart
Bovine meat is criticised for the bad nutritional image of its lipids and fatty acids. However, with dairy products, beef is the major source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which could have several human health benefits. The present study compared, from data of five nutritional experiments on bovine animals performed by the laboratory, the impact of factors linked to the animals (breed, age, sex, type of muscle) and to feeding conditions (basal diet, lipid supplements) on the CLA proportion and composition in muscles. Among these factors, linseed supplementation was an efficient way to increase CLA proportion in beef (+22% to +36%) but was highly modulated by the nature of the basal diet, and by intrinsic factors (breed, age/sex, type of muscle) since these ones could modulate CLA proportion in beef from 24% to 47%. Moreover, these factors modified also the proportion of cis,trans-CLA, related to cis,cis- and trans,trans-isomers. Specific biological properties of these latter isomers should be determine to understand the consequences of intramuscular CLA isomer variations for the health of consumers.
Meat Science | 2007
B. Aurousseau; D. Bauchart; X. Faure; A.L. Galot; S. Prache; D. Micol; A. Priolo
Forty male Ile-de-France lambs (10 blocks of 4 homologous lambs) were used to study the effects of four feeding systems on muscle fatty acids (FA): raising and finishing on cool-season grasses (G), raising on the same grasses and stall-finishing, indoors, on concentrates and hay, respectively, for 22 (GSS) or 41 days (GSL), and stall-feeding indoors on concentrates and hay during both growing and finishing periods (S). Twenty-four lambs only (6 blocks) were retained for comparison of growth performances, lipid content in the longissimus thoracis muscle (LT) and their FA composition according to treatment. The 16 other lambs (4 blocks) were removed from the comparison, due to a large spread in the growth of the lambs towards the end of the trial. No significant effects of treatment were seen on the rate of growth (221, 228, 243 and 245±SE 8.0g/d, respectively, for G, GSS, GSL and S groups), and the lipid contents of the LT (2.22, 2.16, 2.17 and 2.52±SE 0.11g/100g fresh tissue). Grazing, lowered n-6 PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids), and increased n-3 PUFA and C18:2 c9t11 (conjugated linoleic acid cis9, trans11) compared to concentrate feeding. The main effects of grazing were not removed by a short period of finish indoors on concentrate (GSS group), but C20:4 n-6 and C22:6 n-3 contents achieved the lowest contents in this group, with significant differences from the values observed for GSL and S groups (C20:4 n-6) or from the three other groups (C22:6 n-3). After a longer period of finish on concentrate (GSL group), C18:3 n-3 (linolenic acid), C18:2 c9t11 and long chain (LC) n-3 PUFA were brought to the levels observed in the S group. In terms of adequacy for human health, the C18:2 n-6/C18:3 n-3 ratios were favourably low in the four groups (2.6, 3.6, 4.9 and 5.2±SE 0.7, respectively, for G, GSS, GSL and S groups), the level observed in the case of G group being significantly lower than for the three other groups and the level observed for GSS group being significantly lower than for the GSL and S groups.
Meat Science | 2007
Catherine Jurie; Brigitte Picard; Jean-François Hocquette; Eric Dransfield; D. Micol; Anne Listrat
Muscle characteristics and sensory rating of meat were determined in M. longissimus thoracis (LT), M. semimembranosus (SM), M. semitendinosus (ST) and M. triceps brachii (TB) from seven Holstein (HO, dairy breed) and six Salers (SA, beef breed) cull cows slaughtered at 6-7 years of age at the same fat score. Significant differences (P<0.001) among muscle types were observed: ST was the more glycolytic and TB the more oxidative; total collagen: ST>SM=TB>LT; initial and overall tenderness: LT>TB=SM>ST, juiciness: TB>LT=SM>ST. Flavour differed only between breeds: HO>SA (P<0.01). Three tenderness classes (high, intermediate, low) were determined from scores for sensory overall tenderness for all 52 meats: the lower total and insoluble collagen contents, the more oxidative metabolism, the more tender was the meat. Muscle type, and not breed explained most of the variability of meat quality from dairy and beef cull cows slaughtered at the same age and fat score.
Journal of Animal Science | 2008
Schreurs Nm; F. Garcia; Catherine Jurie; Jacques Agabriel; D. Micol; D. Bauchart; A. Listrat; Brigitte Picard
The effect of animal maturity on fiber cross-sectional area, percentage of fiber types, activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total and insoluble collagen and lipid concentration was investigated in the longis-simus thoracis (LT), semitendinosus (ST), and triceps brachii (TB) muscles. The analysis considered 2,642 muscle samples from bulls, steers, and cows of Aubrac, Charolais, Limousin, Montbéliard, and Salers breeds. For the bulls, the fiber cross-sectional area, percentage of slow oxidative fibers, and ICDH activity showed a quadratic relationship (P < 0.05), and the percentage of fast oxidative-glycolytic and fast glycolytic fibers and LDH activity showed a cubic relationship (P < 0.05) with increased maturity. A linear relationship was observed for the collagen and lipid muscle characteristics. The response equation coefficients for different muscles indicate that development of muscle characteristics is different for each muscle. Compared with the other muscles, ST muscle had a greater fiber cross-sectional area, proportion of fast glycolytic fibers, LDH activity, and collagen content. The LT muscle had a greater proportion of slow-oxidative fibers and lipid (P < 0.05). Within the ST muscle, all characteristics except lipid concentration showed different development between the breeds. Steers showed greater changes in muscle fiber cross-sectional area, percentage of fast oxidative-glycolytic and fast glycolytic fibers, and total lipid in the muscle with increasing maturity compared with bulls. The mean fiber cross-sectional area and percentage of fast glycolytic fibers was greater and the mean lipid concentration was less in bulls compared with steers (P < 0.05). Data for cows were from more mature animals. Muscle characteristics in cows did not show large changes with increasing degree of maturity. Muscle type accounts for a greater proportion of the variation in the muscle characteristics than breed and sex of the animal.
BMC Biochemistry | 2012
Sghaier Chriki; G.E. Gardner; Catherine Jurie; Brigitte Picard; D. Micol; Jean-Paul Brun; Laurent Journaux; Jean-François Hocquette
BackgroundAn important controversy in the relationship between beef tenderness and muscle characteristics including biochemical traits exists among meat researchers. The aim of this study is to explain variability in meat tenderness using muscle characteristics and biochemical traits available in the Integrated and Functional Biology of Beef (BIF-Beef) database. The BIF-Beef data warehouse contains characteristic measurements from animal, muscle, carcass, and meat quality derived from numerous experiments. We created three classes for tenderness (high, medium, and low) based on trained taste panel tenderness scores of all meat samples consumed (4,366 observations from 40 different experiments). For each tenderness class, the corresponding means for the mechanical characteristics, muscle fibre type, collagen content, and biochemical traits which may influence tenderness of the muscles were calculated.ResultsOur results indicated that lower shear force values were associated with more tender meat. In addition, muscles in the highest tenderness cluster had the lowest total and insoluble collagen contents, the highest mitochondrial enzyme activity (isocitrate dehydrogenase), the highest proportion of slow oxidative muscle fibres, the lowest proportion of fast-glycolytic muscle fibres, and the lowest average muscle fibre cross-sectional area. Results were confirmed by correlation analyses, and differences between muscle types in terms of biochemical characteristics and tenderness score were evidenced by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). When the cluster analysis was repeated using only muscle samples from m. Longissimus thoracis (LT), the results were similar; only contrasting previous results by maintaining a relatively constant fibre-type composition between all three tenderness classes.ConclusionOur results show that increased meat tenderness is related to lower shear forces, lower insoluble collagen and total collagen content, lower cross-sectional area of fibres, and an overall fibre type composition displaying more oxidative fibres than glycolytic fibres.
Meat Science | 2007
B. Aurousseau; D. Bauchart; A.L. Galot; S. Prache; D. Micol; A. Priolo
Twenty-four male Ile-de-France lambs (six blocks of homologous lambs) were used to study the effect of four feeding systems on muscle triglyceride (TG) and phospholipid (PL) fatty acids (FA) from the longissimus thoracis (LT): raised and finished on cool season grasses (G), raised on the same grasses and stall-finished, indoors, on concentrates and hay, respectively, for 22 (GSS) and 41 days (GSL), and stall-feeding, indoors, on concentrate and hay during both growing and finishing periods (S). In TG, similar decreases (P<0.05) of proportions of linolenic acid were observed after changing from grass feeding to stall feeding (GSS and GSL), and a decrease (P<0.05) in proportions of conjugated C18:2 cis9, trans11 (CLA cis9, trans11) was obtained after a long period of concentrate feeding (GSL). In PL, C22:5 n-3 achieved a significantly (P<0.05) lower level in GSL lambs compared both G and S lambs. A similar non-significant tendency was observed in the case of the other very long chain n-3 polyunsaturated FA. The separate analysis of fatty acids of TG and PL from the LT muscle underlined that TG afforded a more significant lowering effect than PL on the overall ratio between C18:2 n-6 and C18:2 n-3 in muscle lipids and on the health potential of meat for the consumer. A PCA analysis combining FA composition of TG and PL, and growth performances of the lambs allowed an efficient discrimination between the four feeding systems.
Meat Science | 2013
Annabelle Dubost; D. Micol; Brigitte Picard; Claire Lethias; Donato Andueza; D. Bauchart; Anne Listrat
The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of structural and biochemical characteristics of muscle intramuscular connective tissue on beef quality. The experimental design was based on three muscles of three breeds sampled as fresh material and cooked at 55°C (Longissimus thoracis and Semimembranosus) or at 70°C (Semimembranosus and Biceps femoris) for quality assessment. The results showed that muscle characteristics influence beef quality differently from one muscle to another. In grilled LT, proteoglycan content contributed negatively to juiciness, and intramuscular lipids were linked positively to tenderness, flavour, residues and overall liking scores. In grilled SM, cross-link and lipid contents were involved in beef quality. In BF cooked to 70°C, perimysial branch points were negatively linked to tenderness. In SM cooked to 70°C, perimysial area was involved in beef quality. These results should allow a better understanding of the factors involved in background toughness, in juiciness and flavour of meat.