David O. Conover
State University of New York System
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Featured researches published by David O. Conover.
Science | 2004
Ellen K. Pikitch; Christine Santora; Elizabeth A. Babcock; Andrew Bakun; Ramón Bonfil; David O. Conover; Paul K. Dayton; Phaedra Doukakis; David Fluharty; Burr Heneman; Edward D. Houde; J. Link; P. A. Livingston; Marc Mangel; M. K. McAllister; J. Pope; Keith Sainsbury
Ecosystem-based fishery management (EBFM) is a new direction for fishery management, essentially reversing the order of management priorities so that management starts with the ecosystem rather than a target species. EBFM aims to sustain healthy marine ecosystems and the fisheries they support.n Pikitchn et al .n describe the potential benefits of implementation of EBFM that, in their view, far outweigh the difficulties of making the transition from a management system based on maximizing individual species.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution | 1995
David O. Conover; Eric T. Schultz
Countergradient variation is a geographical pattern of genotypes (with respect to environments) in which genetic influences on a trait oppose environmental influences, thereby minimizing phenotypic change along the gradient. Phenotypic similarity across changing environments ought to be of intense interest because it belies considerable genotypic change. When it occurs in characters that are positively associated with fitness, countergradient variation conflicts with the hypothesis that local adaptation to one environment trades off against performance in another environment. Cases of countergradient variation therefore offer unique insight into the mechanisms that produce and maintain phenotypic similarity and/or differences along environmental gradients.
Oecologia | 1990
David O. Conover; Teresa M. C. Present
SummaryHow do organisms adapt to the differences in temperature and length of the growing season that occur with latitude? Among Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia) along the east coast of North America, the length of the first growing season declines by a factor of about 2.5 with increasing latitude. Yet body size at the end of the first growing season does not decline. High-latitude fish must, therefore, grow faster within the growing season than do low-latitude fish. This geographical pattern has a genetic basis. Laboratory experiments on fish from six different locations revealed a latitudinal gradient in the capacity for growth (i.e., maximum growth potential). In two subsequent experiments using fish from Nova Scotia (NS), New York (NY) and South Carolina (SC) that had been separately reared in a common environment for several generations, differences in growth rate among populations were highly significant. The rank order was NS>NY>SC, but the difference among populations depended on temperature. High-latitude fish outperformed those from low latitudes primarily at the high temperatures that low-latitude fish would be expected to experience most often in nature. These results suggest that instead of being adapted for growth at low temperatures, fish from high latitudes are adapted for rapid elevation of growth rate during the brief interval of the year when high temperatures occur. Selection on growth rate results from sizedependent winter mortality: the importance to winter survival of being large increases with latitude but the length of the growing season simultaneously decreases. The end result is countergradient variation in growth rate, a phenomenon that may be much more widespread than currently recognized.
Evolution | 2001
Jean M. Billerbeck; Thomas E. Lankford; David O. Conover
Abstract Latitudinal populations of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia, show substantial genetic variation in rates of energy acquistion and allocation. Reared in common environments, silversides from northern latitudes consume more food, grow faster and more efficiently, store more energy, and produce greater quantities of eggs than their southern conspecifics. The persistence of seemingly inferior southern genotypes in the face of ostensibly superior northern genotypes suggest that there are hidden evolutionary trade‐offs associated with these elevated acquisition and allocation rates. We tested the hypothesis that rapid growth and high levels of food consumption trade‐off against locomotory performance in M. menidia. We compared both aerobic (prolonged and endurance) and anaerobic (burst) swimming capacities between intrinsically fast‐growing fish from the north (Nova Scotia, NS) and intrinsically slow‐growing fish from the south (South Carolina, SC) and between growth‐manipulated phenotypes within each population. We also compared swimming speeds and endurance between fasted and recently fed fish within populations. Maximum prolonged and burst swimming speeds of NS fish were significantly lower than those of SC fish, and swimming speeds of fast‐growing phenotypes were lower than those of slow‐growing phenotypes within populations. Fed fish had lower burst speeds and less endurance than fasted fish from the same population. Thus, high rates of growth and the consumption of large meals clearly diminish swimming performance, which likely increases vulnerability to predation and decreases survival and relative fitness. The submaximal growth rate of southern M. menidia appears to be adaptive, resulting from balancing selection on rates of somatic growth.
Evolution | 2001
Thomas E. Lankford; Jean M. Billerbeck; David O. Conover
Abstract The Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) exhibits countergradient latitudinal variation in somatic growth rate along the East Coast of North America. Larvae and juveniles from high‐latitude populations display higher intrinsic rates of energy consumption and growth than genotypes from low‐latitude populations. The existence of submaximal growth in some environments suggests that trade‐offs must counter the oft‐cited theoretical benefits of energy and growth maximization (e.g., “bigger is better,”“faster is better”) in the immature life stages. We hypothesized that energy and growth maximization trades off against investment in defense from predators. We conducted laboratory selection experiments to compare vulnerability to predation of silversides from: (1) fast‐growing northern (Nova Scotia, NS) versus slow‐growing southern (South Carolina, SC) source populations; (2) phenotypically manipulated fast‐growing versus moderately‐growing NS fish; and (3) recently fed versus unfed NS and SC fish. Tests involved fish drawn from common‐garden environments and were conducted by subjecting mixed‐treatment schools of size‐matched silversides to natural, common piscine predators. NS silversides suffered significantly higher predation mortality than SC silversides. Parallel results were found in phenotypic manipulation of growth: NS silversides reared on a fast‐growth trajectory (∼1.0 mm/day) were significantly more vulnerable to predation than those growing at a moderate rate (∼0.5 mm/day). Food consumption also affected vulnerability to predators: Silversides with large meals in their stomachs suffered significantly higher predation mortality than unfed silversides. Differences in predation vulnerability were likely due to swimming performance, not attractiveness to predators. Our findings demonstrate that maximization of energy intake and growth rate engenders fitness costs in the form of increased vulnerability to predation.
Oecologia | 1997
Eric T. Schultz; David O. Conover
Abstract This study focuses on the seasonal accumulation and depletion of somatic energy in the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia), an annual estuarine fish. Previous research revealed that northern silversides are subject to strong size-dependent winter mortality, while southern fish suffer no appreciable winter mortality. To examine whether there was geographic differentiation in allocation strategies, we compared temporal patterns of energy storage and utilization among three populations along this gradient in seasonality. The comparative design used monthly or biweekly samples of fish collected in the wild, as well as samples of fish from each population reared in a common environment, where genetic differences can be clarified. Somatic energy stores were quantified via gravimetric analysis of neutral storage lipids and lean tissue. Analysis revealed that small individuals maintained relatively low levels of lipid reserves, which may account for their lower survival in winter. Wild fish in the north rapidly accumulated large somatic reserves, which were depleted over the winter and then increased again during the subsequent spring breeding season. In wild southern fish, relatively small reserves accumulated slowly until breeding commenced in the spring. The common-environment comparison of somatic storage patterns revealed a genetic basis for among-population differences in reserve accumulation rates, but no differences in the amount of reserves stored. We conclude that the overwinter depletion of somatic reserves has a significant selective impact on energy accumulation and allocation strategies in seasonal environments.
Transactions of The American Fisheries Society | 1990
David O. Conover
Abstract Evidence suggests that the capacity for growth (i.e., maximum growth potential) within a species may vary inversely with the length of the growing season across a latitudinal gradient. I evaluated this hypothesis with data on three species—American shad Alosa sapidissima, striped bass Morone saxatilis, and mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus—having wide latitudinal ranges (≈29–46°N) along the east coast of North America. For each of these species, the length of the first growing season decreases by a factor of about 2.5 with increasing latitude within the species range, yet body size at the end of the first growing season is independent of latitude. Northern fish must, therefore, grow substantially faster within the growing season than do southern fish. This “countergradient variation” in growth rate may be more widespread than has been recognized. A similar latitudinal pattern in growth rate has a genetic basis in the Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia, and data on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, lar...
Ecology | 2002
Kazunori Yamahira; David O. Conover
In ectotherms, lower mean temperatures and shorter growing seasons at higher latitudes would be expected to cause a reduction in the annual growth rate of an individual. If slower growth reduces fitness, then organisms at higher latitudes may evolve compensatory responses for these climatic effects. Two such forms of local adaptation with increasing latitude are possible: (1) the capacity for growth may shift to a lower range of temperatures (i.e., temperature adaptation) or (2) maximum growth rate may evolve inversely with length of the growing season (i.e., countergradient variation). A third alternative is a mixed strategy involving both of the above. We hypothesized that the form of local adaptation may be affected by constraints that vary within vs. among species. We used common-environment experiments to compare reaction norms for growth in response to temperature among local populations of two contiguous, closely related fish species, the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia (L.), and the tidewater silverside, M. peninsulae (Goode and Bean), which together have a range spanning much of the North American Atlantic coast. The common-environment experiments revealed countergradient variation: maximum growth rate increased with latitude both within and among species. However, growth reaction norms of the northern species were shifted to a lower range of temperatures than those of the southern species, indicating adaptation to temperature at the interspecific level. Hence, adaptation to temperature contributes to the interspecific variation, while countergradient variation contributes to both the intra- and interspecific differences.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2009
David O. Conover; Stephan B. Munch; Stephen A. Arnott
Evolutionary responses to the long-term exploitation of individuals from a population may include reduced growth rate, age at maturation, body size and productivity. Theoretical models suggest that these genetic changes may be slow or impossible to reverse but rigorous empirical evidence is lacking. Here, we provide the first empirical demonstration of a genetically based reversal of fishing-induced evolution. We subjected six populations of silverside fish (Menidia menidia) to three forms of size-selective fishing for five generations, thereby generating twofold differences among populations in mean weight and yield (biomass) at harvest. This was followed by an additional five generations during which size-selective harvest was halted. We found that evolutionary changes were reversible. Populations evolving smaller body size when subjected to size-selective fishing displayed a slow but significant increase in size when fishing ceased. Neither phenotypic variance in size nor juvenile survival was reduced by the initial period of selective fishing, suggesting that sufficient genetic variation remained to allow recovery. By linear extrapolation, we predict full recovery in about 12 generations, although the rate of recovery may taper off near convergence. The recovery rate in any given wild population will also depend on other agents of selection determined by the specifics of life history and environment. By contrast, populations that in the first five generations evolved larger size and yield showed little evidence of reversal. These results show that populations have an intrinsic capacity to recover genetically from harmful evolutionary changes caused by fishing, even without extrinsic factors that reverse the selection gradient. However, harvested species typically have generation times of 3–7 years, so recovery may take decades. Hence, the need to account for evolution in managing fisheries remains.
Oecologia | 1999
Eric T. Schultz; David O. Conover
Abstract We experimentally tested the hypothesis that energy reserve depletion varies inversely with size in the fish Menidia menidia, an estuarine fish known to exhibit size-dependent winter mortality. Individuals in two size groups were starved at two winter temperatures (4°and 8°C) and sacrificed at a range of time intervals (up to 127u2009days). Lipid levels and lean tissue were analyzed to estimate somatic energy storage. As predicted, energy depletion was greater at high temperatures, and proportionally greater in small than in large fish. After 60u2009days of starvation at 4°C, small fish retained an average of 67% of their original energy reserves (vs 53% at 8°C), while large fish retained an average of 80% (vs 66% at 8°C). At 4°C, fish that were fed depleted their energy reserves as rapidly as unfed fish, but at 8°C, fish that were fed maintained reserves at higher levels than unfed fish. A high proportion of unfed fish (56% at 4°C, 27% at 8°C) died before they were to be sacrificed. Survival probability did not vary with size, nor was it influenced by the amount of energy reserves. The rate of energy depletion (equivalent to routine metabolic rate) decreased gradually over time, particularly in small fish. Routine metabolism did not conform to a single scaling relationship. Within each temperature-size group, the routine rate declined more rapidly than metabolically active mass (lean mass). At 8°C, the difference between size groups in energy depletion rate conformed closely to the expected allometry exponent of 0.8. In contrast, at 4°C, the estimated allometry exponent increased over the experiment (−0.19 to 2.5). We conclude that strategies to minimize energy loss may often modify bioenergetic scaling relationships.