
Emerging Infectious Diseases | 2015

Influenza A Viruses of Human Origin in Swine, Brazil.

Martha I. Nelson; Danielle Gava; Maurício Egídio Cantão; Janice R. Ciacci-Zanella

Multiple divergent lineages challenge the design of cross-protective vaccines and highlight the need for additional surveillance.

Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2016

Detection of the Emerging Picornavirus Senecavirus A in Pigs, Mice, and Houseflies

Lok R. Joshi; Kristin A. Mohr; Travis Clement; Kyle S. Hain; Bryan Myers; Joseph Yaros; Eric A. Nelson; Jane Christopher-Hennings; Danielle Gava; Luizinho Caron; Scott Dee; Diego G. Diel

ABSTRACT Senecavirus A (SVA) is an emerging picornavirus that has been recently associated with an increased number of outbreaks of vesicular disease and neonatal mortality in swine. Many aspects of SVA infection biology and epidemiology remain unknown. Here, we present a diagnostic investigation conducted in swine herds affected by vesicular disease and increased neonatal mortality. Clinical and environmental samples were collected from affected and unaffected herds and were screened for the presence of SVA by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR and virus isolation. Notably, SVA was detected and isolated from vesicular lesions and tissues of affected pigs, environmental samples, mouse feces, and mouse small intestine. SVA nucleic acid was also detected in houseflies collected from affected farms and from a farm with no history of vesicular disease. Detection of SVA in mice and housefly samples and recovery of viable virus from mouse feces and small intestine suggest that these pests may play a role on the epidemiology of SVA. These results provide important information that may allow the development of improved prevention and control strategies for SVA.

Archives of Virology | 2015

A human-like H1N2 influenza virus detected during an outbreak of acute respiratory disease in swine in Brazil

Raquel R. Rech; Danielle Gava; Maurício Egídio Cantão; Marcia Cristina da Silva; Simone Silveira; Janice Reis Ciacci Zanella

Passive monitoring for detection of influenza A viruses (IAVs) in pigs has been carried out in Brazil since 2009, detecting mostly the A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus. Since then, outbreaks of acute respiratory disease suggestive of influenza A virus infection have been observed frequently in Brazilian pig herds. During a 2010-2011 influenza monitoring, a novel H1N2 influenza virus was detected in nursery pigs showing respiratory signs. The pathologic changes were cranioventral acute necrotizing bronchiolitis to subacute proliferative and purulent bronchointerstitial pneumonia. Lung tissue samples were positive for both influenza A virus and A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus based on RT-qPCR of the matrix gene. Two IAVs were isolated in SPF chicken eggs. HI analysis of both swine H1N2 influenza viruses showed reactivity to the H1δ cluster. DNA sequencing was performed for all eight viral gene segments of two virus isolates. According to the phylogenetic analysis, the HA and NA genes clustered with influenza viruses of the human lineage (H1-δ cluster, N2), whereas the six internal gene segments clustered with the A(H1N1)pdm09 group. This is the first report of a reassortant human-like H1N2 influenza virus derived from pandemic H1N1 virus causing an outbreak of respiratory disease in pigs in Brazil. The emergence of a reassortant IAV demands the close monitoring of pigs through the full-genome sequencing of virus isolates in order to enhance genetic information about IAVs circulating in pigs.

Veterinary Microbiology | 2014

Genomic analysis of influenza A virus from captive wild boars in Brazil reveals a human-like H1N2 influenza virus

Natalha Biondo; Danielle Gava; Maurício Egídio Cantão; Simone Silveira; M. A. Z. Mores; Janice R. Ciacci-Zanella; David Emilio Santos Neves de Barcellos

Influenza is a viral disease that affects human and several animal species. In Brazil, H1N1, H3N2 and 2009 pandemic H1N1 A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza A viruses (IAV) circulate in domestic swine herds. Wild boars are also susceptible to IAV infection but in Brazil until this moment there are no reports of IAV infection in wild boars or in captive wild boars populations. Herein the occurrence of IAV in captive wild boars with the presence of lung consolidation lesions during slaughter was investigated. Lung samples were screened by RT-PCR for IAV detection. IAV positive samples were further analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRRT-PCR), virus isolation, genomic sequencing, histopathology and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Eleven out of 60 lungs (18.3%) were positive for IAV by RT-PCR and seven out of the eleven were also positive for A(H1N1)pdm09 by qRRT-PCR. Chronic diffuse bronchopneumonia was observed in all samples and IHC analysis was negative for influenza A antigen. Full genes segments of H1N2 IAV were sequenced using Illuminas genome analyzer platform (MiSeq). The genomic analysis revealed that the HA and NA genes clustered with IAVs of the human lineage and the six internal genes were derived from the H1N1pdm09 IAV. This is the first report of a reassortant human-like H1N2 influenza virus infection in captive wild boars in Brazil and indicates the need to monitor IAV evolution in Suidae populations.

Veterinary Microbiology | 2015

Influenza A virus infection in Brazilian swine herds following the introduction of pandemic 2009 H1N1.

Janice R. Ciacci-Zanella; Danielle Gava; Vanessa Haach; Maurício Egídio Cantão; Arlei Coldebella

Influenza A virus (FLUAV) infections are endemic in pork producing countries worldwide but in Brazil it was not considered an important pathogen in pigs. Since the emergence of 2009 pandemic H1N1 (H1N1pdm) FLUAV, many outbreaks of respiratory disease were observed in pig herds. The aim of this study was to evaluate FLUAV infection in swine in 48 pig farms located in seven Brazilian states with previous reports of influenza-like signs by clinical, serological and virological cross-sectional studies. Serological results showed that pigs from all farms had anti-influenza antibodies by NP-ELISA. Antibodies to H3N2, H1N2 and H1N1pdm were detected by HI in pigs from 24 farms. Co-infection with two or more FLUAV subtypes was detected in pigs in seven of those 24 farms. Detection of FLUAV in nasal swabs and oral fluids by RT-qPCR indicated a global concordance >81% for the two biological samples. Moreover, our results show that H1N1pdm, H1N2 and H3N2 viruses are widespread in Brazilian pig herds. The monitoring of FLUAV emergence and evolution in pigs is urgent, as well the study of the pathogenesis of Brazilian isolates, aiming to control influenza in pigs.

Journal of Virological Methods | 2015

A TaqMan-based real-time PCR for detection and quantification of porcine parvovirus 4.

Danielle Gava; Carine Kunzler Souza; Amy L. Vincent; Maurício Egídio Cantão; Arlei Coldebella; Janice R. Ciacci-Zanella

Porcine parvovirus 4 (PPV4) is a DNA virus, and a member of the Parvoviridae family within the Bocavirus genera. It was detected recently in swine, but its epidemiology and pathology remain unclear. A TaqMan-based real-time PCR (qPCR) targeting a conserved region of the ORF3 gene of PPV4 was developed. The qPCR detection limit was 9.5 × 10(1) DNA copies/μL. There was no cross-reaction with porcine parvovirus, torque teno virus 1, torque teno virus 2, porcine circovirus type 1, porcine circovirus type 2, or with pseudorabies virus. Two hundred and seventy-two samples, including serum, semen, lungs, feces, ovarian follicular fluids, ovaries and uterus, were evaluated by qPCR and PPV4 was detected in 36 samples (13.2%). When compared with a conventional PCR (cPCR), the qPCR assay was 10 times more sensitive and the detection of PPV4 DNA in field samples was increased 2.5 times. Partial sequencing of PPV4 ORF3 gene, obtained from two pooled samples of uterus and ovaries, revealed a high nucleotide identity (98-99%) with a reference PPV4 sequence. The qPCR can be used as a fast and accurate assay for the detection and quantification of PPV4 in field samples and for epidemiological studies in swine herds.

Virus Research | 2015

Unravelling the genetic components involved in the immune response of pigs vaccinated against influenza virus

Ricardo Zanella; Danielle Gava; Jane de Oliveira Peixoto; Janice R. Ciacci-Zanella; Natalha Biondo; M. V. G. B. Silva; Maurício Egídio Cantão; M. C. Ledur

A genome-wide association study for immune response to influenza vaccination in a crossbred swine population was conducted. Swine influenza is caused by influenza A virus (FLUAV) which is considered one of the most prevalent respiratory pathogens in swine worldwide. The main strategy used to control influenza in swine herds is through vaccination. However, the currently circulating FLUAV subtypes in swine are genetically and antigenically diverse and their interaction with the host genetics poses a challenge for the production of efficacious and cross-protective vaccines. In this study, 103 pigs vaccinated with an inactivated H1N1 pandemic virus were genotyped with the Illumina PorcineSNP60V2 BeadChip for the identification of genetic markers associated with immune response efficacy to influenza A virus vaccination. Immune response was measured based on the presence or absence of HA (hemagglutinin) and NP (nucleoprotein) antibodies induced by vaccination and detected in swine sera by the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and ELISA assays, respectively. The ELISA test was also used as a measurement of antibody levels produced following the FLUAV vaccination. Associations were tested with x(2) test for a case and control data and using maximum likelihood method for the quantitative data, where a moderate association was considered if p<5×10(-5). When testing the association using the HI results, three markers with unknown location and three located on chromosomes SSCX, SSC14 and SSC18 were identified as associated with the immune response. Using the response to vaccination measured by ELISA as a qualitative and quantitative phenotype, four genomic regions were associated with immune response: one on SSC12 and three on chromosomes SSC1, SSC7, and SSC15, respectively. Those regions harbor important functional candidate genes possibly involved with the degree of immune response to vaccination. These results show an important role of host genetics in the immune response to influenza vaccination. Genetic selection for pigs with better response to FLUAV vaccination might be an alternative to reduce the impact of influenza virus infection in the swine industry. However, these results should to be validated in additional populations before its use.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2013

Orientações para o diagnóstico de influenza em suínos

Marcia Cristina da Silva; Danielle Gava; Janice R. Ciacci-Zanella

Schaefer R., Rech R.R., Silva M.C., Gava D. & Ciacci-Zanella J.R. 2013. (Guide- lines for diagnosis of swine influenza.) Orientacoes para o diagnostico de influenza em suinos. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 33(1):61-73.Embrapa Suinos e Aves, BR 153 Km 110, Concordia, SC 89700-000, Brazil. E-mail: This article is intended to describe the adequate sample collection, the laboratory pro- cedures/techniques, the expected results and their interpretation for diagnosis of influen- za infection in swine, serving as a support for field veterinarians. In live pigs, the samples to be taken are nasal secretions, oral fluids and blood. For dead pigs, preference should be given to samples of cranioventral lung consolidation. Nasal discharge and chilled lung fragments are used for detection of virus (virus isolation - VI) or viral nucleic acids (con- ventional RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR). Samples should not be frozen, because the virus is inactivated at -20°C. Molecular characterization of isolates is performed by phylogenetic analysis of gene sequences obtained by DNA sequencing. Serum is used for the detection of antibodies using hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test and ELISA. Oral fluid may be used for either antibody (ELISA) or viral detection. Fragments of lung fixed in 10% formaldehy- de are used for histopathological analysis to identify bronchointerstitial pneumonia, and for immunohistochemistry (IHC) for antigens. For a successful diagnosis, sampling should be preferably performed in the acute phase of the disease to improve chances of virus de- tection. The best options to perform the diagnosis of influenza A in a swine herd are RT-PCR and VI from nasal swabs or oral fluid in live pigs and/or lung tissue for RT-PCR, VI or IHC in dead pigs. Serological tests are of very limited diagnostic value and are useful only to de- termine the immune status of the herd, not indicating clinical disease, because antibodies are detected after 7-10 days post infection (subacute phase). The diagnosis of influenza is important to evaluate the involvement of this agent in the complex of respiratory diseases in pigs. Furthermore, the isolation of influenza virus is essential for monitoring the main subtypes circulating in a given region or country, as well as for the detection of potential new viral reassortants, because influenza is considered a zoonosis.

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2007

Uso do plasma suíno ultrafiltrado na recuperação de leitões com sinais clínicos de circovirose

Nelson Morés; A.L. Amaral; Janice Reis Ciacci Zanella; A. Cordebella; L.C. Bordin; S. Oliveira; Danielle Gava; L.F.S. Rangel

The effect of the ultra-filtered spray-dried porcine plasma, associated to a commercial acid in the drinking water was tested for recovering pigs with clinical signs of the porcine postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). Forty piglets with clinical signs of the PMWS were used following a selection at 20 days after their housing in one finishing facility. They were divided in four treatment groups (T) of 10 pigs each: T1 - chlorine treated water ad libitum (control); T2 - solution prepared with 2.5% of plasma diluted in water; T3 - acid (Selko® ) diluted in water at the concentration of 12 ml/10l; T4 - solution prepared with 2.5% of plasma diluted and the acid (Selko® ) diluted in water at the concentration of 12 ml/10l. The pigs received no medication and were euthanized at 28 or 40 days after the beginning of the experiment for serological and pathological tests. Differences at the weight gain and in the clinical-pathological situation were not observed among the treatments. However, pigs from T4 were in better clinical-pathological situation. The pigs of all four treatments showed a good recovery, although they were not medicated. Even though, it was observed a high frequency of lesions compatible to PMWS in the lungs, kidneys and lymph nodes. It was concluded that the plasma spray-dried associated to the acid did not improve the performance and the clinical-pathological situation of pigs with clinical signs of PMWS.The effect of the ultra-filtered spray-dried porcine plasma, associated to a commercial acid in the drinking water was tested for recovering pigs with clinical signs of the porcine postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). Forty piglets with clinical signs of the PMWS were used following a selection at 20 days after their housing in one finishing facility. They were divided in four treatment groups (T) of 10 pigs each: T1 - chlorine treated water ad libitum (control); T2 - solution prepared with 2.5% of plasma diluted in water; T3 - acid (Selko® ) diluted in water at the concentration of 12 ml/10l; T4 - solution prepared with 2.5% of plasma diluted and the acid (Selko® ) diluted in water at the concentration of 12 ml/10l. The pigs received no medication and were euthanized at 28 or 40 days after the beginning of the experiment for serological and pathological tests. Differences at the weight gain and in the clinical-pathological situation were not observed among the treatments. However, pigs from T4 were in better clinical-pathological situation. The pigs of all four treatments showed a good recovery, although they were not medicated. Even though, it was observed a high frequency of lesions compatible to PMWS in the lungs, kidneys and lymph nodes. It was concluded that the plasma spray-dried associated to the acid did not improve the performance and the clinical-pathological situation of pigs with clinical signs of PMWS.

Zoonoses and Public Health | 2018

Porcine respiratory disease complex after the introduction of H1N1/2009 influenza virus in Brazil

Raquel R. Rech; Danielle Gava; Marcia Cristina da Silva; Lana Teixeira Fernandes; V. Haach; Janice R. Ciacci-Zanella

From 2009 to 2015, 74 lungs from suckling (6.8%), nursing (70.3%), fattening (20.3%) pigs and pregnant sows (2.7%) with respiratory signs from pig farms in Southern Brazil were submitted to a diagnostic laboratory for necropsy and/or histologic examination and screening for respiratory agents by RT‐qPCR, immunohistochemistry (IHC), virus isolation (VI) and subtyping for influenza A virus (IAV), IHC and nested PCR for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyo), PCR for porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2), RT‐qPCR for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and bacterial culture. All lung samples were positive for IAV using RT‐qPCR. Seventy‐two lungs had histologic lesions associated with acute to subacute IAV infection characterized by necrotizing bronchiolitis/bronchitis or bronchointerstitial pneumonia with lymphocytic peribronchiolitis and bronchiolar/bronchial hyperplasia, respectively. Forty‐nine lungs (66.2%) were positive by IHC for IAV nucleoprotein. The H1N1/2009 was the most common subtype and the only IAV detected in 58.1% of lungs, followed by H1N2 (9.5%) and H3N2 (6.8%). Coinfection of IAV and Mhyo was seen in 23 (31%) cases. Although 14.9% of the lungs were positive for PCV2 using PCR, no suggestive lesions of PCV2 disease were observed. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) was not detected, consistent with the PRRS‐free status of Brazil. Secondary bacterial infections (8/38) were associated with suppurative bronchopneumonia and/or pleuritis. Primary IAV infection with Mhyo coinfection was the most common agents found in porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) in pigs in Southern Brazil.

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