Dana Ron
Tel Aviv University
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Featured researches published by Dana Ron.
Journal of the ACM | 1998
Oded Goldreich; Shari Goldwasser; Dana Ron
In this paper, we consider the question of determining whether a function <italic>f</italic> has property P or is ε-far from any function with property P. A <italic>property testing</italic> algorithm is given a sample of the value of <italic>f</italic> on instances drawn according to some distribution. In some cases, it is also allowed to query <italic>f</italic> on instances of its choice. We study this question for different properties and establish some connections to problems in learning theory and approximation. In particular, we focus our attention on testing graph properties. Given access to a graph G in the form of being able to query whether an edge exists or not between a pair of vertices, we devise algorithms to test whether the underlying graph has properties such as being bipartite, <italic>k</italic>-Colorable, or having a <italic>p</italic>-Clique (clique of density <italic>p</italic> with respect to the vertex set). Our graph property testing algorithms are probabilistic and make assertions that are correct with high probability, while making a number of queries that is <italic>independent</italic> of the size of the graph. Moreover, the property testing algorithms can be used to efficiently (i.e., in time linear in the number of vertices) construct partitions of the graph that correspond to the property being tested, if it holds for the input graph.
conference on learning theory | 1996
Dana Ron; Yoram Singer; Naftali Tishby
We propose and analyze a distribution learning algorithm for variable memory length Markov processes. These processes can be described by a subclass of probabilistic finite automata which we name Probabilistic Suffix Automata (PSA). Though hardness results are known for learning distributions generated by general probabilistic automata, we prove that the algorithm we present can efficiently learn distributions generated by PSAs. In particular, we show that for any target PSA, the KL-divergence between the distribution generated by the target and the distribution generated by the hypothesis the learning algorithm outputs, can be made small with high confidence in polynomial time and sample complexity. The learning algorithm is motivated by applications in human-machine interaction. Here we present two applications of the algorithm. In the first one we apply the algorithm in order to construct a model of the English language, and use this model to correct corrupted text. In the second application we construct a simple stochastic model for E.coli DNA.
symposium on the theory of computing | 1998
Michael A. Bender; A. Fernandez; Dana Ron; Amit Sahai; Salil P. Vadhan
Exploring and mapping an unknown environment is a fundamental problem that is studied in a variety of contexts. Many results have focused on finding efficient solutions to restricted versions of the problem. In this paper, we consider a model that makes very limited assumptions about the environment and solve the mapping problem in this general setting. We model the environment by an unknown directed graph G, and consider the problem of a robot exploring and mapping G. The edges emanating from each vertex are numbered from ‘1’ to ‘d’, but we do not assume that the vertices of G are labeled. Since the robot has no way of distinguishing between vertices, it has no hope of succeeding unless it is given some means of distinguishing between vertices. For this reason we provide the robot with a “pebble”—a device that it can place on a vertex and use to identify the vertex later. In this paper we show: (1) If the robot knows an upper bound on the number of vertices then it can learn the graph efficiently with only one pebble. (2) If the robot does not know an upper bound on the number of vertices n, then (log log n) pebbles are both necessary and sufficient. In both cases our algorithms are deterministic. C
symposium on the theory of computing | 1994
Michael J. Kearns; Yishay Mansour; Dana Ron; Ronitt Rubinfeld; Robert E. Schapire; Linda Sellie
We introduce and investigate a new model of learning probability distributions from independent draws. Our model is inspired by the popular Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) model for learning boolean functions from labeled examples [24], in the sense that we emphasize efficient and approximate learning, and we study the learnability of restricted classes of target distributions. The dist ribut ion classes we examine are often defined by some simple computational mechanism for transforming a truly random string of input bits (which is not visible to the learning algorithm) into the stochastic observation (output) seen by the learning algorithm. In this paper, we concentrate on discrete distributions over {O, I}n. The problem of inferring an approximation to an unknown probability distribution on the basis of independent draws has a long and complex history in the pattern recognition and statistics literature. For instance, the problem of estimating the parameters of a Gaussian density in highdimensional space is one of the most studied statistical problems. Distribution learning problems have often been investigated in the context of unsupervised learning, in which a linear mixture of two or more distributions is generating the observations, and the final goal is not to model the distributions themselves, but to predict from which distribution each observation was drawn. Data clustering methods are a common tool here. There is also a large literature on nonpararnetric density estimation, in which no assumptions are made on the unknown target density. Nearest-neighbor approaches to the unsupervised learning problem often arise in the nonparametric setting. While we obviously cannot do justice to these areas here, the books of Duda and Hart [9] and Vapnik [25] provide excellent overviews and introductions to the pattern recognition work, as well as many pointers for further reading. See also Izenman’s recent survey article [16]. Roughly speaking, our work departs from the traditional statistical and pattern recognition approaches in two ways. First, we place explicit emphasis on the comput ationrd complexity of distribution learning. It seems fair to say that while previous research has provided an excellent understanding of the information-theoretic issues involved in dis-
conference on learning theory | 1995
Michael J. Kearns; Yishay Mansour; Andrew Y. Ng; Dana Ron
We investigate the problem of {\it model\ selection} in the setting of supervised learning of boolean functions from independent random examples. More precisely, we compare methods for finding a balance between the complexity of the hypothesis chosen and its observed error on a random training sample of limited size, when the goal is that of minimizing the resulting generalization error. We undertake a detailed comparison of three well-known model selection methods — a variation of Vapnik‘s {\it Guaranteed\ Risk\ Minimization} (GRM), an instance of Rissanen‘s {\it Minimum\ Description\ Length\ Principle} (MDL), and (hold-out) cross validation (CV). We introduce a general class of model selection methods (called {\it penalty-based} methods) that includes both GRM and MDL, and provide general methods for analyzing such rules. We provide both controlled experimental evidence and formal theorems to support the following conclusions: \bulletEven on simple model selection problems, the behavior of the methods examined can be both complex and incomparable. Furthermore, no amount of “tuning” of the rules investigated (such as introducing constant multipliers on the complexity penalty terms, or a distribution-specific “effective dimension”) can eliminate this incomparability. \bulletIt is possible to give rather general bounds on the generalization error, as a function of sample size, for penalty-based methods. The quality of such bounds depends in a precise way on the extent to which the method considered automatically limits the complexity of the hypothesis selected. \bulletFor {\it any} model selection problem, the additional error of cross validation compared to {\it any} other method can be bounded above by the sum of two terms. The first term is large only if the learning curve of the underlying function classes experiences a phase transition” between (1-\gamma)m andm examples (where \gamma is the fraction saved for testing in CV). The second and competing term can be made arbitrarily small by increasing\gamma . \bulletThe class of penalty-based methods is fundamentally handicapped in the sense that there exist two types of model selection problems for which every penalty-based method must incur large generalization error on at least one, while CV enjoys small generalization error on both.
compiler construction | 1999
Ilan Kremer; Noam Nisan; Dana Ron
Abstract. We present several results regarding randomized one-round communication complexity. Our results include a connection to the VC-dimension, a study of the problem of computing the inner product of two real valued vectors, and a relation between “simultaneous” protocols and one-round protocols.
conference on learning theory | 1995
Dana Ron; Yoram Singer; Naftali Tishby
We propose and analyze a distribution learning algorithm for a subclass ofacyclic probalistic finite automata(APFA). This subclass is characterized by a certain distinguishability property of the automatas states. Though hardness results are known for learning distributions generated by general APFAs, we prove that our algorithm can efficiently learn distributions generated by the subclass of APFAs we consider. In particular, we show that the KL-divergence between the distribution generated by the target source and the distribution generated by our hypothesis can be made arbitrarily small with high confidence in polynomial time. We present two applications of our algorithm. In the first, we show how to model cursively written letters. The resulting models are part of a complete cursive handwriting recognition system. In the second application we demonstrate how APFAs can be used to build multiple-pronunciation models for spoken words. We evaluate the APFA-based pronunciation models on labeled speech data. The good performance (in terms of the log-likelihood obtained on test data) achieved by the APFAs and the little time needed for learning suggests that the learning algorithm of APFAs might be a powerful alternative to commonly used probabilistic models.
SIAM Journal on Computing | 2004
Guy Even; Zvi Lotker; Dana Ron; Shakhar Smorodinsky
Motivated by a frequency assignment problem in cellular networks, we introduce and study a new coloring problem that we call minimum conflict-free coloring (min-CF-coloring). In its general form, the input of the min-CF-coloring problem is a set system
Studies in complexity and cryptography | 2011
Oded Goldreich; Dana Ron
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Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning archive | 2008
Dana Ron
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