
Featured researches published by Daniel Bartholomeu.

Psico-USF | 2008

Traços de personalidade e habilidades sociais em universitários

Daniel Bartholomeu; Carlos Henrique Sancineto da Silva Nunes; Afonso Antonio Machado

This study analyzed the relationship between social skills and personality traits, particularly agreeableness trait, based on Big Five model. To assess the social skills, the Social Skills Inventory (Inventario de Habilidades Sociais - IHS) and the Agreeableness Scale (Escala Fatorial de Socializacao - EFS) measured agreeableness. The participants were 126 college students with mean age of 21 years old (SD=3,37), 53,5% men composed the sample. The sex comparison of the IHS and EFS measures pointed significant differences in six of ten measures. It was ascertain significant correlations between cordiality, coping and assertion and the total score of IHS. Pro-sociability was associated with coping and assertion and self-control. Trust in people was significantly correlated with coping and assertion, expressing positive affection and aggressiveness self-control. This result suggests personality may influence different social skills aspects.

Psicologia Em Estudo | 2006

Dificuldades de aprendizagem na escrita e características emocionais de crianças

Daniel Bartholomeu; Fermino Fernandes Sisto; Fabián Javier Marín Rueda

This study analyzed the association between emotional problems and the writing errors of 88 second-grade students attending elementary public school, by means of the Human Figure Drawing and an Evaluation of Learning Difficulties in Writing. Amongst the results, significant differences were evidenced by the Anova test among the average of the word total errors in relation to the three groups, which were constituted based on the intensity of emotional problems. However, Tukey test showed that these differences are justified by groups one and three. Regarding gender, the found tendency was not the same for girls. Also the emotional problems were associated with the errors in writing. Children with learning disabilities showed anxiety and poor self-concept, denoting feelings of inadequacy and guilt related to non-elaborated aggressive impulses and concern with sexual impulses, communication troubles and shyness f.This study analyzed the association between emotional problems and the writing errors of 88 second-grade students attending elementary public school, by means of the Human Figure Drawing and an Evaluation of Learning Difficulties in Writing. Amongst the results, significant differences were evidenced by the Anova test among the average of the word total errors in relation to the three groups, which were constituted based on the intensity of emotional problems. However, Tukey test showed that these differences are justified by groups one and three. Regarding gender, the found tendency was not the same for girls. Also the emotional problems were associated with the errors in writing. Children with learning disabilities showed anxiety and poor self-concept, denoting feelings of inadequacy and guilt related to non-elaborated aggressive impulses and concern with sexual impulses, communication troubles and shyness f.

Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2006

Estudo sobre a unidimensionalidade do teste Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven

Fermino Fernandes Sisto; Fabián Javier Marín Rueda; Daniel Bartholomeu

This study assessed the adjustment of the Rasch model concerning unidimensionality of Ravens Colored Standard Progressive Matrices. Four hundred and forty-one (441) elementary school children, of both genders, attending first to fourth grade were investigated. Considering that residuals may be enough to violate the intrinsic unidimensionality of the items, residual principal component analysis was used to assess the possibility of this violation. Items with higher factorial loading relating to the positive and negative dimensions on the first factor were selected, in respect to the test as a whole and to each subset in particular. These items were re-analyzed with the Rasch model within each data group. Then the positive and negative factor measures were correlated. Results suggested the possibility of other dimensions besides those extracted by Rasch model based on the test and subset B, though the correlation coefficients of the other subsets were close to rejection.

Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2011

Aceitação e rejeição entre pares e habilidades sociais em universitários

Daniel Bartholomeu; Lucas de Francisco Carvalho; Marjorie Cristina Rocha da Silva; Fabiano Koich Miguel; Afonso Antonio Machado

Acceptance and rejection between peers and social skills in college students. The aim of this study was investigate relations between social skills and acceptance-rejection in college students. 126 college students attending at physical education course from a university of the interior of the state of Sao Paulo were studied. The social skills assessment was taken by the Inventario de Habilidades Sociais (IHS) and the sociometric measure was related to the rejection or acceptation of the students by their peers in the studying and go out situations. Among the results, the acceptance in both situations was not explained by any of the social skills measures to men. To the women, in both situations acceptance were explained by the self-exposition to stranger’s measure. This research clarifies some of the social behaviors that can be used in social skills training with men and women to avoid its rejection in the group and maximizes the acceptance.

American Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementias | 2012

Clock drawing test in elderly individuals with different education levels: correlation with clinical dementia rating.

Juliana Francisca Cecato; Bruna Fiorese; José Maria Montiel; Daniel Bartholomeu; José Eduardo Martinelli

Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the performance in Clock Drawing Test (CDT) of the elderly individuals assessed in a geriatric clinic, with at least 1 year of schooling, comparing with other groups with higher education and with Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) levels. The study also aims to correlate the results of CDT and other used diagnostic tests for dementia by CDR levels, providing additional validity evidence to the CDT. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 426 elderly individuals, >60 years old and at least 1 year of education. All participants searched for medical assistance at Geriatric and Gerontology Ambulatory of Jundiaí city, in Brazil. The community-dwelling outpatients previously undergone a detailed clinical examination and neuropsychological evaluation: Cambrigde Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), andCDT. To differentiate data from diagnostic groups based on CDR, it Kruskal-Wallis test was used. Pearson statistics were calculated to compare data from CDT and CDR. The statistical analyses were 2-tailed and were considered significant when P < .05. Results: Regarding CDT, groups with more years of schooling showed similar means in CDR = 0 and CDR = 0.5 and in CDR = 1 and CDR = 2. Shulman and Sunderland scale were high score in groups with more years of education and above of cutoff points in all CDT score. On the contrary, in Mendez scale we did not observed similar means. Otherwise, in the group with less years of schooling greater means differences in the CDT were observed. Conclusion: The CDT did not show a strong correlation with MMSE and CAMCOG, both important instruments in Brazilian population to investigate dementia. For elderly individuals with high education levels, the CDT did not seem to be a good test to detect cognitive impairment.

Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra | 2014

Comparison of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Neuropsychological Tests in Differentiating Alzheimer's Disease from Mild Cognitive Impairment: Can the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Be Better than the Cambridge Cognitive Examination

José Eduardo Martinelli; Juliana Francisca Cecato; Daniel Bartholomeu; José Maria Montiel

Objective: Considering the lack of studies on measures that increase the diagnostic distinction between Alzheimers disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and on the role of the Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG) in this, our study aims to compare the utility of the CAMCOG, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in helping to differentiate AD from MCI in elderly people with >4 years of schooling. Method: A total of 136 elderly subjects - 39 normal controls as well as 52 AD patients and 45 MCI patients treated at the Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Porto Alegre, Brazil - were assessed using the MMSE, CAMCOG, clock drawing test (CDT), verbal fluency test (VF), Geriatric Depression Scale and Pfeffer Functional Activities Questionnaire. Results: The results obtained by means of a receiver operating characteristic curve showed that the MoCA is a better screening test for differentiating elderly subjects with AD from those with MCI than the CAMCOG and MMSE as well as other tests such as the CDT and VF. Conclusion: The MoCA, more than the CAMCOG and the other tests, was shown to be able to differentiate AD from MCI, although, as Roalf et al. [Alzheimers Dement 2013;9:529-537] pointed out, further studies might lead to measures that will improve this differentiation.

Psico-USF | 2011

Teste de habilidades sociais para crianças: evidências psicométricas de uma versão inicial

Daniel Bartholomeu; Marjorie Cristina Rocha da Silva; José Maria Montiel

Este artigo descreve o desenvolvimento de uma medida de avaliacao das habilidades sociais em criancas do ensino fundamental. Foram investigadas 257 criancas que cursavam de segundo ao quarto ano, de escolas publicas de cidades do interior do estado de Sao Paulo, com idades entre 8 e 11 anos e media de 9 anos. A escala foi composta de 99 itens descritores de situacoes de relacionamento interpessoal em situacoes escolares. A analise de componentes principais com rotacao varimax sugeriu uma estrutura de tres fatores que explicaram 38,42% de variância. Os fatores foram civilidade e altruismo (alfa = 0,85), desenvoltura e autocontrole na situacao de interacao (alfa=0,60) e assertividade de enfrentamento (alfa=0,47). A aplicacao do instrumento ocorreu de forma coletiva, realizada nas salas de aulas dos alunos, e somente a aqueles cujos pais haviam autorizado previamente. Esse instrumento avalia os fatores de habilidades sociais separando a dificuldade de expressao de cada uma das condutas, o que pode ser util no planejamento de intervencoes. Alem disso, esses resultados denotam confiabilidade no uso do instrumento em futuras pesquisas.

Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2006

Maturidade perceptual e inteligência

Fabián Javier Marín Rueda; Daniel Bartholomeu; Fermino Fernandes Sisto

O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar e correlacionar os resultados obtidos no Teste Guestaltico Visomotor de Bender e no Teste do Desenho da Figura Humana-Goodenough. A hipotese foi que haveria correlacao negativa entre os testes, ou seja, conforme aumentasse o nivel intelectual das criancas a partir do teste do Desenho da Figura Humana, diminuiria o numero de erros apresentados no Bender. Participaram da pesquisa 312 criancas de ambos os sexos, de 1a a 4a serie, de uma escola publica do interior de Sao Paulo, com idades variando entre sete e dez anos. Os resultados mostraram correlacoes negativas e significativas entre os testes, confirmando a hipotese do estudo. Tais resultados permitiriam inferir que o TGB e o DFH estariam medindo parte do mesmo construto, o que poderia ser considerado uma evidencia de validade.

Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2008

Maturidade viso-motora e inteligência: um estudo correlacional

Daniel Bartholomeu; Fermino Fernandes Sisto

This study investigated the relationship between intelligence and the visual-motor maturity. DFH- Sisto scale and the Test of Bender by the gradual punctuation system (B-SPG) had been collectively administered to 244 students (50% boys) whose ages ranged from 7 to 10 years, eight years average (DP=1,08) and who attended from the first to the fourth grade of an elementary public school of the interior of the State of Sao Paulo. The figures of the Bender Test were projected to the blackboard so that they could be copied by the children. Negative and significant correlations between the scores of both tests in relation to genders and ages were formed. It was concluded that the Gestaltic Test gives an estimation of the intellectual capacity of children.

Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2008

Evidência de validade de construto para o teste de atenção sustentada

Fabián Javier Marín Rueda; Ana Paula Porto Noronha; Fermino Fernandes Sisto; Daniel Bartholomeu

This study aimed to verify evidence of construct validity for the Teste de Atencao Sustentada. 127 individuals, officially approved by the psychological assessment for attainment of their licenses to drive, participated in the research. The results showed negative and significant correlations among the measures of the Teste de Atencao Sustentada, which is concentration and Speed with Quality of the response, with the ages. The variance analysis showed that the differences of the means in relation to the ranges of ages were statistically significant as well as between the measures of concentration and Speed with Quality. On the basis of these results, the evidence of construct validity, by age analysis for these measures was accepted.

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