Danhong Huang
Air Force Research Laboratory
Featured researches published by Danhong Huang.
Nano Letters | 2010
Chun-Chieh Chang; Y. D. Sharma; Yong-Sung Kim; Jim Bur; R. V. Shenoi; Sanjay Krishna; Danhong Huang; Shawn-Yu Lin
In this paper, we report a successful realization and integration of a gold two-dimensional hole array (2DHA) structure with semiconductor InAs quantum dot (QD). We show experimentally that a properly designed 2DHA-QD photodetector can facilitate a strong plasmonic-QD interaction, leading to a 130% absolute enhancement of infrared photoresponse at the plasmonic resonance. Our study indicates two key mechanisms for the performance improvement. One is an optimized 2DHA design that permits an efficient coupling of light from the far-field to a localized plasmonic mode. The other is the close spatial matching of the QD layers to the wave function extent of the plasmonic mode. Furthermore, the processing of our 2DHA is amenable to large scale fabrication and, more importantly, does not degrade the noise current characteristics of the photodetector. We believe that this demonstration would bring the performance of QD-based infrared detectors to a level suitable for emerging surveillance and medical diagnostic applications.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2012
Andrii Iurov; Godfrey Gumbs; Oleksiy Roslyak; Danhong Huang
We investigated the transmission of Dirac electrons through a potential barrier in the presence of circularly polarized light. An anomalous photon-assisted enhanced transmission is predicted and explained. It is demonstrated that the perfect transmission for nearly head-on collision in infinite graphene is suppressed in gapped dressed states of electrons, which is further accompanied by a shift of peaks as a function of the incident angle away from head-on collision. In addition, the perfect transmission is partially suppressed by a photon-induced gap in illuminated graphene. After the effect of rough edges of the potential barrier or impurity scattering is included, the perfect transmission with no potential barrier becomes completely suppressed and the energy range for the photon-assisted transmission is reduced at the same time.
Physics Letters A | 2010
O. Roslyak; Godfrey Gumbs; Danhong Huang
Abstract Graphene nanoribbons (GNR) in mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are shown to exhibit dramatic changes in their band structure and electron transport properties. A strong electric field across the ribbon induces multiple chiral Dirac points, closing the semiconducting gap in armchair GNRs. A perpendicular magnetic field induces partially formed Landau levels as well as dispersive surface-bound states. Each of the applied fields on its own preserves the even symmetry E k = E − k of the subband dispersion. When applied together, they reverse the dispersion parity to be odd and gives E e , k = − E h , − k and mix the electron and hole subbands within the energy range corresponding to the change in potential across the ribbon. This leads to oscillations of the ballistic conductance within this energy range.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2006
Danhong Huang; C. Rhodes; P. M. Alsing; David A. Cardimona
A unique structure composed of a half-space of air and a semi-infinite doped bulk GaAs covered by an InAs conducting interface sheet is proposed, from which the physics behind the interplay between the effects of transverse sheet current and the longitudinal three-dimensional plasma waves, as well as the effect of evanescent modes, can be explored. The in-plane and perpendicular components of a transverse field are modified by the inclusion of the InAs conducting sheet and a longitudinal field, and the coupling between transverse and longitudinal oscillations of an electromagnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the conducting sheet is made possible by the doped GaAs bulk. Based on this structure, a spatially nonlocal dynamic theory is derived, including the coupling between the transverse and longitudinal oscillations, the image-potential and retardation effects, and the effects of evanescent modes. The existence of the InAs conducting sheet is found to reduce the transmitted field by reflection from...
Journal of Applied Physics | 2011
O. Roslyak; Godfrey Gumbs; Danhong Huang
Collective plasma excitations of optically dressed Dirac electrons in single and double graphene layers are calculated in the RPA. The presence of circularly polarized light gives rise to an energy gap Eg between the conduction and valence energy bands. Its value may be adjusted by varying the frequency and intensity of the light, and may reach values of the gap reported for epitaxially grown graphene and far exceeding that caused by spin-orbit coupling. We report plasmon dispersion relations for various energy gaps and separations between graphene layers. For a single graphene sheet, we find that plasmon modes may be excited for larger wave vector and frequency when subjected to light. For double layers, we obtained an optical and phononlike mode and found that the optical mode is not as sensitive as the phononlike mode in the long wavelength limit when the layer separation is varied, for a chosen Eg. The dressed electron plasma—although massive—still has Dirac origin, giving rise to anomalous plasmon be...
Physical Review B | 2011
Danhong Huang; Godfrey Gumbs; O. Roslyak
The calculated electron mobility for a graphene nanoribbon as a function of applied electric field has been found to have a large threshold field for entering a nonlinear transport regime. This field depends on the lattice temperature, electron density, impurity scattering strength, nanoribbon width, and correlation length for the line-edge roughness. An enhanced electron mobility beyond this threshold has been observed, which is related to the initially-heated electrons in high energy states with a larger group velocity. However, this mobility enhancement quickly reaches a maximum due to the Fermi velocity in graphene and the dramatically increased phonon scattering. Superlinear and sublinear temperature dependence of mobility seen in the linear and nonlinear transport regimes. By analyzing the calculated nonequilibrium electron distribution function, this difference is attributed separately to the results of sweeping electrons from the right Fermi edge to the left one through the elastic scattering and moving electrons from low-energy states to high-energy ones through field-induced electron heating. The threshold field is pushed up by a decreased correlation length in the high-field regime and is further accompanied by a reduced magnitude in the mobility enhancement. This implies an anomalous high-field increase of the line-edge roughness scattering with decreasing correlation length due to the occupation of high-energy states by field-induced electron heating.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2013
Andrii Iurov; Godfrey Gumbs; O. Roslyak; Danhong Huang
We have obtained analytic results for the surface states of three-dimensional topological insulators in the presence of circularly polarized light. This electron-photon interaction results in an energy gap as well as a novel energy dispersion of the dressed electron-photon states, different from both graphene and the standard two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). Additionally, we made calculations of the ballistic conductance and Klein tunneling in both two- and three-dimensional topological insulators as well as investigating how these phenomena are affected in the presence of circularly polarized light. We have found a critical energy for an incoming particle, separating two substantially different types of tunneling.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2010
O. Roslyak; Andrii Iurov; Godfrey Gumbs; Danhong Huang
We studied the Klein paradox in zigzag (ZNR) and anti-zigzag (AZNR) graphene nanoribbons. Due to the fact that ZNR (the number of lattice sites across the nanoribbon = N is even) and AZNR (N is odd) configurations are indistinguishable when treated by the Dirac equation, we supplemented the model with a pseudo-parity operator whose eigenvalues correctly depend on the sublattice wavefunctions for the number of carbon atoms across the ribbon, in agreement with the tight-binding model. We have shown that the Klein tunneling in zigzag nanoribbons is related to conservation of the pseudo-parity rather than pseudo-spin as in infinite graphene. The perfect transmission in the case of head-on incidence is replaced by perfect transmission at the center of the ribbon and the chirality is interpreted as the projection of the pseudo-parity on momentum at different corners of the Brillouin zone.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A | 2010
Oleksiy Roslyak; Godfrey Gumbs; Danhong Huang
Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) in mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are shown to exhibit dramatic changes in their band structure and electron-transport properties. A strong electric field across the ribbon induces multiple chiral Dirac points, closing the semiconducting gap in armchair GNRs. A perpendicular magnetic field induces partially formed Landau levels as well as dispersive surface-bound states. Each of the applied fields on its own preserves the even symmetry Ek=E−k of the sub-band dispersion. When applied together, they reverse the dispersion parity to be odd, which gives Ee,k=−Eh,−k, and mix the electron and hole sub-bands within the energy range corresponding to the change in potential across the ribbon. This leads to oscillations of the ballistic conductance within this energy range. The broken time-reversal symmetry provides dichroism in the absorption of the circularly polarized light. As a consequence, one can observe electrically enhanced Faraday rotation, since the edges of the ribbon provide formation of the substantial density of states.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2009
L. David Wellems; Danhong Huang; Tamara A. Leskova; A. A. Maradudin
The Greens function model (8) for calculating the re∞ection and transmission of light at etched single-groove gratings on both sides of a thin silver fllm was extended to study the case of double-groove gratings. A splitting of surface-plasmon-polariton (SPP) modes was found due to electromagnetic (EM) coupling between the two grooves in the complex unit-cell of the grating. Spectral features corresponding to the split SPP branches as well as the minigap between them were found in this system. From the full spatial distributions of the total EM fleld, the high-surface-fleld regions, the coupling between two grooves in the same complex unit-cell and the coupling between two nearby grooves located at the upper and lower surfaces of the metal fllm can be identifled.