Daniel Mitchell
California Polytechnic State University
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2007
Simon Albrecht; Sabine Reffert; I. A. G. Snellen; A. Quirrenbach; Daniel Mitchell
Context. The Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect, a rotational effect in eclipsing systems, provides unique insight into the relative orientation of stellar spin axes and orbital axes of eclipsing binary systems. Aims. Our aim is to develop a robust method to analyze the RM effect in an eclipsing system with two nearly equally bright components. This gives access to the orientation of the stellar rotation axes and may shed light on questions of binary formation and evolution. For example, a misalignment between the spin axes and the angular momentum of the system could bring the observed and theoretical apsidal motion into better agreement for some systems, including V1143 Cyg. Methods. High-resolution spectra have been obtained both out of eclipse and during the primary and secondary eclipses in the V1143 Cyg system, using the 0.6 m Coude Auxiliary Telescope (CAT) and the high-resolution Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph at the Lick Observatory. The Rossiter-McLaughlin effect is analyzed in two ways: (1) by measuring the shift of the line center of gravity during different phases of the eclipses and (2) by analysis of the line shape change of the rotational broadening function during eclipses. Results. We measured the projection of the stellar rotation axes using the rotation effect for both main-sequence stars in an eclipsing binary system. The projected axes of both stars are aligned with the orbital spin within the observational uncertainties, with the angle of the primary rotation axis βp = 0.3 ± 1.5 ◦ , and the angle of the secondary rotation axis βs = −1.2 ± 1.6 ◦ , thereby showing that the remaining difference between the theoretical and observed apsidal motion for this system is not due to a misalignment of the stellar rotation axes. Both methods utilized in this paper work very well, even at times when the broadening profiles of the two stars overlap.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2006
S. Hekker; Sabine Reffert; A. Quirrenbach; Daniel Mitchell; Debra A. Fischer; G. W. Marcy; R. P. Butler
Context. Future astrometric missions such as SIM PlanetQuest need very stable reference stars. K giants have large luminosities, which place them at large distances and thus the jitter of their photocenters by companions is relatively small. Therefore K giants would be best suited as references. To confirm this observationally a radial velocity survey is performed to quantify the level of intrinsic variability in K giants. Aims. From this radial velocity survey we present 34 K giants with an observed standard deviation of the radial velocity of less than 20 m/s. These stars are considered “stable” and can be used as radial velocity standards. Methods. The radial velocity survey contains 179 K giants. All K giants have a declination between −30 ◦ and +65 ◦ and visual magnitude of 3−6 mag. The Coude Auxiliary Telescope (CAT) at UCO/Lick Observatory is used to obtain radial velocities with an accuracy of 5− 8m /s. The number of epochs for the 34 stable stars ranges from 11 to 28 with a total timespan of the observations between 1800 and a little over 2200 days. Results. The observational results of the 34 “stable” stars are shown together with a discussion about their position in the MV vs. B − V diagram and some conclusions concerning the radial velocity variability of K giants. These results are in agreement with the theoretical predictions. K giants in a certain range of the MV vs. B − V diagram are suitable reference stars.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2008
S. Hekker; I. A. G. Snellen; Conny Aerts; A. Quirrenbach; Sabine Reffert; Daniel Mitchell
Context. Since 1999, we have been conducting a radial velocity survey of 179 K giants using the Coude Auxiliary Telescope at UCO/Lick observatory. At present ∼20− 100 measurements have been collected per star with a precision of 5 to 8 m s − 1 . Of the stars monitored, 145 (80%) show radial velocity (RV) variations at a level >20 m s − 1 , of which 43 exhibit significant periodicities. Aims. Our aim is to investigate possible mechanism(s) that cause these observed RV variations. We intend to test whether these variations are intrinsic in nature, or possibly induced by companions, or both. In addition, we aim to characterise the parameters of these companions. Methods. A relation between log g and the amplitude of the RV variations is investigated for all stars in the sample. Furthermore, the hypothesis that all periodic RV variations are caused by companions is investigated by comparing their inferred orbital statistics with the statistics of companions around main sequence F, G, and K dwarfs. Results. A strong relation is found between the amplitude of the RV variations and log g in K giant stars, as suggested earlier by Hatzes & Cochran (1998). However, most of the stars exhibiting periodic variations are located above this relation. These RV variations can be split in a periodic component which is not correlated with log g and a random residual part which does correlate with log g. Compared to main-sequence dwarf stars, K giants frequently exhibit periodic RV variations. Interpreting these RV variations as being caused by companions, the orbital parameters are different from the companions orbiting dwarfs. Conclusions. Intrinsic mechanisms play an important role in producing RV variations in K giants stars, as suggested by their dependence on log g. However, it appears that periodic RV variations are additional to these intrinsic variations, consistent with them being caused by companions. If indeed the majority of the periodic RV variations in K giants is interpreted as due to substellar companions, then massive planets are significantly more common around K giants than around F, G, K main-sequence stars.
arXiv: Astrophysics | 2008
S. Hekker; I. A. G. Snellen; Conny Aerts; A. Quirrenbach; Sabine Reffert; Daniel Mitchell
Since 1999, a radial velocity survey of 179 red giant stars is ongoing at Lick Observatory with a one month cadence. At present~20—100 measurements have been collected per star with an accuracy of 5 to 8 ms-1. Of the stars monitored, 145 (80%) show radial velocity (RV) variations at a level >20 ms-1, of which 43 exhibit significant periodicities. Here, we investigate the mechanism causing the observed radial velocity variations. Firstly, we search for a correlation between the radial velocity amplitude and an intrinsic parameter of the star, in this case surface gravity (logg). Secondly, we investigate line profile variations and compare these with theoretical predictions.
Archive | 2003
Daniel Mitchell; Sabine Frink; A. Quirrenbach; Debra A. Fischer; Geoffrey W. Marcy; R. Paul Butler
Proceedings of the second helas international conference: helioseismology, asteroseismology and mhd connections | 2008
S. Hekker; I. A. G. Snellen; Conny Aerts; A. Quirrenbach; Sabine Reffert; Daniel Mitchell
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2008
S. Hekker; I. A. G. Snellen; Conny Aerts; A. Quirrenbach; Sabine Reffert; Daniel Mitchell
Archive | 2007
Steffen Albrecht; Sabine Reffert; A. Quirrenbach; Daniel Mitchell; I. A. G. Snellen
Archive | 2006
K. Horne; Tim Lister; Alan J. Penny; Y. Tsapras; Andreas Quirrenbach; N. Safizadeh; John Cooke; Daniel Mitchell; Andrew Collier Cameron
arXiv: Astrophysics | 2003
R. A. Street; K. Horne; A. Collier Cameron; Y. Tsapras; D. M. Bramich; Alan J. Penny; A. Quirrenbach; N. Safizadeh; Daniel Mitchell; Jeff Cooke