Daniel T. Britt
University of Central Florida
Featured researches published by Daniel T. Britt.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
Richard V. Morris; D. C. Golden; James F. Bell; T. D. Shelfer; Andreas C. Scheinost; Nancy W. Hinman; George Furniss; Stanley A. Mertzman; Janice L. Bishop; Douglas W. Ming; Carlton C. Allen; Daniel T. Britt
Major element, multispectral, and magnetic properties data were obtained at Ares Vallis during the Mars Pathfinder mission. To understand the compositional, mineralogical, and process implications of these data, we obtained major element, mineralogical, and magnetic data for well-crystalline and nanophase ferric minerals, terrestrial analogue samples with known geologic context, and SNC meteorites. Analogue samples include unaltered, palagonitic, and sulfatetic tephra from Mauna Kea Volcano (hydrolytic and acid-sulfate alteration), steam vent material from Kilauea Volcano (hydrolytic alteration), and impactites from Meteor Crater (relithification). Salient results for Mars Pathfinder include: (1) Band depths BD530b and BD600 and the reflectivity ratio R800/R750 are consistent with the dominant ferric mineral being nanophase ferric oxide associated with an unknown amount of H2O and occurring in composite particles along with subordinate amounts of other ferric minerals. Hematite and hematite plus nanophase goethite are most consistent with the data, but maghemite, akaganeite, schwertmannite, and nanophase lepidocrocite are also possible interpretations. Ferric oxides that are consistently not favored by the data as sole alteration products are jarosites and well-crystalline goethite and lepidocrocite. (2) The strength of the ferric adsorption edge (R750/R445) implies the Fe3+/Fe2+ values for Pathfinder rock and soil are within the ranges 0.7–3 and 3–20, respectively. (3) Ferrous silicates are indicated for subsets of Pathfinder rocks and soils. One subset has a band minimum near 930 nm that can attributed to low-Ca pyroxene. Alternatively, the band could be a second manifestation of certain ferric oxides, including nanophase goethite, maghemite, akaganeite, and schwertmannite. Another subset has a negative spectral slope from ∼800 to 1005 nm which could result from the high-energy wing of a high-Ca pyroxene and/or olivine band, a mixture of bright and dark materials, and, for rocks, thin coatings of bright dust on dark rocks. (4) Chemical data on Pathfinder rocks and soils are consistent with two-component mixtures between an “andesitic” rock with low MgO and SO3 concentrations (soil-free rock) and a global, basaltic soil with high MgO and SO3 concentrations (rock-free soil). Pathfinder rock-free soil can be modeled as a chemical mixture of SNC meteorites and the Pathfinder soil-free rock. (5) Pathfinder soil cannot be obtained by chemical alteration of Pathfinder rocks by any of the hydrolytic and acid-sulfate alteration processes we studied. Presumably, global mixing has obscured and possibly erased the elemental signatures of chemical alteration. (6) The strongly magnetic phase in palagonitic and sulfatetic tephra is titanomagnetite and possibly its oxidation product titanomaghemite (Fe-Ti spinels). The saturation magnetization of the tephra samples (0.5–2.0 Am2/kg) is at or below the low end of the range inferred for Martian dust (4±2 Am2/kg), implying that lithogenic Fe-Ti spinels are a possible candidate for the Martian strongly magnetic phase. (7) The predominantly palagonitic spectral signature and magnetic nature of Martian soil and dust are consistent with glassy precursors with imbedded Fe-Ti spinel particles. Comparison with lunar glass production rates suggests that production of sufficient quantities of glassy materials on Mars by volcanic and impact processes is sufficient to account for these observations.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
James F. Bell; Harry Y. McSween; Joy A. Crisp; Richard V. Morris; Scott L. Murchie; Nathan T. Bridges; James Richard Johnson; Daniel T. Britt; M. P. Golombek; Henry J. Moore; Anupam Ghosh; Janice L. Bishop; Robert C. Anderson; J. Brückner; T. Economou; J. P. Greenwood; Haraldur Pall Gunnlaugsson; R. M. Hargraves; S. F. Hviid; J. M. Knudsen; M. B. Madsen; Richard J. Reid; R. Rieder; L. A. Soderblom
Mars Pathfinder obtained multispectral, elemental, magnetic, and physical measurements of soil and dust at the Sagan Memorial Station during the course of its 83 sol mission. We describe initial results from these measurements, concentrating on multispectral and elemental data, and use these data, along with previous Viking, SNC meteorite, and telescopic results, to help constrain the origin and evolution of Martian soil and dust. We find that soils and dust can be divided into at least eight distinct spectral units, based on parameterization of Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) 400 to 1000 nm multispectral images. The most distinctive spectral parameters for soils and dust are the reflectivity in the red, the red/blue reflectivity ratio, the near-IR spectral slope, and the strength of the 800 to 1000 nm absorption feature. Most of the Pathfinder spectra are consistent with the presence of poorly crystalline or nanophase ferric oxide(s), sometimes mixed with small but varying degrees of well-crystalline ferric and ferrous phases. Darker soil units appear to be coarser-grained, compacted, and/or mixed with a larger amount of dark ferrous materials relative to bright soils. Nanophase goethite, akaganeite, schwertmannite, and maghemite are leading candidates for the origin of the absorption centered near 900 nm in IMP spectra. The ferrous component in the soil cannot be well-constrained based on IMP data. Alpha proton X-ray spectrometer (APXS) measurements of six soil units show little variability within the landing site and show remarkable overall similarity to the average Viking-derived soil elemental composition. Differences exist between Viking and Pathfinder soils, however, including significantly higher S and Cl abundances and lower Si abundances in Viking soils and the lack of a correlation between Ti and Fe in Pathfinder soils. No significant linear correlations were observed between IMP spectral properties and APXS elemental chemistry. Attempts at constraining the mineralogy of soils and dust using normative calculations involving mixtures of smectites and silicate and oxide minerals did not yield physically acceptable solutions. We attempted to use the Pathfinder results to constrain a number of putative soil and dust formation scenarios, including palagonitization and acid-fog weathering. While the Pathfinder soils cannot be chemically linked to the Pathfinder rocks by palagonitization, this study and McSween et al. [1999] suggest that palagonitic alteration of a Martian basaltic rock, plus mixture with a minor component of locally derived andesitic rock fragments, could be consistent with the observed soil APXS and IMP properties.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Harry Y. McSween; Scott L. Murchie; Joy A. Crisp; Nathan T. Bridges; Robert C. Anderson; James F. Bell; Daniel T. Britt; J. Brückner; G. Dreibus; Thanasis E. Economou; Anupam Ghosh; M. P. Golombek; J. P. Greenwood; James Richard Johnson; Henry J. Moore; Richard V. Morris; T. J. Parker; R. Rieder; Robert B. Singer; H. Wänke
Rocks at the Mars Pathfinder site are probably locally derived. Textures on rock surfaces may indicate volcanic, sedimentary, or impact-generated rocks, but aeolian abration and dust coatings prevent unambiguous interpretation. Multispectral imaging has resolved four spectral classes of rocks: gray and red, which occur on different surfaces of the same rocks; pink, which is probably soil crusts; and maroon, which occurs as large boulders, mostly in the far field. Rocks are assigned to two spectral trends based on the position of peak reflectance: the primary spectral trend contains gray, red, and pink rocks; maroon rocks constitute the secondary spectral trend. The spatial pattern of spectral variations observed is oriented along the prevailing wind direction. The primary spectral trend arises from thin ferric coatings of aeolian dust on darker rocks. The secondary spectral trend is apparently due to coating by a different mineral, probably maghemite or ferrihydrite. A chronology based on rock spectra suggests that rounded maroon boulders constitute the oldest petrologic unit (a flood deposit), succeeded by smaller cobbles possibly deposited by impact, and followed by aeolian erosion and deposition. Nearly linear chemical trends in alpha proton X-ray spectrometer rock compositions are interpreted as mixing lines between rock and adhering dust, a conclusion supported by a correlation between sulfur abundance and red/blue spectral ratio. Extrapolations of regression lines to zero sulfur give the composition of a presumed igneous rock. The chemistry and normative mineralogy of the sulfur-free rock resemble common terrestrial volcanic rocks, and its classification corresponds to andesite. Igneous rocks of this composition may occur with clastic sedimentary rocks or impact melts and breccias. However, the spectral mottling expected on conglomerates or breccias is not observed in any APXS-analyzed rocks. Interpretation of the rocks as andesites is complicated by absence of a “1 μm” pyroxene absorption band. Plausible explanations include impact glass, band masking by magnetite, or presence of calcium- and iron-rich pyroxenes and olivine which push the absorption band minimum past the imagers spectral range. The inferred andesitic composition is most similar to terrestrial anorogenic icelandites, formed by fractionation of tholeiitic basaltic magmas. Early melting of a relatively primitive Martian mantle could produce an appropriate parent magma, supporting the ancient age of Pathfinder rocks inferred from their incorporation in Hesperian flood deposits. Although rocks of andesitic composition at the Pathfinder site may represent samples of ancient Martian crust, inferences drawn about a necessary role for water or plate tectonics in their petrogenesis are probably unwarranted.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Matthew P. Golombek; Robert C. Anderson; Jeffrey R. Barnes; James F. Bell; Nathan T. Bridges; Daniel T. Britt; J. Brückner; R. A. Cook; David Crisp; Joy A. Crisp; Thanasis E. Economou; William M. Folkner; Ronald Greeley; Robert M. Haberle; R. B. Hargraves; J.A. Harris; A. F. C. Haldemann; K. E. Herkenhoff; S. F. Hviid; R. Jaumann; James Richard Johnson; Pieter Kallemeyn; H. U. Keller; R. Kirk; J. M. Knudsen; Søren Ejling Larsen; Mark T. Lemmon; M. B. Madsen; J.A. Magalhaes; J. N. Maki
Mars Pathfinder successfully landed at Ares Vallis on July 4, 1997, deployed and navigated a small rover about 100 m clockwise around the lander, and collected data from three science instruments and ten technology experiments. The mission operated for three months and returned 2.3 Gbits of data, including over 16,500 lander and 550 rover images, 16 chemical analyses of rocks and soil, and 8.5 million individual temperature, pressure and wind measurements. Path-finder is the best known location on Mars, having been clearly identified with respect to other features on the surface by correlating five prominent horizon features and two small craters in lander images with those in high-resolution orbiter images and in inertial space from two-way ranging and Doppler tracking. Tracking of the lander has fixed the spin pole of Mars, determined the precession rate since Viking 20 years ago, and indicates a polar moment of inertia, which constrains a central metallic core to be between 1300 and ∼2000 km in radius. Dark rocks appear to be high in silica and geochemically similar to anorogenic andesites; lighter rocks are richer in sulfur and lower in silica, consistent with being coated with various amounts of dust. Rover and lander images show rocks with a variety of morphologies, fabrics and textures, suggesting a variety of rock types are present. Rounded pebbles and cobbles on the surface as well as rounded bumps and pits on some rocks indicate these rocks may be conglomerates (although other explanations are also possible), which almost definitely require liquid water to form and a warmer and wetter past. Air-borne dust is composed of composite silicate particles with a small fraction of a highly magnetic mineral, interpreted to be most likely maghemite; explanations suggest iron was dissolved from crustal materials during an active hydrologic cycle with maghemite freeze dried onto silicate dust grains. Remote sensing data at a scale of a kilometer or greater and an Earth analog correctly predicted a rocky plain safe for landing and roving with a variety of rocks deposited by catstrophic floods, which are relatively dust free. The surface appears to have changed little since it formed billions of years ago, with the exception that eolian activity may have deflated the surface by ∼3–7 cm, sculpted wind tails, collected sand into dunes, and eroded ventifacts (fluted and grooved rocks). Pathfinder found a dusty lower atmosphere, early morning water ice clouds, and morning near-surface air temperatures that changed abruptly with time and height. Small scale vortices, interpreted to be dust devils, were observed repeatedly in the afternoon by the meteorology instruments and have been imaged.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997
Peter W. H. Smith; Martin G. Tomasko; Daniel T. Britt; D. G. Crowe; Richard J. Reid; H. U. Keller; Nicolas Thomas; F. Gliem; P. Rueffer; Robert John Sullivan; Ronald Greeley; J. M. Knudsen; M. B. Madsen; H. P. Gunnlaugsson; S. F. Hviid; W. Goetz; Laurence A. Soderblom; Lisa R. Gaddis; R. Kirk
The imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP), a stereoscopic, multispectral camera, is described in terms of its capabilities for studying the Martian environment. The cameras two eyes, separated by 15.0 cm, provide the camera with range-finding ability. Each eye illuminates half of a single CCD detector with a field of view of 14.4×14.0° and has 12 selectable filters. The ƒ/18 optics have a large depth of field, and no focussing mechanism is required; a mechanical shutter is avoided by using the frame transfer capability of the 512×512 CCD. The resolving power of the camera, 0.98 mrad/pixel, is approximately the same as the Viking Lander cameras; however, the signal-to-noise ratio for IMP greatly exceeds Viking, approaching 350. This feature along with the stable calibration of the filters between 440 and 1000 nm distinguishes IMP from Viking. Specially designed targets are positioned on the Lander; they provide information on the magnetic properties of wind-blown dust, measure the wind vectors, and provide radiometric standard reflectors for calibration. Also, eight low-transmission filters are included for imaging the Sun directly at multiple wavelengths, giving IMP the ability to measure dust opacity and potentially the water vapor content. Several experiments beyond the requisite color panorama are described in detail: contour mapping of the local terrain, multispectral imaging of the surrounding rock and soil to study local mineralogy, viewing of three wind socks, measuring atmospheric opacity and water vapor content, and estimating the magnetic properties of wind-blown dust. This paper is intended to serve as a guide to understanding the scientific integrity of the IMP data that will be returned from Mars starting on July 4, 1997.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1994
Daniel T. Britt; Carle M. Pieters
Abstract Darkening of ordinary chondrite surface material by regolith processes such as shock-induced heating may hinder identification of main asteroid belt parent bodies for ordinary chondrites. There are two types of darkened ordinary chondrites, the black chondrites and the gas-rich chondrites. Relative to normal ordinary chondrites, they show reduced reflectance, a modest red continuum slope, and subdued absorption features that can make mineral identification challenging. Both meteorite types are darkened by the dispersion of micron-scale FeNi metal and troilite. The two major morphologies of metal dispersion are 1. (1) a random dispersion of 0.5–5 μm diameter blebs of FeNi metal and troilite throughout the silicates and 2. (2) fine networks of veins up to 5-μm thick. Gas-rich ordinary chondrites acquired their darkening while directly exposed to the space environment on the surface of ordinary chondrite parent bodies. Black chondrites probably represent material that was originally more deeply buried and was shocked, heated, and darkened by major impacts. The implications of these darkening processes are that shock can significantly alter the spectral signature of ordinary chondrite material and that a “mature” ordinary chondrite regolith soil on a large parent body may be spectrally altered.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1998
P.A. Bland; A. S. Sexton; A. J. T. Jull; A. W. R. Bevan; Frank J. Berry; D.M. Thornley; T.R. Astin; Daniel T. Britt; C. T. Pillinger
Abstract Ordinary chondrites (OC) recovered from the desert areas of Roosevelt County, New Mexico, the Nullarbor Region of Western Australia, and the Algerian and Libyan Sahara, for which 14C terrestrial ages have been determined, were examined by 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy. OC were chosen as a standard sample to investigate weathering processes as their well constrained trace and bulk element chemistry, normative mineralogy and isotopic composition define a known, pre-weathering, starting composition. Given that terrestrial ages are known, it is possible to compare (initially very similar) samples that have been subsequently weathered in a range of climatic regimes from the present day to > 44 ka BP. In addition, recently fallen equilibrated OC contain iron only as Fe0 and Fe2+, thus the abundance of ferric iron is directly related to the level of terrestrial weathering. Mossbauer spectroscopy identifies two broad types of ferric alteration: paramagnetic phases (akaganeite, lepidocrocite, and goethite), and magnetically ordered (principally magnetite and maghemite). OC finds show a range in the percentage of total Fe existing as Fe3+ from zero to over 80%. However, oxidation is comparable between fragments of the same OC separated since their time of fall (i.e., paired meteorites). Our results indicate several features of meteorite weathering that may result from climatic or geomorphologic conditions at the accumulation site: (1) Saharan samples are, overall, less weathered than non-Saharan samples, which may be related to the relatively recent age (ca. 20 ka) of the Saharan accumulation surface; (2) broad differences between sites in the rate of weathering, arising from regional differences in climate; (3) consistent differences in the weathering products between samples that fell during humid periods and those that fell during more arid periods (those falling during humid periods contain a higher proportion of magnetically ordered ferric oxides); (4) one region (the Nullarbor) that shows a variation in the total amount of ferric species that closely matches the climatic record for this area of Australia for the last 30 ka. Points (3) and (4) may be related to the identification of a rapid initial weathering phase: the majority of weathering occurs in the first few hundred years after fall, followed by passivation of weathering by porosity reduction. Porosity reduction, and the associated restriction in the ability of water to penetrate the sample, appears to be the mechanism whereby a weathering assemblage formed during the brief initial period of oxidation is preserved through subsequent climatic cycles over the terrestrial lifetime of the sample.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Richard J. Reid; Peter W. H. Smith; Mark T. Lemmon; R. Tanner; Mike K. Burkland; E. Wegryn; J. Weinberg; Robert Louis Marcialis; Daniel T. Britt; Nicolas Thomas; R. Kramm; A. Dummel; D. G. Crowe; B.J. Bos; James F. Bell; P. Rueffer; F. Gliem; James Richard Johnson; J. N. Maki; K. E. Herkenhoff; Robert B. Singer
The Imager for Mars Pathfinder returned over 16,000 high-quality images from the surface of Mars. The camera was well-calibrated in the laboratory, with <5% radiometric uncertainty. The photometric properties of two radiometric targets were also measured with 3% uncertainty. Several data sets acquired during the cruise and on Mars confirm that the system operated nominally throughout the course of the mission. Image calibration algorithms were developed for landed operations to correct instrumental sources of noise and to calibrate images relative to observations of the radiometric targets. The uncertainties associated with these algorithms as well as current improvements to image calibration are discussed.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Jeffrey R. Johnson; Randolph L. Kirk; Laurence A. Soderblom; Lisa R. Gaddis; Robert J. Reid; Daniel T. Britt; Peter K. Smith; Mark T. Lemmon; Nicolas Thomas; James F. Bell; Nathan T. Bridges; Robert S. Anderson; K. E. Herkenhoff; J. N. Maki; Scott L. Murchie; Andreas Dummel; R. Jaumann; F. Trauthan; Gabriele Arnold
Reflectance measurements of selected rocks and soils over a wide range of illumination geometries obtained by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) camera provide constraints on interpretations of the physical and mineralogical nature of geologic materials at the landing site. The data sets consist of (1) three small “photometric spot” subframed scenes, covering phase angles from 20° to 150°; (2) two image strips composed of three subframed images each, located along the antisunrise and antisunset lines (photometric equator), covering phase angles from ∼0° to 155°; and (3) full-image scenes of the rock “Yogi,” covering phase angles from 48° to 100°. Phase functions extracted from calibrated data exhibit a dominantly backscattering photometric function, consistent with the results from the Viking lander cameras. However, forward scattering behavior does appear at phase angles >140°, particularly for the darker gray rock surfaces. Preliminary efforts using a Hapke scattering model are useful in comparing surface properties of different rock and soil types but are not well constrained, possibly due to the incomplete phase angle availability, uncertainties related to the photometric function of the calibration targets, and/or the competing effects of diffuse and direct lighting. Preliminary interpretations of the derived Hapke parameters suggest that (1) red rocks can be modeled as a mixture of gray rocks with a coating of bright and dark soil or dust, and (2) gray rocks have macroscopically smoother surfaces composed of microscopically homogeneous, clear materials with little internal scattering, which may imply a glass-like or varnished surface.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996
David A. Kring; Timothy D. Swindle; Daniel T. Britt; Jennifer Ann Grier
Cat Mountain is a new ordinary chondrite impact melt breccia that contains several shocked chondrule-bearing clasts of L5 material. These clasts are surrounded by a total impact melt of similar composition material which appears to have cooled over a period of a few thousand years, probably within a melt breccia lens in the bottom of a large (>1 km diameter) crater on an L chondrite asteroid. Noble gas isotopes indicate that the sample was involved in at least two different impact events, approximately 880 and 20 Myr ago, following the 4.55 Ga accretion of primitive chondritic material. The 880 Ma event is responsible for the impact breccia texture of the sample, and the 20 Ma event reduced the sample to a meter-sized object. We also infer that another impact occurred between 880 and 20 Ma (possibly the ∼500 Ma event recorded in many other L chondrites) to jettison the material from the asteroid belt into an orbit that evolved into an Earth-crossing trajectory. The shock-metamorphic processes that occurred at 880 Ma redistributed the opaque phases in the meteorite and altered the crystalline characteristics of silicate phases. This reduced the reflectance of the L5 material and decreased the amplitude of its spectral absorption features. These characteristics are consistent with the spectral characteristics of some C class asteroids and suggest that some dark asteroids that appear to belong to the C class could be covered with shocked ordinary chondrite material. If one assumes that Cat Mountain came from the same asteroid as other L chondrites with the same cosmic ray exposure age, then the juxtaposition of these different materials suggests asteroids are rubble piles which are heterogeneous on a scale less than 100 m. Furthermore, the structural integrity of Cat Mountain and other L chondrites suggests the strengths of asteroid rubble piles are limited by fractures and contrasting material properties and are thus inherently weak in a ram pressure regime produced when they enter a planetary atmosphere. However, in a regime where the asteroid is the target of impact fragmentation rather than the projectile, the added porosity of a rubble pile structure will compensate for the presence of fractures and absorb a large amount of the impact energy. In this case the structural integrity of the asteroid may appear to be the same as a previously unshocked chondritic material.