Daniel T. Heggem
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 1998
David F. Bradford; Susan E. Franson; Anne C. Neale; Daniel T. Heggem; Glen R. Miller; Grant E. Canterbury
The study evaluates the potential for bird species assemblages to serve as indicators of biological integrity of rangelands in the Great Basin in much the same way that fish and invertebrate assemblages have been used as indicators in aquatic environments. Our approach was to identify metrics of the bird community using relatively simple sampling methods that reflect the degree of rangeland degradation and are consistent over a variety of vegetation types and geographic areas. We conducted the study in three range types (i.e., potential natural plant community types) in each of two widely separated areas of the Great Basin: south-eastern Idaho (sagebrush steppe range types) and west-central Utah (salt-desert shrub range types). Sites were selected in each range type to represent three levels of grazing impact, and in Idaho included sites modified for crested wheatgrass production. Birds were sampled by point counts on 9 100-m radius plots at 250-m spacing on each of 20 sites in each area during the breeding season. In sagebrush-steppe, 964 individuals in 8 species of passerine birds were used in analyses. Five metrics were significantly related to impact class, both when analyzed within range type and when analyzed with all range types combined. Species richness, relative abundance of shrub obligate species, and relative abundance of Brewers sparrow were generally lower for the higher impact classes, whereas the reverse was true for dominance by a single species and for relative abundance of horned larks. In contrast, total number of individuals did not differ significantly as a function of impact class. In salt-desert shrub, a total of 843 birds in 4 species were included in analyses, 98% of which were horned larks. None of the metrics identified above was significantly related to impact class. Two metrics for breeding birds in sagebrush steppe (species richness and dominance) showed little overlap between values for the extremes of impact class, and thus they have potential as indicators of biological integrity. However, the sensitivity of these metrics appears to be greatest at the high impact end of the spectrum, which suggests they may have limited utility in distinguishing between sites having light and moderate impact.
Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation | 1994
Neil E. West; John M. Stark; Dale W. Johnson; Mary M. Abrams; J. Ross Wight; Daniel T. Heggem; Susan Peck
A group of specialists was asked by the Environmental Protection Agency to use their judgment as to which soil variables would be most impacted by five scenarios of climatic change in deserts of North America that could occur over the next 40 years. The following soil characteristics were evaluated in terms of their potential for change: physical, chemical, and biological crusts; the vesicular layer; soil organic matter; organic C and N content; the C/N ratio; carbonate pool; inorganic N, P, and S; salinity levels; micro‐element content; microbial community composition; free‐living microbial N fixation; denitrification; ammonia volatilization; salinization rates; water infiltration; evaporation; lateral flow and leaching; wind and water erosion; and litter decomposition. The Delphi approach was used to reach consensus on expected trends. Computer modeling was used to integrate and project interactive changes. We expect physical and chemical crusting, vesicularity, ammonium volatilization, soil erosion, an...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2000
K. Bruce Jones; Daniel T. Heggem; Timothy G. Wade; Anne C. Neale; Donald W. Ebert; Maliha S. Nash; Megan Mehaffey; Karl A. Hermann; Anthony R. Selle; Scott Augustine; Iris A. Goodman; Joel A. Pedersen; David W. Bolgrien; J. Max Viger; Dean Chiang; Cindy J. Lin; Yehong Zhong; Joan P. Baker; Rick D. Van Remortel
The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) is proposing an ambitious agenda to assess the status of streams and estuaries in a 12-State area of the western United States by the end of 2003. Additionally, EMAP is proposing to access landscape conditions as they relate to stream and estuary conditions across the west. The goal of this landscape project is to develop a landscape model that can be used to identify the relative risks of streams and estuaries to potential declines due to watershed-scale, landscape conditions across the west. To do so, requires an understanding of quantitative relationships between landscape composition and pattern metrics and parameters of stream and estuary conditions. This paper describes a strategic approach for evaluating the degree to which landscape composition and pattern influence stream and estuary condition, and the development and implementation of a spatially-distributed, landscape analysis approach.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2009
Robert K. Hall; Russell L. Watkins; Daniel T. Heggem; K. Bruce Jones; Philip R. Kaufmann; Steven B. Moore
Structural physical habitat attributes include indices of stream size, channel gradient, substrate size, habitat complexity, and riparian vegetation cover and structure. The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) is designed to assess the status and trends of ecological resources at different scales. High-resolution remote sensing provides unique capabilities in detecting a variety of features and indicators of environmental health and condition. LIDAR is an airborne scanning laser system that provides data on topography, channel dimensions (width, depth), slope, channel complexity (residual pools, volume, morphometric complexity, hydraulic roughness), riparian vegetation (height and density), dimensions of riparian zone, anthropogenic alterations and disturbances, and channel and riparian interaction. Hyperspectral aerial imagery offers the advantage of high spectral and spatial resolution allowing for the detection and identification of riparian vegetation and natural and anthropogenic features at a resolution not possible with satellite imagery. When combined, or fused, these technologies comprise a powerful geospatial data set for assessing and monitoring lentic and lotic environmental characteristics and condition.
Chemosphere | 1985
Mitchell D. Erickson; Christopher J. Cole; Jairus D. Flora; Paul G. Gorman; Clarence L. Haile; Gary D. Hinshaw; Fred C. Hopkins; Steve E. Swanson; Daniel T. Heggem
Electrical transformer fires can cause extensive smoke damage, especially when PCBs are involved. At high temperatures, such as those in transformer fires, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can react to form polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and other toxic by-products. The US EPA is considering additional regulations to minimize the risk of these PCB transformer fires. To provide background information to EPA, MRI has studied the thermal decomposition of PCBs. This study was undertaken to optimize conditions for PCDF formation and to study the potential for formation for PCDFs and polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) from combustion of selected PCB-containing dielectric fluids.
Journal of Environmental Quality | 2008
Ricardo Lopez; Maliha S. Nash; Daniel T. Heggem; Donald W. Ebert
Forty-six broad-scale landscape metrics derived from commonly used landscape metrics were used to develop potential indicators of total phosphorus (TP) concentration, total ammonia (TA) concentration, and Escherichia coli bacteria count among 244 sub-watersheds of the Upper White River (Ozark Mountains, USA). Indicator models were developed by correlating field-based water quality measurements and contemporaneous remote-sensing-based ecological metrics using partial least squares (PLS) analyses. The TP PLS model resulted in one significant factor explaining 91% of the variability in surface water TP concentrations. Among the 18 contributing landscape model variables for the TP PLS model, the proportions of a sub-watershed that are barren and in human use were key indicators of water chemistry in the associated sub-watersheds. The increased presence and reduced fragmentation of forested areas are negatively correlated with TP concentrations in associated sub-watersheds, particularly within close proximity to rivers and streams. The TA PLS model resulted in one significant factor explaining 93% of the variability in surface water TA concentrations. The eight contributing landscape model variables for the TA PLS model were among the same forest and urban metrics for the TP model, with a similar spatial gradient trend in relationship to distance from streams and rivers within a sub-watershed. The E. coli PLS model resulted in two significant factors explaining 99.7% of the variability in E. coli cell count. The 17 contributing landscape model variables for the E. coli PLS model were similar to the TP and TA models. The integration of model results demonstrates that forest, riparian, and urban attributes of sub-watersheds affect all three models. The results provide watershed managers in the Ozark Mountains with a broad-scale vulnerability prediction tool, focusing on TP, TA, and E. coli, and are being used to prioritize and evaluate monitoring and restoration efforts in the vicinity of the White River, a major tributary to the Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2014
Robert K. Hall; David Guiliano; Sherman Swanson; Michael J. Philbin; John Lin; Joan L. Aron; Robin J. Schafer; Daniel T. Heggem
Prioritizing total maximum daily load (TMDL) development starts by considering the scope and severity of water pollution and risks to public health and aquatic life. Methodology using quantitative assessments of in-stream water quality is appropriate and effective for point source (PS) dominated discharge, but less so in watersheds with mostly nonpoint source (NPS) related impairments. For NPSs, prioritization in TMDL development and implementation of associated best management practices should focus on restoration of ecosystem physical functions, including how restoration effectiveness depends on design, maintenance and placement within the watershed. To refine the approach to TMDL development, regulators and stakeholders must first ask if the watershed, or ecosystem, is at risk of losing riparian or other ecologically based physical attributes and processes. If so, the next step is an assessment of the spatial arrangement of functionality with a focus on the at-risk areas that could be lost, or could, with some help, regain functions. Evaluating stream and wetland riparian function has advantages over the traditional means of water quality and biological assessments for NPS TMDL development. Understanding how an ecosystem functions enables stakeholders and regulators to determine the severity of problem(s), identify source(s) of impairment, and predict and avoid a decline in water quality. The Upper Reese River, Nevada, provides an example of water quality impairment caused by NPS pollution. In this river basin, stream and wetland riparian proper functioning condition (PFC) protocol, water quality data, and remote sensing imagery were used to identify sediment sources, transport, distribution, and its impact on water quality and aquatic resources. This study found that assessments of ecological function could be used to generate leading (early) indicators of water quality degradation for targeting pollution control measures, while traditional in-stream water quality monitoring lagged in response to the deterioration in ecological functions.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2000
Daniel T. Heggem; Curtis M. Edmonds; Anne C. Neale; Lee Bice; K. Bruce Jones
A group of landscape ecological indicators were applied to biophysical data masked to the Tensas River Basin. The indicators were used to identify and prioritize sources of nutrients in a Mississippi/Atchafalaya River System sub-basin. Remotely sensed data were used for change detection assessment. With these methods, we were able to look at land use practices over the past twenty years in the Tensas River Basin of Louisiana. A simple land use classification was applied to multispectral scanner (MSS) data from 1972 and 1991. The landscape analysis methods described in this paper will show how to use these methods to assess the impact of human land use practices that are being implemented to improve environmental quality. Landscape assessment methods can be used as a simple, timely, cost effective approach for monitoring, targeting, and modeling ecosystem health in watersheds. Although this study was conducted in the southeast, the methods described in this paper may be applicable to western landscapes.
Chemosphere | 1986
Mitchell D. Erickson; Steven E. Swanson; Thomas M. Sack; Daniel T. Heggem
Abstract Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are formed in the combustion of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), trichlorobenzene, and tetrachloroethylene transformer dielectric fluids. Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) are also observed, but at lower levels.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2000
Robert K. Hall; Anthony R. Olsen; Don L. Stevens; Barbara J. Rosenbaum; Peter Husby; Gary A. Wolinsky; Daniel T. Heggem
The Central Valley, California, R-EMAP project assessed the effects of highly modified, agriculturally dominated landuse on the aquatic resources of the lower portion of the Central Valley watersheds. The focus of this paper is to assess the utility of the EMAP design and the River Reach File version 3 (RF3) 1:100,000 scale Digital Line Graph (DLG) as a sampling frame. The study area is 34,099 mi2(88,316 km2) and comprises the lower reaches of the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River watersheds to the 1000 ft. (305 m) elevation. Sampling sites are selected using a tessellation stratified design to represent the two main populations of interest: natural streams and man-made waterways. Sites are selected to represent 13,226 miles of streams and sloughs, and 14,648 miles of irrigation canals, ditches and drains. To achieve an approximately equal sample size across stream orders and basins, the sample design was weighted by Strahler order categories to ensure sampling occurred in the higher order streams. Based on office and field reconnaissance, the study provided information on the quality of RF3 as a sampling frame. Site selection using RF3 had a success rate of approximately 44%. The RF3 database has an error rate of approximately 7%. When human influence factors were included, the error rate increased to 16%. There was an 11% error rate when selecting sites for natural streams, and approximately a 14% error rate for man-made waterways. The reconnaissance information indicated that presence or absence of irrigation ditches and return drains depends on changing agricultural uses. Some of the error in the RF3 for natural streams and man-made waterways can be attributed to rapid urban expansion, especially in the San Joaquin basin.