
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science | 2004

Syzygium cumini and the regeneration of insulin positive cells from the pancreatic duct

Deila Rosély Schossler; Cinthia Melazzo Mazzanti; Sônia Cristina Almeida da Luz; Andreane Filappi; Danívia Prestes; Aron Ferreira da Silveira; Marcelo Cecim

Syzygium cumini is a plant that has been used in popular medicine for the treatment of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (DMID). This study verified the effect of Syzygium cumini upon the regeneration of insulin producing cells in the pancreatic duct wall. The animals were divided into four groups, control (C), treated control (TC), diabetic control (DC) and treated diabetic (TD). An aqueous extract from Syzygium cumini bark was given by gavage in a daily dose of 1g/kg of body weight. After a thirty day period the animals were euthanized and the pancreas taken to immunohistochemical analysis. In this study, it was observed the positive staining for insulin on cells of the pancreatic duct and connective tissue in the pancreas of TD and TC animals. These results indicate that Syzygium cumini bark extract stimulates development of insulin positive cells from the pancreatic duct epithelial cells.

Ciencia Rural | 2003

Extrato da casca de Syzygium cumini no controle da glicemia e estresse oxidativo de ratos normais e diabéticos

Cinthia M. Mazzanti; Deila Rosély Schossler; Andreane Filappi; Danívia Prestes; Daniela Balz; Vinı́cius R Miron; André Morsch; Maria Rosa Chitolina Schetinger; Vera Maria Morsch; Marcelo Cecim

The plant Syzygium cumini, also known as Black Plum is used widely in the popular medicine for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. This study verified the efficiency of the extract of the bark of Syzygium cumini on the glycemic levels and oxidative stress of normal and diabetic rats induced by alloxan. The animals were divided in control group (C), control treatment group (CT), diabetic control group (DC) and diabetic treatment group (DT). Oral administration of the aqueous extract of the bark of Syzygium cumini, in the dose of 1g/kg live weight, for a period of thirty days, did not result in a significant reduction on glycemia or on glucosilated hemoglobin levels. The treatment with the extract demonstrated an increase in the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBA-RS) in the plasma of the DT group (P <0.05), compared to the C. Kidney catalase activity of rats in DC group decreased significantly (P <0.01) and, in the liver, it showed a significant elevation in group DC (P <0.01). Those results indicated that the extract of Syzygium cumini bark does not possess hypoglycemic effect in alloxan diabetic induced rats. The antioxidant effect of this plant was not enough to reduce the production of TBA-RS significantly. The decrease of catalase activity in the kidneys can be owed to its exhaustion or inhibition, and its increase in the liver could be due to oxidative stress caused by the diabetic status.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2008

Metabolismo e distribuição do flúor em ovinos jovens tratados cronicamente com fluoreto de sódio

Andreane Filappi; Danívia Prestes; Fabiane G. Antes; Éder Lisandro de Moraes Flores; Valderi L. Dressler; Erico M.M. Flores; Marcelo Cecim

The objective of the present study was to evaluate fluorine metabolism in growing lambs. Twelve 5-month-old male lambs maintained on alfalfa hay (3% BW) and non-fluorinated water ad libitum were used. Animals were allocated into Control, receiving 5g NaCl/animal/day + 0.2mg I/kg dry matter) and Treated group, receiving the same treatment plus sodium fluoride (4.7mg F/kg body weight). Mineral treatment was given by gavage, daily for 150 days. Blood, urine and fecal samples were collected during and the end of the experiment. At the end of treatment period animals were euthanized and kidney, pineal and bone samples were collected. Urine F was higher in treated animals throughout the experiment. Bone F levels were also increased in treated animals; pineal F content however, was not different between groups. Kidney histology revealed no differences. It is concluded that chronic F administration induces accumulation of the element in the skeleton. However such fact appears not to be detrimental to animals. Rates of F accumulation in bone and urine excretion obtained in other species can not be used in growing lambs.

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2009

Avaliação funcional e histológica da tireoide de ovinos suplementados com fluoreto de sódio por um período de 150 dias

Danívia Prestes; Andreane Filappi; Deila Rosély Schossler; F.A. Duarte; Valderi L. Dressler; Erico M.M. Flores; Marcelo Cecim

The effect of sodium fluoride administration on thyroid function and morphology in sheep was evaluated using 12 lambs. Animals were allotted in two groups: control that received 5g NaCl + 0.2ppm I/kg DM and treated which received the same treatment plus sodium fluoride (4.7mg F/kg BW), daily, for 150 days. Blood samples were collected for determination of F, I, T3, and T4. Urine production was collected for measurement of F and I. After euthanasia at 150 days of treatment, thyroid glands were removed for analysis. No differences were found between or within groups for urinary I. Also, no differences were found for T3 and T4 on serum I between groups or among time points. No histological alterations were found in the thyroids. In conclusion, chronic sodium fluoride treatment did not affect thyroid function and morphology in lambs.

Ciencia Rural | 2008

Qualidade seminal e histomorfometria dos órgãos reprodutivos de ovinos tratados com fluoreto de sódio

Andreane Filappi; Danívia Prestes; Ricardo Xavier da Rocha; Deila Rosely Schosller; Carlos Bondan; José Francisco Manta Bragança; Marcelo Cecim

The objective of the present study was to evaluate different reproductive parameters of ram lambs treated with sodium fluoride. Spermogram, indicators of seminal oxidative profile, seminiferous tubules diameter and cell height of the testicular epithelium, epididimus and vas deferens were analyzed. Twelve 5-month-old ram lambs were used. They were allocated into one of two experimental groups: The control, which received daily iodized salt (5g NaCl animal-1 + 0.2mg I kg-1 DM); and the treated, which received (5g NaCl animal-1 + 0.2mg I kg-1 DM + 4.7mg F kg-1 BW). After 150 days of treatment, animals went through a complete andrological exam, and were euthanized on the next day. No differences were observed in sperm motility, dead: alive ratio and morphology between the control and treated group. Also, seminal concentration of reduced glutathione and zinc, as well as, testicular weight, histology and morphometry of testicles, caudal portion of epididimus and vas deferens did not differ between groups. The seminal concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs) and seminal copper levels were lower (P<0.05) in the treated group. We conclude that chronic fluoride administration to lambs does not affect reproductive capacity as a whole. However, the data suggest that fluoride can induce a reduction in seminal lipoperoxidation and copper levels with are essential for sperm capacitation and fertilization.

Ciencia Rural | 2004

Alterações histológicas e imunoistoquímicas em pâncreas de ratos normais e diabéticos tratados com Syzygium cumini

Deila Rosély Schossler; Cinthia Melazzo Mazzanti; Sônia Cristina Almeida da Luz; Andreane Filappi; Danívia Prestes; Aron Ferreira da Silveira; Marcelo Cecim

This study verified the effect of Syzygium cumini bark extract on the pancreas of normal and diabetic rats. The animals were allocated into four groups, control (C), treated control (TC), diabetic control (DC) and treated diabetic (TD). An aqueous extract from Syzygium cumini bark, was given by gavage in a daily dose of 1g kg-1 of body weight. After a thirty day period, the animals were euthanized and the pancreas taken to imunno-histochemical analysis. A significant decrease in the number and size of islets, citoarchitectural alterations, as well as a severe decrease in the number of positive cells in diabetic animals (p<0.0001) was observed. However, was noticed a no significant difference neither between DC and DT nor C and CT groups. These results indicate that the Syzygium cumini bark extract does not affect significantly the number, size and citoarchitecture of islets, and, it also does not lead to an increase in b cell number in animals treated with the plant extract.

Ciencia Rural | 2003

Alterações cardíacas, traqueais e flexurais em um terneiro da raça Jersey

Cinthia M. Mazzanti; Andreane Filappi; Danívia Prestes; Alexandre Mazzanti; Renato Xavier Faria; Marcelo Cecim

A two-day old male Jersey calf was presented to the Large Animal Clinic at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of UFSM. The history included constant flexion of both anterior fetlocks and impossibility of standing up. A conservative treatment with PVC casts was installed. Casts were changed every 72 hours and their angle readjusted. The animal presented labored breathing with audible stridor, principally during and immediately after nursing. At the 28th day of treatment the calf suffered luxation of the right coxofemoral joint. Forty-eight hours later, the left side also was displaced. Due to the bilateral luxation and the increasing respiratory distress the animal was euthanatized on the 33rd day of treatment. At necropsy, in the heart was observed patency of the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus. The trachea had a luminal constriction with significant reduction of internal diameter on the initial four segments. The coxal fossa on both sides were considerably shallow.

Revista da FZVA | 2002

Susceptibilidade à mastite: Fatores que a influenciam - Uma revisão

Danívia Prestes; Andreane Filappi; Marcelo Cecim

Acta farmacéutica bonaerense | 2002

Efeito protetor do Syzygium cumini contra diabetes mellitus induzido por aloxano em ratos

Andréia Maria Zanoello; Cinthia Melazzo-Mazzanti; Jéssica Kerpel Gindri; Andreane Filappi; Danívia Prestes; Marcelo Cecim

Veterinária Notícias Veterinary News | 2005

Suplementação mineral para bovinos de corte sob pastejo - revisão

Andreane Filappi; Danívia Prestes; Marcelo Cecim

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