Daria Pašalić
University of Zagreb
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Featured researches published by Daria Pašalić.
Biochemia Medica | 2012
Daria Pašalić; Natalija Marinković; Lana Feher-Turkovic
With considering serum concentration of the uric acid in humans we are observing hyperuricemia and possible gout development. Many epidemiological studies have shown the relationship between the uric acid and different disorders such are obesity, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and coronary artery disease. Clinicians and investigators recognized serum uric acid concentration as very important diagnostic and prognostic factor of many multifactorial disorders. This review presented few clinical conditions which are not directly related to uric acid, but the concentrations of uric acid might have a great impact in observing, monitoring, prognosis and therapy of such disorders. Uric acid is recognized as a marker of oxidative stress. Production of the uric acid includes enzyme xanthine oxidase which is involved in producing of radical-oxigen species (ROS). As by-products ROS have a significant role in the increased vascular oxidative stress and might be involved in atherogenesis. Uric acid may inhibit endothelial function by inhibition of nitric oxide-function under conditions of oxidative stress. Down regulation of nitric oxide and induction of endothelial dysfunction might also be involved in pathogenesis of hypertension. The most important and well evidenced is possible predictive role of uric acid in predicting short-term outcome (mortality) in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients and stroke. Nephrolithiasis of uric acid origin is significantly more common among patients with the metabolic syndrome and obesity. On contrary to this, uric acid also acts is an “antioxidant”, a free radical scavenger and a chelator of transitional metal ions which are converted to poorly reactive forms.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2010
Natalija Marinković; Daria Pašalić; Goran Ferenčak; Branka Gršković; Ana Stavljenić Rukavina
Dioxins and Human Toxicity The term dioxins usually refers to polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). As 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has the highest toxic potential, the toxic potentials of other PCDDs and PCDFs are defined in comparison with it. Human exposure to dioxins can be environmental (background), occupational, or accidental pollution. In the human body, dioxins are in part metabolised and eliminated, and the rest is stored in body fat. People vary in their capacity to eliminate TCDD, but it is also dose-dependent; the elimination rate is much faster at higher than lower levels. The liver microsomal P4501A1 enzyme oxygenates lipophilic chemicals such as dioxins. It is encoded by the CYP1A1 gene. Cytosolic aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates their carcinogenic action. It binds to dioxin, translocates to nucleus and together with hydrocarbon nuclear translocator (ARNT) and xenobiotic responsive element (XRE) increases the expression of CYP1A1. Dioxins are classified as known human carcinogens, but they also cause noncancerous effects like atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes. Long-term exposures to dioxins cause disruption of the nervous, immune, reproductive, and endocrine system. Short-term exposure to high levels impairs the liver function and causes chloracne. The most sensitive population to dioxin exposure are the foetuses and infants. A large number of health effects have been documented in the scientific literature, and they all place dioxins among the most toxic chemicals known to man. Dioksini i njihova toksičnost za ljude Dioksini su skupina kemijskih spojeva koji obuhvaćaju poliklorirane dibenzo-dioksine (PCDD) i poliklorirane dibenzo-furane (PCDF). Najveći toksični potencijal (faktor ekvivalentne toksičnosti) ima 2,3,7,8-TCDD, dok su toksični potencijali drugih PCDD i PCDF određeni u odnosu na njega. Izloženost dioksinima može biti izravna: izloženost dioksinima emitiranim u okoliš kao posljedica nesreće, profesionalna izloženost te neizravna, tzv. pozadinska. Nakon ulaska u ljudski organizam dioksini se djelomično metaboliziraju i eliminiraju, a ostatak se pohranjuje u adipozno tkivo. Postoji određena varijabilnost između ljudi u kapacitetu eliminacije TCDD. Eliminacija TCDD ovisna je o dozi - kod veće izloženosti (izloženost višim koncentracijama) brzina eliminacije je viša nego kod manje izloženosti (izloženost nižim koncentracijama). Enzim P4501A1 najvažniji je u oksigenaciji lipofilnih supstrata poput dioksina. Kodiran je genom CYP1A1. AhR je stanični receptor koji djeluje kao transkripcijski faktor koji posreduje u njihovu karcinogenom učinku. AhR veže dioksin te se premješta u jezgru gdje zajedno s ARNT (engl. aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator) i XRE (engl. xenobiotic responsive element), smještenim u promotorskoj regiji gena za CYP1A1, uzrokuje povećani izražaj CYP1A1. Dioksini su karcinogeni spojevi, ali imaju i nekarcinogene učinke poput ateroskleroze, hipertenzije, dijabetesa, poremećaj živčanog, imunosnog, reproduktivnog i endokrinog sustava, posebice kod kronične izloženosti. Akutna izloženost uzrokuje oštećenja jetre i klorakne. Najosjetljivija skupina izloženosti dioksinu je dojenčad u prenatalnom i postnatalnom razdoblju. U znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi dokumentirani su brojni zdravstveni učinci kao posljedice izloženosti dioksinima te ih svi ističu kao jedne od najtoksičnijih kemijskih spojeva.
Biochemia Medica | 2013
Natalija Marinković; Daria Pašalić; Slavica Potočki
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most prevalent environmental pollutants and result from the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons (coal and gasoline, fossil fuel combustion, byproducts of industrial processing, natural emission, cigarette smoking, etc.). The first phase of xenobiotic biotransformation in the PAH metabolism includes activities of cytochrome P450 from the CYP1 family and microsomal epoxide hydrolase. The products of this biotransformation are reactive oxygen species that are transformed in the second phase through the formation of conjugates with glutathione, glucuronate or sulphates. PAH exposure may lead to PAH-DNA adduct formation or induce an inflammatory atherosclerotic plaque phenotype. Several genetic polymorphisms of genes encoded for enzymes involved in PAH biotransformation have been proven to lead to the development of diseases. Enzyme CYP P450 1A1, which is encoded by the CYP1A1 gene, is vital in the monooxygenation of lipofilic substrates, while GSTM1 and GSTT1 are the most abundant isophorms that conjugate and neutralize oxygen products. Some single nucleotide polymorphisms of the CYP1A1 gene as well as the deletion polymorphisms of GSTT1 and GSTM1 may alter the final specific cellular inflammatory respond. Occupational exposure or conditions from the living environment can contribute to the production of PAH metabolites with adverse effects on human health. The aim of this study was to obtain data on biotransformation and atherosclerosis, as well as data on the gene polymorphisms involved in biotransformation, in order to better study gene expression and further elucidate the interaction between genes and the environment.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine | 2003
Goran Ferenčak; Daria Pašalić; Branka Gršković; Suzanne Cheng; Bonnie Fijal; Mihajlo Šesto; Jasna Skodlar; Ana Stavljenić Rukavina
Abstract Modifications in lipoprotein lipase levels lead to elevated triglycerides and reduced high density lipoprotein (HDL), both of which are risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD). Hence, we examined the influence of the −93T/G, D9N, N291S, and S447X polymorphisms in the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene on CAD risk and lipid levels in Croatian patients with and without angiographically confirmed CAD. The N291S polymorphism was significantly associated with CAD (OR = 0.36; 95% CI = 0.13, 0.99; p = 0.048). This association was only moderately affected by adjusting for various lipids (OR = 0.36; 95% CI = 0.12, 1.08; p = 0.068). HDL2-cholesterol and apolipoprotein A-I levels were significantly higher in non-carriers of the −93T/G and D9N polymorphisms in the CAD group (p = 0.017 and 0.028, respectively). The N291S genetic variant did not show any significant difference between carriers and non-carriers in either group studied for any of the lipids. Lower triglyceride and higher HDL2-cholesterol levels in the control group were associated with carriers of the S447X mutation (p = 0.043 and 0.056, respectively). LPL gene polymorphisms might be involved in predisposition to CAD and determination of lipid profiles.
Public Health Nutrition | 2011
Daria Pašalić; Slavica Dodig; Naima Čorović; Alica Pizent; Jasna Jurasović; Mladen Pavlović
OBJECTIVE To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in a healthy elderly Croatian population. DESIGN Cross-sectional study consisting of a health check including anthropometric measures and food questionnaires as well as analysis of biochemical parameters related to MetS. The diagnostic criteria of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) were used for diagnosis of MetS. SETTING Four centres in continental (Virovitica and Zagreb) and Adriatic coast (Split and Omiš) regions of Croatia. SUBJECTS Free-living elderly persons aged 70-90 years (n 320). RESULTS Significantly lower MetS prevalence was found among participants from small urban centres compared with those from large urban centres (59·1 % v. 69·6 %; P = 0·051). Participants without MetS consumed wine more frequently (P = 0·05) than those with MetS. Compared with their peers with HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) <1·03 mmol/l, more male participants with HDL-C ≥1·03 mmol/l consumed wine (P = 0·04) or pelagic fish (P = 0·03). The prevalence of participants with TAG ≥1·7 mmol/l was higher in wine non-consumers (P = 0·05) than in wine consumers. Multivariate analysis with age and gender as covariates showed a significant inverse association of wine consumption with total cholesterol (P < 0·001), a positive association with HDL-C (P < 0·001) and a marginally inverse association with TAG (P = 0·06). In the male population, alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyl transferase activities were higher in participants with MetS (P < 0·05). CONCLUSIONS High MetS prevalence was observed in an elderly Croatian population. Data showed that moderate consumption of wine and/or pelagic fish has a protective role against MetS in the population studied.
Biochemia Medica | 2012
Lana Feher Turković; Alica Pizent; Slavica Dodig; Mladen Pavlović; Daria Pašalić
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a multifactorial disorder in which dyslipidemia plays an important role. Fatty acid-binding protein 2 (FABP 2) is responsible for transport of free fatty acids in the intestinal endothelium cells. FABP2-genetic variants might affect plasma lipid concentrations and intracellular lipid transport. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between FABP2 Ala54Thr genetic polymorphism and metabolic syndrome and some biochemical and anthropological parameters in elderly subjects. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study included 140 men and 176 women older than 70 years. Fasting serum concentration of glucose, lipid parameters, total proteins and C-reactive protein were determined by standardized methods. Presence (MetS(+)) or absence (MetS(−)) of MetS was determined according to criteria of the International Diabetes Federation. FABP2 genetic polymorphism Ala54Thr (rs1799883) was genotyped with PCR-RFPL. Results: The genotype frequencies for Ala/Ala, Ala/Thr and Thr/Thr genotype were 60, 36 and 6 in MetS(−), and 131, 70 and 13 in MetS(+), respectively, without statistical significance (P = 0.567). Ala/Ala genotype was a subgroup of non-carriers, while Ala/Thr and Thr/Thr genotypes were Thr54-carriers. Median triglyceride concentration was significantly lower in carriers then in non-carriers for whole MetS(+) group (P = 0.050); there were no significant difference between men with MetS (P = 0.144), but there was a difference between women with MetS (P = 0.020). T-test showed that mean HDL cholesterol concentrations in MetS(+) group for Thr54-carriers was significantly higher in whole group (P = 0.001), and for both genders (men P = 0.039; women P = 0.004) as compared to non-carriers. Conclusions: FABP2 genetic polymorphism is associated with lower triglyceride and higher HDL-cholesterol concentrations in elderly subjects with MetS. This genetic variation might be a useful marker for understanding dyslipidemia in MetS.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research | 2011
Selma Cvijetić; Mladen Pavlović; Daria Pašalić; Slavica Dodig
Background and aims: Metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis are recognized as major public health problems in many countries. This study investigated the association between bone quality and components of metabolic syndrome in an elderly population. Methods: The study included a population sample of 211 men and women, of mean age 77.9±4.5 years. Anthropometry, blood pressure, serum levels of lipoproteins (HDL and LDL), triglycerides and glucose were measured, and ultrasound bone densitometry was performed in all subjects. Information on lifestyle habits, including physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption, were obtained by a questionnaire. Results: Metabolic syndrome, defined by the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation, was determined in 59% of men and 65% of women. The quantitative ultrasound index (QUI) was significantly correlated with serum glucose in men (r=−0.31; p=0.005) and with body mass index (BMI) in women (r=0.39; p<0.0001). QUI was significantly lower in men with metabolic syndrome (F=7.57; p<0.007) and significantly higher in women with it (F=6.47; p=0.012) compared with controls. When QUI was adjusted for body mass index in women and for serum glucose in men, it was no longer significantly different from values for controls. Other covariates such as cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking, alcohol, and physical activity did not change the difference in QUI between patients with metabolic syndrome and controls. Diabetes in men (p=0.005) and obesity and waist circumference in women (p<0.05) were also significant predictors of QUI in regression analysis. Conclusions: The association between metabolic syndrome and bone stiffness in elderly people may be explained by increased BMI in women and high serum glucose in men.
Biochemia Medica | 2016
Lora Dukic; Anja Jokic; Josipa Kuleš; Daria Pašalić
Introduction The educational program for health care personnel is important for reducing preanalytical errors and improving quality of laboratory test results. The aim of our study was to assess the level of knowledge on preanalytical phase in population of biomedicine students through a cross-sectional survey. Materials and methods A survey was sent to students on penultimate and final year of Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry – study of medical biochemistry (FPB), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) and School of Medicine (SM), University of Zagreb, Croatia, using the web tool SurveyMonkey. Survey was composed of demographics and 14 statements regarding the preanalytical phase of laboratory testing. Comparison of frequencies and proportions of correct answers was done with Fisher’s exact test and test of comparison of proportions, respectively. Results Study included 135 participants, median age 24 (23-40) years. Students from FPB had higher proportion of correct answers (86%) compared to students from other biomedical faculties 62%, P < 0.001. Students from FPB were more conscious of the importance of specimen mixing (P = 0.027), prevalence of preanalytical errors (P = 0.001), impact of hemolysis (P = 0.032) and lipemia interferences (P = 0.010), proper choice of anticoagulants (P = 0.001), transport conditions for ammonia sample (P < 0.001) and order of draw during blood specimen collection (P < 0.001), in comparison with students from SM and FVM. Conclusions Students from FPB are more conscious of the importance of preanalytical phase of testing in comparison with their colleagues from other biomedical faculties. No difference in knowledge between penultimate and final year of the same faculty was found.
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology | 2018
Ankica Sekovanić; Jasna Jurasović; Martina Piasek; Daria Pašalić; Tatjana Orct; Antonija Sulimanec Grgec; Sandra Stasenko; Karmen Branović Čakanić; Anamarija Jazbec
The main source of exposure for all essential and toxic elements in the general population is diet. In smokers, the main route for cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) intake is the inhalation of tobacco smoke. Besides gender, age, nutrition, lifestyle, and physiological conditions such as pregnancy, specific genetic characteristics also influence individual element uptake. Metallothionein MT2 is a cysteine-rich low-weight protein found ubiquitously throughout the body. Specific gene polymorphism may influence MT2 expression and subsequent binding, transfer and organ accumulation of metals, though data on these influences are lacking, especially in human mother-newborn pairs. The objective of this study was to determine selected toxic (Cd, Pb, Hg) and essential (Fe, Zn, Cu, Se) elements in maternal blood, placenta, and cord blood (by ICP-MS), and MT2 levels in maternal serum (by ELISA) in relation to maternal MT2A -5A/G (rs28366003) polymorphism (by RFLP-PCR and electrophoresis). Study participants were healthy postpartum women in Croatia (n=268, mean age 29 years) with term vaginal childbirth in a maternity ward assigned into two study groups by self-reporting about their smoking habit (by questionnaire). Smokers vs. non-smokers had increased levels of Cd and Pb in all measured samples, Fe and Cu in cord blood, Zn in placenta, and MT2 in maternal serum. Among subjects with AG/GG genotype, placental Fe was significantly lower only among non-smokers, while MT2 levels in serum were lower, though not significantly, regardless of maternal smoking habit. There was no impact of MT2A -5A/G SNP on any element in maternal or cord blood. In conclusion, the results confirmed maternal smoking-related increases in Cd and Pb levels in the maternal-placental-foetal unit. They also provided additional data on concomitant metal concentrations in representative samples of maternal blood, placenta, and cord blood, as well as increased cord blood Fe and Cu, placental Zn, and maternal serum MT2 in smokers. New evidence is that MT2A -5A/G SNP was associated with decreased placental Fe levels in non-smokers. For a final conclusion on the influence of the MT2A -5A/G polymorphism on toxic and essential element levels in mother-newborn pairs, further research would require a larger number of participants divided across subgroups defined by the main source of particular toxic metal exposure (such as specific food intake, cigarette smoking, air pollution and/or occupational exposure).
Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers | 2012
Daria Pašalić; Paulina Pauković; Selma Cvijetić; Alica Pizent; Jasna Jurasović; Slavica Dodig; Dorotea Muck-Seler; Maja Mustapić; Nela Pivac; Lana-Feher-Turković; Mladen Pavlović
BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between body mass index, biochemical parameters, and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) genetic polymorphisms and prostate dysfunction in an elderly general male population. RESULTS One hundred and seventeen elderly male subjects [60 men without symptoms of prostate hyperplasia, 42 men with untreated benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and 15 men with prostate cancer (PCa)] treated with finasteride or flutamide were included. Multiple comparisons showed significant difference in age, T-score, concentration of phosphorus, calcium, C-reactive protein, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) between the groups. T-score was the lowest and phosphorus concentration was the highest in the PCa group. Highest PSA, proteins, calcium, and Hekals formula score were found in the BPH group. Patients with PCa were more frequent GG+GA carriers of 5-HT1B 1997A/G gene polymorphism (p=0.035). Univariate regression analysis showed association of PCa-treated subjects with age (p=0.010) and 5-HT1B genetic polymorphism (p=0.018). Antiandrogen therapy affects T-score (p=0.017), serum phosphorus (p=0.008), glucose (p=0.036), and total proteins (p=0.050). Multivariate-stepwise logistic regression analysis showed the significant association of treated PCa with age (p=0.028) and inorganic phosphorus (p=0.005), and a marginal association with ultrasonographic T-score (p=0.052). CONCLUSIONS Antiandrogen therapy might induce bone mineral loss in elderly PCa patients. Preliminary data imply that the genetic variants of the 5-HT1B receptor might be associated with PCa.