
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 2014

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) and naturally fermented beetroot juices from organic and conventional production: metabolomics, antioxidant levels and anticancer activity

Renata Kazimierczak; Ewelina Hallmann; Janusz Lipowski; Nadzieja Drela; Anna Kowalik; Tõnu Püssa; Darja Matt; Anne Luik; Dariusz Gozdowski; Ewa Rembiałkowska

BACKGROUND The aim of the paper was to determine the level of antioxidants and metabolomic fingerprinting in both raw beetroots and naturally fermented beetroot juices from organic (ORG) versus conventional (CONV) production. In addition, the anticancer properties of the fermented beetroot juices were evaluated. RESULTS The obtained results showed that ORG fresh beetroots contained significantly more dry matter, vitamin C and some individual phenolic compounds than CONV beetroots. The content of total phenolic acids was significantly higher in CONV beetroots compared with the ORG ones. The level of flavonoids was similar in ORG and CONV beetroots. There were only slight differences in the chemical composition of ORG and CONV beetroot juices. Metabolomic analysis provided a possibility to distinguish clearly between ORG and CONV fermented beetroot juices. However, this method was less useful in the case of fresh whole beetroots. It was found that anticancer activity was stronger in the case of ORG fermented juices when compared with CONV ones. CONCLUSION The obtained results indicate that ORG- and CONV-produced beetroots and fermented beetroot juices have different chemical properties and different impacts on cancer cells. It is necessary to continue research on this topic in order to confirm and understand the achieved results.

Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2011

Comparison of four bioindication methods for assessing the degree of environmental lead and cadmium pollution

Wojciech Dmuchowski; Dariusz Gozdowski; Aneta H. Baczewska

The purpose of this study was to assess the application of several bioindication methods for the monitoring of environmental pollution from Pb and Cd. The study area centered on the town of Olkusz, Poland, which is one of the oldest centers for the metallurgical industry in Europe. The assessment of environmental pollution due to metals was performed using four frequently used bioindication methods: moss-bag (Sphagnum fallax), determination of metal accumulation in Pleurozium schreberi, silver birch foliage, and Scots pine needles. The region of Olkusz, and especially the area surrounding the mining and metallurgical Bolesław complex, was extremely contaminated with Pb and Cd. The results of the investigations are presented as contamination deposition maps. Despite the application of various methods and the resulting diversity of the specific exposure periods for different biomonitors, the spatial distribution of contamination shown on the maps was similar, as confirmed by the statistical analysis of the results.

Journal of Clinical Periodontology | 2010

Blood pressure and left ventricular mass in subjects with type 2 diabetes and gingivitis or chronic periodontitis

Edward Franek; Magdalena Napora; Anna Błach; Tadeusz Budlewski; Dariusz Gozdowski; Krystyna Jedynasty; Jarosław Krajewski; Renata Górska

INTRODUCTION This study aimed to answer the question of whether chronic periodontitis in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with increased left ventricular mass (LVM) and systemic and central blood pressure (CBP). MATERIAL AND METHODS One hundred and fifty-five subjects with type 2 diabetes (67 F, 88 M, mean age 61.1±6.9 years, BMI 32.7±5.7 kg/m(2)) were divided according to their periodontal status into biofilm-gingival interface - healthy (BGI-H, 14 subjects), BGI-gingivitis (BGI-G, 119 subjects) and BGI-periodontitis (BGI-P, 22 subjects) groups. In all subjects, LVM, systemic and CBP were measured. The LVM index (LVMI) was calculated. RESULTS (1) BGI-P and BGI-G subjects, respectively, had higher (mean; 95% CI) LVM (238.6 g; 206.6-267.4 and 222.8 g; 207.0-238.2) versus BGI-H subjects (170.3 g; 125.5-217.8).
(2) BGI-P and BGI-G subjects, respectively, had higher (mean; 95% CI) LVM1 (95.2 g/m(2) ; 82.9-107.4) and 87.8 g/m(2) ; 81.5-94.1) versus BGI-H subjects (63.7 g/m(2) ; 45.2-62.3).
(3) BGI-P subjects had higher central and systemic systolic and diastolic blood pressure than subjects from BGI-G and BGI-H groups. CONCLUSION In subjects with type 2 diabetes, periodontitis and gingivitis are associated with increased LVM and periodontitis is associated with increased central and systemic blood pressure.

Mycoses | 2014

Candida nivariensis in comparison to different phenotypes of Candida glabrata

Ewa Swoboda-Kopeć; Magdalena Sikora; Marlena Golas; Katarzyna Piskorska; Dariusz Gozdowski; Irina Netsvyetayeva

The purpose of the study was to establish the prevalence of new Candida glabrata complex species: Candida nivariensis and Candida bracarensis isolated from clinical material, evaluate their phenotypes and the prevalence of gene family encoding extracellular glycosylphosphatidylinositol‐linked aspartyl proteases, crucial for C. glabrata virulence. Study material included 224 C. glabrata clinical strains. Candida glabrata phenotypes were identified using CHROMagar Candida medium. Strains were analysed by using C. glabrata‐specific PCR for the internal transcribed spacer region to confirmed the identification. To identify C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis strains, the D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA was sequenced. The prevalence of YPS‐family proteases genes was detected using standard PCR method. Candida nivariensis amounted about 6% among the total number of C. glabrata strains. Candida nivariensis strains had a white phenotype on chromogenic agar media and assimilated two sugars – trehalose and glucose. Among the 13 C. nivariensis strains, 10 did not present any YPS‐family protease genes. Coexistence of all detected YPS‐family protease genes was specific for C. glabrata species. This study identified C. nivariensis strains; however, no C. bracarensis strains were identified. The white phenotype of C. nivariensis was confirmed. Most strains of the new species do not present any of the tested YPS genes.

PLOS ONE | 2015

Influence of a municipal waste landfill on the spatial distribution of mercury in the environment

Barbara Gworek; Wojciech Dmuchowski; Dariusz Gozdowski; Eugeniusz Koda; Renata Osiecka; Jan Borzyszkowski

The study investigations were focused on assessing the influence of a 35-year-old municipal waste landfill on environmental mercury pollution. The total Hg content was determined in the soil profile, groundwater, and the plants (Solidago virgaurea and Poaceae sp.) in the landfill area. Environmental pollution near the landfill was relatively low. The topsoil layer, groundwater and the leaves of Solidago virgaurea and Poaceae sp. contained 19–271 μg kg-1, 0.36–3.01 μg l-1, 19–66 μg kg-1 and 8–29 μg kg-1 of Hg, respectively. The total Hg content in the soil decreased with the depth. The results are presented as pollution maps of the landfill area based on the total Hg content in the soil, groundwater and plants. Statistical analysis revealed the lack of correlation between the total Hg content in the soil and plants, but a relationship between the total concentration of Hg in groundwater and soil was shown. The landfill is not a direct source of pollution in the area. The type of land morphology did not influence the pollution level. Construction of bentonite cut-off wall bypassing MSW landfill reduces the risk of mercury release into ground-water environment.

Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine | 2011

Oral mucosa in children with Prader–Willi syndrome

Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk; Aneta Witt; Dariusz Gozdowski; Maria Ginalska-Malinowska

UNLABELLED Prader-Willi syndrome is a genetic disorder. Abnormal saliva secretion, emotional and behaviour problems, may affect the health status of the oral mucousa. OBJECTIVES To assess the impact of self-destructive behaviour and abnormal saliva secretion on the oral mucosa in children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). MATERIALS AND METHODS Fifteen PWSs children (mean age 9.8 ± 4.4 years) and 15 healthy children (mean age 11.5 ± 3.5 years) were assessed for self-destructive behaviours, such as picking at the skin, physical and chemical saliva characteristics, mycology, and the clinical status of the oral mucosa. RESULTS Picking at the skin was only in children with PWS (n = 12). In contrast to the control group, the moistening rate of the lower lip mucosa was slower, and the mean pH of the resting saliva was reduced in the affected subjects. Sticky frothy or frothy saliva, decreased secretion rate of the stimulated saliva, and a reduced buffer capacity were more frequently in PWSs children; Candida spp. and oral candidiasis were also more common. Injurious lesions in the oral mucosa were found in one control child, and in eight PWSs subjects. In affected children, the lesions were concurrent with picking at the skin. A statistical correlation was noted between the presence of Candida spp. and oral candidiasis, and unfavourable saliva properties, and between injurious lesions and a slow moistening rate of the lower lip mucosa, and oral candidiasis. CONCLUSIONS Abnormal saliva secretion and self-destructive behaviours in children with Prader-Willi syndrome predispose them to injurious lesions in the oral mucosa, and possibly, to oral candidiosis.

Journal of Plant Physiology | 2014

Assessment of the physiological responses to drought in different sugar beet genotypes in connection with their genetic distance.

Danuta Chołuj; Anita Wiśniewska; Kamil M. Szafranski; Justyna Cebula; Dariusz Gozdowski; Sławomir Podlaski

Drought affects many physiological processes, which influences plant productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of genotypic diversity in drought tolerance of sugar beet genotypes (Beta vulgaris L.) in connection with their genetic distance. Three hybrid genotypes produced by crossing double haploid genotype (P-pollinator) with cytoplasmic male-sterile female part (MS), as well as with two parent lines, were examined. Drought conditions were imposed by the cessation of watering at the 3-4 leaf stage for about three months, after which irrigation was resumed. Control plants were optimally irrigated throughout the entire vegetation period. Long-term drought significantly increased the wilting of leaves (Wilt.), specific leaf weight (SLW), the succulence index (Suc.I), leaf senescence and membrane damage (El-l). Simultaneously, the osmotic potential (ψs), leaf area index (LAI), absorption of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) and the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus (Φ PSII) declined under water deficit conditions. The examined genotypes demonstrated a clear diversity in their physiological response to drought. Based on these findings, we suggest that traits that are strongly correlated with root and sugar yield, e.g. Φ PSII, LAI, PAR absorption and ψs, could be used as potential selection criteria in physiological-associated breeding strategies to improve drought tolerance in sugar beet. There was not a significant correlation between the genetic distance separating different sugar beet genotypes and the observed heterotic effect of root or sugar yields, with the exception of heterosis of root yield under optimal conditions, where the correlation was negative.

Annals of Transplantation | 2012

The status of dental and jaw bones in children and adolescents after kidney and liver transplantation.

Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk; Dariusz Gozdowski; Joanna Pawłowska; Ryszard Grenda

BACKGROUND Systemic complications in patients after renal or liver transplantation may be localized in the oral cavity. Calcium-phosphate disturbances may affect the structure and metabolism of mandible bones, promote calcification of dental pulp, and in children may cause developmental defects of teeth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of dental and bone abnormalities in children and adolescents after kidney and liver transplantation with respect to the type of the transplanted organ and maintenance immunosuppression. MATERIAL/METHODS Overall, 23 kidney and 25 liver recipients (mean age: 13.95±4.2 yrs) were evaluated. Twenty patients received ciclosporin A (CsA) and 28 tacrolimus (TAC). Twenty-one kidney and 14 liver recipients were treated with steroids. Mean time after transplantation was 3.62±2.98 years. RESULTS The severity of caries and percentage of odontogenic abnormalities (76.0% vs. 60.86%) was higher in liver transplant recipients. Positive correlations were found between discoloration of the deciduous teeth and liver transplantation, between enamel hypoplasia and kidney transplantation, and between treatment with CsA and its dose and blood concentration (p<0.05). Pulp stones were present in 13.04% of kidney vs. 8.0% in liver recipients, more often in those treated with CsA than with TAC. Jaw bone abnormalities were present in 30.43% kidney recipients vs. 12% liver recipients. CONCLUSIONS Both kidney and liver recipients present dental and bone abnormalities. The incidence of specific types of oral lesions is different in renal and liver graft recipients; however, it is also correlated with specific immunosuppression.

British Poultry Science | 2016

Early and 24 h post-mortem changes in breast muscle quality traits of two turkey genotypes and their reciprocal crosses raised under semi-confined conditions.

Krzysztof Damaziak; Dorota Pietrzak; Monika Michalczuk; Lech Adamczak; Marta Chmiel; Tomasz Florowski; Dariusz Gozdowski; Jan Niemiec

Abstract An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of reciprocal crossing of turkeys on early and 24 h post-mortem changes in quality traits of their breast muscles. The turkeys of slow-growing (SG) and fast-growing (FG) lines as well as SF (SG × FG) and FS crosses (FG × SG) were reared with access to free range. After slaughter turkey breast muscles were examined in the following terms: 5 min, 45 min, 2 h and 24 h post-mortem, for: temperature, pH, glycogen content (G), lactate content (L) and electrical conductivity (EC). Quality attributes of the breast meat were evaluated based on chemical composition, water holding capacity (WHC), cooking loss (%), shear force (N) and colour (L*, a*, b*). Despite differences in the rate of post-mortem changes, the genotype of turkeys had no significant effect upon many quality traits assessed 24 h post-mortem. Meat of lighter birds (SG and SF) was characterised by a lower fat content but a similar protein content compared to meat of FS and FG turkeys. In addition, meat of males from these groups was darker. Meat from the breast muscles of heavier birds (FS and FG) was harder. Significant negative maternal effects were determined for temperature of meat of both male and female turkeys, for pH2 and EC24 of males as well as for L2, L24 and cooking loss of female meat. Positive heterosis was confirmed only for pH2 of female meat and for G2 of male meat. In summary, the direction of fast- and slow-growing turkey crossing may affect the quality of their meat. However, meat of both types of hybrids reared under semi-confined conditions (with the possibility of using free range) was characterised by appropriate quality parameters.

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | 2015

Prediction accuracy of selected spatial interpolation methods for soil texture at farm field scale

Dariusz Gozdowski; Michał Stępień; Stanisław Samborski; Eike Stefan Dobers; Jan Szatyłowicz; Jarosław Chormański

Abstract Soil texture was examined in four crop fields with areas of 10 to 45 ha located in northern and central Poland. In each field, from 21 to 60 soil samples were collected using stratified sampling. The content (%) of soil particles, i.e., sand, silt and clay, was then evaluated using laboratory methods. The apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) was measured and used as ancillary data for the interpolation of soil texture. The obtained data were used to compare selected spatial interpolation methods according to the accuracy of prediction. The examined methods were evaluated based on the results of cross-validation tests. Two methods of validation were used: leave-one-out cross-validation and validation based on a test set of points, with approximately 30% randomly selected. The smallest root mean square error (RMSE) for the prediction of sand, silt and clay was observed for ordinary cokriging in which ECa was used as a covariate. The other three methods, i.e., inverse distance weighting, radial basis functioning and ordinary kriging, had very similar RMSE values, which were approximately 10% higher compared to ordinary cokriging

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