Dani Zamir
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nature Biotechnology | 2006
Nicolas Schauer; Yaniv Semel; Ute Roessner; Amit Gur; Ilse Balbo; Fernando Carrari; Tzili Pleban; Alicia Perez-Melis; Claudia Bruedigam; Joachim Kopka; Lothar Willmitzer; Dani Zamir; Alisdair R. Fernie
Tomato represents an important source of fiber and nutrients in the human diet and is a central model for the study of fruit biology. To identify components of fruit metabolic composition, here we have phenotyped tomato introgression lines (ILs) containing chromosome segments of a wild species in the genetic background of a cultivated variety. Using this high-diversity population, we identify 889 quantitative fruit metabolic loci and 326 loci that modify yield-associated traits. The mapping analysis indicates that at least 50% of the metabolic loci are associated with quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that modify whole-plant yield-associated traits. We generate a cartographic network based on correlation analysis that reveals whole-plant phenotype associated and independent metabolic associations, including links with metabolites of nutritional and organoleptic importance. The results of our genomic survey illustrate the power of genome-wide metabolic profiling and detailed morphological analysis for uncovering traits with potential for crop breeding.
Nature Reviews Genetics | 2001
Dani Zamir
Naturally occurring variation among wild relatives of cultivated crops is an under-exploited resource in plant breeding. Here, I argue that exotic libraries, which consist of marker-defined genomic regions taken from wild species and introgressed onto the background of elite crop lines, provide plant breeders with an important opportunity to improve the agricultural performance of modern crop varieties. These libraries can also act as reagents for the discovery and characterization of genes that underlie traits of agricultural value.
The Plant Cell | 2002
Tal Isaacson; Gil Ronen; Dani Zamir; Joseph Hirschberg
Carotenoid biosynthesis in plants has been described at the molecular level for most of the biochemical steps in the pathway. However, the cis-trans isomerization of carotenoids, which is known to occur in vivo, has remained a mystery since its discovery five decades ago. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of carotenoid isomerization, we have taken a genetic map-based approach to clone the tangerine locus from tomato. Fruit of tangerine are orange and accumulate prolycopene (7Z,9Z,7′Z,9′Z-tetra-cis-lycopene) instead of the all-trans-lycopene, which normally is synthesized in the wild type. Our data indicate that the tangerine gene, designated CRTISO, encodes an authentic carotenoid isomerase that is required during carotenoid desaturation. CRTISO is a redox-type enzyme structurally related to the bacterial-type phytoene desaturase CRTI. Two alleles of tangerine have been investigated. In tangerinemic, loss of function is attributable to a deletion mutation in CRTISO, and in tangerine3183, expression of this gene is impaired. CRTISO from tomato is expressed in all green tissues but is upregulated during fruit ripening and in flowers. The function of carotene isomerase in plants presumably is to enable carotenoid biosynthesis to occur in the dark and in nonphotosynthetic tissues.
Virology | 1991
N. Navot; Eran Pichersky; Muhammad Zeidan; Dani Zamir; Henryk Czosnek
The genome of the tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), a Bemisia tabaci-transmitted geminivirus, was cloned. All clones obtained were of one genomic molecule, analogous to DNA A of African cassava mosaic virus. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the TYLCV genome showed that it comprises 2787 nucleotides, encoding six open reading frames, two on the virion strand and four on the complementary strand. All of them have counterparts in other geminiviruses. Dimeric copies of the cloned viral genome were introduced into tomato plants by agroinoculation. Severe yellow leaf curl disease symptoms developed in all of them. Effective whitefly-mediated transmission of the virus from agroinoculated plants to test plants demonstrated that the cloned molecule carries all the information needed for virus replication, systemic infection, and transfer by whiteflies. Restriction and hybridization analyses of viral DNA forms in infected plants and viruliferous whiteflies did not support the presupposed existence of a second genomic component. This is the first report of a whitefly-transmitted geminivirus that possesses a single genomic molecule.
Plant Physiology | 2005
Lukas A. Mueller; Teri H. Solow; Nicolas L. Taylor; Beth Skwarecki; Robert M. Buels; John Binns; Chenwei Lin; Mark H. Wright; Robert Ahrens; Ying Wang; Evan V. Herbst; Emil Keyder; Naama Menda; Dani Zamir; Steven D. Tanksley
The SOL Genomics Network (SGN; http://sgn.cornell.edu) is a rapidly evolving comparative resource for the plants of the Solanaceae family, which includes important crop and model plants such as potato (Solanum tuberosum), eggplant (Solanum melongena), pepper (Capsicum annuum), and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). The aim of SGN is to relate these species to one another using a comparative genomics approach and to tie them to the other dicots through the fully sequenced genome of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). SGN currently houses map and marker data for Solanaceae species, a large expressed sequence tag collection with computationally derived unigene sets, an extensive database of phenotypic information for a mutagenized tomato population, and associated tools such as real-time quantitative trait loci. Recently, the International Solanaceae Project (SOL) was formed as an umbrella organization for Solanaceae research in over 30 countries to address important questions in plant biology. The first cornerstone of the SOL project is the sequencing of the entire euchromatic portion of the tomato genome. SGN is collaborating with other bioinformatics centers in building the bioinformatics infrastructure for the tomato sequencing project and implementing the bioinformatics strategy of the larger SOL project. The overarching goal of SGN is to make information available in an intuitive comparative format, thereby facilitating a systems approach to investigations into the basis of adaptation and phenotypic diversity in the Solanaceae family, other species in the Asterid clade such as coffee (Coffea arabica), Rubiaciae, and beyond.
Nature Genetics | 2007
Naomi Ori; Aya Refael Cohen; Adi Etzioni; Arnon Brand; Osnat Yanai; Sharona Shleizer; Naama Menda; Ziva Amsellem; Idan Efroni; Irena Pekker; John Paul Alvarez; Eyal Blum; Dani Zamir; Yuval Eshed
Plant leaves show pronounced plasticity of size and form. In the classical, partially dominant mutation Lanceolate (La), the large compound leaves of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) are converted into small simple ones. We show that LA encodes a transcription factor from the TCP family containing an miR319-binding site. Five independent La isolates are gain-of-function alleles that result from point mutations within the miR319-binding site and confer partial resistance of the La transcripts to microRNA (miRNA)-directed inhibition. The reduced sensitivity to miRNA regulation leads to elevated LA expression in very young La leaf primordia and to precocious differentiation of leaf margins. In contrast, downregulation of several LA-like genes using ectopic expression of miR319 resulted in larger leaflets and continuous growth of leaf margins. Our results imply that regulation of LA by miR319 defines a flexible window of morphogenetic competence along the developing leaf margin that is required for leaf elaboration.
PLOS Biology | 2004
Amit Gur; Dani Zamir
Natural biodiversity is an underexploited sustainable resource that can enrich the genetic basis of cultivated plants with novel alleles that improve productivity and adaptation. We evaluated the progress in breeding for increased tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) yield using genotypes carrying a pyramid of three independent yield-promoting genomic regions introduced from the drought-tolerant green-fruited wild species Solanum pennellii. Yield of hybrids parented by the pyramided genotypes was more than 50% higher than that of a control market leader variety under both wet and dry field conditions that received 10% of the irrigation water. This demonstration of the breaking of agricultural yield barriers provides the rationale for implementing similar strategies for other agricultural organisms that are important for global food security.
Euphytica | 1994
Yuval Eshed; Dani Zamir
The cultivated tomato contains only a small fraction of the genetic variation present in its wild relatives. In order to use the wild germplasm in tomato breeding and genetic studies we developed a new kind of genetic resource which is composed of 50 L. esculentum lines each containing a single introgression from the green fruited species L. pennellii (LA 716). Each of the introgression lines is nearly isogenic to the cultivated tomato; these lines provide complete coverage of the wild species genome. The lines contain on the average an introgression of 33 cM from a total genome size of 1200 cM. The size and identity of the introgressed segments was determined based on RFLP analysis of 350 markers. This resource can be viewed as a genomic library of the wild species in the cultivated background. It covers the entire genome with single independent ‘inserts’ per line and therefore every phenotypic difference between the introgression lines can be associated with the unique introgressed segment. The development and potential application of this resource are discussed.
Nature Genetics | 2010
Uri Krieger; Zachary Lippman; Dani Zamir
Intercrossing different varieties of plants frequently produces hybrid offspring with superior vigor and increased yields, in a poorly understood phenomenon known as heterosis. One classical unproven model for heterosis is overdominance, which posits in its simplest form that improved vigor can result from a single heterozygous gene. Here we report that heterozygosity for tomato loss-of-function alleles of SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT), which is the genetic originator of the flowering hormone florigen, increases yield by up to 60%. Yield overdominance from SFT heterozygosity is robust, occurring in distinct genetic backgrounds and environments. We show that several traits integrate pleiotropically to drive heterosis in a multiplicative manner, and these effects derive from a suppression of growth termination mediated by SELF PRUNING (SP), an antagonist of SFT. Our findings provide the first example of a single overdominant gene for yield and suggest that single heterozygous mutations may improve productivity in other agricultural organisms.
The Plant Cell | 2002
Inna Guterman; Moshe Shalit; Naama Menda; Dan Piestun; Mery Dafny-Yelin; Gil Shalev; Einat Bar; Olga Davydov; Mariana Ovadis; Michal Emanuel; Jihong Wang; Zach Adam; Eran Pichersky; Efraim Lewinsohn; Dani Zamir; Alexander Vainstein; David Weiss
For centuries, rose has been the most important crop in the floriculture industry; its economic importance also lies in the use of its petals as a source of natural fragrances. Here, we used genomics approaches to identify novel scent-related genes, using rose flowers from tetraploid scented and nonscented cultivars. An annotated petal EST database of ∼2100 unique genes from both cultivars was created, and DNA chips were prepared and used for expression analyses of selected clones. Detailed chemical analysis of volatile composition in the two cultivars, together with the identification of secondary metabolism–related genes whose expression coincides with scent production, led to the discovery of several novel flower scent–related candidate genes. The function of some of these genes, including a germacrene D synthase, was biochemically determined using an Escherichia coli expression system. This work demonstrates the advantages of using the high-throughput approaches of genomics to detail traits of interest expressed in a cultivar-specific manner in nonmodel plants.