
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009

Ion–water hydrogen-bond switching observed with 2D IR vibrational echo chemical exchange spectroscopy

David E. Moilanen; Daryl B. Wong; Daniel E. Rosenfeld; Emily E. Fenn; M. D. Fayer

The exchange of water hydroxyl hydrogen bonds between anions and water oxygens is observed directly with ultrafast 2D IR vibrational echo chemical exchange spectroscopy (CES). The OD hydroxyl stretch of dilute HOD in H2O in concentrated (5.5 M) aqueous solutions of sodium tetrafluoroborate (NaBF4) displays a spectrum with a broad water-like band (hydroxyl bound to water oxygen) and a resolved, blue shifted band (hydroxyl bound to BF4−). At short time (200 fs), the 2D IR vibrational echo spectrum has 4 peaks, 2 on the diagonal and 2 off-diagonal. The 2 diagonal peaks are the 0–1 transitions of the water-like band and the hydroxyl-anion band. Vibrational echo emissions at the 1–2 transition frequencies give rise to 2 off-diagonal peaks. On a picosecond time scale, additional off-diagonal peaks grow in. These new peaks arise from chemical exchange between water hydroxyls bound to anions and hydroxyls bound to water oxygens. The growth of the chemical exchange peaks yields the time dependence of anion–water hydroxyl hydrogen bond switching under thermal equilibrium conditions as Taw = 7 ± 1 ps. Pump-probe measurements of the orientational relaxation rates and vibrational lifetimes are used in the CES data analysis. The pump-probe measurements are shown to have the correct functional form for a system undergoing exchange.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2009

Water dynamics in large and small reverse micelles: From two ensembles to collective behavior

David E. Moilanen; Emily E. Fenn; Daryl B. Wong; M. D. Fayer

The dynamics of water in Aerosol-OT reverse micelles are investigated with ultrafast infrared spectroscopy of the hydroxyl stretch. In large reverse micelles, the dynamics of water are separable into two ensembles: slow interfacial water and bulklike core water. As the reverse micelle size decreases, the slowing effect of the interface and the collective nature of water reorientation begin to slow the dynamics of the core water molecules. In the smallest reverse micelles, these effects dominate and all water molecules have the same long time reorientational dynamics. To understand and characterize the transition in the water dynamics from two ensembles to collective reorientation, polarization and frequency selective infrared pump-probe experiments are conducted on the complete range of reverse micelle sizes from a diameter of 1.6-20 nm. The crossover between two ensemble and collective reorientation occurs near a reverse micelle diameter of 4 nm. Below this size, the small number of confined water molecules and structural changes in the reverse micelle interface leads to homogeneous long time reorientation.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2008

Water inertial reorientation: Hydrogen bond strength and the angular potential

David E. Moilanen; Emily E. Fenn; Yu-Shan Lin; J. L. Skinner; Biman Bagchi; M. D. Fayer

The short-time orientational relaxation of water is studied by ultrafast infrared pump-probe spectroscopy of the hydroxyl stretching mode (OD of dilute HOD in H2O). The anisotropy decay displays a sharp drop at very short times caused by inertial orientational motion, followed by a much slower decay that fully randomizes the orientation. Investigation of temperatures from 1°C to 65°C shows that the amplitude of the inertial component (extent of inertial angular displacement) depends strongly on the stretching frequency of the OD oscillator at higher temperatures, although the slow component is frequency-independent. The inertial component becomes frequency-independent at low temperatures. At high temperatures there is a correlation between the amplitude of the inertial decay and the strength of the O-DO hydrogen bond, but at low temperatures the correlation disappears, showing that a single hydrogen bond (ODO) is no longer a significant determinant of the inertial angular motion. It is suggested that the loss of correlation at lower temperatures is caused by the increased importance of collective effects of the extended hydrogen bonding network. By using a new harmonic cone model, the experimentally measured amplitudes of the inertial decays yield estimates of the characteristic frequencies of the intermolecular angular potential for various strengths of hydrogen bonds. The frequencies are in the range of ≈400 cm−1. A comparison with recent molecular dynamics simulations employing the simple point charge-extended water model at room temperature shows that the simulations qualitatively reflect the correlation between the inertial decay and the OD stretching frequency.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2008

Water dynamics--the effects of ions and nanoconfinement.

Sungnam Park; David E. Moilanen; M. D. Fayer

Hydrogen bond dynamics of water in highly concentrated NaBr salt solutions and reverse micelles are studied using ultrafast 2D-IR vibrational echo spectroscopy and polarization-selective IR pump-probe experiments performed on the OD hydroxyl stretch of dilute HOD in H(2)O. The vibrational echo experiments measure spectral diffusion, and the pump-probe experiments measure orientational relaxation. Both experimental observables are directly related to the structural dynamics of waters hydrogen bond network. The measurements performed on NaBr solutions as a function of concentration show that the hydrogen bond dynamics slow as the NaBr concentration increases. The most pronounced change is in the longest time scale dynamics which are related to the global rearrangement of the hydrogen bond structure. Complete hydrogen bond network randomization slows by a factor of approximately 3 in approximately 6 M NaBr solution compared to that in bulk water. The hydrogen bond dynamics of water in nanoscopically confined environments are studied by encapsulating water molecules in ionic head group (AOT) and nonionic head group (Igepal CO 520) reverse micelles. Water dynamics in the nanopools of AOT reverse micelles are studied as a function of size by observing orientational relaxation. Orientational relaxation dynamics deviate significantly from bulk water when the size of the reverse micelles is smaller than several nm and become nonexponential and slower as the size of the reverse micelles decreases. In the smallest reverse micelles, orientational relaxation (hydrogen bond structural randomization) is almost 20 times slower than that in bulk water. To determine if the changes in dynamics from bulk water are caused by the influence of the ionic head groups of AOT or the nanoconfinement, the water dynamics in 4 nm nanopools in AOT reverse micelles (ionic) and Igepal reverse micelles (nonionic) are compared. It is found that the water orientational relaxation in the 4 nm diameter nanopools of the two types of reverse micelles is almost identical, which indicates that confinement by an interface to form a nanoscopic water pool is a primary factor governing the dynamics of nanoscopic water rather than the presence of charged groups at the interface.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2008

Water at the surfaces of aligned phospholipid multibilayer model membranes probed with ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy.

Wei Zhao; David E. Moilanen; Emily E. Fenn; M. D. Fayer

The dynamics of water at the surface of artificial membranes composed of aligned multibilayers of the phospholipid dilauroyl phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) are probed with ultrafast polarization selective vibrational pump-probe spectroscopy. The experiments are performed at various hydration levels, x = 2 - 16 water molecules per lipid at 37 degrees C. The water molecules are approximately 1 nm above or below the membrane surface. The experiments are conducted on the OD stretching mode of dilute HOD in H 2O to eliminate vibrational excitation transfer. The FT-IR absorption spectra of the OD stretch in the DLPC bilayer system at low hydration levels shows a red-shift in frequency relative to bulk water, which is in contrast to the blue-shift often observed in systems such as water nanopools in reverse micelles. The spectra for x = 4 - 16 can be reproduced by a superposition of the spectra for x = 2 and bulk water. IR Pump-probe measurements reveal that the vibrational population decays (lifetimes) become longer as the hydration level is decreased. The population decays are fit well by biexponential functions. The population decays, measured as a function of the OD stretch frequency, suggest the existence of two major types of water molecules in the interfacial region of the lipid bilayers. One component may be a clathrate-like water cluster near the hydrophobic choline group and the other may be related to the hydration water molecules mainly associated with the phosphate group. As the hydration level increases, the vibrational lifetimes of these two components decrease, suggesting a continuous evolution of the hydration structures in the two components associated with the swelling of the bilayers. The agreement of the magnitudes of the two components obtained from IR spectra with those from vibrational lifetime measurements further supports the two-component model. The vibrational population decay fitting also gives an estimation of the number of phosphate-associated water molecules and choline-associated water molecules, which range from 1 to 4 and 1 to 12, respectively, as x increases from 2 to 16. Time-dependent anisotropy measurements yield the rate of orientational relaxation as a function of x. The anisotropy decay is biexponential. The fast component is almost independent of x, and is interpreted as small orientational fluctuations that occur without hydrogen-bond rearrangement. The slower component becomes very long as the hydration level decreases. This component is a measure of the rate of complete orientational randomization, which requires H-bond rearrangement and is discussed in terms of a jump reorientation model.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2009

Water Dynamics at the Interface in AOT Reverse Micelles

David E. Moilanen; Emily E. Fenn; Daryl B. Wong; M. D. Fayer

The orientational dynamics of water molecules at the interface in large Aerosol-OT (AOT) reverse micelles are investigated using ultrafast infrared spectroscopy of the OD stretch of dilute HOD in H(2)O. In large reverse micelles ( approximately 9 nm diameter or larger), a significant amount of the nanoscopic water is sufficiently distant from the interface that it displays bulk-like characteristics. However, some water molecules interact with the interface and have vibrational absorption spectra and dynamics distinct from bulk water. The different characteristics of these interfacial waters allow their contribution to the data to be separated from the bulk. The infrared absorption spectrum of the OD stretch is analyzed to show that the interfacial water molecules have a spectrum that peaks near 2565 cm(-1) in contrast to 2509 cm(-1) in bulk water. A two-component model is developed that simultaneously describes the population relaxation and orientational dynamics of the OD stretch in the spectral region of the interfacial water. The model provides a consistent description of both observables and demonstrates that water interacting with the interface has slower vibrational relaxation and orientational dynamics. The orientational relaxation of interfacial water molecules occurs in 18 +/- 3 ps, in contrast to the bulk water value of 2.6 ps.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2009

Geometry and nanolength scales versus interface interactions: water dynamics in AOT lamellar structures and reverse micelles.

David E. Moilanen; Emily E. Fenn; Daryl B. Wong; M. D. Fayer

To determine the relative importance of the confining geometry and nanoscopic length scale versus water/interface interactions, the dynamic interactions between water and interfaces are studied with ultrafast infrared spectroscopy. Aerosol OT (AOT) is a surfactant that can form two-dimensional lamellar structures with known water layer thickness as well as well-defined monodispersed spherical reverse micelles of known water nanopool diameter. Lamellar structures and reverse micelles are compared based on two criteria: surface-to-surface dimensions to study the effect of confining length scales, and water-to-surfactant ratio to study water/interface interactions. We show that the water-to-surfactant ratio is the dominant factor governing the nature of water interacting with an interface, not the characteristic nanoscopic distance. The detailed structure of the interface and the specific interactions between water and the interface also play a critical role in the fraction of water molecules influenced by the surface. A two-component model in which water is separated into bulk-like water in the center of the lamellar structure or reverse micelle and interfacial water is used to quantitatively extract the interfacial dynamics. A greater number of perturbed water molecules are present in the lamellar structures as compared to the reverse micelles due to the larger surface area per AOT molecule and the greater penetration of water molecules past the sulfonate head groups in the lamellar structures.

Langmuir | 2008

Water Dynamics and Proton Transfer in Nafion Fuel Cell Membranes

David E. Moilanen; D. B. Spry; M. D. Fayer

The dynamics of water and its effect on proton transport kinetics in Nafion membranes are compared at several hydration levels. Nafion is the most widely used polyelectrolyte membrane in fuel cells. Ultrafast infrared spectroscopy of the O-D stretch of dilute HOD in H2O provides a probe of the local environment and hydrogen bond network dynamics of water confined in the hydrophilic regions of Nafion. The kinetics of proton transfer in Nafion are tracked by following the excited-state proton transfer and recombination kinetics of a molecular probe, pyranine (HPTS). The hydrophilic domains of Nafion grow with increased hydration, and the interfacial regions reorganize, leading to a changing local environment for water near the interface. Swelling is not uniform throughout the membrane, and heterogeneity is observed in the fluorescence anisotropy decays of the methoxy derivative of pyranine. Measurements of the time-dependent anisotropy of water in Nafion provide a direct probe of the hydrogen bond network dynamics. These dynamics, as well as the rate of proton transport over nanoscopic distances, are observed to slow significantly as the hydration level of the membrane decreases. The results provide insights into the influence of changes in the dynamics of water on the proton-transfer processes.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2009

Water dynamics and interactions in water-polyether binary mixtures.

Emily E. Fenn; David E. Moilanen; Nancy E. Levinger; M. D. Fayer

Poly(ethylene) oxide (PEO) is a technologically important polymer with a wide range of applications including ion-exchange membranes, protein crystallization, and medical devices. PEOs versatility arises from its special interactions with water. Water molecules may form hydrogen-bond bridges between the ether oxygens of the backbone. While steady-state measurements and theoretical studies of PEOs interactions with water abound, experiments measuring dynamic observables are quite sparse. A major question is the nature of the interactions of water with the ether oxygens as opposed to the highly hydrophilic PEO terminal hydroxyls. Here, we examine a wide range of mixtures of water and tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TEGDE), a methyl-terminated derivative of PEO with 4 repeat units (5 ether oxygens), using ultrafast infrared polarization selective pump-probe measurements on waters hydroxyl stretching mode to determine vibrational relaxation and orientational relaxation dynamics. The experiments focus on the dynamical interactions of water with the ether backbone because TEGDE does not have the PEO terminal hydroxyls. The experiments observe two distinct subensembles of water molecules: those that are hydrogen bonded to other waters and those that are associated with TEGDE molecules. The water orientational relaxation has a fast component of a few picoseconds (water-like) followed by much slower decay of approximately 20 ps (TEGDE associated). The two decay times vary only mildly with the water concentration. The two subensembles are evident even in very low water content samples, indicating pooling of water molecules. Structural change as water content is lowered through either conformational changes in the backbone or increasing hydrophobic interactions is discussed.

Femtochemistry VII#R##N#Fundamental Ultrafast Processes in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology | 2006

Vibrational Echo and Pump-Probe Spectroscopic Studies of the Dynamics of Water Molecules Confined to Nanoscopic Dimensions

Ivan R. Piletic; Howe-Siang Tan; David E. Moilanen; Ben Spry; M. D. Fayer

The surface of a liquid exhibits surface tension, which is a result of anisotropic interactions of molecules at the interface. This conveniently differentiates molecules at the surface from molecules in the bulk. When an interface between two phases is wrapped around on itself to form an enclosed volume, the effects of confinement need to be addressed. Interfacial interactions and the effect of the restricted volume, which inhibits free motion of all molecules in all directions, should be accounted. A strongly coupled system, such as an associated liquid, is expected to exhibit slower dynamics because the motion of one molecule affects the dynamical evolution of many others that are all restricted spatially. This strain combines with interfacial interactions to affect the dynamics of molecules in confined environments. The effects of confinement are prevalent in biological systems, because a substantial fraction of water molecules are encapsulated in vesicles and cells as well as in and around proteins.

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