David W. McCurdy
University of Newcastle
Featured researches published by David W. McCurdy.
Plant Physiology | 2002
František Baluška; Andrej Hlavacka; Jozef Šamaj; Klaus Palme; David G. Robinson; Toru Matoh; David W. McCurdy; Diedrik Menzel; Dieter Volkmann
Brefeldin A (BFA) inhibits exocytosis but allows endocytosis, making it a valuable agent to identify molecules that recycle at cell peripheries. In plants, formation of large intracellular compartments in response to BFA treatment is a unique feature of some, but not all, cells. Here, we have analyzed assembly and distribution of BFA compartments in development- and tissue-specific contexts of growing maize (Zea mays) root apices. Surprisingly, these unique compartments formed only in meristematic cells of the root body. On the other hand, BFA compartments were absent from secretory cells of root cap periphery, metaxylem cells, and most elongating cells, all of which are active in exocytosis. We report that cell wall pectin epitopes counting rhamnogalacturonan II dimers cross-linked by borate diol diester, partially esterified (up to 40%) homogalacturonan pectins, and (1→4)-β-d-galactan side chains of rhamnogalacturonan I were internalized into BFA compartments. In contrast, Golgi-derived secretory (esterified up to 80%) homogalacturonan pectins localized to the cytoplasm in control cells and did not accumulate within characteristic BFA compartments. Latrunculin B-mediated depolymerization of F-actin inhibited internalization and accumulation of cell wall pectins within intracellular BFA compartments. Importantly, cold treatment and protoplasting prevented internalization of wall pectins into root cells upon BFA treatment. These observations suggest that cell wall pectins of meristematic maize root cells undergo rapid endocytosis in an F-actin-dependent manner.
Plant Physiology | 2004
Michael B. Sheahan; Christopher J. Staiger; Ray J. Rose; David W. McCurdy
The actin cytoskeleton coordinates numerous cellular processes required for plant development. The functions of this network are intricately linked to its dynamic arrangement, and thus progress in understanding how actin orchestrates cellular processes relies on critical evaluation of actin organization and turnover. To investigate the dynamic nature of the actin cytoskeleton, we used a fusion protein between green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the second actin-binding domain (fABD2) of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) fimbrin, AtFIM1. The GFP-fABD2 fusion protein labeled highly dynamic and dense actin networks in diverse species and cell types, revealing structural detail not seen with alternative labeling methods, such as the commonly used mouse talin GFP fusion (GFP-mTalin). Further, we show that expression of the GFP-fABD2 fusion protein in Arabidopsis, unlike GFP-mTalin, has no detectable adverse effects on plant morphology or development. Time-lapse confocal microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analyses of the actin cytoskeleton labeled with GFP-fABD2 revealed that lateral-filament migration and sliding of individual actin filaments or bundles are processes that contribute to the dynamic and continually reorganizing nature of the actin scaffold. These new observations of the dynamic actin cytoskeleton in plant cells using GFP-fABD2 reveal the value of this probe for future investigations of how actin filaments coordinate cellular processes required for plant development.
Journal of Cell Biology | 2009
Christopher J. Staiger; Michael B. Sheahan; Parul Khurana; Xia Wang; David W. McCurdy; Laurent Blanchoin
Metazoan cells harness the power of actin dynamics to create cytoskeletal arrays that stimulate protrusions and drive intracellular organelle movements. In plant cells, the actin cytoskeleton is understood to participate in cell elongation; however, a detailed description and molecular mechanism(s) underpinning filament nucleation, growth, and turnover are lacking. Here, we use variable-angle epifluorescence microscopy (VAEM) to examine the organization and dynamics of the cortical cytoskeleton in growing and nongrowing epidermal cells. One population of filaments in the cortical array, which most likely represent single actin filaments, is randomly oriented and highly dynamic. These filaments grow at rates of 1.7 µm/s, but are generally short-lived. Instead of depolymerization at their ends, actin filaments are disassembled by severing activity. Remodeling of the cortical actin array also features filament buckling and straightening events. These observations indicate a mechanism inconsistent with treadmilling. Instead, cortical actin filament dynamics resemble the stochastic dynamics of an in vitro biomimetic system for actin assembly.
Protoplasma | 2005
František Baluška; Françoise Liners; Andrej Hlavacka; M. Schlicht; P. Van Cutsem; David W. McCurdy; Diedrik Menzel
Summary.Recently, we have reported that cell wall pectins are internalized into apical meristem root cells. In cells exposed to the fungal metabolite brefeldin A, all secretory pathways were inhibited, while endocytic pathways remained intact, resulting in accumulation of internalized cell wall pectins within brefeldin A-induced compartments. Here we report that, in addition to the already published cell wall epitopes, rhamnogalacturonan I and xyloglucans also undergo large-scale internalization into dividing root cells. Interestingly, multilamellar endosomes were identified as compartments internalizing arabinan cell wall pectins reactive to the 6D7 antibody, while large vacuole-like endosomes internalized homogalacturonans reactive to the 2F4 antibody. As all endosomes belong topographically to the exocellular space, cell wall pectins deposited in these “cell wall islands”, enclosed by the plasma-membrane-derived membrane, are ideally suited to act as temporary stores for rapid formation of cell wall and generation of new plasma membrane. In accordance with this notion, we report that all cell wall pectins and xyloglucans that internalize into endosomes are highly enriched within cytokinetic cell plates and accumulate within brefeldin A compartments. On the other hand, only small amounts of the pectins reactive to the JIM7 antibody, which are produced in the Golgi apparatus, localize to cell plates and they do not accumulate within brefeldin A compartments. In conclusion, meristematic root cells have developed pathways for internalization and recycling of cell wall molecules which are relevant for plant-specific cytokinesis.
Protoplasma | 2001
David W. McCurdy; David R. Kovar; Christopher J. Staiger
SummaryThe actin cytoskeleton is a complex and dynamic structure that participates in diverse cellular events which contribute to plant morphogenesis and development. Plant actins and associated actin-binding proteins are encoded by large, differentially expressed gene families. The complexity of these gene families is thought to have been conserved to maintain a pool of protein isovariants with unique properties, thus providing a mechanistic basis for the observed diversity of plant actin functions. Plants contain actin-binding proteins which regulate the supramolecular organization and function of the actin cytoskeleton, including monomer-binding proteins (profilin), severing and dynamizing proteins (ADF/cofilin), and side-binding proteins (fimbrin, 135-ABP/villin, 115-ABP). Although significant progress in documenting the biochemical activities of many of these classes of proteins has been made, the precise roles of actin-binding proteins in vivo awaits clarification by detailed mutational analyses.
Plant Molecular Biology | 1998
David W. McCurdy; Mi-Sook Kim
Fimbrin is a 68–70 kDa actin-bundling protein in animal cells and lower eukaryotes that participates in diverse morphogenetic processes by cross-linking actin filaments into bundles. Here we report the cloning by degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of ATFIM1, a 2.3 kb cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana that codes for a novel 76 kDa fimbrin-like polypeptide (AtFim1). The predicted sequence of AtFim1 shares ca. 40% identity with non-plant fimbrins and contains two tandem repeats, each possessing a 27 amino acid region identified as a putative actin-binding domain in fimbrins and in a larger family of actin cross-linking proteins. Preceding the tandem repeats at the amino terminus of AtFim1 is a single-EF-hand-like domain with moderate homology to calmodulin-like calcium-binding proteins. AtFim1 differs from non-plant fimbrins, however, in that it contains an extended carboxy-terminal tail of ca. 65 amino acids. ATFIM1 is encoded by a single gene, although sequencing of two partial fimbrin-like expressed sequence tag (EST) clones indicates that Arabidopsis contains at least two fimbrin-like proteins. Northern blot analysis and reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) demonstrated that ATFIM1 is expressed in all major organs examined (roots, leaves, stems, flowers and siliques). This is the first report of the cloning of a full length plant gene that encodes a putative actin filament-bundling protein.
Planta | 2001
David R. Kovar; Bryan C. Gibbon; David W. McCurdy; Christopher J. Staiger
Abstract. Recently it has been established, through a detailed biochemical analysis, that recombinant Arabidopsis thaliana fimbrin 1 (AtFim1) is a member of the fimbrin/plastin family of actin filament bundling or cross-linking proteins [D.R. Kovar et al. (2000) Plant J 24:625–636]. To determine whether AtFim1 can function as an F-actin-binding protein in the complex environment of the plant cell cytoplasm, we created a fluorescent protein analog and introduced it by microinjection into live Tradescantia virginiana L. stamen hair cells. AtFim1 derivatized with Oregon Green 488 had biochemical properties similar to unlabeled fimbrin, including the Kd value for binding to plant F-actin and the ability to cross-link filaments into higher-order structures. Fluorescent-fimbrin decorated an array of fine actin filaments in the cortical cytoplasm of stamen hair cells, which were shown with time-course studies to be highly dynamic. These data establish AtFim1 as a bona fide member of the fimbrin/plastin family, and represent the first use of a plant actin-binding protein as a powerful cytological tool for tracking the spatial and temporal redistribution of actin filaments in individual cells.
Protoplasma | 2002
Mark J. Talbot; Christina E. Offler; David W. McCurdy
Summary. A survey is presented of the architecture of secondary wall ingrowths in transfer cells from various taxa based on scanning electron microscopy. Wall ingrowths are a distinguishing feature of transfer cells and serve to amplify the plasma membrane surface area available for solute transport. Morphologically, two categories of ingrowths are recognized: reticulate and flange. Reticulate-type wall ingrowths are characterized by the deposition of small papillae that emerge from the underlying wall at discrete but apparently random loci, then branch and interconnect to form a complex labyrinth of variable morphology. In comparison, flange-type ingrowths are deposited as curvilinear ribs of wall material that remain in contact with the underlying wall along their length and become variously elaborate in different transfer cell types. This paper discusses the morphology of different types of wall ingrowths in relation to existing models for deposition of other secondary cell walls.
Current Opinion in Plant Biology | 2008
David W. McCurdy; John W. Patrick; Christina E. Offler
The formation of wall ingrowths increases plasma membrane surface areas of transfer cells involved in membrane transport of nutrients in plants. Construction of these ingrowths provides intriguing and diverse examples of localized wall deposition. Flange wall ingrowths resemble secondary wall thickenings of tracheary elements in morphology and probable mechanisms of deposition. By contrast, reticulate wall ingrowths, deposited as discrete papillate projections, branch and fuse to create a fenestrated wall labyrinth representing a novel form of localized wall deposition. Papillate wall ingrowths are initiated as patches of disorganized cellulosic material and are compositionally similar to primary walls, except for a surrounding layer of callose and enhanced levels of arabinogalactan proteins at the ingrowth/membrane interface. How this unusual form of localized wall deposition is constructed is unknown but may involve constraining cellulose-synthesizing rosette complexes at their growing tips.
Planta | 1992
David W. McCurdy; Alice C. Harmon
Cytoplasmic streaming in the characean algae is inhibited by micromolar rises in the level of cytosolic free Ca2+, but both the mechanism of action and the molecular components involved in this process are unknown. We have used monoclonal antibodies against soybean Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (CDPK), a kinase that is activated by micromolar Ca2+ and co-localizes with actin filaments in higher-plant cells (Putnam-Evans et al., 1989, Cell Motil. Cytoskel. 12, 12–22) to identify and localize its characean homologue. Immunoblot analysis revealed that CDPK in Chara corralina Klein ex. Wild shares the same relative molecular mass (51–55 kDa) as the kinase purified from soybean, and after electrophoresis in denaturing gels is capable of phosphorylating histone III-S in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Immunofluorescence microscopy localized CDPK in Chara to the subcortical actin bundles and the surface of small organelles and other membrane components of the streaming endoplasm. The endoplasmic sites carrying CDPK were extracted from internodal cells by vacuolar perfusion with 1 mM ATP or 10−4 M Ca2+. Both the localization of CDPK and its extraction from internodal cells by perfusion with ATP or high Ca2+ are properties similar to that reported for the heavy chain of myosin in Chara (Grolig et al., 1988, Eur. J. Cell Biol. 47, 22–31). Based on its endoplasmic location and inferred enzymatic properties, we suggest that CDPK may be a putative element of the signal-transduction pathway that mediates the rapid Ca2+-induced inhibition of streaming that occurs in the characean algae.