Daniel Reta
University of Manchester
Nature | 2017
Conrad A. P. Goodwin; Fabrizio Ortu; Daniel Reta; Nicholas F. Chilton; David P. Mills
Lanthanides have been investigated extensively for potential applications in quantum information processing and high-density data storage at the molecular and atomic scale. Experimental achievements include reading and manipulating single nuclear spins, exploiting atomic clock transitions for robust qubits and, most recently, magnetic data storage in single atoms. Single-molecule magnets exhibit magnetic hysteresis of molecular origin—a magnetic memory effect and a prerequisite of data storage—and so far lanthanide examples have exhibited this phenomenon at the highest temperatures. However, in the nearly 25 years since the discovery of single-molecule magnets, hysteresis temperatures have increased from 4 kelvin to only about 14 kelvin using a consistent magnetic field sweep rate of about 20 oersted per second, although higher temperatures have been achieved by using very fast sweep rates (for example, 30 kelvin with 200 oersted per second). Here we report a hexa-tert-butyldysprosocenium complex—[Dy(Cpttt)2][B(C6F5)4], with Cpttt = {C5H2tBu3-1,2,4} and tBu = C(CH3)3—which exhibits magnetic hysteresis at temperatures of up to 60 kelvin at a sweep rate of 22 oersted per second. We observe a clear change in the relaxation dynamics at this temperature, which persists in magnetically diluted samples, suggesting that the origin of the hysteresis is the localized metal–ligand vibrational modes that are unique to dysprosocenium. Ab initio calculations of spin dynamics demonstrate that magnetic relaxation at high temperatures is due to local molecular vibrations. These results indicate that, with judicious molecular design, magnetic data storage in single molecules at temperatures above liquid nitrogen should be possible.
Nano Letters | 2016
R. Gaudenzi; Enrique Burzurí; Daniel Reta; I. de P. R. Moreira; Stefan T. Bromley; Concepció Rovira; Jaume Veciana; H. S. J. van der Zant
The magnetic properties of a nanoscale system are inextricably linked to its local environment. In adatoms on surfaces and inorganic layered structures, the exchange interactions result from the relative lattice positions, layer thicknesses, and other environmental parameters. Here, we report on a sample-dependent sign inversion of the magnetic exchange coupling between the three unpaired spins of an organic triradical molecule embedded in a three-terminal device. This ferro-to-antiferromagnetic transition is due to structural distortions and results in a high-to-low spin ground-state change in a molecule traditionally considered to be a robust high-spin quartet. Moreover, the flexibility of the molecule yields an in situ electric tunability of the exchange coupling via the gate electrode. These findings open a route to the controlled reversal of the magnetic states in organic molecule-based nanodevices by mechanical means, electrical gating, or chemical tailoring.
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2017
Conrad A. P. Goodwin; Daniel Reta; Fabrizio Ortu; Nicholas F. Chilton; David P. Mills
The origin of 60 K magnetic hysteresis in the dysprosocenium complex [Dy(Cpttt)2][B(C6F5)4] (Cpttt = C5H2tBu3-1,2,4, 1-Dy) remains mysterious, thus we envisaged that analysis of a series of [Ln(Cpttt)2]+ (Ln = lanthanide) cations could shed light on these properties. Herein we report the synthesis and physical characterization of a family of isolated [Ln(Cpttt)2]+ cations (1-Ln; Ln = Gd, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu), synthesized by halide abstraction of [Ln(Cpttt)2(Cl)] (2-Ln; Ln = Gd, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu). Complexes within the two families 1-Ln and 2-Ln are isostructural and display pseudo-linear and pseudo-trigonal crystal fields, respectively. This results in archetypal electronic structures, determined with CASSCF-SO calculations and confirmed with SQUID magnetometry and EPR spectroscopy, showing easy-axis or easy-plane magnetic anisotropy depending on the choice of Ln ion. Study of their magnetic relaxation dynamics reveals that 1-Ho also exhibits an anomalously low Raman exponent similar to 1-Dy, both being distinct from the larger and more regular Raman exponents for 2-Dy, 2-Er, and 2-Yb. This suggests that low Raman exponents arise from the unique spin-phonon coupling of isolated [Ln(Cpttt)2]+ cations. Crucially, this highlights a direct connection between ligand coordination modes and spin-phonon coupling, and therefore we propose that the exclusive presence of multihapto ligands in 1-Dy is the origin of its remarkable magnetic properties. Controlling the spin-phonon coupling through ligand design thus appears vital for realizing the next generation of high-temperature single-molecule magnets.
Chemical Science | 2017
Isaac Alcón; Daniel Reta; Ibério de P. R. Moreira; Stefan T. Bromley
Triarylmethyls (TAMs) are prominent highly attractive open shell organic molecular building blocks for materials science, having been used in breakthrough syntheses of organic magnetic polymers and metal organic frameworks. With their radical π-conjugated nature and a proven capacity to possess high stability via suitable chemical design, TAMs display a variety of desirable characteristics which can be exploited for a wide range of applications. Due to their particular molecular and electronic structure, the spin localization in TAMs almost entirely depends on the dihedral angles of their three aryl rings with respect to the central methyl carbon atom plane, which opens up the possibility of controlling their fundamental properties by twisting the three aryl rings. Aryl ring twist angles can be tuned to a single value by specific chemical functionalisation but controlling them by external means in organic materials or devices represents a challenging task which has not yet been experimentally achieved. Herein, through rational chemical design we propose two 2D covalent organic frameworks (2D-COFs) based on specific TAM building blocks. By employing ab initio computational modeling we demonstrate that it is possible to externally manipulate the aryl ring twist angles in these 2D-linked TAM frameworks by external mechanical means. Furthermore, we show this structural manipulation allows for finely tuning the most important characteristics of these materials such as spin localization, optical electronic transitions and magnetic interactions. Due to the enormous technological potential offered by this new class of material and the fact that our work is guided by real advances in organic materials synthesis, we believe that our predictions will inspire the experimental realization of radical-2D-COFs with externally controllable characteristics.
ACS Nano | 2017
R. Gaudenzi; Joeri de Bruijckere; Daniel Reta; Ibério de P. R. Moreira; Concepció Rovira; Jaume Veciana; Herre S. J. van der Zant; Enrique Burzurí
Embedding a magnetic electroactive molecule in a three-terminal junction allows for the fast and local electric field control of magnetic properties desirable in spintronic devices and quantum gates. Here, we provide an example of this control through the reversible and stable charging of a single all-organic neutral diradical molecule. By means of inelastic electron tunnel spectroscopy we show that the added electron occupies a molecular orbital distinct from those containing the two radical electrons, forming a spin system with three antiferromagnetically coupled spins. Changing the redox state of the molecule therefore switches on and off a parallel exchange path between the two radical spins through the added electron. This electrically controlled gating of the intramolecular magnetic interactions constitutes an essential ingredient of a single-molecule quantum gate.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation | 2016
Daniel Reta; Ibério de P. R. Moreira; Francesc Illas
In the most general case of three electrons in three symmetry unrelated centers with Ŝ1 = Ŝ2 = Ŝ3 = 1/2 localized magnetic moments, the low energy spectrum consists of one quartet (Q) and two doublet (D1, D2) pure spin states. The energy splitting between these spin states can be described with the well-known Heisenberg-Dirac-Van Vleck (HDVV) model spin Hamiltonian, and their corresponding energy expressions are expressed in terms of the three different two-body magnetic coupling constants J12, J23, and J13. However, the values of all three magnetic coupling constants cannot be extracted using the calculated energy of the three spin-adapted states since only two linearly independent energy differences between pure spin states exist. This problem has been recently investigated by Reta et al. (J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2015, 11, 3650), resulting in an alternative proposal to the original Noodlemans broken symmetry mapping approach. In the present work, this proposal is validated by means of ab initio effective Hamiltonian theory, which allows a direct extraction of all three J values from the one-to-one correspondence between the matrix elements of both effective and HDVV Hamiltonian. The effective Hamiltonian matrix representation has been constructed from configuration interaction wave functions for the three spin states obtained for two model systems showing a different degree of delocalization of the unpaired electrons. These encompass a trinuclear Cu(II) complex and a π-conjugated purely organic triradical.
Archive | 2018
Conrad A. P. Goodwin; Daniel Reta; Fabrizio Ortu; Jingjing Liu; Nicholas F. Chilton; David P. Mills
Related Article: Conrad A. P. Goodwin, Daniel Reta, Fabrizio Ortu, Jingjing Liu, Nicholas F. Chilton, David P. Mills|2018|Chem.Commun.|||doi:10.1039/C8CC05261A
Archive | 2018
Conrad A. P. Goodwin; Daniel Reta; Fabrizio Ortu; Jingjing Liu; Nicholas F. Chilton; David P. Mills
Related Article: Conrad A. P. Goodwin, Daniel Reta, Fabrizio Ortu, Jingjing Liu, Nicholas F. Chilton, David P. Mills|2018|Chem.Commun.|54|9182|doi:10.1039/C8CC05261A
Archive | 2018
Conrad A. P. Goodwin; Daniel Reta; Fabrizio Ortu; Jingjing Liu; Nicholas F. Chilton; David P. Mills
Related Article: Conrad A. P. Goodwin, Daniel Reta, Fabrizio Ortu, Jingjing Liu, Nicholas F. Chilton, David P. Mills|2018|Chem.Commun.|54|9182|doi:10.1039/C8CC05261A
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry | 2017
Daniel Reta; Fabrizio Ortu; Simon Randall; David P. Mills; Nicholas F. Chilton; Richard E. P. Winpenny; Louise S. Natrajan; Bryan Edwards; Nikolas Kaltsoyannis