Daniel A. Arber
Stanford University
Blood | 2009
James W. Vardiman; Juergen Thiele; Daniel A. Arber; Richard D. Brunning; Michael J. Borowitz; Anna Porwit; Nancy Lee Harris; Michelle M. Le Beau; Eva Hellström-Lindberg; Ayalew Tefferi; Clara D. Bloomfield
Recently the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the European Association for Haematopathology and the Society for Hematopathology, published a revised and updated edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. The 4th edition of the WHO classification incorporates new information that has emerged from scientific and clinical studies in the interval since the publication of the 3rd edition in 2001, and includes new criteria for the recognition of some previously described neoplasms as well as clarification and refinement of the defining criteria for others. It also adds entities-some defined principally by genetic features-that have only recently been characterized. In this paper, the classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia is highlighted with the aim of familiarizing hematologists, clinical scientists, and hematopathologists not only with the major changes in the classification but also with the rationale for those changes.
Blood | 2016
Daniel A. Arber; Attilio Orazi; Robert P. Hasserjian; Jürgen Thiele; Michael J. Borowitz; Michelle M. Le Beau; Clara D. Bloomfield; Mario Cazzola; James W. Vardiman
The World Health Organization (WHO) classification of tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues was last updated in 2008. Since then, there have been numerous advances in the identification of unique biomarkers associated with some myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemias, largely derived from gene expression analysis and next-generation sequencing that can significantly improve the diagnostic criteria as well as the prognostic relevance of entities currently included in the WHO classification and that also suggest new entities that should be added. Therefore, there is a clear need for a revision to the current classification. The revisions to the categories of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia will be published in a monograph in 2016 and reflect a consensus of opinion of hematopathologists, hematologists, oncologists, and geneticists. The 2016 edition represents a revision of the prior classification rather than an entirely new classification and attempts to incorporate new clinical, prognostic, morphologic, immunophenotypic, and genetic data that have emerged since the last edition. The major changes in the classification and their rationale are presented here.
American Journal of Clinical Pathology | 2000
Peiguo Chu; Daniel A. Arber
We tested 505 cases of nonhematopoietic neoplasms by immunohistochemistry using a newly characterized monoclonal antibody (clone 56C6) against the CD10 antigen. CD10 was expressed widely in neoplasms of the genitourinary tract, including 41 (89%) of 46 cases of renal cell carcinoma, 13 (54%) of 24 cases of transitional cell carcinoma, and 11 (61%) of 18 cases of prostatic adenocarcinoma. In addition, 5 (100%) of 5 endometrial stromal sarcomas, 3 (60%) of 5 rhabdomyosarcomas, 7 (50%) of 14 pancreatic adenocarcinomas, 5 (45%) of 11 cases of schwannoma, and 12 (40%) of 30 cases of malignant melanoma also were positive for CD10. Similar to normal tissue, CD10 positivity was restricted to the apical surface of malignant glandular cells of well-differentiated colonic, pancreatic, and prostatic adenocarcinoma, whereas in poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and other tumors, such as melanoma, transitional cell carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma, and endometrial stromal sarcoma, the CD10 positivity showed diffuse cytoplasmic or membranous/Golgi patterns. The monoclonal antibody clone 56C6 is a reliable marker for CD10 in paraffin immunohistochemistry after heat-induced epitope retrieval. CD10 expression in renal cell carcinoma and endometrial stromal sarcoma may be a useful marker in the differential diagnoses of these tumors because both tumors otherwise lack specific markers.
Human Pathology | 1998
Daniel A. Arber; Rosalba Tamayo; Lawrence M. Weiss
The c-kit gene product (CD117) is known to be expressed by a variety of normal human tissue cell types, including breast epithelium, germ cells, melanocytes, immature myeloid cells, and mast cells. To further characterize the expression of this antigen, 117 normal human tissues and 576 human tumors were studied by paraffin section immunohistochemistry. Varying degrees of CD117 expression were identified in various normal cells and in 53% of all tumors studied. In most cases (42% of total), CD117 expression was weak. Expression was most common in mast cell disease (100%), testicular germ cell tumors (100%), endometrial carcinomas (100%), papillary and follicular thyroid carcinomas (100%), small cell carcinomas (91%), malignant melanomas (90%), and ovarian epithelial carcinomas (87%). Strong immunoreactivity was only identified in cases of mast cell disease (11 of 11 cases), serous ovarian carcinoma (3 of 16), malignant melanoma (2 of 40), small cell lung carcinoma (one of seven), and adenoid cystic carcinoma (one of one). Although the pattern of reactivity was primarily cytoplasmic, a membrane staining pattern was seen in a subset of cases, and strong membrane staining was identified in normal mast cells and all cases of mast cell disease. The lack of tumor specificity of weak expression of this antigen limits its diagnostic utility in most cases. However, the strong membrane reactivity for CD117 identified in mast cells may be useful in the diagnosis of mast cell disorders.
Human Pathology | 1995
Daniel A. Arber; Onsi W. Kamel; Matt van de Rijn; R. Eric Davis; L. Jeffrey Medeiros; Elaine S. Jaffe; Lawrence M. Weiss
Inflammatory pseudotumor is a presumably nonneoplastic, hematopoietic, and spindled fibrous proliferation that may occur at a variety of anatomic sites. The origin of these proliferations is generally unknown. To evaluate the role of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in inflammatory pseudotumor, 18 specimens from 17 patients were studied by in situ hybridization for EBV ribonucleic acid (RNA), and the morphological and immunologic characteristics of the infected cells were evaluated. These specimens included 10 lymph nodes, six splenic masses, and two hepatic masses. Overall, EBV RNA was detected in 41.2% (seven of 18) of the cases. These included two of 10 (20%) lymph nodes, four of six (66.7%) splenic pseudotumors, and one of two (50%) hepatic lesions. The degree of EBV infection was significantly greater within the tumors in comparison with the surrounding, uninvolved tissue. Two morphologically different EBV-positive cell types, spindled and round cells, were evident, and the infected cell type differed significantly when the nodal and extranodal cases were compared. All of the positive extranodal cases shown, numerous EBV-positive spindled cells, whereas no positive spindle cells (only positive round cells, morphologically consistent with lymphocytes) were noted in the two EBV-positive lymph node pseudotumors. Double-labeling immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies in some cases identified rare EBV-positive B cells and rare EBV positive T cells in four and three cases, respectively. Most EBV-positive cells in all cases failed to immunoreact with any B- or T-cell markers. Three of five cases studied, however, did show a subpopulation of smooth muscle actin/EBV-positive spindled cells, five of seven cases showed vimentin/EBV-positive spindled cells, and one of four cases had EBV-positive spindled cells that immunoreacted as follicular dendritic cells. These results suggest that EBV plays a role in a significant number of cases of inflammatory pseudotumor with differences in the incidence of EBV infection and the cell type (spindled vs round cell) infected when extranodal and nodal cases are compared, suggesting a difference in pathogenesis. The cell type infected in extranodal cases seemed to be of mesenchymal origin but could not be clearly defined.
Modern Pathology | 2001
Peiguo G. Chu; Daniel A. Arber; Lawrence M. Weiss; Karen L. Chang
Endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS), uterine cellular leiomyoma (UCL), and uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULS) are composed mainly of spindle cells that express similar antigens such as desmin, smooth muscle actin (SMA), and muscle-specific actin (MSA). The differential diagnosis of an ESS versus a uterine smooth muscle tumor or an extrauterine spindle cell sarcoma can be problematic based solely on clinical presentation, histologic assessment, or routine immunohistochemistry. Recently, we reported that normal endometrium, but not myometrium, as well as five cases of ESS, were positive for CD10. We now report the results of CD10 immunohistochemistry in an additional 11 cases of ESS (total 16 cases), 10 cases of UCL, and nine cases of ULS. CD10 immunoreactivity was detected in 16 of 16 cases of ESS (100%) as compared to only 2 of 10 cases of UCL (20%) and none of nine cases of ULS (0%). We compared the utility of CD10 immunoreactivity with that of desmin, SMA, MSA, estrogen receptor (ER), and inhibin in these tumors. Although the majority of cases of UCL and ULS were positive for SMA, MSA, and desmin, a substantial portion of cases of ESS were also positive for SMA, MSA, and desmin. We conclude that in combination with SMA, MSA, and desmin, CD10 is a useful immunohistochemical marker in the differential diagnosis of ESS versus UCL or ULS.
Blood | 2008
Andrew L. Feldman; Daniel A. Arber; Stefania Pittaluga; Antonio Martínez; Jerome S. Burke; Mark Raffeld; Mireia Camós; Roger A. Warnke; Elaine S. Jaffe
Rare cases of histiocytic and dendritic cell (H/DC) neoplasms have been reported in patients with follicular lymphoma (FL), but the biologic relationship between the 2 neoplasms is unknown. We studied 8 patients with both FL and H/DC neoplasms using immunohistochemistry, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for t(14;18), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/sequencing of BCL2 and IGH rearrangements. There were 5 men and 3 women (median age, 59 years). All cases of FL were positive for t(14;18). The H/DC tumors included 7 histiocytic sarcomas, 5 of which showed evidence of dendritic differentiation, and 1 interdigitating cell sarcoma. Five H/DC tumors were metachronous, following FL by 2 months to 12 years; tumors were synchronous in 3. All 8 H/DC tumors showed presence of the t(14;18) either by FISH, or in 2 cases by PCR with the major breakpoint region (MBR) probe. PCR and sequencing identified identical IGH gene rearrangements or BCL2 gene breakpoints in all patients tested. All H/DC tumors lacked PAX5, and up-regulation of CEBPbeta and PU.1 was seen in all cases tested. These results provide evidence for a common clonal origin of FL and H/DC neoplasms when occurring in the same patient, and suggest that lineage plasticity may occur in mature lymphoid neoplasms.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology | 1993
Daniel A. Arber; Lawrence M. Weiss; Pedro F. Albújar; Yuan-Yuan Chen; Elaine S. Jaffe
The incidence of non-Hodgkins lymphoma of the nasal region is much higher in Peru than in the United States and is similar to the incidence of sinonasal lymphomas in Asian countries. To characterize these lymphomas, we evaluated the clinical, morphologic, and immunohistochemical features of 14 cases and also analyzed the cases for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) RNA using a sensitive and specific in situ hybridization method. Morphologically, the cases consisted of nine large cell immunoblastic lymphomas, one diffuse mixed cell lymphoma, one diffuse small cleaved lymphoma, one small noncleaved lymphoma, and two cases unclassifiable in the Working Formulation. Eleven cases demonstrated evidence of T lineage, two were of B lineage and one of indeterminate immunophenotype. In 13 of the lymphoma cases including all of the T-cell lymphomas, EBV RNA was detected in a high percentage of cells. Double-labeling immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies identified CD43 positivity in the cells labeling for EBV RNA. Much smaller amounts of EBV RNA were detectable in six of eight control benign nasopharyngeal biopsy specimens, and two were completely negative. These findings are similar to the prevalence of EBV-positive T-cell lymphomas in Asian countries and differ from the findings of the more common EBV-negative B-cell nasal lymphomas in the United States. These findings suggest that EBV plays a role in the development of nasal T-cell lymphomas and that the incidence of EBV infection may explain the reported “East-West” difference in the incidence of nasal T-cell lymphomas.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology | 1997
Daniel A. Arber; John G. Strickler; Yuan-Yuan Chen; Lawrence M. Weiss
Vascular tumors of the spleen include several different entities, some of which are unique to that organ. Twenty-two such proliferations were studied, including 10 hemangiomas, six littoral cell angiomas, four angiosarcomas, and two hamartomas. The hemangiomas included seven with localized tumors and three with diffuse angiomatosis of the spleen. All cases were studied by paraffin section immunohistochemistry with a large panel of antibodies. In addition, all cases were studied for the presence of the Kaposis sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) using the polymerase chain reaction. The morphologic findings were similar to those previously reported. All proliferations were vimentin positive, and one angiosarcoma was focally keratin positive. All cases reacted for CD31, whereas 20 of 22 were positive for von Willebrands factor and 19 of 22 were positive for Ulex europeaus. CD34 expression in lining cells was identified in 10 of 10 hemangiomas, two of four angiosarcomas, and one of two hamartomas, whereas all six cases of littoral cell angioma were negative. CD68 was expressed in all cases of littoral cell angioma but was also positive in all three diffuse hemangiomas, two of seven localized hemangiomas, and two of four angiosarcomas. CD21 expression was restricted to the lining cells of littoral cell angioma, and CD8 expression was only identified in two of two hamartomas and two of four angiosarcomas. KSHV was not detected in any of the cases. These findings suggest that there are distinct immunophenotypic as well as morphologic features of splenic vascular tumors. Littoral cell angiomas have a characteristic CD34-/CD68+/CD21+/CD8- immunophenotype and hamartomas have a characteristic CD68-/CD21-/CD8+ phenotype. The frequent CD68 expression in diffuse hemangioma suggests an immunophenotypic difference from localized hemangioma of the spleen.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology | 1993
Traweek St; Daniel A. Arber; Rappaport H; Russell K. Brynes
In an attempt to correlate the morphologic and immunophenotypic findings in extramedullary myeloid cell tumors (EMT), we studied 28 cases with a large panel of antibodies using paraffin section immunohistochemistry. A previous or concurrent diagnosis of acute myelogenous leukemia or chronic myelogenous leukemia was made in 25 cases. Six EMT were morphologically classified as well differentiated (WD-EMT), 17 as poorly differentiated (PD-EMT), and five as blastic EMT. The WD-EMT were easily recognized morphologically and displayed a relatively mature myeloid phenotype, with elastase, CD15, and CD68 positivity in all cases. On the other hand, the five blastic-EMT displayed no morphologic evidence of myeloid derivation, were completely negative for CD 15, and were weakly positive for elastase in only one case. The PD-EMT, with a morphologic appearance that resembles large cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma, variably expressed CD 15 and elastase. CD68 and lysozyme were present in the majority of PD-EMT, with some variability, but were negative in most blastic-EMT. CD45 (LCA) was detected in 75% of all EMT and CD34 was positive in 36%; neither antigen was significantly associated with a specific morphology. CD30 reactivity was not evident in any case, but slight positive staining was seen with CD20 (L26) in one WD-EMT. CD43 (Leu 22) was the only antibody that was positive in 100% of cases; staining was always intense and widespread. Antimyeloperoxidase (MPO) was positive in all cases but two, both with a blastic morphology. We conclude that (a) an immunohis-tochemical panel including CD20, CD43, CD68, and MPO can successfully identify the vast majority (96%) of EMT in paraffin sections, and (b) there is an association between morphology and phenotype in these lesions.