
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2009

Beyond standard Poisson-Boltzmann theory: ion-specific interactions in aqueous solutions

Dan Ben-Yaakov; David Andelman; Daniel Harries; Rudi Podgornik

The forces between charged macromolecules, usually given in terms of osmotic pressure, are highly affected by the intervening ionic solution. While in most theoretical studies the solution is treated as a homogeneous structureless dielectric medium, recent experimental studies concluded that, for a bathing solution composed of two solvents (binary mixture), the osmotic pressure between charged macromolecules is affected by the binary solvent composition. By adding local solvent composition terms to the free energy, we obtain a general expression for the osmotic pressure, in planar geometry and within the mean-field framework. The added effect is due to the permeability inhomogeneity and nonelectrostatic short-range interactions between the ions and solvents (preferential solvation). This effect is mostly pronounced at small distances and leads to a reduction in the osmotic pressure for macromolecular separations of the order 1--2 nm. Furthermore, it leads to a depletion of one of the two solvents from the charged macromolecules (modeled as planar interfaces). Lastly, by comparing the theoretical results with experimental ones, an explanation based on preferential solvation is offered for recent experiments on the osmotic pressure of DNA solutions.The Poisson-Boltzmann mean-field description of ionic solutions has been successfully used in predicting charge distributions and interactions between charged macromolecules. While the electrostatic model of charged fluids, on which the Poisson-Boltzmann description rests, and its statistical mechanical consequences have been scrutinized in great detail, much less is understood about its probable shortcomings when dealing with various aspects of real physical, chemical and biological systems. These shortcomings are not only a consequence of the limitations of the mean-field approximation per se, but perhaps are primarily due to the fact that the purely Coulombic model Hamiltonian does not take into account various additional interactions that are not electrostatic in their origin. We explore several possible non-electrostatic contributions to the free energy of ions in confined aqueous solutions and investigate their ramifications and consequences on ionic profiles and interactions between charged surfaces and macromolecules.

Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science | 2011

Ion-specific hydration effects: Extending the Poisson-Boltzmann theory

Dan Ben-Yaakov; David Andelman; Rudi Podgornik; Daniel Harries

Abstract In aqueous solutions, dissolved ions interact strongly with the surrounding water and surfaces, thereby modifying solution properties in an ion-specific manner. These ion-hydration interactions can be accounted for theoretically on a mean-field level by including phenomenological terms in the free energy that correspond to the most dominant ion-specific interactions. Minimizing this free energy leads to modified Poisson-Boltzmann equations with appropriate boundary conditions. Here, we review how this strategy has been used to predict some of the ways ion-specific effects can modify the forces acting within and between charged interfaces immersed in salt solutions.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2011

Dielectric decrement as a source of ion specific effects

Dan Ben-Yaakov; David Andelman; Rudi Podgornik

Many theoretical studies were devoted in the past to ion-specific effects trying to interpret a large body of experimental evidence, such as surface tension at air/water interfaces and force measurements between charged objects. Although several mechanisms were suggested to explain the results, such as dispersion forces and specific surface-ion interactions, we would like to suggest another source of ion-specificity originating from the local variations of the dielectric constant due to the presence of ions in the solution. We present a mean-field model to account for the heterogeneity of the dielectric constant caused by the ions. In particular, for ions that decrease the dielectric constant we find a depletion of ions from the vicinity of charged surfaces. For a two-plate system, the same effect leads to an increase of the pressure in between two surfaces. Our results suggest that the effect of ions on the local dielectric constant should be taken into account when interpreting experiments that address ion-specific effects.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2009

Ions in mixed dielectric solvents: density profiles and osmotic pressure between charged interfaces.

Dan Ben-Yaakov; David Andelman; Daniel Harries; Rudi Podgornik

The forces between charged macromolecules, usually given in terms of osmotic pressure, are highly affected by the intervening ionic solution. While in most theoretical studies the solution is treated as a homogeneous structureless dielectric medium, recent experimental studies concluded that, for a bathing solution composed of two solvents (binary mixture), the osmotic pressure between charged macromolecules is affected by the binary solvent composition. By adding local solvent composition terms to the free energy, we obtain a general expression for the osmotic pressure, in planar geometry and within the mean-field framework. The added effect is due to the permeability inhomogeneity and nonelectrostatic short-range interactions between the ions and solvents (preferential solvation). This effect is mostly pronounced at small distances and leads to a reduction in the osmotic pressure for macromolecular separations of the order 1-2 nm. Furthermore, it leads to a depletion of one of the two solvents from the charged macromolecules (modeled as planar interfaces). Lastly, by comparing the theoretical results with experimental ones, an explanation based on preferential solvation is offered for recent experiments on the osmotic pressure of DNA solutions.

Physical Review Letters | 2012

Long-ranged attraction between disordered heterogeneous surfaces.

Gilad Silbert; Dan Ben-Yaakov; Yael Dror; Susan Perkin; Nir Kampf; Jacob Klein

Interactions in aqueous media between uniformly charged surfaces are well understood, but most real surfaces are heterogeneous and disordered. Here we show that two such heterogeneous surfaces covered with random charge domains experience a long-range attraction across water that is orders of magnitude stronger than van der Waals forces, even in the complete absence of any charge correlations between the opposing surfaces. We demonstrate that such strong attraction may arise generally, even for overall neutral surfaces, from the inherent interaction asymmetry between equally and between oppositely charged domains.

Physical Review E | 2013

Interaction between heterogeneously charged surfaces: surface patches and charge modulation.

Dan Ben-Yaakov; David Andelman; Haim Diamant

When solid surfaces are immersed in aqueous solutions, some of their charges can dissociate and leave behind charged patches on the surface. Although the charges are distributed heterogeneously on the surface, most of the theoretical models treat them as homogeneous. For overall non-neutral surfaces, the assumption of surface charge homogeneity is rather reasonable since the leading terms of two such interacting surfaces depend on the nonzero average charge. However, for overall neutral surfaces the nature of the surface charge distribution is crucial in determining the intersurface interaction. In the present work we study the interaction between two charged surfaces across an aqueous solution for several charge distributions. The analysis is preformed within the framework of the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann theory. For periodic charge distributions the interaction is found to be repulsive at small separations, unless the two surface distributions are completely out-of-phase with respect to each other. For quenched random charge distributions we find that due to the presence of the ionic solution in between the surfaces, the intersurface repulsion dominates over the attraction in the linear regime of the Poisson-Boltzmann theory. The effect of quenched charge heterogeneity is found to be particularly substantial in the case of large charged domains.

EPL | 2007

Electrostatic interactions of asymmetrically charged membranes

Dan Ben-Yaakov; Yoram Burak; David Andelman; S. A. Safran

We predict the nature (attractive or repulsive) and range (exponentially screened or long-range power law) of the electrostatic interactions of oppositely charged, planar plates as a function of the salt concentration and surface charge densities (whose absolute magnitudes are not necessarily equal). An analytical expression for the crossover between attractive and repulsive pressure is obtained as a function of the salt concentration. This condition reduces to the high-salt limit of Parsegian and Gingell where the interaction is exponentially screened and to the zero salt limit of Lau and Pincus in which the important length scales are the inter-plate separation and the Gouy-Chapman length. In the regime of low salt and high surface charges we predict —for any ratio of the charges on the surfaces— that the attractive pressure is long-ranged as a function of the spacing. The attractive pressure is related to the decrease in counter-ion concentration as the inter-plate distance is decreased. Our theory predicts several scaling regimes with different scaling expressions for the pressure as a function of salinity and surface charge densities. The pressure predictions can be related to surface force experiments of oppositely charged surfaces that are prepared by coating one of the mica surfaces with an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte.

Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications | 2010

Revisiting the Poisson–Boltzmann theory: Charge surfaces, multivalent ions and inter-plate forces

Dan Ben-Yaakov; David Andelman

The Poisson–Boltzmann (PB) theory is extensively used to gain insight on charged colloids and biological systems as well as to elucidate fundamental properties of intermolecular forces. Many works have been devoted in the past to study PB-related features and to confirm them experimentally. In this work we explore the properties of inter-plate forces in terms of different boundary conditions. We treat the cases of constant surface charge, constant surface potential and mixed boundaries. The interplay between electrostatic interactions, attractive counter-ion release, and repulsive van ’t Hoff contribution is discussed separately for each case. Finally, we discuss how the crossover between attractive and repulsive interactions for constant surface charge case is influenced by the presence of multivalent counter-ions, where it is shown that the range of the attractive interaction grows with the valency.

Physical Review Letters | 2009

Direct measurement of sub-Debye-length attraction between oppositely charged surfaces.

Nir Kampf; Dan Ben-Yaakov; David Andelman; S. A. Safran; Jacob Klein

Soft Matter | 2015

Response of adherent cells to mechanical perturbations of the surrounding matrix

Dan Ben-Yaakov; Roman Golkov; Yair Shokef; S. A. Safran

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