
Acta Psychologica | 2008

Sequential effects within a short foreperiod context: Evidence for the conditioning account of temporal preparation

Michael B. Steinborn; Daniel Bratzke; Rolf Ulrich

Responses to an imperative stimulus (IS) are especially fast when they are preceded by a warning signal (WS). When the interval between WS and IS (the foreperiod, FP) is variable, reaction time (RT) is not only influenced by the current FP but also by the FP of the preceding trial. These sequential effects have recently been proposed to originate from a trace conditioning process, in which the individuals learn the temporal WS-IS relationship in a trial-by-trial manner. Research has shown that trace conditioning is maximal when the temporal interval between the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus is between 0.25 and 0.60s. Consequently, one would predict that sequential effects occur especially within short FP contexts. However, this prediction is contradicted by Karlin [Karlin, L. (1959). Reaction time as a function of foreperiod duration and variability. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58, 185-191] who did not observe the typical sequential effects with short FPs. To investigate temporal preparation for short FPs, three experiments were conducted, examining the sequential FP effect comparably for short and long FP-sets (Experiment 1), assessing the influence of catch trials (Experiment 2) and the case of a very dense FP-range (Experiment 3) on sequential FP effects. The results provide strong evidence for sequential effects within a short FP context and thus support the trace conditioning account of temporal preparation.

Journal of Sleep Research | 2009

The effect of 40 h constant wakefulness on task-switching efficiency.

Daniel Bratzke; Michael B. Steinborn; Rolf Ulrich

This study investigated efficiency of switching between different tasks in 12 male participants (19–30 years) during 40 h of constant wakefulness. As index of task‐switching efficiency, switch costs in reaction time were assessed every 3 h under controlled behavioural and environmental conditions. Overall reaction times and switch costs showed a temporal pattern consistent with the assumption of a combined influence of a sleep homeostatic and a circadian process. An additional analysis indicated that the variation in switch costs could not be attributed to interference of the current task with persisting activation from preceding tasks. We therefore conclude that sleep loss and the circadian system affect the ability to prepare the current task rather than automatic processing of irrelevant stimulus information.

Chronobiology International | 2012

Effects of Sleep Loss and Circadian Rhythm on Executive Inhibitory Control in the Stroop and Simon Tasks

Daniel Bratzke; Michael B. Steinborn; Rolf Ulrich

This study assessed the influence of sleep loss and circadian rhythm on executive inhibitory control (i.e., the ability to inhibit conflicting response tendencies due to irrelevant information). Twelve ordinarily diurnally active, healthy young male participants performed the Stroop and the Simon task every 3 h in a 40-h constant routine protocol that comprised constant wakefulness under controlled behavioral and environmental conditions. In both tasks, overall performance showed clear circadian rhythm and sleep-loss effects. However, both Stroop and Simon interference remained unchanged across the 40 h of wakefulness, suggesting that neither cumulative sleep loss nor the circadian clock affects executive inhibitory control. The present findings challenge the widely held view that executive functions are especially vulnerable to the influence of sleep loss and circadian rhythm. (Author correspondence:

Acta Psychologica | 2009

Dynamic adjustment of temporal preparation: shifting warning signal modality attenuates the sequential foreperiod effect.

Michael B. Steinborn; Daniel Bratzke; Rolf Ulrich

We examined sequential effects in the variable foreperiod (FP) paradigm, which refer to the finding that responses to an imperative signal (IS) are fast when a short FP trial is repeated but slow when it is preceded by a long FP trial. The effect has been attributed to a trace-conditioning mechanism in which individuals learn the temporal relationship between a warning signal (WS) and the IS in a trial-by-trial manner. An important assumption is that the WS in a current trial (i.e., trial FP(n)) acts as a conditioned stimulus, such that it automatically triggers the conditioned response at the exact critical moment that was imperative in the previous trial (i.e., trial FP(n-1)). According to this assumption, a shift from one WS modality in trial FP(n-1) to another modality in trial FP(n) is expected to eliminate or at least reduce the sequential FP effect. This prediction was tested in three experiments that included a random variation of WS modality and FP length within blocks of trials. In agreement with the prediction, a shift in WS modality attenuated the asymmetry of the sequential FP effect.

Psychological Science | 2007

Central Slowing During the Night

Daniel Bratzke; Rolf Ulrich; Maren Peters

The present study determined whether central information processing is subject to a circadian rhythm and, therefore, contributes to the well-known time-of-day effect on reaction time (RT). To assess the duration of central processing chronometrically, we employed the psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm. In this task, subjects make fast responses to two successive stimuli. RT to the second stimulus is usually prolonged as the interval between the two stimuli decreases. This PRP effect is commonly attributed to a central-processing bottleneck. Subjects performed the PRP task every 2 hr during 28 hr of constant wakefulness under controlled conditions. The PRP effect was most pronounced in the early morning. We conclude that central processing is subject to a circadian rhythm, exhibiting a slowing during the night and a nadir in the early morning.

Acta Psychologica | 2010

The effect of a cross-trial shift of auditory warning signals on the sequential foreperiod effect.

Michael B. Steinborn; Daniel Bratzke; Rolf Ulrich

When a warning signal (WS) precedes an imperative signal (IS) by a certain amount of time (the foreperiod, FP), responses are speeded. Moreover, this effect is modulated by the FP length in the previous trial. This sequential FP effect has lately been attributed to a trace-conditioning mechanism according to which individuals learn (and re-learn) temporal relationships between the WS and the IS. Recent evidence suggests that sensory WS attributes are critical to trigger time-related response activation. Specifically, when WS modality is shifted in subsequent trials (e.g., from auditory to visual modality), the sequential FP effect becomes attenuated. This study examined whether the sequential FP effect is reduced only by between-modality shifts or whether this attenuation generalizes to cross-trial shifts of WS attributes within modalities. We compared dimensional (low vs. high tone frequency) and qualitative shifts (pure tone vs. noise) of equal-intense auditory WS events. The results of four experiments revealed that shifts of tone frequency did not, whereas shifts of qualitative tone characteristics did attenuate the sequential FP effect. These results support the view that the WS acts as a trigger cue that unintentionally activates responses at previously reinforced critical moments.

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology | 2012

Error reactivity in self-paced performance: Highly-accurate individuals exhibit largest post-error slowing:

Michael B. Steinborn; Hagen C. Flehmig; Daniel Bratzke; Hannes Schröter

Reaction time is typically increased following an erroneous response. This post-error slowing is traditionally explained by a strategic adjustment of response threshold towards more conservative behaviour. A recently proposed orienting account provides an alternative explanation for post-error slowing. According to this account, committing an error evokes an orienting response (OR), which inhibits information processing in the subsequent trial, resulting in slow and inaccurate performance. We tested a straightforward prediction of the orienting account in the context of self-paced performance, adopting an individual-differences approach: Post-error slowing should be larger the less frequent an error is. To this end, participants were classified into three groups differing in overall performance accuracy. Larger post-error slowing and stronger post-error accuracy decrease were observed for the high-accuracy group than for the two other groups. Practice pronounced the post-error accuracy decline, especially for the high-accuracy group. The results are consistent with the orienting account of post-error slowing but are problematic for accounts based on strategic evaluation mechanisms.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance | 2009

The Source of Execution-Related Dual-Task Interference: Motor Bottleneck or Response Monitoring?

Daniel Bratzke; Rolf Ulrich

The present study assessed the underlying mechanism of execution-related dual-task interference in the psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm. The motor bottleneck hypothesis attributes this interference to a processing limitation at the motor level. By contrast, the response monitoring hypothesis attributes it to a bottleneck process that not only selects the appropriate response but also monitors its execution. In two experiments, participants performed ballistic movements of different distances in Task 1 and a choice reaction time task in Task 2. In each experiment, a propagation effect of movement distance on reaction time in Task 2 indicated substantial execution-related interference. To determine the locus of this effect, we manipulated stimulus-response compatibility in Task 2. In line with the motor bottleneck hypothesis, the compatibility effect was partially absorbed during movement execution of Task 1. The results support a motor bottleneck mechanism rather than response monitoring as the source of execution-related dual-task interference.

Experimental Brain Research | 2012

Perceptual learning in temporal discrimination: asymmetric cross-modal transfer from audition to vision.

Daniel Bratzke; Tanja Seifried; Rolf Ulrich

This study assessed possible cross-modal transfer effects of training in a temporal discrimination task from vision to audition as well as from audition to vision. We employed a pretest–training–post-test design including a control group that performed only the pretest and the post-test. Trained participants showed better discrimination performance with their trained interval than the control group. This training effect transferred to the other modality only for those participants who had been trained with auditory stimuli. The present study thus demonstrates for the first time that training on temporal discrimination within the auditory modality can transfer to the visual modality but not vice versa. This finding represents a novel illustration of auditory dominance in temporal processing and is consistent with the notion that time is primarily encoded in the auditory system.

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology | 2008

Motor limitation in dual-task processing with different effectors

Daniel Bratzke; Rolf Ulrich; Hannes Schröter; Ines Jentzsch; Hartmut Leuthold

According to the extended bottleneck model, dual-task interference does not arise only from a central bottleneck but also from processing limitations at the motor stage. Evidence for this assumption has previously been found only for same-effector tasks but not for different-effector tasks. In order to examine the existence of motor interference with different effectors, we used the psychological refractory period paradigm and employed response sequences of different length in Task 1 (R1 sequence length). Experiment 1 incorporated vocal response sequences in Task 1 and a manual response in Task 2. In Experiment 2, the assignment of the effectors to the two tasks was reversed. In both experiments, the long R1 sequence prolonged reaction time for Task 2 (RT2), and this effect was reduced with decreasing temporal overlap of the two tasks. Thus, the present experiments demonstrate motor interference between different-effector tasks. This interference may be due to on-line programming or to central response monitoring.

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