D. Stephani
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1991
B. Aubert; A. Bazan; F. Cavanna; J. Colas; T. Leflour; J.P. Vialle; Howard Gordon; V. Polychronakos; V. Radeka; D. Rahm; D. Stephani; L. Baisin; J.C. Berset; Christian Fabjan; D. Fournier; O. Gildemeister; P. Jenni; M. Lefebvre; C.P. Marin; Marzio Nessi; F. Nessi-Tedaldi; M. Pepe; G. Polesello; W. Richter; A. Sigrist; W.J. Willis; D.V. Camin; G. Costa; F. Gianotti; L. Mandelli
Abstract The first prototype of a lead—liquid-argon e.m. calorimeter with accordion-shaped absorber and electrode plates has been built and tested with electron and muon beams at the CERN SPS. This novel geometry combines good granularity with high readout speed and minimal dead space. For a response peaking time of 140 ns, an energy resolution of 10%/ E[ GeV ] and a space resolution of 4.4 mm/ E[ GeV ] with a 2.7 cm cell size have been achieved for electrons. The position accuracy for muons is better than 2 mm.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1992
B. Aubert; A. Bazan; B. Beaugiraud; J. Colas; T. Leflour; M. Maire; J.P. Vialle; I. Wingerter-Seez; Y. Zolnierowski; Howard Gordon; V. Radeka; D. Rahm; D. Stephani; J.L. Chevalley; Christian Fabjan; D. Fournier; A. Franz; O. Gildemeister; P. Jenni; Marzio Nessi; F. Nessi-Tedaldi; M. Pepe; W. Richter; J. Soderqvist; J.M. Baze; L. Gosset; P. Lavocat; J.P. Lottin; B. Mansoulie; J. Meyer
Abstract A prototype lead-liquid-argon electromagnetic calorimeter with parallel plates and Accordion geometry has been equipped with high speed readout electronics and tested with electron and muon beams at the CERN SPS. For a response peaking time of about 35 ns, fast enough for operation at the future hadron colliders, the energy resolution for electrons is 9.6%/√E[GeV] with a local constant term of 0.3% and a noise contribution of 0.33 E[ GeV ] . The spatial accuracy achieved with a detector granularity of 2.7 cm is 3.7 mm E[ GeV ] and the angular resolution 12 mrad at 60 GeV.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1993
B. Aubert; A. Bazan; B. Beaugiraud; J. Colas; T. Leflour; M. Maire; J.P. Vialle; I. Wingerter-Seez; Y. Zolnierowski; Howard Gordon; V. Radeka; D. Rahm; D. Stephani; N. Bulgakov; J.L. Chevalley; Christian Fabjan; D. Fournier; O. Gildemeister; P. Jenni; Marzio Nessi; F. Nessi-Tedaldi; M. Pepe; W. Richter; J. Soderqvist; V. Vuillemin; J.M. Baze; L. Gosset; P. Lavocat; J.P. Lottin; B. Mansoulie
Abstract A prototype liquid argon preshower detector with a strip granularity of 2.5 mm has been tested at the CERN SPS in front of a liquid argon Accordion calorimeter. For charged tracks a signal-to-noise ratio of 9.4 and a space resolution of 340 μm were measured; the rejection power against overlapping photons produced in the decay of 50 GeV π 0 s is larger than 3; the precision on
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1995
G. Bencze; A. Chikanian; M. Della Negra; V. Gratchev; A. Hervé; O. Kiselev; S. McCorkle; M. Mohammadi; P. O'Connor; V. Polychronakos; O. Prokofiev; V. Radeka; E. Radermacher; C. Seez; J. T. Shank; G.C. Smith; J. Sondericker; D. Stephani; F. Szoncso; V. Tcherniatine; A. Vanyashin; G. Walzel; S. Whitaker; G. Wrochna; C.-E. Wulz; B. Yu
Abstract Design and construction details are presented of a four-layer, position sensitive, cathode strip chamber and a low cost, highly multiplexed readout system based on monolithic circuit technology that are well suited for a muon detector at future hadron colliders. Track location is determined by interpolation of the cathode induced charge, using a new design with intermediate strips between readout nodes to reduce the number of channels and improve position resolution and linearity. Results are reported from tests with an 55 Fe source and a 300 GeV/ c muon beam in RD5 at CERN. The beam test demonstrated position resolution of 40 μ m per layer which is less than 1% of the readout pitch. The timing resolution for the entire four-layer detector was 3.6 ns r.m.s. which is adequate for fully efficient beam crossing identification in an LHC experiment.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1996
T. P. A. Åkesson; H. Carling; B. Dolgoshein; C. Fabjan; P. Farthouat; Daniel Froidevaux; W. Funk; S. Furletov; I. Gavrilenko; M. Holder; V.G. Ivochkin; S. Jagielski; O. Kondratiev; S. Konovalov; A. Konstantinov; M. Kopitin; P. Lichard; S. Muraviev; A.V. Nadtochi; P. Nevski; P. R. Norton; V. Peshekhonov; V. Polychronakos; M. Potekhin; V. Radeka; Robert Richter; A. Ramaniouk; D. H. Saxon; V.A. Schegelsky; J. T. Shank
Abstract An 864 channel prototype of an integrated straw tracker and transition radiation detector for tracking and electron identification has been tested with and without magnetic field at the CERN SPS. The rejection against hadrons and converted photons has been measured and the dependence of the rejection power on detection parameters has been investigated. Tracking and hadron rejection were also studied in a high multiplicity environment. The results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations. Wherever possible, conclusions are drawn concerning the performance of a full-scale detector at the future Large Hadron Collider.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1993
B. Aubert; A. Bazan; B. Beaugiraud; J. Colas; T. Leflour; M. Maire; J.P. Vialle; I. Wingerter-Seez; Y. Zolnierowski; H. A. Gordon; V. Radeka; D. Rahm; D. Stephani; N. Bulgakov; J.L. Chevalley; C. Fabjan; D. Fournier; O. Gildemeister; P. Jenni; M. Nessi; F. Nessi-Tedaldi; M. Pepe; W. Richter; J. Soderqvist; V. Vuillemin; J.M. Baze; L. Gosset; P. Lavocat; J.P. Lottin; B. Mansoulie
Abstract A prototype of a lead liquid argon accordion calorimeter with two types of cylindrical geometry was constructed and equipped with high speed readout electronics. The energy resolution for electrons is 10%/√E (GeV) with a local constant term of 0.65%. The resolutions obtained for position and angular measurements are given.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1992
L.R. Furenlid; H.W. Kraner; L. Rogers; Stephen P. Cramer; D. Stephani; R. Beuttenmuller; J. Beren
X-ray absorption studies of dilute samples require fluorescence detection techniques. Since signal-to-noise ratios are governed by the ratio of fluorescent to scattered photons counted by a detector, solid state detectors which can discriminate between fluorescence and scattered photons have become the instruments of choice for trace element measurements. Commercially available 13 element Ge array detectors permitting total count rates < 500000 counts per second are now in routine use. Since X-ray absorption beamlines at high brightness synchrotron sources can already illuminate most dilute samples with enough flux to saturate the current generation of solid state detectors, the development of next-generation instruments with significantly higher total count rates is essential. We present the design and current status of the 100 element Si array detector being developed in a collaboration between the NSLS and the Instrumentation Division at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The detecting array consists of a 10×10 matrix of 4 mm×4 mm elements laid out on a single piece of ultrahigh purity silicon mounted at the front end of a liquid nitrogen dewar assembly. A matrix of charge sensitive integrating preamplifiers feed signals to an array of shaping amplifiers, single channel analyzers, and scalers. An electronic switch, delay amplifier, linear gate, digital scope, peak sensing A/D converter, and histogramining memory module provide for complete diagnostics and channel calibration. The entire instrument is controlled by a LabView 2 application on a MacII ci; the software also provides full control over beamline hardware and performs the data collection.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1991
J.T. Shank; Js Whitaker; V. Polychronakos; V. Radeka; D. Stephani; H. Beker; R. Bock; M. Botlo; C. Fabjan; J. Pfennig; M. J. Price; W. Willis; T. P. A. Åkesson; V. Chernyatin; B. Dolgoshein; P. Nevski; A. Konstantinov; M. Potekhin; A. Romanjuk; V. Sosnovtsev; I. Gavrilenko; S. Muraviev; A. Shmeleva
Abstract A tracking transition radiation detector prototype has been constructed and tested. It consists of 192 straw tubes, 4 mm in diameter, embedded in a polyethylene block acting as radiator. Its performance has been studied as an electron identifier as well as a tracking device for minimum-ionizing particles.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1994
O. Benary; W. Cleland; H. Cunitz; I. Ferguson; A. Gordeev; H. A. Gordon; E. Kistenev; P. J. Kroon; M. Leltchouk; D. Lissauer; H. Ma; D. Makowiecki; A. Maslennikov; S. McCorkle; D. Onoprienko; A. Onuchin; Y. Oren; V. Panin; J. Parsons; V. Radeka; D. Rahm; L. Rogers; S. Rescia; J. P. Rutherfoord; M. Seman; W. Sippach; M. Smith; J. Sondericker; U. Sonnadara; R. Steiner
We present the results of a study of amplitude and timing measurements made in a liquid krypton electromagnetic calorimeter, using multiply sampled signals of the shaped waveform. The measurements were designed to emulate the type of data that will be available from a calorimeter operating at future hadron-hadron colliders with short (∼ 20 ns) spacing between bunch crossings. Data have been collected with 18 ns sample spacing on waveforms from individual calorimeter sections with a shaping time of 40 ns and from 5 × 5 tower analog sums with a shaping time of 50 ns. The amplitude was measured using the analog sum signal, and the timing was measured using the signal from the individual sections. The data were processed using the method of optimal filtering, and a reduction in the noise of about a factor of two over that for a single sample is seen when using multiple samples for determining the amplitude. We find an energy resolution of 6.7%E, in agreement with the resolution measured for the same calorimeter using a single sample measured at the peak of the waveform. The timing resolution for a section of a calorimeter tower with deposited energy ∈ can be expressed as (c∈)2 + σcal2, with a value of c of 0.38 GeV ns for the front section (the first 6 radiation lengths) and 0.70 GeV ns for the back section, and a value of 0.15 ns for σcal.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1993
O. Benary; S. Cannon; W. Cleland; I. Ferguson; C. Finley; A. Gordeev; H. A. Gordon; E. Kistenev; P. J. Kroon; M. Letchouk; D. Lissauer; H. Ma; D. Makowiecki; A. Maslennikov; S. McCorkle; D. Onoprienko; A. Onuchin; Y. Oren; V. Panin; J. Parsons; J. Rabel; V. Radeka; L. Rogers; D. Rahm; S. Rescia; J. P. Rutherfoord; M. Seman; M. Smith; J. Sondericker; R. Steiner
We present timing measurements performed with a liquid krypton electromagnetic accordion calorimeter, measured in an electron beam over an energy range of 5–20 GeV. A novel discriminator with an amplitude-independent timing response was used to extract the inherently accurate timing information from the calorimeter. As expected, the timing resolution στ is observed to vary inversely with the signal amplitude, which is proportional to the deposited energy E. We measure a resolution of στ = 4.15±0.06 GeV ns/E for a sum of 5×5 towers with dimensions 2.7×2.5 cm2 each. From this we deduce that the timing resolution for an individual tower is approximately 0.8 GeV ns/E.