
The Lancet | 2004

A large focus of naturally acquired Plasmodium knowlesi infections in human beings.

Balbir Singh; Lee Kim Sung; Asmad Matusop; Anand Radhakrishnan; Sunita S. G. Shamsul; Janet Cox-Singh; Alan W. Thomas; David J. Conway

BACKGROUND About a fifth of malaria cases in 1999 for the Kapit division of Malaysian Borneo had routinely been identified by microscopy as Plasmodium malariae, although these infections appeared atypical and a nested PCR assay failed to identify P malariae DNA. We aimed to investigate whether such infections could be attributable to a variant form of P malariae or a newly emergent Plasmodium species. METHODS We took blood samples from 208 people with malaria in the Kapit division between March, 2000, and November, 2002. The small subunit ribosomal RNA and the circumsporozoite protein genes were sequenced for eight isolates that had been microscopically identified as P malariae. All blood samples were characterised with a genus-specific and species-specific nested PCR assay together with newly designed P knowlesi-specific primers. FINDINGS All DNA sequences were phylogenetically indistinguishable from those of P knowlesi, a malaria parasite of long-tailed macaque monkeys, but were significantly different from other malaria parasite species. By PCR assay, 120 (58%) of 208 people with malaria tested positive for P knowlesi, whereas none was positive for P malariae. P knowlesi parasites in human erythrocytes were difficult to distinguish from P malariae by microscopy. Most of the P knowlesi infections were in adults and we did not note any clustering of cases within communities. P knowlesi infections were successfully treated with chloroquine and primaquine. INTERPRETATION Naturally acquired P knowlesi infections, misdiagnosed by microscopy mainly as P malariae, accounted for over half of all malaria cases in our study. Morphological similarities between P knowlesi and P malariae necessitate the use of molecular methods for correct identification. Further work is needed to determine whether human P knowlesi infections in the Kapit division are acquired from macaque monkeys or whether a host switch to human beings has occurred.

The Lancet | 2001

Efficacy of RTS,S/AS02 malaria vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum infection in semi-immune adult men in The Gambia: a randomised trial

Kalifa Bojang; Paul Milligan; Margaret Pinder; Laurence Vigneron; Ali Alloueche; Kent E. Kester; W. Ripley Ballou; David J. Conway; William H. H. Reece; Philip Gothard; Lawrence K. Yamuah; Martine Delchambre; Gerald Voss; Brian Greenwood; Adrian V. S. Hill; Keith P. W. J. McAdam; Nadia Tornieporth; Joe Cohen; Tom Doherty

BACKGROUND RTS,S/AS02 is a pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine based on the circumsporozoite surface protein of Plasmodium falciparum fused to HBsAg, incorporating a new adjuvant (AS02). We did a randomised trial of the efficacy of RTS,S/AS02 against natural P. falciparum infection in semi-immune adult men in The Gambia. METHODS 306 men aged 18-45 years were randomly assigned three doses of either RTS,S/AS02 or rabies vaccine (control). Volunteers were given sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine 2 weeks before dose 3, and kept under surveillance throughout the malaria transmission season. Blood smears were collected once a week and whenever a volunteer developed symptoms compatible with malaria. The primary endpoint was time to first infection with P. falciparum. Analysis was per protocol. FINDINGS 250 men (131 in the RTS,S/AS02 group and 119 in the control group) received three doses of vaccine and were followed up for 15 weeks. RTS,S/AS02 was safe and well tolerated. P. falciparum infections occurred significantly earlier in the control group than the RTS,S/AS02 group (Wilcoxons test p=0.018). Vaccine efficacy, adjusted for confounders, was 34% (95% CI 8.0-53, p=0.014). Protection seemed to wane: estimated efficacy during the first 9 weeks of follow-up was 71% (46-85), but decreased to 0% (-52 to 34) in the last 6 weeks. Vaccination induced strong antibody responses to circumsporozoite protein and strong T-cell responses. Protection was not limited to the NF54 parasite genotype from which the vaccine was derived. 158 men received a fourth dose the next year and were followed up for 9 weeks; during this time, vaccine efficacy was 47% (4-71, p=0.037). INTERPRETATION RTS,S/AS02 is safe, immunogenic, and is the first pre-erythrocytic vaccine to show significant protection against natural P. falciparum infection.

The Lancet | 2008

Changes in malaria indices between 1999 and 2007 in The Gambia: a retrospective analysis

Serign J. Ceesay; Climent Casals-Pascual; Jamie Erskine; Samuel E Anya; Nancy O. Duah; Anthony J. Fulford; Sanie S. S. Sesay; Ismaela Abubakar; Samuel K. Dunyo; Omar Sey; Ayo Palmer; Malang Fofana; Tumani Corrah; Kalifa Bojang; Hilton Whittle; Brian Greenwood; David J. Conway

Summary Background Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Africa. International effort and funding for control has been stepped up, with substantial increases from 2003 in the delivery of malaria interventions to pregnant women and children younger than 5 years in The Gambia. We investigated the changes in malaria indices in this country, and the causes and public-health significance of these changes. Methods We undertook a retrospective analysis of original records to establish numbers and proportions of malaria inpatients, deaths, and blood-slide examinations at one hospital over 9 years (January, 1999–December, 2007), and at four health facilities in three different administrative regions over 7 years (January, 2001–December, 2007). We obtained additional data from single sites for haemoglobin concentrations in paediatric admissions and for age distribution of malaria admissions. Findings From 2003 to 2007, at four sites with complete slide examination records, the proportions of malaria-positive slides decreased by 82% (3397/10861 in 2003 to 337/6142 in 2007), 85% (137/1259 to 6/368), 73% (3664/16932 to 666/11333), and 50% (1206/3304 to 336/1853). At three sites with complete admission records, the proportions of malaria admissions fell by 74% (435/2530 to 69/1531), 69% (797/2824 to 89/1032), and 27% (2204/4056 to 496/1251). Proportions of deaths attributed to malaria in two hospitals decreased by 100% (seven of 115 in 2003 to none of 117 in 2007) and 90% (22/122 in 2003 to one of 58 in 2007). Since 2004, mean haemoglobin concentrations for all-cause admissions increased by 12 g/L (85 g/L in 2000–04 to 97 g/L in 2005–07), and mean age of paediatric malaria admissions increased from 3·9 years (95% CI 3·7–4·0) to 5·6 years (5·0–6·2). Interpretation A large proportion of the malaria burden has been alleviated in The Gambia. Our results encourage consideration of a policy to eliminate malaria as a public-health problem, while emphasising the importance of accurate and continuous surveillance. Funding UK Medical Research Council.

Nature Genetics | 2014

Reappraisal of known malaria resistance loci in a large multicenter study

Kirk A. Rockett; Geraldine M. Clarke; Kathryn Fitzpatrick; Christina Hubbart; Anna Jeffreys; Kate Rowlands; Rachel Craik; Muminatou Jallow; David J. Conway; Kalifa Bojang; Margaret Pinder; Stanley Usen; Fatoumatta Sisay-Joof; Giorgio Sirugo; Ousmane Toure; Mahamadou A. Thera; Salimata Konate; Sibiry Sissoko; Amadou Niangaly; Belco Poudiougou; V. Mangano; Edith C. Bougouma; Sodiomon B. Sirima; David Modiano; Lucas Amenga-Etego; Anita Ghansah; Kwadwo A. Koram; Michael D. Wilson; Anthony Enimil; Jennifer L. Evans

Many human genetic associations with resistance to malaria have been reported, but few have been reliably replicated. We collected data on 11,890 cases of severe malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum and 17,441 controls from 12 locations in Africa, Asia and Oceania. We tested 55 SNPs in 27 loci previously reported to associate with severe malaria. There was evidence of association at P < 1 × 10−4 with the HBB, ABO, ATP2B4, G6PD and CD40LG loci, but previously reported associations at 22 other loci did not replicate in the multicenter analysis. The large sample size made it possible to identify authentic genetic effects that are heterogeneous across populations or phenotypes, with a striking example being the main African form of G6PD deficiency, which reduced the risk of cerebral malaria but increased the risk of severe malarial anemia. The finding that G6PD deficiency has opposing effects on different fatal complications of P. falciparum infection indicates that the evolutionary origins of this common human genetic disorder are more complex than previously supposed.

Nature Genetics | 2009

Genome-wide and fine-resolution association analysis of malaria in West Africa.

Muminatou Jallow; Yik-Ying Teo; Kerrin S. Small; Kirk A. Rockett; Panos Deloukas; Taane G. Clark; Katja Kivinen; Kalifa Bojang; David J. Conway; Margaret Pinder; Giorgio Sirugo; Fatou Sisay-Joof; Stanley Usen; Sarah Auburn; Suzannah Bumpstead; Susana Campino; Alison J. Coffey; Andrew Dunham; Andrew E. Fry; Angela Green; Rhian Gwilliam; Sarah Hunt; Michael Inouye; Anna Jeffreys; Alieu Mendy; Aarno Palotie; Simon Potter; Jiannis Ragoussis; Jane Rogers; Kate Rowlands

We report a genome-wide association (GWA) study of severe malaria in The Gambia. The initial GWA scan included 2,500 children genotyped on the Affymetrix 500K GeneChip, and a replication study included 3,400 children. We used this to examine the performance of GWA methods in Africa. We found considerable population stratification, and also that signals of association at known malaria resistance loci were greatly attenuated owing to weak linkage disequilibrium (LD). To investigate possible solutions to the problem of low LD, we focused on the HbS locus, sequencing this region of the genome in 62 Gambian individuals and then using these data to conduct multipoint imputation in the GWA samples. This increased the signal of association, from P = 4 × 10−7 to P = 4 × 10−14, with the peak of the signal located precisely at the HbS causal variant. Our findings provide proof of principle that fine-resolution multipoint imputation, based on population-specific sequencing data, can substantially boost authentic GWA signals and enable fine mapping of causal variants in African populations.

Nature Genetics | 2013

Multiple populations of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Cambodia

Olivo Miotto; Jacob Almagro-Garcia; Magnus Manske; Bronwyn MacInnis; Susana Campino; Kirk A. Rockett; Chanaki Amaratunga; Pharath Lim; Seila Suon; Sokunthea Sreng; Jennifer M. Anderson; Socheat Duong; Chea Nguon; Char Meng Chuor; David L. Saunders; Youry Se; Chantap Lon; Mark M. Fukuda; Lucas Amenga-Etego; Abraham Hodgson; Victor Asoala; Mallika Imwong; Shannon Takala-Harrison; François Nosten; Xin-Zhuan Su; Pascal Ringwald; Frédéric Ariey; Christiane Dolecek; Tran Tinh Hien; Maciej F. Boni

We describe an analysis of genome variation in 825 P. falciparum samples from Asia and Africa that identifies an unusual pattern of parasite population structure at the epicenter of artemisinin resistance in western Cambodia. Within this relatively small geographic area, we have discovered several distinct but apparently sympatric parasite subpopulations with extremely high levels of genetic differentiation. Of particular interest are three subpopulations, all associated with clinical resistance to artemisinin, which have skewed allele frequency spectra and high levels of haplotype homozygosity, indicative of founder effects and recent population expansion. We provide a catalog of SNPs that show high levels of differentiation in the artemisinin-resistant subpopulations, including codon variants in transporter proteins and DNA mismatch repair proteins. These data provide a population-level genetic framework for investigating the biological origins of artemisinin resistance and for defining molecular markers to assist in its elimination.

Infection and Immunity | 2008

Breadth and magnitude of antibody responses to multiple Plasmodium falciparum merozoite antigens are associated with protection from clinical malaria.

Faith Osier; Gregory Fegan; Spencer D. Polley; Linda M. Murungi; Federica Verra; Kevin K. A. Tetteh; Brett Lowe; Tabitha W. Mwangi; Peter C. Bull; Alan W. Thomas; David R. Cavanagh; Jana S. McBride; David E. Lanar; Margaret J. Mackinnon; David J. Conway; Kevin Marsh

ABSTRACT Individuals living in areas where malaria is endemic are repeatedly exposed to many different malaria parasite antigens. Studies on naturally acquired antibody-mediated immunity to clinical malaria have largely focused on the presence of responses to individual antigens and their associations with decreased morbidity. We hypothesized that the breadth (number of important targets to which antibodies were made) and magnitude (antibody level measured in a random serum sample) of the antibody response were important predictors of protection from clinical malaria. We analyzed naturally acquired antibodies to five leading Plasmodium falciparum merozoite-stage vaccine candidate antigens, and schizont extract, in Kenyan children monitored for uncomplicated malaria for 6 months (n = 119). Serum antibody levels to apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) and merozoite surface protein antigens (MSP-1 block 2, MSP-2, and MSP-3) were inversely related to the probability of developing malaria, but levels to MSP-119 and erythrocyte binding antigen (EBA-175) were not. The risk of malaria was also inversely associated with increasing breadth of antibody specificities, with none of the children who simultaneously had high antibody levels to five or more antigens experiencing a clinical episode (17/119; 15%; P = 0.0006). Particular combinations of antibodies (AMA1, MSP-2, and MSP-3) were more strongly predictive of protection than others. The results were validated in a larger, separate case-control study whose end point was malaria severe enough to warrant hospital admission (n = 387). These findings suggest that under natural exposure, immunity to malaria may result from high titers antibodies to multiple antigenic targets and support the idea of testing combination blood-stage vaccines optimized to induce similar antibody profiles.

Nature | 2012

Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum diversity in natural infections by deep sequencing

Magnus Manske; Olivo Miotto; Susana Campino; Sarah Auburn; Jacob Almagro-Garcia; Gareth Maslen; Jack O’Brien; Abdoulaye Djimde; Ogobara K. Doumbo; Issaka Zongo; Jean-Bosco Ouédraogo; Pascal Michon; Ivo Mueller; Peter Siba; Alexis Nzila; Steffen Borrmann; Steven M. Kiara; Kevin Marsh; Hongying Jiang; Xin-Zhuan Su; Chanaki Amaratunga; Rick M. Fairhurst; Duong Socheat; François Nosten; Mallika Imwong; Nicholas J. White; Mandy Sanders; Elisa Anastasi; Dan Alcock; Eleanor Drury

Malaria elimination strategies require surveillance of the parasite population for genetic changes that demand a public health response, such as new forms of drug resistance. Here we describe methods for the large-scale analysis of genetic variation in Plasmodium falciparum by deep sequencing of parasite DNA obtained from the blood of patients with malaria, either directly or after short-term culture. Analysis of 86,158 exonic single nucleotide polymorphisms that passed genotyping quality control in 227 samples from Africa, Asia and Oceania provides genome-wide estimates of allele frequency distribution, population structure and linkage disequilibrium. By comparing the genetic diversity of individual infections with that of the local parasite population, we derive a metric of within-host diversity that is related to the level of inbreeding in the population. An open-access web application has been established for the exploration of regional differences in allele frequency and of highly differentiated loci in the P. falciparum genome.

Nature Medicine | 2000

A principal target of human immunity to malaria identified by molecular population genetic and immunological analyses

David J. Conway; David R. Cavanagh; Kazuyuki Tanabe; Cally Roper; Zsuzsanna S. Mikes; Naoko Sakihama; Kalifa Bojang; Ayoade M. J. Oduola; Peter G. Kremsner; David E. Arnot; Brian Greenwood; Jana S. McBride

New strategies are required to identify the most important targets of protective immunity in complex eukaryotic pathogens. Natural selection maintains allelic variation in some antigens of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Analysis of allele frequency distributions could identify the loci under most intense selection. The merozoite surface protein 1 (Msp1) is the most-abundant surface component on the erythrocyte-invading stage of P. falciparum. Immunization with whole Msp1 has protected monkeys completely against homologous and partially against non-homologous parasite strains. The single-copy msp1 gene, of about 5 kilobases, has highly divergent alleles with stable frequencies in endemic populations. To identify the region of msp1 under strongest selection to maintain alleles within populations, we studied multiple intragenic sequence loci in populations in different regions of Africa and Southeast Asia. On both continents, the locus with the lowest inter-population variance in allele frequencies was block 2, indicating selection in this part of the gene. To test the hypothesis of immune selection, we undertook a large prospective longitudinal cohort study. This demonstrated that serum IgG antibodies against each of the two most frequent allelic types of block 2 of the protein were strongly associated with protection from P. falciparum malaria.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010

Isolation of viable Plasmodium falciparum merozoites to define erythrocyte invasion events and advance vaccine and drug development

Michelle J. Boyle; Danny W. Wilson; Jack S. Richards; David T. Riglar; Kevin K. A. Tetteh; David J. Conway; Stuart A. Ralph; Jake Baum; James G. Beeson

During blood-stage infection by Plasmodium falciparum, merozoites invade RBCs. Currently there is limited knowledge of cellular and molecular invasion events, and no established assays are available to readily measure and quantify invasion-inhibitory antibodies or compounds for vaccine and drug studies. We report the isolation of viable merozoites that retain their invasive capacity, at high purity and yield, purified by filtration of highly synchronous populations of schizonts. We show that the half-life of merozoite invasive capacity after rupture is 5 min at 37 °C, and 15 min at room temperature. Studying the kinetics of invasion revealed that 80% of invasion events occur within 10 min of mixing merozoites and RBCs. Invasion efficiency was maximum at low merozoite-to-RBC ratios and occurred efficiently in the absence of serum and with high concentrations of dialyzed nonimmune serum. We developed and optimized an invasion assay by using purified merozoites that enabled invasion-inhibitory activity of antibodies and compounds to be measured separately from other mechanisms of growth inhibition; the assay was more sensitive for detecting inhibitory activity than established growth-inhibition assays. Furthermore, with the use of purified merozoites it was possible to capture and fix merozoites at different stages of invasion for visualization by immunofluorescence microscopy and EM. We thereby demonstrate that processing of the major merozoite antigen merozoite surface protein-1 occurs at the time of RBC invasion. These findings have important implications for defining invasion events and molecular interactions, understanding immune interactions, and identifying and evaluating inhibitors to advance vaccine and drug development.

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