Dale A. Redmer
North Dakota State University
The FASEB Journal | 1992
Lawrence P. Reynolds; S D Killilea; Dale A. Redmer
In adult tissues, capillary growth (angiogenesis) occurs normally during tissue repair, such as in healing of wounds and fractures. Rampant capillary growth is associated with various pathological conditions, including tumor growth, retinopathies, hemangiomas, fibroses and rheumatoid arthritis. The female reproductive organs (i.e., ovary, uterus, and placenta) exhibit dynamic, periodic growth and regression accompanied by equally dramatic changes in rates of blood flow. It is not surprising, therefore, that they are some of the few adult tissues in which angiogenesis occurs as a normal process. Thus, the female reproductive system provides a unique model for studying regulation of angiogenesis during growth and differentiation of normal adult tissues. Ovarian, uterine, and placental tissues recenüy have been shown to contain and produce angiogenic and anti‐angiogenic factors. This review discusses the current state of knowledge regarding angiogenic processes and their regulation in female reproductive tissues. In addition, implications of this research for regulation of fertility as well as for control of angiogenesis in other normal and pathological processes are discussed.—Reynolds, L. P.; Killilea, S. D.; Redmer, D. A. Angiogenesis in the female reproductive system. FASEB J. 6: 886‐892; 1992.
Endocrine | 2000
Lawrence P. Reynolds; Anna T. Grazul-Bilska; Dale A. Redmer
The ovarian corpus luteum plays a critical role in reproduction because it is the primary source of circulating progesterone. After ovulation, as the corpus luteum forms from the wall of the ruptured follicle, it grows and vascularizes extremely rapidly. In fact, the rates of tissue growth and angiogenesis in the corpus luteum rival those of even the fastest growing tumors. Thus, the corpus luteum provides an outstanding model for studying the factors that regulate the angiogenic process, which is critical for normal tissue growth, development, and function. In agreement with data from other tissues, vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) seem to be a major angiogenic factor responsible for vascularization of the developing corpus luteum. Recent data suggest that luteal expression of VEGF occurs primarily in specific perivascular cells, including arteriolar smooth muscle and capillary pericytes, and is regulated primarily by oxygen levels. In addition, soon after ovulation, pericytes derived from the thecal compartment appear to be the first vascular cells to invade the developing luteal parenchyma. The granulosa-derived cells produce a factor that stimulates pericyte migration. Moreover, nitric oxide (NO), which is a potent vasodilator and can stimulate VEGF production and angiogenesis, is expressed in endothelial cells of luteal arterioles and capillaries, often in association with expression of VEGF by luteal perivascular cells. Thus, we have proposed a model for the initial process of luteal vascularization in which hypoxia plays a major role. In this model, which we believe will apply to other tissues as well, a paracrine loop exists between the vascular endothelial cells, which produce NO, and the peri-endothelial cells (vascular smooth muscle and pericytes), which produce VEGF, to ensure coordinate regulation of luteal vasodilation and angiogenesis.
The Journal of Physiology | 2006
Lawrence P. Reynolds; J. S. Caton; Dale A. Redmer; Anna T. Grazul-Bilska; K. A. Vonnahme; P. P. Borowicz; Justin S. Luther; Jacqueline M. Wallace; Guoyao Wu; Thomas E. Spencer
The placenta is the organ that transports nutrients, respiratory gases, and wastes between the maternal and fetal systems. Consequently, placental blood flow and vascular development are essential components of normal placental function and are critical to fetal growth and development. Normal fetal growth and development are important to ensure optimum health of offspring throughout their subsequent life course. In numerous sheep models of compromised pregnancy, in which fetal or placental growth, or both, are impaired, utero‐placental blood flows are reduced. In the models that have been evaluated, placental vascular development also is altered. Recent studies found that treatments designed to increase placental blood flow can ‘rescue’ fetal growth that was reduced due to low maternal dietary intake. Placental blood flow and vascular development are thus potential therapeutic targets in compromised pregnancies.
Biology of Reproduction | 2001
Dale A. Redmer; Vinayak Doraiswamy; Bryan J. Bortnem; Kelly Fisher; Albina Jablonka-Shariff; Anna T. Grazul-Bilska; Lawrence P. Reynolds
Abstract Because of rapid growth followed by spontaneous regression, the ovarian corpus luteum (CL) is an excellent model to study angiogenesis in vivo. To evaluate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein during luteal development, ovaries were collected from FSH-stimulated ewes throughout the estrous cycle. VEGF was immunolocalized in tissue sections by using an affinity-purified antibody. VEGF protein localized exclusively to the thecal layer of preovulatory follicles, while the granulosa was devoid of staining. Associated with the periovulatory period was intense expression of VEGF by thecal cells at the basement membrane and subsequent invasion of the granulosa layers by these VEGF-positive cells immediately after ovulation. The early CL showed staining for VEGF in thecal-derived compartments, and strong staining for VEGF was also seen in cells within the granulosa-derived parenchymal lobules. Dual immunohistochemical localization of VEGF and smooth muscle cell α-actin indicated that the VEGF-positive cells were capillary pericytes or vascular smooth muscle cells. In another experiment, we quantified proliferation of endothelial cells and pericytes throughout luteal development. Pericytes represented a large proportion of the proliferating cells during the early luteal phase and then decreased dramatically. Perivascular cells, therefore, may play a critical role in angiogenesis that occurs during transformation of the follicle into the highly vascular CL of the sheep. As angiogenesis occurs only at the level of capillaries, and pericytes are integral members of these microvessels, regulation of pericytes may provide a novel mechanism for regulating luteal growth and tissue growth in general.
International Journal of Experimental Pathology | 2002
Lawrence P. Reynolds; Anna T. Grazul-Bilska; Dale A. Redmer
The female reproductive organs (ovary, uterus, and placenta) are some of the few adult tissues that exhibit regular intervals of rapid growth. They also are highly vascular and have high rates of blood flow. Angiogenesis, or vascular growth, is therefore an important component of the growth and function of these tissues. As with many other tissues, vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) and fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) appear to be major angiogenic factors in the female reproductive organs. A variety of pathologies of the female reproductive organs are associated with disturbances of the angiogenic process, including dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma, endometriosis, failed implantation and subnormal foetal growth, myometrial fibroids (uterine leiomyomas) and adenomyosis, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, ovarian carcinoma, and polycystic ovary syndrome. These pathologies are also associated with altered expression of VEGFs and/or FGFs. In the near future, angiogenic or antiangiogenic compounds may prove to be effective therapeutic agents for treating these pathologies. In addition, monitoring of angiogenesis or angiogenic factor expression may provide a means of assessing the efficacy of these therapies.
The Journal of Physiology | 2005
Lawrence P. Reynolds; P. P. Borowicz; K. A. Vonnahme; Mary Lynn Johnson; Anna T. Grazul-Bilska; Dale A. Redmer; J. S. Caton
Because the placenta is the organ that transports nutrients, respiratory gases and wastes between the maternal and fetal systems, development of its vascular beds is essential to normal placental function, and thus in supporting normal fetal growth. Compromised fetal growth and development have adverse health consequences during the neonatal period and throughout adult life. To establish the role of placental angiogenesis in compromised pregnancies, we first evaluated the pattern of placental angiogenesis and expression of angiogenic factors throughout normal pregnancy. In addition, we and others have established a variety of sheep models to evaluate the effects on fetal growth of various factors including maternal nutrient excess or deprivation and specific nutrients, maternal age, maternal and fetal genotype, increased numbers of fetuses, environmental thermal stress, and high altitude (hypobaric) conditions. Although placental angiogenesis is altered in each of these models in which fetal growth is adversely affected, the specific effect on placental angiogenesis depends on the type of ‘stress’ to which the pregnancy is subjected, and also differs between the fetal and maternal systems and between genotypes. We believe that the models of compromised pregnancy and the methods described in this review will enable us to develop a much better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for alterations in placental vascular development.
Progress in Growth Factor Research | 1994
Lawrence P. Reynolds; Anna T. Grazul-Bilska; S. Derek Killilea; Dale A. Redmer
The mammalian corpus luteum (CL), which plays a central role in the reproductive process because of its production of hormones such as progesterone, appears to be an exceptionally dynamic organ. Its rate of growth and development are extremely rapid and, even when the CL is functionally mature, its rate of cell turnover remains relatively high. Associated with this high rate of cell turnover, the mature CL receives the greatest blood supply per unit tissue of any organ, and also exhibits a relatively high metabolic rate. Although numerous growth factors have been identified in luteal tissue, their role in growth and differentiation of this dynamic organ remains unclear. Recently, while attempting to identify mitogenic factors of ovine and bovine CL, we have found that they produce several mitogens during the estrous cycle as well as pregnancy. The majority of these luteal-derived mitogenic factors are heparin-binding, and although some may represent previously identified factors, several appear to be novel heparin-binding growth factors. Isolation and purification of mitogenic factors produced by the CL will enable us to determine their roles in luteal growth, development and differentiated function, which will contribute to our understanding not only of the regulation of fertility but also of tissue growth and development in general.
Journal of Animal Science | 2010
Lawrence P. Reynolds; P. P. Borowicz; J. S. Caton; K. A. Vonnahme; Justin S. Luther; C. J. Hammer; K.R. Maddock Carlin; Anna T. Grazul-Bilska; Dale A. Redmer
Developmental programming refers to the programming of various bodily systems and processes by a stressor of the maternal system during pregnancy or during the neonatal period. Such stressors include nutritional stress, multiple pregnancy (i.e., increased numbers of fetuses in the gravid uterus), environmental stress (e.g., high environmental temperature, high altitude, prenatal steroid exposure), gynecological immaturity, and maternal or fetal genotype. Programming refers to impaired function of numerous bodily systems or processes, leading to poor growth, altered body composition, metabolic dysfunction, and poor productivity (e.g., poor growth, reproductive dysfunction) of the offspring throughout their lifespan and even across generations. A key component of developmental programming seems to be placental dysfunction, leading to altered fetal growth and development. We discuss various large animal models of developmental programming and how they have and will continue to contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying altered placental function and developmental programming, and, further, how large animal models also will be critical to the identification and application of therapeutic strategies that will alleviate the negative consequences of developmental programming to improve offspring performance in livestock production and human medicine.
Biology of Reproduction | 2005
Dale A. Redmer; Raymond P. Aitken; John S. Milne; Lawrence P. Reynolds; Jacqueline M. Wallace
Abstract Previous studies have shown that placental growth and pregnancy outcome are severely compromised in adolescent ewes overnourished to promote rapid maternal growth. Using this paradigm, the aim of the present study was to investigate expression of the major angiogenic factors and their receptors in the placenta at the onset of the most rapid phase of fetal growth. Singleton pregnancies to a single sire were established by embryo transfer, and thereafter, adolescent dams were offered a high or moderate nutrient intake predicted to induce compromised or normal fetoplacental size at term, respectively. Ovine-specific oligonucleotide probe and primer sets for several angiogenic factors and their receptors were developed for quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction determination of placentome mRNA expression at Day 81 of gestation. Total placentome weight and fetal weight were equivalent in high- compared with moderate-intake groups at this stage of gestation. Placentome expression of the angiogenic factors, vascular endothelial growth factor, angiopoietins 1 and 2, and nitric oxide synthase 3, were reduced in overfed ewes. Similarly, level of expression of vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor receptor (FLT1) was less in overfed ewes. Thus, in the adolescent, maternal overnutrition has a negative impact on midgestation placental angiogenic factor/ receptor expression. This may impact placental vascularity and explain why uteroplacental mass, blood flow, and nutrient uptake are compromised in late pregnancy, resulting in low-birth-weight offspring.
Journal of Animal Science | 2008
T.J. Swanson; C. J. Hammer; Justin S. Luther; D. B. Carlson; J. B. Taylor; Dale A. Redmer; T. L. Neville; J. J. Reed; Lawrence P. Reynolds; J. S. Caton; K. A. Vonnahme
To examine effects of nutritional plane and Se supplementation on colostrum quality and mammary development, individually fed, pregnant Rambouillet ewe lambs were allotted randomly to 1 of 6 treatments in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. Main effects included dietary Se level, which began at breeding (d = 0) [adequate Se (9.5 mug/kg of BW) vs. high Se (81.8 mug/kg of BW)], and plane of nutrition, which began at d 50 of gestation [60% (RES), 100% (CON), and 140% (HIGH) of requirements]. Upon parturition, lambs were immediately separated from dams and weighed. Three hours after lambing, colostrum yield was determined, and samples were obtained for components and immunoglobulin G (IgG) analysis. Ewes were slaughtered within 24 h of parturition, and mammary tissues were collected for determination of alveolar secretory epithelial cell proliferation index and luminal area. Gestation length was reduced (P < 0.01) in HIGH ewes compared with RES and CON ewes. Although birth weights were reduced (P < 0.01) in RES and HIGH compared with CON ewes, there was little effect of diet on placental size. Mammary gland weight was reduced (P </= 0.05) in RES compared with CON and HIGH, which were similar. However, when expressed as grams per kilogram of BW, mammary gland weight in HIGH ewes was less (P = 0.03) compared with RES and CON. Colostrum weight and volume were reduced (P < 0.01) in RES and HIGH ewes compared with CON. Although colostrum IgG concentration was greater in RES ewes compared with CON and HIGH, total IgG was lower (P </= 0.06) in RES and HIGH compared with CON ewes. The percentage of alveolar cells proliferating was increased (P < 0.04) in HIGH compared with RES ewes, with CON being intermediate. Percentage of alveoli luminal area per unit tissue area was increased (P = 0.04) in RES compared with HIGH and CON ewes, which did not differ. Selenium had no effect (P >/= 0.15) on mammary gland weight, colostrum quantity, or IgG concentration in pregnant ewe lambs. Improper nutrition from mid to late pregnancy in ewe lambs altered colostrum quality and quantity and reduced offspring birth weight, which may have negative implications for lamb health and survival during the early postnatal period.