David P. Regis
Naval Medical Research Center
The Journal of Experimental Biology | 2003
Denise L. Doolan; Joao C. Aguiar; Walter R. Weiss; Alessandro Sette; Phil Felgner; David P. Regis; P. Quinones-Casas; John R. Yates; Peter L. Blair; Thomas L. Richie; Stephen L. Hoffman; Daniel J. Carucci
SUMMARY Recent advances in the fields of genomics, proteomics and molecular immunology offer tremendous opportunities for the development of novel interventions against public health threats, including malaria. However, there is currently no algorithm that can effectively identify the targets of protective T cell or antibody responses from genomic data. Furthermore, the identification of antigens that will stimulate the most effective immunity against the target pathogen is problematic, particularly if the genome is large. Malaria is an attractive model for the development and validation of approaches to translate genomic information to vaccine development because of the critical need for effective anti-malarial interventions and because the Plasmodium parasite is a complex multistage pathogen targeted by multiple immune responses. Sterile protective immunity can be achieved by immunization with radiation-attenuated sporozoites, and anti-disease immunity can be induced in residents in malaria-endemic areas. However, the 23 Mb Plasmodium falciparum genome encodes more than 5300 proteins, each of which is a potential target of protective immune responses. The current generation of subunit vaccines is based on a single or few antigens and therefore might elicit too narrow a breadth of response. We are working towards the development of a new generation vaccine based on the presumption that duplicating the protection induced by the whole organism may require a vaccine nearly as complex as the organism itself. Here, we present our strategy to exploit the genomic sequence of P. falciparum for malaria vaccine development.
PLOS ONE | 2011
Cindy Tamminga; Martha Sedegah; David P. Regis; Ilin Chuang; Judith E. Epstein; Michele Spring; Jose Mendoza-Silveiras; Shannon McGrath; Santina Maiolatesi; Sharina Reyes; Victoria Steinbeiss; Charlotte Fedders; Kathryn Smith; Brent House; Harini Ganeshan; Jennylynn Lejano; Esteban Abot; Glenna Banania; Renato Sayo; Fouzia Farooq; Maria Belmonte; Jittawadee Murphy; Jack Komisar; Jackie Williams; Meng Shi; Donald Brambilla; Nalini Manohar; Nancy O. Richie; Chloe Wood; Keith Limbach
Background A protective malaria vaccine will likely need to elicit both cell-mediated and antibody responses. As adenovirus vaccine vectors induce both these responses in humans, a Phase 1/2a clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of an adenovirus serotype 5-vectored malaria vaccine against sporozoite challenge. Methodology/Principal Findings NMRC-MV-Ad-PfC is an adenovirus vector encoding the Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 circumsporozoite protein (CSP). It is one component of a two-component vaccine NMRC-M3V-Ad-PfCA consisting of one adenovector encoding CSP and one encoding apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA1) that was evaluated for safety and immunogenicity in an earlier study (see companion paper, Sedegah et al). Fourteen Ad5 seropositive or negative adults received two doses of NMRC-MV-Ad-PfC sixteen weeks apart, at particle units per dose. The vaccine was safe and well tolerated. All volunteers developed positive ELISpot responses by 28 days after the first immunization (geometric mean 272 spot forming cells/million[sfc/m]) that declined during the following 16 weeks and increased after the second dose to levels that in most cases were less than the initial peak (geometric mean 119 sfc/m). CD8+ predominated over CD4+ responses, as in the first clinical trial. Antibody responses were poor and like ELISpot responses increased after the second immunization but did not exceed the initial peak. Pre-existing neutralizing antibodies (NAb) to Ad5 did not affect the immunogenicity of the first dose, but the fold increase in NAb induced by the first dose was significantly associated with poorer antibody responses after the second dose, while ELISpot responses remained unaffected. When challenged by the bite of P. falciparum-infected mosquitoes, two of 11 volunteers showed a delay in the time to patency compared to infectivity controls, but no volunteers were sterilely protected. Significance The NMRC-MV-Ad-PfC vaccine expressing CSP was safe and well tolerated given as two doses, but did not provide sterile protection. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00392015
PLOS ONE | 2011
Martha Sedegah; Cindy Tamminga; Shannon McGrath; Brent House; Harini Ganeshan; Jennylynn Lejano; Esteban Abot; Glenna Banania; Renato Sayo; Fouzia Farooq; Maria Belmonte; Nalini Manohar; Nancy O. Richie; Chloe Wood; Carole A. Long; David P. Regis; Francis Williams; Meng Shi; Ilin Chuang; Michele Spring; Judith E. Epstein; Jose Mendoza-Silveiras; Keith Limbach; Noelle B. Patterson; Joseph T. Bruder; Denise L. Doolan; C. Richter King; Lorraine Soisson; Carter Diggs; Daniel J. Carucci
Background Models of immunity to malaria indicate the importance of CD8+ T cell responses for targeting intrahepatic stages and antibodies for targeting sporozoite and blood stages. We designed a multistage adenovirus 5 (Ad5)-vectored Plasmodium falciparum malaria vaccine, aiming to induce both types of responses in humans, that was tested for safety and immunogenicity in a Phase 1 dose escalation trial in Ad5-seronegative volunteers. Methodology/Principal Findings The NMRC-M3V-Ad-PfCA vaccine combines two adenovectors encoding circumsporozoite protein (CSP) and apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA1). Group 1 (n = 6) healthy volunteers received one intramuscular injection of 2×10∧10 particle units (1×10∧10 each construct) and Group 2 (n = 6) a five-fold higher dose. Transient, mild to moderate adverse events were more pronounced with the higher dose. ELISpot responses to CSP and AMA1 peaked at 1 month, were higher in the low dose (geomean CSP = 422, AMA1 = 862 spot forming cells/million) than in the high dose (CSP = 154, p = 0.049, AMA1 = 423, p = 0.045) group and were still positive at 12 months in a number of volunteers. ELISpot depletion assays identified dependence on CD4+ or on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, with few responses dependent only on CD8+ T cells. Intracellular cytokine staining detected stronger CD8+ than CD4+ T cell IFN-γ responses (CSP p = 0.0001, AMA1 p = 0.003), but similar frequencies of multifunctional CD4+ and CD8+ T cells secreting two or more of IFN-γ, TNF-α or IL-2. Median fluorescence intensities were 7–10 fold higher in triple than single secreting cells. Antibody responses were low but trended higher in the high dose group and did not inhibit growth of cultured P. falciparum blood stage parasites. Significance As found in other trials, adenovectored vaccines appeared safe and well-tolerated at doses up to 1×10∧11 particle units. This is the first demonstration in humans of a malaria vaccine eliciting strong CD8+ T cell IFN-γ responses. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00392015
Malaria Journal | 2010
Martha Sedegah; Yohan Kim; Bjoern Peters; Shannon McGrath; Harini Ganeshan; Jennylynn Lejano; Esteban Abot; Glenna Banania; Maria Belmonte; Renato Sayo; Fouzia Farooq; Denise L. Doolan; David P. Regis; Cindy Tamminga; Ilin Chuang; Joseph T. Bruder; C. Richter King; Christian F. Ockenhouse; Bart W. Faber; Edmond J. Remarque; Michael R. Hollingdale; Thomas L. Richie; Alessandro Sette
BackgroundPlasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA1) is a leading malaria vaccine candidate antigen that is expressed by sporozoite, liver and blood stage parasites. Since CD8+ T cell responses have been implicated in protection against pre-erythrocytic stage malaria, this study was designed to identify MHC class I-restricted epitopes within AMA1.MethodsA recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 vector expressing P. falciparum AMA1 was highly immunogenic when administered to healthy, malaria-naive adult volunteers as determined by IFN-γ ELISpot responses to peptide pools containing overlapping 15-mer peptides spanning full-length AMA1. Computerized algorithms (NetMHC software) were used to predict minimal MHC-restricted 8-10-mer epitope sequences within AMA1 15-mer peptides active in ELISpot. A subset of epitopes was synthesized and tested for induction of CD8+ T cell IFN-γ responses by ELISpot depletion and ICS assays. A 3-dimensional model combining Domains I + II of P. falciparum AMA1 and Domain III of P. vivax AMA1 was used to map these epitopes.ResultsFourteen 8-10-mer epitopes were predicted to bind to HLA supertypes A01 (3 epitopes), A02 (4 epitopes), B08 (2 epitopes) and B44 (5 epitopes). Nine of the 14 predicted epitopes were recognized in ELISpot or ELISpot and ICS assays by one or more volunteers. Depletion of T cell subsets confirmed that these epitopes were CD8+ T cell-dependent. A mixture of the 14 minimal epitopes was capable of recalling CD8+ T cell IFN-γ responses from PBMC of immunized volunteers. Thirteen of the 14 predicted epitopes were polymorphic and the majority localized to the more conserved front surface of the AMA1 model structure.ConclusionsThis study predicted 14 and confirmed nine MHC class I-restricted CD8+ T cell epitopes on AMA1 recognized in the context of seven HLA alleles. These HLA alleles belong to four HLA supertypes that have a phenotypic frequency between 23% - 100% in different human populations.
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology | 2008
David P. Regis; Carlota Dobaño; Paola Quiñones-Olson; Xiaowu Liang; Norma L. Graber; Maureen E. Stefaniak; Joseph J. Campo; Daniel J. Carucci; David A. Roth; Huaping He; Philip L. Felgner; Denise L. Doolan
We have evaluated a technology called transcriptionally active PCR (TAP) for high throughput identification and prioritization of novel target antigens from genomic sequence data using the Plasmodium parasite, the causative agent of malaria, as a model. First, we adapted the TAP technology for the highly AT-rich Plasmodium genome, using well-characterized P. falciparum and P. yoelii antigens and a small panel of uncharacterized open reading frames from the P. falciparum genome sequence database. We demonstrated that TAP fragments encoding six well-characterized P. falciparum antigens and five well-characterized P. yoelii antigens could be amplified in an equivalent manner from both plasmid DNA and genomic DNA templates, and that uncharacterized open reading frames could also be amplified from genomic DNA template. Second, we showed that the in vitro expression of the TAP fragments was equivalent or superior to that of supercoiled plasmid DNA encoding the same antigen. Third, we evaluated the in vivo immunogenicity of TAP fragments encoding a subset of the model P. falciparum and P. yoelii antigens. We found that antigen-specific antibody and cellular immune responses induced by the TAP fragments in mice were equivalent or superior to those induced by the corresponding plasmid DNA vaccines. Finally, we developed and demonstrated proof-of-principle for an in vitro humoral immunoscreening assay for down-selection of novel target antigens. These data support the potential of a TAP approach for rapid high throughput functional screening and identification of potential candidate vaccine antigens from genomic sequence data.
Comprehensive Physiology | 2014
Richard T. Mahon; David P. Regis
The ever-present desire of humankind to explore new limits introduced us to the syndrome of decompression sickness (DCS). This broad overview of DCS is aimed at its pathophysiology and basics of therapeutic strategies. After a brief explanation of decompression theory, historical vignettes will serve to inform the practical application of our increasing understanding of DCS risks. The pathophysiology, current practices, role of bubble monitoring, risk factors, and potential long-term effects of DCS are also discussed. The goal is to explain the current state of DCS understanding in the context of a robust observational and empirical history. However, DCS remains a syndrome consisting of a constellation of symptoms following a change in ambient pressure. Though great strides have been made, significant knowledge gaps remain. If the coming years advance the field even a fraction of what its predecessors accomplished, the health and safety of those who endeavor in the environment of changing pressures most certainly will be improved.
Journal of Applied Physiology | 2015
Richard T. Mahon; William A. Cronin; Michael Bodo; Shravalya Tirumala; David P. Regis; Charles Auker
Intravenous perfluorocarbons (PFC) have reduced the effects of decompression sickness (DCS) and improved mortality rates in animal models. However, concerns for the physiological effects of DCS combined with PFC therapy have not been examined in a balanced mixed-sex population. Thirty-two (16 male, 16 female) instrumented and sedated juvenile Yorkshire swine were exposed to 200 feet of seawater (fsw) for 31 min of hyperbaric air. Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), cardiac output (CO), and systemic arterial pressure (SAP) were monitored before (control) and after exposure. Animals were randomized to treatment with Oxycyte (5 ml/kg; Oxygen Biotherapeutics, Inc., Morrisville, NC) vs. saline (control) with 100% oxygen administered upon DCS onset; animals were observed for 90 min. Parameters recorded and analyzed included PAP, CO, and SAP. In all animals PAP began to rise prior to cutis marmorata (CM) onset, the first sign of clinical DCS, generally peaking after CM onset. Female swine, compared with castrated males, had a more rapid onset of CM (7.30 vs. 11.46 min postsurfacing) and earlier onset to maximal PAP (6.41 vs. 9.69 min post-CM onset). Oxycyte therapy was associated with a sustained PAP elevation above controls in both sexes (33.41 vs. 25.78 mmHg). Significant pattern differences in PAP, CO, and SAP were noted between sexes and between therapeutic groups. There were no statistically significant differences in survival or paralysis between the PFC and control groups during the 48-h observation period. In conclusion, Oxycyte therapy for DCS is associated with a prolonged PAP increase in swine. These species and sex differences warrant further exploration.
Aerospace medicine and human performance | 2015
Ryan L. Sheppard; David P. Regis; Richard T. Mahon
INTRODUCTION Perfluorocarbon (PFC) formulations can be a useful adjunct treatment for decompression sickness (DCS) when staged decompression procedures cannot be followed due to time constraints or lack of equipment. The benefit of PFC treatment is believed to result from its ability to transport more dissolved gas than can be transported by blood alone. Dodecylfluoropentane (DDFPe) is a unique nanodroplet compound that expands into a gaseous state when exposed to physiological temperatures, resulting in a higher dissolved gas-carrying capacity than standard PFC formulations. METHODS We investigated the efficacy of DDFPe in reducing morbidity and mortality in a rat model of severe DCS. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-280 g) were compressed to 210 fsw for 60 min before rapid decompression. Animals were immediately injected with 2% DDFPe (0.07 ml · kg(-1), 0.5 ml · kg(-1), 1.0 ml · kg(-1)) or saline, and were transferred to a 100% O2 environment for 30 min. RESULTS Of the animals in the saline group, 47% (18/38) did not survive the decompression event, while ~98% (46/47) of the animals in the DDFPe group did not survive. Of the animals that died during the observation period, the saline group survived on average 89% longer than DDFPe treated animals. Seizures occurred in 42% of the DDFPe group vs. 16% in the saline group. Histological analysis revealed the presence of large, multifocal gas emboli in the liver and heart of DDFPe treated animals. CONCLUSIONS We conclude that DDFPe is not an effective nonrecompressive treatment for DCS in rodents. Sheppard RL, Regis DP, Mahon RT. Dodecafluoropentane (DDFPe) and decompression sickness-related mortality in rats.
Aerospace medicine and human performance | 2017
Angela S. Forbes; David P. Regis; Aaron A. Hall; Richard T. Mahon; William A. Cronin
INTRODUCTION Disabled submarine (DISSUB) survivors may face elevated CO2 levels and inert gas saturation, putting them at risk for CO2 toxicity and decompression sickness (DCS). Propranolol was shown to reduce CO2 production in an experimental DISSUB model in humans but its effects on DCS in a DISSUB rescue scenario are unknown. A 100% oxygen prebreathe (OPB) reduces DCS incidence and severity and is incorporated into some DISSUB rescue protocols. We used a swine model of DISSUB rescue to study the effect of propranolol on DCS incidence and mortality with and without an OPB. METHODS In Experiment 1, male Yorkshire Swine (70 kg) were pressurized to 2.8 ATA for 22 h. Propranolol 1.0 mg · kg-1 (IV) was administered at 21.25 h. At 22 h, the animal was rapidly decompressed and observed for DCS type, onset time, and mortality. Experimental animals (N = 21; 69 ± 4.1 kg), PROP1.0, were compared to PROP1.0-OPB45 (N = 8; 69 ± 2.8 kg) with the same dive profile, except for a 45 min OPB prior to decompression. In Experiment 2, the same methodology was used with the following changes: swine pressurized to 2.8 ATA for 28 h; experimental group (N = 25; 67 ± 3.3 kg), PROP0.5 bis, propranolol 0.5 mg · kg-1 bis (twice) (IV) was administered at 22 h and 26 h. Control animals (N = 25; 67 ± 3.9 kg) received normal saline. RESULTS OPB reduced mortality in PROP1.0-OBP45 compared to PROP1.0 (0% vs. 71%). PROP0.5 bis had increased mortality compared to CONTROL (60-% vs. 4%). DISCUSSION Administration of beta blockers prior to saturation decompression appears to increase DCS and worsen mortality in a swine model; however, their effects in bounce diving remain unknown.Forbes AS, Regis DP, HallAA, Mahon RT, Cronin WA. Propranolol effects on decompression sickness in a simulated DISSUB rescue in swine. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017; 88(4):385-391.
Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis | 2016
William A. Cronin; Angela Senese; Francoise Arnaud; David P. Regis; Charles Auker; Richard T. Mahon
Decompression from elevated ambient pressure is associated with platelet activation and decreased platelet counts. Standard treatment for decompression sickness (DCS) is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Intravenous perfluorocarbon (PFC) emulsion is a nonrecompressive therapy being examined that improves mortality in animal models of DCS. However, PFC emulsions are associated with a decreased platelet count. We used a swine model of DCS to study the effect of PFC therapy on platelet count, function, and hemostasis. Castrated male swine (n = 50) were fitted with a vascular port, recovered, randomized, and compressed to 180 feet of sea water (fsw) for 31 min followed by decompression at 30 fsw/min. Animals were observed for DCS, administered 100% oxygen, and treated with either emulsified PFC Oxycyte (DCS-PFC) or isotonic saline (DCS-NS). Controls underwent the same procedures, but were not compressed (Sham-PFC and Sham-NS). Measurements of platelet count, thromboelastometry, and coagulation were obtained 1 h before compression and 1, 24, 48, 96, 168 and 192 h after treatment. No significant changes in normalized platelet counts were observed. Prothrombin time was elevated in DCS-PFC from 48 to 192 h compared with DCS-NS, and from 96 to 192 h compared with Sham-PFC. Normalized activated partial thromboplastin time was also elevated in DCS-PFC from 168 to 192 h compared with Sham-PFC. No bleeding events were noted. DCS treated with PFC (Oxycyte) does not impact platelet numbers, whole blood clotting by thromboelastometry, or clinical bleeding. Late changes in prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time associated with PFC use in both DCS therapy and controls warrant further investigation.