David M. Acreman
University of Exeter
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 1999
Ian R. Stevens; David M. Acreman; Trevor J. Ponman
The dynamical signatures of the interaction between galaxies in clusters and the intracluster medium (ICM) can potentially yield significant information about the structure and dynamical history of clusters. To develop our understanding of this phenomenon we present results from numerical modelling of the galaxy/ICM interaction, as the galaxy moves through the cluster. The simulations have been performed for a broad range, of ICM temperatures (kT = 1,4 and 8 keV), representative of poor clusters or groups through to rich clusters. There are several dynamical features that can be identified in these simulations; for supersonic galaxy motion, a leading bow-shock is present, and also a weak gravitationally focussed wake or tail behind the galaxy (analogous to Bondi-Hoyle accretion). For galaxies with higher mass-replenishment rates and a denser interstellar medium (ISM), the dominant feature is a dense ram-pressure stripped tail. In line with other simulations, we find that the ICM/galaxy ISM interaction can result in complex time- dependent dynamics, with ram-pressure stripping occurring in an episodic manner. In order to facilitate this comparison between the observational consequences of dynamical studies and X-ray observations we have calculated synthetic X-ray flux and hardness maps from these simulations. These calculations predict that the ram-pressure stripped tail will usually be the most visible feature, though in nearby galaxies the bow-shock preceding the galaxy should also be apparent in deeper X-ray observations. We briefly discuss these results and compare with X-ray observations of galaxies where there is evidence of such interactions.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014
David S. Amundsen; Isabelle Baraffe; Pascal Tremblin; James Manners; Wolfgang Hayek; N. J. Mayne; David M. Acreman
The treatment of radiation transport in global circulation models (GCMs) is crucial for correctly describing Earth and exoplanet atmospheric dynamics processes. The two-stream approximation and correlated-k method are currently state-of-the-art approximations applied in both Earth and hot Jupiter GCM radiation schemes to facilitate the rapid calculation of fluxes and heating rates. Their accuracy have been tested extensively for Earth-like conditions, but verification of the methods’ applicability to hot Jupiter-like conditions is lacking in the literature. We are adapting the UK Met O ce GCM, the Unified Model (UM), for the study of hot Jupiters, and present in this work the adaptation of the Edwards-Slingo radiation scheme based on the two-stream approximation and the correlated-k method. We discuss the calculation of absorption coe cients from high-temperature line lists and highlight the large uncertainty in the pressure-broadened line widths. We compare fluxes and heating rates obtained with our adapted scheme to more accurate discrete ordinate (DO) line-by-line (LbL) calculations ignoring scattering e ects. We find that, in most cases, errors stay below 10% for both heating rates and fluxes using 10 k-coe cients in each band and a di usivity factor D = 1:66. The two-stream approximation and the correlated-k method both contribute non-negligibly to the total error. We also find that using band-averaged absorption coe cients, which have previously been used in radiative-hydrodynamical simulations of a hot Jupiter, may yield errors of 100%, and should thus be used with caution.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014
N. J. Mayne; Isabelle Baraffe; David M. Acreman; Chris Smith; Matthew K. Browning; David S. Amundsen; Nigel Wood; John Thuburn; D. R. Jackson
We are adapting the global circulation model (GCM) of the UK Met Office, the so-called unified model (UM), for the study of hot Jupiters. In this work we demonstrate the successful adaptation of the most sophisticated dynamical core, the component of the GCM which solves the equations of motion for the atmosphere, available within the UM, ENDGame (Even Newer Dynamics for General atmospheric modelling of the environment). Within the same numerical scheme ENDGame supports solution to the dynamical equations under varying degrees of simplification. We present results from a simple, shallow (in atmospheric domain) hot Jupiter model (SHJ), and a more realistic (with a deeper atmosphere) HD 209458b test case. For both test cases we find that the large-scale, time-averaged (over the 1200 days prescribed test period), dynamical state of the atmosphere is relatively insensitive to the level of simplification of the dynamical equations. However, problems exist when attempting to reproduce the results for these test cases derived from other models. For the SHJ case the lower (and upper) boundary intersects the dominant dynamical features of the atmosphere meaning the results are heavily dependent on the boundary conditions. For the HD 209458b test case, when using the more complete dynamical models, the atmosphere is still clearly evolving after 1200 days, and in a transient state. Solving the complete (deep atmosphere and non-hydrostatic) dynamical equations allows exchange between the vertical and horizontal momentum of the atmosphere, via Coriolis and metric terms. Subsequently, interaction between the upper atmosphere and the deeper more slowly evolving (radiatively inactive) atmosphere significantly alters the results, and acts over timescales longer than 1200 days.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2003
David M. Acreman; Ian R. Stevens; Trevor J. Ponman; Irini Sakelliou
We present results from a series of hydrodynamic simulations investigating ram pressure stripping of galactic haloes as the host galaxy falls radially into a cluster. We perform a parameter study comprising variations ininitial gas content, gas injection rate (via stellar mass loss processes), galaxy mass and amplitude of infall. From the simulation results we track variations in both physical quantities (e.g. gas mass) and directly observable quantities (e.g. X-ray luminosities). The luminosity of the X-ray halo of the galaxy is found to compare favourably with the observationally determined correlation with the optical blue-band luminosity (L X : L B ) relation. Factors affecting the X-ray luminosity are explored and it is found that the gas injection rate is a dominant factor in determining the integrated luminosity. Observational properties of the material stripped from the galaxy, which forms an X-ray wake, are investigated and it is found that wakes are most visible around galaxies with a substantial initial gas content, during their first passage though the cluster. We define a statistical skewness measure that may be used to determine the direction of motion of a galaxy using X-ray observations. Structures formed in these simulations are similar to the cold fronts seen in observations of cluster mergers where a sharp increase in surface brightness is accompanied by a transition to a cooler region.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014
Alex R. Pettitt; Clare L. Dobbs; David M. Acreman; Daniel J. Price
We thank an anonymous referee, whose comments and suggestions improved the paper. We also thank Tom Dame for providing access to the CO longitude–velocity data. The calculations for this paper were performed on the DiRAC Complexity machine, jointly funded by STFC and the Large Facilities Capital Fund of BIS, and the University of Exeter Supercomputer, a DiRAC Facility jointly funded by STFC, the Large Facilities Capital Fund of BIS and the University of Exeter. ARP is supported by an STFC-funded post-graduate studentship. CLD acknowledges funding from the European Research Council for the FP7 ERC starting grant project LOCALSTAR. DJP is supported by a Future Fellowship funded by the Australian Research Council (FT130100034). Figures showing SPH particle density were rendered using SPLASH (Price 2007). Datasets used in this paper are available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10871/15057.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2010
David Rundle; Tim J. Harries; David M. Acreman; Matthew R. Bate
We present the first non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE), comoving frame molecular line calculations of a star-forming cluster simulated using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), from which we derive high-resolution synthetic observations. We have resampled a particle representation on to an adaptive mesh and self-consistently solved the equations of statistical equilibrium in the comoving frame, using TORUS, a three-dimensional adaptive mesh refined radiative transfer code. We verified the applicability of the code to the conditions of the SPH simulation by testing its output against other codes. We find that the level populations obtained for optically thick and thin scenarios closely match the ensemble average of the other codes. We have used the code to obtain non-LTE level populations of multiple molecular species throughout the cluster and have created three-dimensional velocity-resolved spatial maps of the emergent intensity. Line profiles of cores traced by N 2 H + (1-0) are compared to probes of low-density gas, 13 CO (1-0) and C 18 O (1-0), surrounding the cores along the line of sight. The relative differences of the line centre velocities are shown to be small compared to the velocity dispersion, matching recent observations. We conclude that one cannot reject competitive accretion as a viable theory of star formation based on observed velocity profiles.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2016
Christiane Helling; G. Lee; Ian Dobbs-Dixon; N. J. Mayne; David S. Amundsen; J. Khaimova; A. A. Unger; James Manners; David M. Acreman; Chris Smith
We highlight financial support of the European Community under the FP7 by the ERC starting grant 257431 and by an ERC advanced grant 247060. JK acknowledges the Rosen fellowship from the Brooklyn College New York, US.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2015
Alex R. Pettitt; Clare L. Dobbs; David M. Acreman; Matthew R. Bate
The arm structure of the Milky Way remains somewhat of an unknown, with observational studies hindered by our location within the Galactic disc. In the work presented here we use smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and radiative transfer to create synthetic longitude-velocity observations. Our aim is to reverse-engineer a top down map of the Galaxy by comparing synthetic longitude-velocity maps to those observed. We set up a system of N-body particles to represent the disc and bulge, allowing for dynamic creation of spiral features. Interstellar gas, and the molecular content, is evolved alongside the stellar system. A 3D-radiative transfer code is then used to compare the models to observational data. The resulting models display arm features that are a good reproduction of many of the observed emission structures of the Milky Way. These arms however are dynamic and transient, allowing for a wide range of morphologies not possible with standard density wave theory. The best fitting models are a much better match than previous work using fixed potentials. They favour a 4-armed model with a pitch angle of approximately 20 degrees, though with a pattern speed that decreases with increasing Galactic radius. Inner bars are lacking however, which appear required to fully reproduce the central molecular zone.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2015
Thomas J. Haworth; Tim J. Harries; David M. Acreman; Thomas G. Bisbas
Radiation hydrodynamics (RHD) simulations are used to study many astrophysical phenomena, however they require the use of simplified radiation transport and thermal prescriptions to reduce computational cost. In this paper we present a systematic study of the importance of microphysical processes in RHD simulations using the example of D-type HII region expansion. We compare the simplest hydrogen-only models with those that include: ionisation of H, He, C, N, O, S and Ne, different gas metallicity, non-LTE metal line blanketed stellar spectral models of varying metallicity, radiation pressure, dust and treatment of photodissociation regions. Each of these processes are explicitly treated using modern numerical methods rather than parameterisation. In line with expectations, changes due to microphysics in either the effective number of ionising photons or the thermal structure of the gas lead to differences in D-type expansion. In general we find that more realistic calculations lead to the onset of D-type expansion at smaller radii and a slower subsequent expansion. Simulations of star forming regions using simplified microphysics are therefore likely overestimating the strength of radiative feedback. We find that both variations in gas metallicity and the inclusion of dust can affect the ionisation front evolution at the 10-20 per cent level over 500kyr, which could substantially modify the results of simplified 3D models including feedback. Stellar metallicity, radiation pressure and the inclusion of photodissociation regions are all less significant effects at the 1 per cent level or less, rendering them of minor importance in the modelling the dynamical evolution of HII regions.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2016
David S. Amundsen; N. J. Mayne; Isabelle Baraffe; James Manners; Pascal Tremblin; Benjamin Drummond; Christopher W. Smith; David M. Acreman; D. Homeier
We would like to thank Jonathan Tennyson and Travis Barman for insightful discussions. This work is partly supported by the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement No. 247060-PEPS and grant No. 320478-TOFU). DSA acknowledges support from the NASA Astrobiology Program through the Nexus for Exoplanet System Science. NM acknowledges funding from the Leverhulme Trust via a Research Project Grant. JM and CS acknowledge the support of a Met Office Academic Partnership secondment. DH acknowledges funding from the DFG through the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 881 “The Milky Way System”. The calculations for this paper were performed on the University of Exeter Supercomputer, a DiRAC Facility jointly funded by STFC, the Large Facilities Capital Fund of BIS, and the University of Exeter.