
Featured researches published by Daisaku Nogami.

Nature | 2012

Superflares on solar-type stars

Hiroyuki Maehara; Takuya Shibayama; Shota Notsu; Yuta Notsu; Takashi Nagao; Satoshi Kusaba; Satoshi Honda; Daisaku Nogami; Kazunari Shibata

Solar flares are caused by the sudden release of magnetic energy stored near sunspots. They release 1029 to 1032 ergs of energy on a timescale of hours. Similar flares have been observed on many stars, with larger ‘superflares’ seen on a variety of stars, some of which are rapidly rotating and some of which are of ordinary solar type. The small number of superflares observed on solar-type stars has hitherto precluded a detailed study of them. Here we report observations of 365 superflares, including some from slowly rotating solar-type stars, from about 83,000 stars observed over 120 days. Quasi-periodic brightness modulations observed in the solar-type stars suggest that they have much larger starspots than does the Sun. The maximum energy of the flare is not correlated with the stellar rotation period, but the data suggest that superflares occur more frequently on rapidly rotating stars. It has been proposed that hot Jupiters may be important in the generation of superflares on solar-type stars, but none have been discovered around the stars that we have studied, indicating that hot Jupiters associated with superflares are rare.

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan | 2004

Variable Star Network: World Center for Transient Object Astronomy and Variable Stars

Taichi Kato; Makoto Uemura; Ryoko Ishioka; Daisaku Nogami; Chatief Kunjaya; Hajime Baba; Hitoshi Yamaoka

Variable Star Network (VSNET) is a global professional-amateur network of researchers in variable stars and related objects, particularly in transient objects, such as cataclysmic variables, black-hole binaries, supernovae, and gamma-ray bursts. The VSNET has been playing a pioneering role in establishing the field of transient object astronomy, by effectivelyincorporating modern advancesin observationalastronomy and global electronic networks, as well as collaborative progress in theoretical astronomy and astronomical computing. The VSNET is now one of the best-featured global networks in this field of astronomy. We review the historical progress, design concept, associated technology, and a wealth of scientific achievements powered by VSNET.

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan | 2013

Can Superflares Occur on Our Sun

Kazunari Shibata; Hiroaki Isobe; Andrew Hillier; Arnab Rai Choudhuri; Hiroyuki Maehara; Takako T. Ishii; Takuya Shibayama; Shota Notsu; Yuta Notsu; Takashi Nagao; Satoshi Honda; Daisaku Nogami

Recent observations of solar type stars with the Kepler satellite by Maehara et al. have revealed the existence of superflares (with energy of 10^33 - 10^35 erg) on Sun-like stars, which are similar to our Sun in their surface temperature (5600 K - 6000 K) and slow rotation (rotational period > 10 days). From the statistical analysis of these superflares, it was found that superflares with energy 10^34 erg occur once in 800 years and superflares with 10^35 erg occur once in 5000 years on Sun-like stars. In this paper, we examine whether superflares with energy of 10^33 - 10^35 erg could occur on the present Sun through the use of simple order-of-magnitude estimates based on current ideas relating to the mechanisms of the solar dynamo.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2013

Superflares on Solar-type Stars Observed with Kepler II. Photometric Variability of Superflare-generating Stars: A Signature of Stellar Rotation and Starspots

Yuta Notsu; Takuya Shibayama; Hiroyuki Maehara; Shota Notsu; Takashi Nagao; Satoshi Honda; Takako T. Ishii; Daisaku Nogami; Kazunari Shibata

We performed simple spot-model calculations for quasi-periodic brightness variations of solar-type stars showing superflares using Kepler photometric data. Most of the superflare stars show quasi-periodic brightness modulations with a typical period of one to a few tens of days. Our results indicate that these brightness variations can be explained by the rotation of a star with fairly large starspots. Using the results of the period analysis, we investigated the relation between the energy and frequency of superflares and the rotation period. Stars with relatively slower rotation rates can still produce flares that are as energetic as those of more rapidly rotating stars although the average flare frequency is lower for more slowly rotating stars. We found that the energy of superflares is related to the total coverage of the starspot. The correlation between the spot coverage and the flare energy in superflares is similar to that in solar flares. These results suggest that the energy of superflares can be explained by the magnetic energy stored around the starspots.

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan | 2010

Survey of Period Variations of Superhumps in SU UMa-Type Dwarf Novae. II: The Second Year (2009-2010)

Taichi Kato; Hiroyuki Maehara; Makoto Uemura; Arne A. Henden; Enrique de Miguel; Ian Miller; Pavol A. Dubovsky; Igor Kudzej; Seiichiro Kiyota; Franz-Josef Hambsch; Kenji Tanabe; Kazuyoshi Imamura; Nanae Kunitomi; Ryosuke Takagi; Mikiha Nose; Hidehiko Akazawa; Gianluca Masi; Shinichi Nakagawa; Eriko Iino; Ryo Noguchi; Katsura Matsumoto; Daichi Fujii; Hiroshi Kobayashi; Kazuyuki Ogura; Sachi Ohtomo; Kousei Yamashita; Hirofumi Yanagisawa; Hiroshi Itoh; Greg Bolt; Berto Monard

As an extension of the project in Kato et al. (2009, arXiv:0905.1757), we collected times of superhump maxima for 61 SU UMa-type dwarf novae mainly observed during the 2009-2010 season. The newly obtained data confirmed the basic findings reported in Kato et al. (2009): the presence of stages A-C, as well as the predominance of positive period derivatives during stage B in systems with superhump periods shorter than 0.07 d. There was a systematic difference in period derivatives for systems with superhump periods longer than 0.075 d between this study and Kato et al. (2009). We suggest that this difference is possibly caused by the relative lack of frequently outbursting SU UMa-type dwarf novae in this period regime in the present study. We recorded a strong beat phenomenon during the 2009 superoutburst of IY UMa. The close correlation between the beat period and superhump period suggests that the changing angular velocity of the apsidal motion of the elliptical disk is responsible for the variation of superhump periods. We also described three new WZ Sge-type objects with established early superhumps and one with likely early superhumps. We also suggest that two systems, VX For and EL UMa, are WZ Sge-type dwarf novae with multiple rebrightenings. The O-C variation in OT J213806.6+261957 suggests that the frequent absence of rebrightenings in very short-Porb objects can be a result of sustained superoutburst plateau at the epoch when usual SU UMa-type dwarf novae return to quiescence preceding a rebrightening. We also present a formulation for a variety of Bayesian extension to traditional period analyses.

Earth, Planets and Space | 2015

Statistical properties of superflares on solar-type stars based on 1-min cadence data

Hiroyuki Maehara; Takuya Shibayama; Yuta Notsu; Shota Notsu; Satoshi Honda; Daisaku Nogami; Kazunari Shibata

We searched for superflares on solar-type stars using Kepler data with 1-min sampling in order to detect superflares with a short duration. We found 187 superflares on 23 solar-type stars whose bolometric energy ranges from the order of 1032 to 1036 erg. Some superflares show multiple peaks with the peak separation of the order of 100 to 1,000 s which is comparable to the periods of quasi-periodic pulsations in solar and stellar flares. Using these new data combined with the results from the data with 30-min sampling, we found that the occurrence frequency (dN/dE) of superflares as a function of flare energy (E) shows the power-law distribution (dN/dE∝E−α) with α∼−1.5 for 1033<E<1036 erg which is consistent with the previous results. The average occurrence rate of superflares with the energy of 1033 erg which is equivalent to X100 solar flares is about once in 500 to 600 years. The upper limit of energy released by superflares is basically comparable to a fraction of the magnetic energy stored near starspots which is estimated from the photometry.We also found that the duration of superflares (τ) increases with the flare energy (E) as τ∝E0.39 ± 0.03. This can be explained if we assume the time scale of flares is determined by the Alfvén time.

Nature | 2016

Repetitive patterns in rapid optical variations in the nearby black-hole binary V404 Cygni.

Mariko Kimura; Keisuke Isogai; Taichi Kato; Yoshihiro Ueda; Satoshi Nakahira; Megumi Shidatsu; Teruaki Enoto; Takafumi Hori; Daisaku Nogami; Colin Littlefield; Ryoko Ishioka; Ying-Tung Chen; S.-K. King; Chih Yi Wen; Shiang-Yu Wang; M. J. Lehner; Megan E. Schwamb; Jen Hung Wang; Z.-W. Zhang; Charles Alcock; Tim Axelrod; Federica B. Bianco; Yong Ik Byun; W. P. Chen; Kem H. Cook; Dae-Won Kim; Typhoon Lee; S. L. Marshall; Elena P. Pavlenko; Oksana I. Antonyuk

How black holes accrete surrounding matter is a fundamental yet unsolved question in astrophysics. It is generally believed that matter is absorbed into black holes via accretion disks, the state of which depends primarily on the mass-accretion rate. When this rate approaches the critical rate (the Eddington limit), thermal instability is supposed to occur in the inner disk, causing repetitive patterns of large-amplitude X-ray variability (oscillations) on timescales of minutes to hours. In fact, such oscillations have been observed only in sources with a high mass-accretion rate, such as GRS 1915+105 (refs 2, 3). These large-amplitude, relatively slow timescale, phenomena are thought to have physical origins distinct from those of X-ray or optical variations with small amplitudes and fast timescales (less than about 10 seconds) often observed in other black-hole binaries—for example, XTE J1118+480 (ref. 4) and GX 339−4 (ref. 5). Here we report an extensive multi-colour optical photometric data set of V404 Cygni, an X-ray transient source containing a black hole of nine solar masses (and a companion star) at a distance of 2.4 kiloparsecs (ref. 8). Our data show that optical oscillations on timescales of 100 seconds to 2.5 hours can occur at mass-accretion rates more than ten times lower than previously thought. This suggests that the accretion rate is not the critical parameter for inducing inner-disk instabilities. Instead, we propose that a long orbital period is a key condition for these large-amplitude oscillations, because the outer part of the large disk in binaries with long orbital periods will have surface densities too low to maintain sustained mass accretion to the inner part of the disk. The lack of sustained accretion—not the actual rate—would then be the critical factor causing large-amplitude oscillations in long-period systems.

Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific | 1997


Daisaku Nogami; Seiya Masuda; Taichi Kato

We present observations of SX LMi obtained during the 1994 long outburst at Ouda Station. Superhumps, with a period of 0.06950 (± 0.00002) d, are detected. This confirms SX LMi as a new member of the SU UMa-type dwarf novae. We measured the recurrence cycle of normal outbursts and superoutbursts to be about 35 d and 250 d, repsectively, from outburst records by RoboScope (Indiana University) and amateur observers. These recurrence cycles are typical values for normal SU UMa stars. However, the outburst amplitude (~3.8 mag) of SX LMi is small for an SU UMa star and close to those of ER UMa stars. This small outburst amplitude might be understood if the viscosity at quiescence and the mass-transfer rate are slightly high in SX LMi.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2005

TV Corvi revisited: Precursor and superhump period derivative linked to the disk instability model

Makoto Uemura; R. E. Mennickent; Ryoko Ishioka; Akira Imada; Taichi Kato; Daisaku Nogami; Rod Stubbings; Seiichiro Kiyota; Peter Nelson; Kenji Tanabe; Bernard Heathcote; Greg Bolt

We report optical photometric observations of four superoutbursts of the short-period dwarf nova TV Crv. This ob- ject experiences two types of superoutbursts; one with a precursor and the other without. The superhump period and period excess of TV Crv are accurately determined to be 0.065028 ± 0.000008 d and 0.0342 ± 0.0021, respectively. This large excess implies a relatively large mass ratio of the binary components (M2/M1), though it has a short orbital period. The two types of superoutbursts can be explained by the thermal-tidal instability model for systems having large mass ratios. Our observations reveal that superhump period derivatives are variable in distinct superoutbursts. The variation is apparently related to the pres- ence or absence of a precursor. We propose that the superhump period derivative depends on the maximum disk radius during outbursts. We investigate the relationship of the type of superoutbursts and the superhump period derivative for known sources. In the case of superoutbursts without a precursor, superhump period derivatives tend to be larger than those in precursor-main type superoutbursts, which is consistent with our scenario.

Nature | 2003

Structure in the early afterglow light curve of the |[gamma]|-ray burst of 29 March 2003

Makoto Uemura; Taichi Kato; Ryoko Ishioka; Hitoshi Yamaoka; Berto Monard; Daisaku Nogami; Hiroyuki Maehara; Atsushi Sugie; Susumu Takahashi

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are energetic explosions that for 0.01–100 s are the brightest γ-ray sources in the sky. Observations of the early evolution of afterglows are expected to provide clues about the nature of the bursts, but their rapid fading has hampered such studies; some recent rapid localizations of bursts have improved the situation. Here we report an early detection of the very bright afterglow of the burst of 29 March 2003 (GRB030329). Our data show that, even early in the afterglow phase, the light curve shows unexpectedly complicated structures superimposed on the fading background.

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