Daniela N. Schmidt
University of Bristol
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Featured researches published by Daniela N. Schmidt.
Geological Society Publishing House | 2007
Mark Williams; Alan M. Haywood; Fj Gregory; Daniela N. Schmidt
This book unites climate modelling, palaeoceanography and palaeontology to address fundamental events in the climate history of Earth over the past 600 million years. Understanding the ‘tipping points’ that have led to rapid changes in the Earths climate is vitally important with the realization that humans modify global climate. In an effort to better understand past and future climate change, general circulation models have become the forerunners of attempts to simulate future climate. Although extraordinarily sophisticated, they remain imperfect tools that require ‘grounding’ in geological data. In this, the study of past major climate transitions like the Palaeozoic icehouse worlds and the extreme greenhouse of the Cretaceous are invaluable. Both the mechanisms that forced changes in the Earths climate as well as the proxies that track these changes are discussed. The central message of the book is that general circulation models tested with geological data in an iterative ‘ground truth’ process provide the best estimates of the Earths ancient climate.
Paleoceanography | 2007
Yunyan Ni; Gavin L. Foster; Trevor R. Bailey; Tim Elliott; Daniela N. Schmidt; Paul Nicholas Pearson; Brian Haley; Chris Coath
We have assessed the reliability of several foraminifer-hosted proxies of the ocean carbonate system (δ 11B, B/Ca, and U/Ca) using Holocene samples from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. We examined chemical variability over a range of test sizes for two surface-dwelling foraminifers (Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globigerinoides ruber). Measurements of δ 11B in G. ruber show no significant relationship with test size in either Atlantic or Pacific sites and appear to provide a robust proxy of surface seawater pH. Likewise there is no significant variability in the δ 11B of our Atlantic core top G. sacculifer, but we find that δ 11B increases with increasing test size for G. sacculifer in the Pacific. These systematic differences in δ 11B are inferred to be a consequence of isotopically light gametogenic calcite in G. sacculifer and its preferential preservation during postdepositional dissolution. The trace element ratio proxies of ocean carbonate equilibria, U/Ca and B/Ca, show systematic increases in both G. ruber and G. sacculifer with increasing test size, possibly as a result of changing growth rates. This behavior complicates their use in paleoceanographic reconstructions. In keeping with several previous studies we find that Mg/Ca ratios increase with increasing size fraction in our well-preserved Atlantic G. sacculifer but not in G. ruber. In contrast to previous interpretations we suggest that these observations reflect a proportionally larger influence of compositionally distinct gametogenic calcite in small individuals compared to larger ones. As with δ 11B this influences G. sacculifer but not G. ruber, which has negligible gametogenic calcite.
Marine Micropaleontology | 2000
Andreas Mackensen; Stefanie Schumacher; J Radke; Daniela N. Schmidt
Seventeen surface sediment samples from the North Atlantic Ocean off NE-Greenland between 76° and 81°N, and nine samples from the South Atlantic Ocean close to Bouvet Island between 48° and 55°S were taken with the aid of a Multiple Corer and investigated for their live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminiferal content within the upper 15 cm of sediment. Preferentially endobenthic Melonis barleeanum, M. zaandami, and Bulimina aculeata as well as preferentially epibenthic Lobatula lobatula were counted from 1-cm-thick sediment slices each and analyzed for stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of their calcareous tests. Live and dead specimens were counted and measured separately. The carbon isotopic composition of the foraminifera was compared to that of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) of simultaneously sampled bottom water. During a period of one month one station off NE-Greenland was replicately sampled once every week and samples were processed as above.Live specimens of Lobatula lobatula are confined to the uppermost two centimeters of sediment. Live specimens of Melonis spp. are found down to eight centimeters within the sediment but with a distinct sub-surface maximum between two and five centimeters. The down-core distribution of live Bulimina aculeata shows a distinct surface maximum in the top centimeter and constant but low numbers down to 11 cm subbottom depth.The average stable carbon isotopic composition (d13C per mil VPDB) of live L. lobatula off NE-Greenland is by 0.4 ± 0.1 per mil higher than the d13CDIC of the ambient bottom water at the time of sampling. There is evidence that this species calcify before the ice-free season, when bottom water d13CDIC is supposed to be higher. This would reconfirm the one-to-one relationship between d13C of ambient water DIC and cibicids, widely used by paleoceanographers. Live M. barleeanum show a negative offset from bottom water DIC of -1.7 ± 0.6 per mil in the uppermost sediment and of -2.2 ± 0.5 per mil in three to four centimeters subbottom depth. All d13C values of live Melonis spp. decrease within the upper four centimeters, regardless of the time of sampling and site investigated. The offset of live B. aculeata from bottom water d13CDIC values of eight stations rather constantly amounts -0.6 ± 0.1 per mil, no matter what subbottom depth the specimens are from. At one station however, where is strong indication of elevated organic carbon flux, the negative offset averaged over all sub-bottom depths increases to -1.5 ± 0.2 per mil. Buliminids actively move within the sediment and by this either record an average isotope signal of the pore water or the signal of one specific calcification depth. The recorded signal, however, depends on the organic carbon flux and reflects general but site specific pore water d13CDIC values. If compared with epibenthic d13C values from the same site, not influenced by pore water and related phytodetritus layer effects, Bulimina d13C values bear some potential as a paleoproductivity proxy. Specimens of Melonis spp. seem to prefer a more static way of life and calcify at different but individually fix depths within the sediment. Although live specimens thus record a stratified pore water d13C signal, there is no means yet to correct for bioturbational and early diagenetic effects in fossil faunas.
Marine Micropaleontology | 2004
Daniela N. Schmidt; Sabrina Renaud; Jörg Bollmann; Ralf Schiebel; Hans R. Thierstein
The size of any organism is influenced by the surrounding ecological conditions. In this study, we investigate the effects of such factors on the size spectra of planktic foraminiferal assemblages from Holocene surface sediments. We analyzed assemblages from 69 Holocene samples, which cover the major physical and chemical gradients of the oceans. On a global scale, the range of sizes in assemblages triples from the poles to the tropics. This general temperature-related size increase is interrupted by smaller sizes at temperatures characteristic of the polar and subtropical fronts, at 2°C and 17°C, respectively, as well as in upwelling areas. On a regional scale, surface water stratification, seasonality and primary productivity are highly correlated with the size patterns. Such environmentally controlled size changes are not only characteristic for entire assemblage, but also for the dominant single species.
Ecology and Evolution | 2014
Juliet Brodie; Christopher Williamson; Dan Smale; Nicholas A. Kamenos; Rui Santos; Michael Cunliffe; Michael Steinke; Chris Yesson; Kathryn M. Anderson; Valentina Asnaghi; Colin Brownlee; Heidi L. Burdett; Michael T. Burrows; Sinéad Collins; Penelope J. C. Donohue; Ben P. Harvey; Andrew Foggo; Fanny Noisette; Joana Nunes; Federica Ragazzola; John A. Raven; Daniela N. Schmidt; David J. Suggett; Mirta Teichberg; Jason M. Hall-Spencer
Seaweed and seagrass communities in the northeast Atlantic have been profoundly impacted by humans, and the rate of change is accelerating rapidly due to runaway CO2 emissions and mounting pressures on coastlines associated with human population growth and increased consumption of finite resources. Here, we predict how rapid warming and acidification are likely to affect benthic flora and coastal ecosystems of the northeast Atlantic in this century, based on global evidence from the literature as interpreted by the collective knowledge of the authorship. We predict that warming will kill off kelp forests in the south and that ocean acidification will remove maerl habitat in the north. Seagrasses will proliferate, and associated epiphytes switch from calcified algae to diatoms and filamentous species. Invasive species will thrive in niches liberated by loss of native species and spread via exponential development of artificial marine structures. Combined impacts of seawater warming, ocean acidification, and increased storminess may replace structurally diverse seaweed canopies, with associated calcified and noncalcified flora, with simple habitats dominated by noncalcified, turf-forming seaweeds.
Geology | 2010
Daniel J. Lunt; Paul J. Valdes; Tom Dunkley Jones; Andy Ridgwell; Alan M. Haywood; Daniela N. Schmidt; Robert Marsh; Mark A. Maslin
Changes in ocean circulation have been proposed as a trigger mechanism for the large coupled climate and carbon cycle perturbations at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, ca. 55 Ma). An abrupt warming of oceanic intermediate waters could have initiated the thermal destabilization of sediment-hosted methane gas hydrates and potentially triggered sediment slumps and slides. In an ensemble of fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) simulations of the late Paleocene and early Eocene, we identify such a circulation-driven enhanced intermediate-water warming. Critically, we find an approximate twofold amplification of Atlantic intermediate-water warming when CO2 levels are doubled from 2x to 4x preindustrial CO2 compared to when they are doubled from 1x to 2x. This warming is largely focused on the equatorial and South Atlantic and is driven by a significant reduction in deep-water formation from the Southern Ocean. This scenario is consistent with altered PETM circulation patterns inferred from benthic carbon isotope data and the intensity of deep-sea carbonate dissolution in the South Atlantic. The linkage between intermediate-water warming and gas hydrate destabilization could provide an important feedback in the establishment of peak PETM warmth.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A | 2010
T. Dunkley Jones; Andy Ridgwell; Daniel J. Lunt; Mark A. Maslin; Daniela N. Schmidt; Paul J. Valdes
The Palaeocene–Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), a rapid global warming event and carbon-cycle perturbation of the early Palaeogene, provides a unique test of climate and carbon-cycle models as well as our understanding of sedimentary methane hydrate stability, albeit under conditions very different from the modern. The principal expression of the PETM in the geological record is a large and rapid negative excursion in the carbon isotopic composition of carbonates and organic matter from both marine and terrestrial environments. Palaeotemperature proxy data from across the PETM indicate a coincident increase in global surface temperatures of approximately 5–6°C. Reliable estimates of atmospheric CO2 changes and global warming through past transient climate events can provide an important test of the climate sensitivities reproduced by state-of-the-art atmosphere–ocean general circulation models. Here, we synthesize the available carbon-cycle model estimates of the magnitude of the carbon input to the ocean–atmosphere–biosphere system, and the consequent atmospheric pCO2 perturbation, through the PETM. We also review the theoretical mass balance arguments and available sedimentary evidence for the role of massive methane hydrate dissociation in this event. The plausible range of carbon mass input, approximately 4000–7000 PgC, strongly suggests a major alternative source of carbon in addition to any contribution from methane hydrates. We find that the potential range of PETM atmospheric pCO2 increase, combined with proxy estimates of the PETM temperature anomaly, does not necessarily imply climate sensitivities beyond the range of state-of-the-art climate models.
Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2010
Cm Turley; Michael Eby; Andy Ridgwell; Daniela N. Schmidt; Helen S. Findlay; Colin Brownlee; Ulf Riebesell; V. J. Fabry; Richard A. Feely; Jean-Pierre Gattuso
The carbonate chemistry of the world’s oceans, including their pH, has been remarkably constant for hundreds of thousands of years (Pearson and Palmer, 2000), with typical surface ocean variations between ice ages and warm phases of no more than 0.2 pH units ([Sanyal et al., 1995], [Honisch and Hemming, 2005] and [Foster, 2008]). However, since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the oceans have taken up approximately 30% of the CO2 produced from fossil fuel burning, cement manufacture and land use changes (Sabine et al., 2004). While the invasion of CO2 into the ocean removes this greenhouse gas from the atmosphere and thereby dampens global warming, it forms carbonic acid in seawater and lowers ambient surface ocean pH (Broecker and Peng, 1982). Ocean acidification is the direct consequence of the excessive addition of CO2 to seawater (Broecker and Takahashi, 1977) and is therefore inherently more predictable than temperature and precipitation changes due to rising CO2 in the atmosphere. Changes are already measurable today ([Bates, 2001], [Bates et al., 2002], [Takahashi et al., 2003], [Keeling et al., 2004] and [Santana-Casiano et al., 2007]) and will become more pronounced as humankind emits more CO2 into the atmosphere, with surface ocean pH expected to decline by a further 0.3 pH units by the end of the century, corresponding to an approximately 100% increase in ocean acidity (hydrogen ion concentration [H+]), on top of the not, vert, similar0.1 pH unit decline to date ([Caldeira and Wickett, 2003], [Orr et al., 2005] and Solomon et al., 2007 In: S. Solomon et al., Editors, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2007).[Solomon et al., 2007]) (Fig. 1). Such a rapid change in ocean pH has very likely not happened since the time the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago ([van der Burgh et al., 1993], [Pearson and Palmer, 2000] and [Pagani et al., 2005]). While the dissolution of carbonate sediments on the bottom of the ocean and the weathering of rocks on land coupled with mixing of surface and deeper waters will eventually restore ocean pH to its pre-industrial state, this process will take up to a million years to complete ([Archer, 2005] and [Ridgwell and Zeebe, 2005]).
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2005
Sabrina Renaud; Jacques Michaux; Daniela N. Schmidt; Jean-Pierre Aguilar; Pierre Mein; Jean-Christophe Auffray
Among rodents, the lineage from Progonomys hispanicus to Stephanomys documents a case of increasing size and dental specialization during an approximately 9 Myr time-interval. On the contrary, some contemporaneous generalist lineages like Apodemus show a limited morphological evolution. Dental shape can be related to diet and can be used to assess the ecological changes along the lineages. Consequently, size and shape of the first upper molar were measured in order to quantify the patterns of morphological evolution along both lineages and compare them to environmental trends. Climatic changes do not have a direct influence on evolution, but they open new ecological opportunities by changing vegetation and allow the evolution of a specialist like Stephanomys. On the other hand, environmental changes are not dramatic enough to destroy the habitat of a long-term generalist like Apodemus. Hence, our results exemplify a case of an influence of climate on the evolution of specialist species, although a generalist species may persist without change.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009
David Lazarus; Benjamin Kotrc; Gerwin Wulf; Daniela N. Schmidt
It has been hypothesized that increased water column stratification has been an abiotic “universal driver” affecting average cell size in Cenozoic marine plankton. Gradually decreasing Cenozoic radiolarian shell weight, by contrast, suggests that competition for dissolved silica, a shared nutrient, resulted in biologic coevolution between radiolaria and marine diatoms, which expanded dramatically in the Cenozoic. We present data on the 2 components of shell weight change—size and silicification—of Cenozoic radiolarians. In low latitudes, increasing Cenozoic export of silica to deep waters by diatoms and decreasing nutrient upwelling from increased water column stratification have created modern silica-poor surface waters. Here, radiolarian silicification decreases significantly (r = 0.91, P < 0.001), from ≈0.18 (shell volume fraction) in the basal Cenozoic to modern values of ≈0.06. A third of the total change occurred rapidly at 35 Ma, in correlation to major increases in water column stratification and abundance of diatoms. In high southern latitudes, Southern Ocean circulation, present since the late Eocene, maintains significant surface water silica availability. Here, radiolarian silicification decreased insignificantly (r = 0.58, P = 0.1), from ≈0.13 at 35 Ma to 0.11 today. Trends in shell size in both time series are statistically insignificant and are not correlated with each other. We conclude that there is no universal driver changing cell size in Cenozoic marine plankton. Furthermore, biologic and physical factors have, in concert, by reducing silica availability in surface waters, forced macroevolutionary changes in Cenozoic low-latitude radiolarians.