Daniel Dzurisin
Cascades Volcano Observatory
Featured researches published by Daniel Dzurisin.
Reviews of Geophysics | 1997
John J. Dvorak; Daniel Dzurisin
Routine geodetic measurements are made at only a few dozen of the worlds 600 or so active volcanoes, even though these measurements have proven to be a reliable precursor of eruptions. The pattern and rate of surface displacement reveal the depth and rate of pressure increase within shallow magma reservoirs. This process has been demonstrated clearly at Kilauea and Mauna Loa, Hawaii; Long Valley caldera, California; Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy; Rabaul caldera, Papua New Guinea; and Aira caldera and nearby Sakurajima, Japan. Slower and lesser amounts of surface displacement at Yellowstone caldera, Wyoming, are attributed to changes in a hydrothermal system that overlies a crustal magma body. The vertical and horizontal dimensions of eruptive fissures, as well as the amount of widening, have been determined at Kilauea, Hawaii; Etna, Italy; Tolbachik, Kamchatka; Krafla, Iceland; and Asal-Ghoubbet, Djibouti, the last a segment of the East Africa Rift Zone. Continuously recording instruments, such as tiltmeters, extensometers, and dilatometers, have recorded horizontal and upward growth of eruptive fissures, which grew at rates of hundreds of meters per hour, at Kilauea; Izu-Oshima, Japan; Teishi Knoll seamount, Japan; and Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island. In addition, such instruments have recorded the hour or less of slight ground movement that preceded small explosive eruptions at Sakurajima and presumed sudden gas emissions at Galeras, Colombia. The use of satellite geodesy, in particular the Global Positioning System, offers the possibility of revealing changes in surface strain both local to a volcano and over a broad region that includes the volcano.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 1984
Daniel Dzurisin; Robert Y. Koyanagi; Thomas T. English
Abstract Shallow crustal magma reservoirs beneath the summit of Kilauea Volcano and within its rift zones are linked in such a way that the magma supply to each can be estimated from the rate of ground deformation at the volcanos summit. Our model builds on the well-documented pattern of summit inflation as magma accumulates in a shallow summit reservoir, followed by deflation as magma is discharged to the surface or into the rift zones. Magma supply to the summit reservoir is thus proportional to summit uplift, and supply to the rift zones is proportional to summit subsidence; the average proportionality constant is 0.33 × 10 6 m 3 /γrad. This model yields minimum supply estimates because it does not account for magma which escapes detection by moving passively through the summit reservoir or directly into the rift zones. Calculations suggest that magma was supplied to Kilauea during July 1956– April 1983 at a minimum average rate of 7.2 × 10 6 m3/month. Roughly 35% of the net supply was extruded; the rest remains stored within the volcanos east rift zone (55%) and southwest rift zone (10%). Periods of relatively rapid supply were associated with the large Kapoho eruption in 1960 and the sustained Mauna Ulu eruptions in 1969–1971 and 1972–1974. Bursts of harmonic tremor from the mantle beneath Kilauea were also unusually energetic during 1968–1975, suggesting a close link between Kilaueas deep magma supply region and shallow storage reservoirs. It remains unclear whether pulses in magma supply from depth give rise to corresponding increases in shallow supply, or if instead unloading of a delicately balanced magma transport system during large eruptions or intrusions triggers more rapid ascent from a relatively constant mantle source.
Nature | 2006
Richard M. Iverson; Daniel Dzurisin; Cynthia A. Gardner; Terrence M. Gerlach; Richard G. LaHusen; Michael Lisowski; Jon J. Major; Stephen D. Malone; James A. Messerich; Seth C. Moran; John S. Pallister; Anthony I. Qamar; Steven P. Schilling; James W. Vallance
The 2004–05 eruption of Mount St Helens exhibited sustained, near-equilibrium behaviour characterized by relatively steady extrusion of a solid dacite plug and nearly periodic shallow earthquakes. Here we present a diverse data set to support our hypothesis that these earthquakes resulted from stick-slip motion along the margins of the plug as it was forced incrementally upwards by ascending, solidifying, gas-poor magma. We formalize this hypothesis with a dynamical model that reveals a strong analogy between behaviour of the magma–plug system and that of a variably damped oscillator. Modelled stick-slip oscillations have properties that help constrain the balance of forces governing the earthquakes and eruption, and they imply that magma pressure never deviated much from the steady equilibrium pressure. We infer that the volcano was probably poised in a near-eruptive equilibrium state long before the onset of the 2004–05 eruption.
Science | 1983
Donald A. Swanson; Thomas J. Casadevall; Daniel Dzurisin; Stephen D. Malone; C.G. Newhall; Craig S. Weaver
Thirteen eruptions of Mount St. Helens between June 1980 and December 1982 were predicted tens of minutes to, more generally, a few hours in advance. The last seven of these eruptions, starting with that of mid-April 1981, were predicted between 3 days and 3 weeks in advance. Precursory seismicity, deformation of the crater floor and the lava dome, and, to a lesser extent, gas emissions provided telltale evidence of forthcoming eruptions. The newly developed capability for prediction reduced risk to life and property and influenced land-use decisions.
Nature | 2006
Charles Wicks; Wayne Thatcher; Daniel Dzurisin; J. L. Svarc
The Yellowstone caldera, in the western United States, formed ∼640,000 years ago when an explosive eruption ejected ∼1,000 km3 of material. It is the youngest of a series of large calderas that formed during sequential cataclysmic eruptions that began ∼16 million years ago in eastern Oregon and northern Nevada. The Yellowstone caldera was largely buried by rhyolite lava flows during eruptions that occurred from ∼150,000 to ∼70,000 years ago. Since the last eruption, Yellowstone has remained restless, with high seismicity, continuing uplift/subsidence episodes with movements of ∼70 cm historically to several metres since the Pleistocene epoch, and intense hydrothermal activity. Here we present observations of a new mode of surface deformation in Yellowstone, based on radar interferometry observations from the European Space Agency ERS-2 satellite. We infer that the observed pattern of uplift and subsidence results from variations in the movement of molten basalt into and out of the Yellowstone volcanic system.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1993
John J. Dvorak; Daniel Dzurisin
When an eruption of Kilauea lasts more than 4 months, so that a well-defined conduit has time to develop, magma moves freely through the volcano from a deep source to the eruptive site at a constant rate of 0.09 km3/yr. At other times, the magma supply rate to Kilauea, estimated from geodetic measurements of surface displacements, may be different. For example, after a large withdrawal of magma from the summit reservoir, such as during a rift zone eruption, the magma supply rate is high initially but then lessens and exponentially decays as the reservoir refills. Different episodes of refilling may have different average rates of magma supply. During four year-long episodes in the 1960s, the annual rate of refilling varied from 0.02 to 0.18 km3/yr, bracketing the sustained eruptive rate of 0.09 km3/yr. For decade-long or longer periods, our estimate of magma supply rate is based on long-term changes in eruptive rate. We use eruptive rate because after a few dozen eruptions the volume of magma that passes through the summit reservoir is much larger than the net change of volume of magma stored within Kilauea. The low eruptive rate of 0.009 km3/yr between 1840 and 1950, compared to an average eruptive rate of 0.05 km3/yr since 1950, suggests that the magma supply rate was lower between 1840 and 1950 than it has been since 1950. An obvious difference in activity before and since 1950 was the frequency of rift zone eruptions: eight rift zone eruptions occurred between 1840 and 1950, but more than 20 rift zone eruptions have occurred since 1950. The frequency of rift zone eruptions influences magma supply rate by suddenly lowering pressure of the summit magma reservoir, which feeds magma to rift zone eruptions. A temporary drop of reservoir pressure means a larger-than-normal pressure difference between the reservoir and a deeper source, so magma is forced to move upward into Kilauea at a faster rate.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2010
Zhong Lu; Daniel Dzurisin; Juliet Biggs; Charles Wicks; Steve McNutt
eruption, magma storage had increased by 3.7– 5.2 ×1 0 7 m 3 or 85–100% of the 1997 eruption volume. We propose that the supply rate decreased in response to the diminishing pressure gradient between the shallow storage zone and a deeper magma source region. Eventuallytheeffectsofcontinuingmagmasupplyandvesiculationofstoredmagmacaused acriticalpressurethresholdtobeexceeded,triggeringthe2008eruption.Asimilarpatternof initially rapid inflation followed by oscillatory but generally slowing inflation was observed prior to the 1997 eruption. In both cases, withdrawal of magma during the eruptions depressurized the shallow storage zone, causing significant volcano‐wide subsidence and initiating a new intereruption deformation cycle.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1995
John Langbein; Daniel Dzurisin; Grant N. Marshall; Ross S. Stein; John B. Rundle
We refined the model for inflation of the Long Valley caldera near Mammoth Lakes, California, by combining both geodetic measurements of baseline length and elevation changes. Baseline length changes measured using a two-color geodimeter with submillimeter precision revealed that the resurgent dome started to reinflate in late 1989. Measurements between late 1989 and mid-1992 revealed nearly 13 cm of extension across the resurgent dome. Geodetic leveling surveys with approximately 2-mm precision made in late 1988 and in mid-1992 revealed a maximum of about 8 cm of uplift of the resurgent dome. Two ellipsoidal sources satisfy both the leveling and two-color measurements, whereas spherical point sources could not. The models primary inflation source is located 5.5 km beneath the resurgent dome with the two horizontal axes being nearly equal in size and the vertical axis being 4 times the length of the horizontal axes. A second ellipsoidal source was added to improve the fit to the two-color measurements. This secondary source is located at a depth between 10 and 20 km beneath the south moat of the caldera and has the geometry of an elongated ellipsoid or pipe that dips down to the northeast. In addition, the leveling data suggest dike intrusion beneath Mammoth Mountain during the 1988-1992 interval, which is likely associated with an intense swarm of small earthquakes during the summer of 1989 at that location. Our analysis shows the dike intrusion to be the shallowest of the three sources with a depth range of 1-3 km below the surface to the top of the intrusion.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 1980
Daniel Dzurisin; Lennart A. Anderson; Gordon P. Eaton; Robert Y. Koyanagi; Peter W. Lipman; John P. Lockwood; Reginald T. Okamura; Gary S. Puniwai; Maurice K. Sako; Kenneth M. Yamashita
Abstract Following a 22-month hiatus in eruptive activity, Kilauea volcano extruded roughly 35 × 10 6 m 3 of tholeiitic basalt from vents along its middle east rift zone during 13 September–1 October, 1977. The lengthy prelude to this eruption began with a magnitude 7.2 earthquake on 29 November, 1975, and included rapid summit deflation episodes in June, July, and August 1976 and February 1977. Synthesis of seismic, geodetic, gravimetric, and electrical self-potential observations suggests the following model for this atypical Kilauea eruptive cycle. Rapid summit deflation initiated by the November 1975 earthquake reflected substantial migration of magma from beneath the summit region of Kilauea into the east and southwest rift zones. Simultaneous leveling and microgravity observations suggest that 40–90 × 10 6 m 3 of void space was created within the summit magma chamber as a result of the earthquake. If this volume was filled by magma from depth before the east rift zone intrusive event of June 1976, the average rate of supply was 6–13 × 10 6 m 3 /month, a rate that is consistent with the value of 9 × 10 6 m 3 /month suggested from observations of long-duration Kilauea eruptions. Essentially zero net vertical change was recorded at the summit during the 15-month period beginning with the June 1976 intrusion and ending with the September 1977 eruption. This fact suggests that most magma supplied from depth during this interval was eventually delivered to the east rift zone, at least in part during four rapid summit deflation episodes. Microearthquake epicenters migrated downrift to the middle east rift zone for the first time during the later stages of the February 1977 intrusion, an occurrence presumably reflecting movement of magma into the eventual eruptive zone. This observation was confirmed by tilt surveys in May 1977 that revealed a major inflation center roughly 30 km east of the summit in an area of anomalous steaming and forest kill first noted in March 1976.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
Zhong Lu; Charles Wicks; John A. Power; Daniel Dzurisin
In March 1996 an intense swarm of volcano-tectonic earthquakes (∼3000 felt by local residents, Mmax = 5.1, cumulative moment of 2.7×1018 N m) beneath Akutan Island in the Aleutian volcanic arc, Alaska, produced extensive ground cracks but no eruption of Akutan volcano. Synthetic aperture radar interferograms that span the time of the swarm reveal complex island-wide deformation: the western part of the island including Akutan volcano moved upward, while the eastern part moved downward. The axis of the deformation approximately aligns with new ground cracks on the western part of the island and with Holocene normal faults that were reactivated during the swarm on the eastern part of the island. The axis is also roughly parallel to the direction of greatest compressional stress in the region. No ground movements greater than 2.83 cm were observed outside the volcanos summit caldera for periods of 4 years before or 2 years after the swarm. We modeled the deformation primarily as the emplacement of a shallow, east–west trending, north dipping dike plus inflation of a deep, Mogi-type magma body beneath the volcano. The pattern of subsidence on the eastern part of the island is poorly constrained. It might have been produced by extensional tectonic strain that both reactivated preexisting faults on the eastern part of the island and facilitated magma movement beneath the western part. Alternatively, magma intrusion beneath the volcano might have been the cause of extension and subsidence in the eastern part of the island. We attribute localized subsidence in an area of active fumaroles within the Akutan caldera, by as much as 10 cm during 1992–1993 and 1996–1998, to fluid withdrawal or depressurization of the shallow hydrothermal system.