D.N. Edwards
University of Liverpool
European Physical Journal A | 1988
M. Bonesini; E. Bonvin; P.S.L. Booth; L. Carroll; A. J. Cass; D. Cavalli; G. Cecchet; G. Costa; M. Donnat; P. A. Dorsaz; D.N. Edwards; J.R. Fischer; L. Fluri; D. Frame; F. Gianotti; S. Jack; J. N. Jackson; M. Kelly; M.N. Kienzle-Focacci; R. Lucock; J.G. Lynch; L. Mandelli; M. Martin; L. Mathys; A. Maxwell; M. Mazzanti; J.J. Myerscough; P. Negus; S. Pensotti-Rancoita; L. Perini
The inclusive cross sections for production of prompt photons and π0s by 280 GeV/c protons incident on a liquid hydrogen target, have been measured forpT in the range 4.0 to 6.5 GeV/c and for |xF|<0.45. A quantitative comparison of the prompt photon cross section with next-to-leading order QCD predictions using Duke and Owens structure functions is performed. Phenomenological fits to the π0 and prompt photon cross sections are given.
Nuclear Physics | 1969
R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; R.S. Moore; E.J.C. Read; S. Reucroft; T. Buran; A.G. Frodesen; S. Sire; P. Saetre; A. Bettini; S. Limentani; L. Peruzzo; R. Santangelo; S. Sartori
Abstract Approximately 17 000 four-prong annihilations of 1.2 GeV/ c antiprotons in hydrogen have been analyzed. The present report considers those events with one neutral pion (5π). The 5π events show production of ϱ 0 , ϱ ± , f 0 , ω 0 , η 0 mesons, and the possibility of a ϱϱ enhancement at 1400 MeV/ c and/or a ϱπ enhancement at 1080 MeV/ c is considered. The influence of the Bose-Einstein correlation function of Goldhaber et al. [6] is investigated. Centre-of-mass angular distributions of the pions and centre-of-mass opening angles between pairs of pions are presented. The production upper limits at the 95% confidence level, for several resonant states are given.
European Physical Journal A | 1988
M. Bonesini; E. Bonvin; P.S.L. Booth; D. Bortoletto; L. Carroll; A. J. Cass; D. Cavalli; G. Costa; M. Donnat; P. A. Dorsaz; D.N. Edwards; J.R. Fischer; L. Fluri; D. Frame; F. Gianotti; S. Jack; J. N. Jackson; M. Kelly; M.N. Kienzle-Focacci; R. Lucock; J.G. Lynch; L. Mandelli; M. Martin; L. Mathys; A. Maxwell; M. Mazzanti; J.J. Myerscough; P. Negus; S. Pensotti-Rancoita; L. Perini
The inclusive cross sections for prompt photon production by π− and π+ on protons have been measured with a beam momentum of 280 GeV/c using a fine grained electromagnetic calorimeter and the CERN Omega spectrometer. The transverse momentum and FeynmanxF ranges covered are 4.0<pT<7.0GeV/c and −0.45<xF<0.55 respectively. A quantitative comparison of the prompt photon cross section with next-to-leading order QCD predictions using Duke and Owens structure functions is performed.
Physics Letters B | 1977
C. Evangelista; B. Ghidini; Antimo Palano; V. Picciarelli; G. Zito; P. Mättig; K. Müller; E. Paul; W. Rühmer; B.R. French; Winfried A Mitaroff; C. Palazzi-Cerrina; R. Strub; A.S. Thompson; P.L. Woodworth; M. Edwards; T. Armstrong; J. Gordon; I.S. Hughes; G.M. Lewis; R.M. Turnbull; C. Best; R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; M. Houlden; G. Costa; L. Mandelli; S. Pensotti; L. Perini; D. H. Miller
Abstract In a search for resonances coupled to the p pπ − system, we have studied π − p interactions at 16 GeV/ c giving a forward antiproton, using the Omega spectrometer at CERN. In the final states involving a p , p and π − we observe a 5.6 (6.3) standard deviation enhancement in the p pπ − mass spectrum at (2.95 ± 0.01) GeV with a width consistent with the resolution ( σ = 15 MeV). The production cross section × branching ratio is estimated to be of the order 1 μb. The data are consistent with a resonance decaying partly via intermediate p p final states.
Physics Letters B | 1976
R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; M. Houlden; R. Wakeford; W.H. Williams
Abstract The final states oππ and oKK arising from pp annihilations at 3.6 GeV/ c have been studied. The results are in agreement with Zweigs rule contrary to what is observed in high energy pp collisions.
Nuclear Physics | 1968
Ch. d'Andlau; A. Astier; L. Dobrzynski; J. Siaud; J. Barlow; L. Montanet; L. Tallone-Lambardi; A.M. Adamson; J. Duboc; M. Goldberg; R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; J.E.A. Lys
Experimental results are presented for the five- and six-body annihilations pp → KK3π and pp → KK 4π of 1.2 GeV/c antiprotons. Analysis of these results in terms of production of K∗(890), ϱ, ω, η and D(1280) resonances is made. A detailed analysis of the quantum numbers for the D-meson is given.
Physics Letters B | 1981
M. Bonesini; R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; M. Edwards; B.R. French; B. Ghidini; M. Houlden; L. Mandelli; Franco Navach; Antimo Palano; E. Paul; L. Perini; V. Picciarelli; I.L. Smith
Abstract Performing a PWA of the π − π − π + system over the −t p/p range 0.2 to 0.4 GeV 2 we find evidence for a J P = 0 − , J G =1 − meson of mass 1342 ± 20 MeV and width 220 ±70 MeV decaying into ϵπ. This state is produced by natural parity exchange with a slope similar to that of elastic scattering. It can be interpreted as a radial excitation of the π meson (π′).
Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-nuclei Particles and Fields | 1978
B. Jayet; M. Gailloud; Ph. Rosselet; V. Vuillemin; S. Vallet; M. Bogdanski; E. Jeannet; C. J. Campbell; J. Dawber; D.N. Edwards
SummaryThe reaction
Nuclear Physics | 1982
T. A. Armstrong; B. Baccari; P.S.L. Booth; Reto Brun; Paul T. Campbell; L. Carroll; Giuseppe Costa; R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; C. Evangelista; D. Frame; B.R. French; S.H.P. Geer; B. Ghidini; P. Girtler; I.S. Hughes; N. J. Jackson; J.G. Lynch; L. Mandelli; P. Mättig; P. W. Minto; Winfried A Mitaroff; G. Otter; Antimo Palano; L. Perini; James Pinfold; W.H. Range; J.A. Richardson; G. Rudolph; F. Saleemi
Nuclear Physics | 1972
J. Duboc; M. Goldberg; B. Makowski; A.M. Touchard; R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; J. Galletly; N. West
\bar pp \to \bar \Lambda \Lambda