Davor Cafuta
University of Zagreb
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Featured researches published by Davor Cafuta.
Telecommunication Systems | 2018
Ivica Dodig; Vlado Sruk; Davor Cafuta
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a serious threat to Internet security. A lot of research effort focuses on having detection and prevention methods on the victim server side or source side. The Bloom filter is a space-efficient data structure used to support pattern matching problems. The filter is utilised in network applications for deep packet inspection of headers and contents and also looks for predefined strings to detect irregularities. In intrusion detection systems, the accuracy of pattern matching algorithms is crucial for dependable detection of matching pairs, and its complexity usually poses a critical performance bottleneck. In this paper, we will propose a novel Dual Counting Bloom Filter (DCBF) data structure to decrease false detection of matching packets applicable for the
Polytechnic and design | 2017
Igor Džanko; Ivica Dodig; Davor Cafuta; Renata Kovačević; Tin Kramberger
Polytechic & Design | 2017
Renata Kovačević; Kramberger Tin; Davor Cafuta; Ivica Dodig
Tehnicki Vjesnik-technical Gazette | 2017
Davor Cafuta; Vlado Sruk; Ivica Dodig
international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics | 2012
Tin Kramberger; Davor Cafuta; Ivica Dodig
SACK2 algorithm. A theoretical evaluation will determine the false rate probability of detection and requirements for increased memory. The proposed approach significantly reduces the false rate compared to previously published results. The results indicate that the increased complexity of the DCBF does not affect efficient implementation of hardware for embedded systems that are resource constrained. The experimental evaluation was performed using extensive simulations based on real Internet traces of a wide area network link, and it was subsequently proved that DCBF significantly reduces the false rate.
international conference on computer communications | 2017
Ivica Dodig; Davor Cafuta; Vlado Sruk
U posljednje vrijeme Internet se znacajno unaprijedio i uvelike poboljsao komunikaciju i poslovanje. Vise poslovne korisnosti proporcionalno utjece na kolicinu sigurnosnih prijetnji. Najcesce sigurnosne prijetnje na Internetu cine mrežni napadi. Najcesci mrežni napad zasniva se na onemogucavanju normalne komunikacije. Mrežni napadi koji su usredotoceni na onemogucavanje komunikacije nazivamo Napadima sa uskracivanjem usluge (engl. Denial of Service – DoS). DoS napad sprjecava pristup korisnicima da komuniciraju u okviru napadnute racunalne mreže ili onemogucavaju poslužitelja da poslužuju normalne usluge. Razliciti mehanizmi su razvijeni za rano otkrivanje i prevenciju od DoS napada na razlicitim razinama mrežne infrastrukture. Postoji konstantan napor za izradu novog boljeg modela za komunikaciju. Međutim, metode napada također se razvijaju. Kako bi se sprijecilo blokiranje evoluirao je novi oblik napada – Distribuirani napadi s uskracivanjem usluga (engl. Distributed Denial of service napada (DDoS)). Kod DDoS-a napadaci su raspoređeni na cijelom Internetu. Koristeci mrežu kompromitiranih racunala (engl. Botnet) napad može biti pokrenut istovremeno sa stotina tisuca kompromitiranih racunala. Iskoristavajuci veliku mrežu kompromitiranih racunala izvor napada može biti dodatno skriven koristenjem Distribuiranog reflektivnog napada s uskracivanjem usluga (engl. Distributive Reflective Denial of Service (DRDoS)). U ovom radu cemo predstaviti razlicite verzije DoS napada. U pravom mrežnom okruženju, mjerenjem se pokazuje znacajnost utjecaja na rad mreže kroz dostupnost poslužitelja. Dodatno, predložiti ce se mogucnosti otkrivanja i prevencije takvih napada.
2017 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) | 2017
Davor Cafuta; Ivica Dodig; Vlado Sruk
Gadgets are omnipresent in todays peoples lives. Many of them do not have a needed and smart function, but are here to bring joy and happiness to people worldwide. Consumerism and hyper production has lowered the price of consumer and business electronics. The theme of this paper is to project and implement an automated system that monitors a pet’s physical activity via popular Arduino mass produced development electronics. The system is monitoring the amount of physical activity and calculate average distance and speed the animal is doing daily. The principles and scheme of the assembly will be shown and described.
CECIIS - 2013 | 2013
Tin Kramberger; Davor Cafuta; Ivica Dodig
international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics | 2012
Davor Cafuta; Ivica Dodig; Dalibor Grgec
IT SYSTEMS 2012 E-HEALTH & M-HEALTH 2012 | 2012
Ivica Dodig; Davor Cafuta; Vlado Sruk