Daniel Sykes
Imperial College London
software engineering for adaptive and self managing systems | 2008
Daniel Sykes; William Heaven; Jeff Magee; Jeff Kramer
Autonomous or semi-autonomous systems are deployed in environments where contact with programmers or technicians is infrequent or undesirable. To operate reliably, such systems should be able to adapt to new circumstances on their own. This paper describes our combined approach for adaptable software architecture and task synthesis from high-level goals, which is based on a three-layer model. In the uppermost layer, reactive plans are generated from goals expressed in a temporal logic. The middle layer is responsible for plan execution and assembling a configuration of domain-specific software components, which reside in the lowest layer. Moreover, the middle layer is responsible for selecting alternative components when the current configuration is no longer viable for the circumstances that have arisen. The implementation demonstrates that the approach enables us to handle non-determinism in the environment and unexpected failures in software components.
international conference on software engineering | 2013
Daniel Sykes; Domenico Corapi; Jeff Magee; Jeff Kramer; Alessandra Russo; Katsumi Inoue
Environment domain models are a key part of the information used by adaptive systems to determine their behaviour. These models can be incomplete or inaccurate. In addition, since adaptive systems generally operate in environments which are subject to change, these models are often also out of date. To update and correct these models, the system should observe how the environment responds to its actions, and compare these responses to those predicted by the model. In this paper, we use a probabilistic rule learning approach, NoMPRoL, to update models using feedback from the running system in the form of execution traces. NoMPRoL is a technique for nonmonotonic probabilistic rule learning based on a transformation of an inductive logic programming task into an equivalent abductive one. In essence, it exploits consistent observations by finding general rules which explain observations in terms of the conditions under which they occur. The updated models are then used to generate new behaviour with a greater chance of success in the actual environment encountered.
international conference on software engineering | 2014
Nicolás D'Ippolito; Víctor A. Braberman; Jeff Kramer; Jeff Magee; Daniel Sykes; Sebastian Uchitel
Most approaches for adaptive systems rely on models, particularly behaviour or architecture models, which describe the system and the environment in which it operates. One of the difficulties in creating such models is uncertainty about the accuracy and completeness of the models. Engineers therefore make assumptions which may prove to be invalid at runtime. In this paper we introduce a rigorous, tiered framework for combining behaviour models, each with different associated assumptions and risks. These models are used to generate operational strategies, through techniques such controller synthesis, which are then executed concurrently at runtime. We show that our framework can be used to adapt the functional behaviour of the system: through graceful degradation when the assumptions of a higher level model are broken, and through progressive enhancement when those assumptions are satisfied or restored.
software engineering for adaptive and self managing systems | 2011
Daniel Sykes; Jeff Magee; Jeff Kramer
Autonomous systems need to support dynamic software adaptation in order to handle the complexity and unpredictability of the execution environment, and the changing needs of the end user. Although a number of approaches have been proposed, few address a key issue: that of distribution. In this paper we seek to overcome the limitations of centralised approaches. We build on our previous work on adaptive self-assembly within the three-layer model for autonomous systems to provide a decentralised technique for self-assembly. To achieve this in a fault-tolerant and scalable manner, we use a gossip protocol as a basis. While no central or leader node is aware of the full space of solutions, gossip ensures that agreement on a particular solution - in this case a component configuration - is reached in a logarithmic number of steps with respect to the size of the network.
foundations of software engineering | 2015
Víctor A. Braberman; Nicolás D'Ippolito; Jeff Kramer; Daniel Sykes; Sebastian Uchitel
An architectural approach to self-adaptive systems involves runtime change of system configuration (i.e., the systems components, their bindings and operational parameters) and behaviour update (i.e., component orchestration). Thus, dynamic reconfiguration and discrete event control theory are at the heart of architectural adaptation. Although controlling configuration and behaviour at runtime has been discussed and applied to architectural adaptation, architectures for self-adaptive systems often compound these two aspects reducing the potential for adaptability. In this paper we propose a reference architecture that allows for coordinated yet transparent and independent adaptation of system configuration and behaviour.
CLIMA'11 Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Computational logic in multi-agent systems | 2011
Domenico Corapi; Daniel Sykes; Katsumi Inoue; Alessandra Russo
We propose here a novel approach to rule learning in probabilistic nonmonotonic domains in the context of answer set programming. We used the approach to update the knowledge base of an agent based on observations. To handle the probabilistic nature of our observation data, we employ parameter estimation to find the probabilities associated with each of these atoms and consequently with rules. The outcome is the set of rules which have the greatest probability of entailing the observations. This ultimately improves tolerance of noisy data compared to traditional inductive logic programming techniques. We illustrate the benefits of the approach by applying it to a planning problem in which the involved agent requires both nonmonotonicity and tolerance of noisy input.
international conference on software engineering | 2013
Víctor A. Braberman; Nicolás D'Ippolito; Nir Piterman; Daniel Sykes; Sebastian Ucriitel
Controller synthesis provides an automated means to produce architecture-level behaviour models that are enacted by a composition of lower-level software components, ensuring correct behaviour. Such controllers ensure that goals are satisfied for any model-consistent environment behaviour. This paper presents a tool for developing environment models, synthesising controllers efficiently, and enacting those controllers using a composition of existing third-party components. Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnetgVihpV4.
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Models@run.time | 2012
Luca Cavallaro; Peter Sawyer; Daniel Sykes; Nelly Bencomo; Valérie Issarny
Pervasive environments are characterised by highly heterogeneous services and mobile devices with dynamic availability. Approaches such as that proposed by the Connect project provide means to enable such systems to be discovered and composed, through mediation where necessary. As services appear and disappear, the set of feasible compositions changes. In such a pervasive environment, a designer encounters two related challenges: what goals it is reasonable to pursue in the current context and how to use the services presently available to achieve his goals. This paper proposes an approach to design service compositions, facilitating an interactive process to find the trade-off between the possible and the desirable. Following our approach, the system finds at runtime, where possible, compositions related to the developers requirements. This process can realise the intent the developer specifies at design time, taking into account the services available at runtime, without a prohibitive level of pre-specification, inappropriate for such dynamic environments.
formal methods | 2011
Paul Grace; Nikolaos Georgantas; Amel Bennaceur; Gordon S. Blair; Franck Chauvel; Valérie Issarny; Massimo Paolucci; Rachid Saadi; Bertrand Souville; Daniel Sykes
Current solutions to interoperability remain limited with respect to highly dynamic and heterogeneous environments, where systems encounter one another spontaneously. In this chapter, we introduce the Connect architecture, which puts forward a fundamentally different method to tackle the interoperability problem. The philosophy is to observe networked systems in action, learn their behaviour and then dynamically generate mediator software which will connect two heterogeneous systems. We present a high-level overview of how Connect operates in practice and subsequently provide a simple example to illustrate the architecture in action.
International Workshop on Eternal Systems | 2011
Amel Bennaceur; Richard Johansson; Alessandro Moschitti; Romina Spalazzese; Daniel Sykes; Rachid Saadi; Valérie Issarny
Interoperability among heterogeneous systems is a key challenge in today’s networked environment, which is characterised by continual change in aspects such as mobility and availability. Automated solutions appear then to be the only way to achieve interoperability with the needed level of flexibility and scalability. While necessary, the techniques used to achieve interaction, working from the highest application level to the lowest protocol level, come at a substantial computational cost, especially when checks are performed indiscriminately between systems in unrelated domains. To overcome this, we propose to use machine learning to extract the high-level functionality of a system and thus restrict the scope of detailed analysis to systems likely to be able to interoperate.