D. Tompkins
University of Arizona
Featured researches published by D. Tompkins.
Journal of Instrumentation | 2008
A. Artamonov; D. C. Bailey; G.A.N. Belanger; M Cadabeschi; T Y Chen; V. Epshteyn; Pa Gorbounov; K K Joo; M. Khakzad; V. Khovanskiy; P. Krieger; P. Loch; J. Mayer; E. Neuheimer; F. G. Oakham; M. O'Neill; R. S. Orr; M Qi; John Rutherfoord; A.Y. Savine; M. Schram; P. B. Shatalov; L. Shaver; M. A. Shupe; G.G. Stairs; V Strickland; D. Tompkins; I. I. Tsukerman; K. Vincent
Forward calorimeters, located near the incident beams, complete the nearly 4π coverage for high pT particles resulting from proton-proton collisions in the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Both the technology and the deployment of the forward calorimeters in ATLAS are novel. The liquid argon rod/tube electrode structure for the forward calorimeters was invented specifically for applications in high rate environments. The placement of the forward calorimeters adjacent to the other calorimeters relatively close to the interaction point provides several advantages including nearly seamless calorimetry and natural shielding for the muon system. The forward calorimeter performance requirements are driven by events with missing ET and tagging jets.
Journal of Instrumentation | 2007
J. Armitage; A. Artamonov; L Babukhadia; M. S. Dixit; T. Embry; V Epshteyn; P. G. Estabrooks; P. Gravelle; J. Hamm; V. Khovansky; D. Koolbeck; P. Krieger; P. Loch; M. J. Losty; J.K. Mayer; R Mazini; F Gerald Oakham; M. O'Neill; Robert Orr; John Rutherfoord; M. Ryabinin; A.Y. Savine; C Jason Seely; Pavel Shatalov; L. Shaver; M. A. Shupe; G.G. Stairs; D. Tompkins; W. Trischuk; K. Vincent
A pre-production prototype of the Forward Calorimeter (FCal) for the ATLAS detector presently under construction at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, was exposed to electrons in the momentum range from 20 to 200 GeV/c in a test beam experiment at CERN in 1998. The measured performance, including a signal linearity within about ±1% and a high energy limit in the relative energy resolution of about 4%, meets the expectations for this kind of calorimeter, and exceeds the physics requirements for successful application in ATLAS.
ieee nuclear science symposium | 2008
T. Argyropoulos; K. Assamagan; B. H. Benedict; V. Chernyatin; E. Cheu; J. Deng; A. Gordeev; I. Gough Eschrich; V. Grachev; K. Johns; S. Junnarkar; A. Kandasamy; V. Kaushik; A. Khodinov; A. J. Lankford; X. Lei; R. Murillo Garcia; K. Nikolopoulos; P. O'Connor; C. L. Parnell-Lampen; W. Park; V. Polychronakos; R. Porter; M. Purohit; M. Schernau; B. Toggerson; D. Tompkins
The Muon Spectrometer of the ATLAS detector at the LHC is designed to provide high quality stand-alone muon identification, momentum measurement and trigger capabilities with high pseudorapidity coverage. Precision tracking at the inner-most station in the high pseudorapidity regions, 2.0 ≪ |η| ≪ 2:7, is performed by 16 four-layered Cathode Strip Chambers on each end-cap. These are multi-wire proportional chambers with segmented cathodes providing excellent spatial resolution and high counting rate capability. The second cathode of each layer is coarsely segmented, providing the transverse coordinate. The detector level performance of the system is presented. The installation and commissioning effort for the Cathode Strip Chambers is described. Finally, the in situ performance is briefly discussed.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements | 1998
J. Armitage; A. Artamonov; L. Austin; V. Epchtein; V. Jemanov; K. Johns; V. Khovansky; P. Loch; J.K. Mayer; R. Norton; Robert Orr; John Rutherfoord; M. Ryabinin; A. Savin; Pavel Shatalov; L. Shaver; M. A. Shupe; G.G. Stairs; J. Steinberg; D. Tompkins
The performance of the ATLAS electromagnetic liquid argon/brass forward calorimeter with its new readout geometry consisting of tube/rod electrodes with cylindrical shell gaps, has been evaluated with a full depth prototype in a testbeam experiment with electrons in 1995. The results for signal linearity of better than 1% and a constant term in the relative energy resolution of 3% meet and even exceed the original performance requirements very well. Space resolution in the order of 0.5 mm in the high energy limit, and an insignificant signal dependency on the electron impact angle have been found in addition.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements | 1999
J. Armitage; L. Babukhadian; M. S. Dixit; M. Donkers; T. Embry; P. Gravelle; J. Hamm; J. Kamnitzer; N. Khan; V. Khovanskii; D. Koolbeck; P. Loch; M. J. Losty; R. Mazini; J.K. Mayer; M. O'Neill; F.G. Oakham; Robert Orr; D. Paterson; M. Ryabin; John Rutherfoord; A. Savin; J. Seely; Pavel Shatalov; L. Shaver; M. A. Shupe; G.G. Stairs; D. Tompkins; W. Trischuk; K. Vincent
Due to the severe radiation environment, the ATLAS experiment has chosen a compact tungsten/liquid argon forward hadronic calorimeter. The electrode design is unique and consists of hexagonally packed, tubular, thin gap electrodes running parallel to the beam direction. We describe the design criteria, the novel construction methods based on sintered tungsten components, and initial high energy beam tests at CERN.